Packages authored by Matthias Zenger
These packages are available as a package collection, usable in Xcode 13 or the Swift Package Manager 5.5.
Implementation of Common Lisp's `format` procedure from scratch in Swift 5 as a more powerful and complete replacement of `printf`.
Framework supporting the development of command-line tools in Swift on macOS and Linux. The framework supports managing command-line arguments, provides lightweight functions to deal with escape sequences, and defines an API for reading strings from the terminal.
Framework for representing, validating, querying, and manipulating generic JSON values in Swift. Supported are standards such as JSON Pointer (RFC 6901), JSON Path (RFC 9535), JSON Patch (RFC 6902), JSON Merge Patch (RFC 7396), and JSON Schema.
Interpreter framework for Lisp-based extension and scripting languages on macOS and iOS. LispKit is based on the R7RS standard for Scheme. Its compiler generates bytecode for a virtual machine. LispKit is fully implemented in Swift 5.
A framework for parsing and transforming text in Markdown format written in Swift 5 for macOS, iOS, and Linux. The syntax is based on the CommonMark specification. The framework defines an abstract syntax for Markdown, provides a parser for parsing strings into abstract syntax trees, and comes with generators for HTML and attributed strings.
A tiny extensible and configurable HTTP server framework written in Swift for macOS, iOS, and Linux.
Advanced numeric data types for Swift 5, including BigInt, Rational, and Complex numbers.
SQLiteExpress is a small Swift 5 library implementing a wrapper for the C API of SQLite3 on macOS and iOS.
8 packages.