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Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Successful build of RxSwiftExt with Swift 6.0 for macOS (SPM).

Swift 6 data race errors: 1

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun --toolchain org.swift.600202405261a swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete

Build Log

Builder version: 4.40.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: main
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      main       -> origin/main
HEAD is now at eb4adf9 6.2.1 spec
Submodule path 'Carthage/Checkouts/RxSwift': checked out 'a95714491ab7ccba07d032cdc11fd50ac63f5f15'
Submodule 'Carthage/Checkouts/RxSwift' ( registered for path 'Carthage/Checkouts/RxSwift'
Cloning into '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Carthage/Checkouts/RxSwift'...
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at main
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             6.0
Building package at path:  $workDir
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun --toolchain org.swift.600202405261a swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete
Building for debugging...
[0/9] Write sources
[4/9] Write swift-version-6F35C1178C84523A.txt
[6/156] Compiling RxSwift Empty.swift
[7/156] Compiling RxSwift Enumerated.swift
[8/156] Compiling RxSwift Error.swift
[9/156] Compiling RxSwift Errors.swift
[10/156] Compiling RxSwift Event.swift
[11/156] Compiling RxSwift Filter.swift
[12/156] Compiling RxSwift First.swift
[13/156] Compiling RxSwift Generate.swift
[14/156] Compiling RxSwift GroupBy.swift
[15/156] Compiling RxSwift GroupedObservable.swift
[16/156] Compiling RxSwift HistoricalScheduler.swift
[17/156] Compiling RxSwift HistoricalSchedulerTimeConverter.swift
[18/156] Compiling RxSwift ImmediateSchedulerType.swift
[19/156] Compiling RxSwift Infallible+CombineLatest+Collection.swift
[20/156] Compiling RxSwift Infallible+CombineLatest+arity.swift
[21/156] Compiling RxSwift Infallible+Concurrency.swift
[22/172] Compiling RxSwift Debug.swift
[23/172] Compiling RxSwift Decode.swift
[24/172] Compiling RxSwift DefaultIfEmpty.swift
[25/172] Compiling RxSwift Deferred.swift
[26/172] Compiling RxSwift Delay.swift
[27/172] Compiling RxSwift DelaySubscription.swift
[28/172] Compiling RxSwift Dematerialize.swift
[29/172] Compiling RxSwift DispatchQueue+Extensions.swift
[30/172] Compiling RxSwift DispatchQueueConfiguration.swift
[31/172] Compiling RxSwift Disposable.swift
[32/172] Compiling RxSwift Disposables.swift
[33/172] Compiling RxSwift DisposeBag.swift
[34/172] Compiling RxSwift DisposeBase.swift
[35/172] Compiling RxSwift DistinctUntilChanged.swift
[36/172] Compiling RxSwift Do.swift
[37/172] Compiling RxSwift ElementAt.swift
[38/172] Emitting module RxSwift
[39/172] Compiling RxSwift Cancelable.swift
[40/172] Compiling RxSwift Catch.swift
[41/172] Compiling RxSwift CombineLatest+Collection.swift
[42/172] Compiling RxSwift CombineLatest+arity.swift
[43/172] Compiling RxSwift CombineLatest.swift
[44/172] Compiling RxSwift CompactMap.swift
[45/172] Compiling RxSwift Completable+AndThen.swift
[46/172] Compiling RxSwift Completable.swift
[47/172] Compiling RxSwift CompositeDisposable.swift
[48/172] Compiling RxSwift Concat.swift
[49/172] Compiling RxSwift ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler.swift
[50/172] Compiling RxSwift ConcurrentMainScheduler.swift
[51/172] Compiling RxSwift ConnectableObservableType.swift
[52/172] Compiling RxSwift Create.swift
[53/172] Compiling RxSwift CurrentThreadScheduler.swift
[54/172] Compiling RxSwift Date+Dispatch.swift
[55/172] Compiling RxSwift Debounce.swift
[56/172] Compiling RxSwift AddRef.swift
[57/172] Compiling RxSwift Amb.swift
[58/172] Compiling RxSwift AnonymousDisposable.swift
[59/172] Compiling RxSwift AnonymousObserver.swift
[60/172] Compiling RxSwift AnyObserver.swift
[61/172] Compiling RxSwift AsMaybe.swift
[62/172] Compiling RxSwift AsSingle.swift
[63/172] Compiling RxSwift AsyncLock.swift
[64/172] Compiling RxSwift AsyncSubject.swift
[65/172] Compiling RxSwift AtomicInt.swift
[66/172] Compiling RxSwift Bag+Rx.swift
[67/172] Compiling RxSwift Bag.swift
[68/172] Compiling RxSwift BehaviorSubject.swift
[69/172] Compiling RxSwift BinaryDisposable.swift
[70/172] Compiling RxSwift Binder.swift
[71/172] Compiling RxSwift BooleanDisposable.swift
[72/172] Compiling RxSwift Buffer.swift
[73/172] Compiling RxSwift SingleAsync.swift
[74/172] Compiling RxSwift Sink.swift
[75/172] Compiling RxSwift Skip.swift
[76/172] Compiling RxSwift SkipUntil.swift
[77/172] Compiling RxSwift SkipWhile.swift
[78/172] Compiling RxSwift StartWith.swift
[79/172] Compiling RxSwift SubjectType.swift
[80/172] Compiling RxSwift SubscribeOn.swift
[81/172] Compiling RxSwift SubscriptionDisposable.swift
[82/172] Compiling RxSwift SwiftSupport.swift
[83/172] Compiling RxSwift Switch.swift
[84/172] Compiling RxSwift SwitchIfEmpty.swift
[85/172] Compiling RxSwift SynchronizedDisposeType.swift
[86/172] Compiling RxSwift SynchronizedOnType.swift
[87/172] Compiling RxSwift SynchronizedUnsubscribeType.swift
[88/172] Compiling RxSwift TailRecursiveSink.swift
[89/172] Compiling RxSwift RetryWhen.swift
[90/172] Compiling RxSwift Rx.swift
[91/172] Compiling RxSwift RxMutableBox.swift
[92/172] Compiling RxSwift Sample.swift
[93/172] Compiling RxSwift Scan.swift
[94/172] Compiling RxSwift ScheduledDisposable.swift
[95/172] Compiling RxSwift ScheduledItem.swift
[96/172] Compiling RxSwift ScheduledItemType.swift
[97/172] Compiling RxSwift SchedulerServices+Emulation.swift
[98/172] Compiling RxSwift SchedulerType.swift
[99/172] Compiling RxSwift Sequence.swift
[100/172] Compiling RxSwift SerialDispatchQueueScheduler.swift
[101/172] Compiling RxSwift SerialDisposable.swift
[102/172] Compiling RxSwift ShareReplayScope.swift
[103/172] Compiling RxSwift Single.swift
[104/172] Compiling RxSwift SingleAssignmentDisposable.swift
[105/172] Compiling RxSwift Multicast.swift
[106/172] Compiling RxSwift Never.swift
[107/172] Compiling RxSwift NopDisposable.swift
[108/172] Compiling RxSwift Observable+Concurrency.swift
[109/172] Compiling RxSwift Observable.swift
[110/172] Compiling RxSwift ObservableConvertibleType+Infallible.swift
[111/172] Compiling RxSwift ObservableConvertibleType.swift
[112/172] Compiling RxSwift ObservableType+Extensions.swift
[113/172] Compiling RxSwift ObservableType+PrimitiveSequence.swift
[114/172] Compiling RxSwift ObservableType.swift
[115/172] Compiling RxSwift ObserveOn.swift
[116/172] Compiling RxSwift ObserverBase.swift
[117/172] Compiling RxSwift ObserverType.swift
[118/172] Compiling RxSwift OperationQueueScheduler.swift
[119/172] Compiling RxSwift Optional.swift
[120/172] Compiling RxSwift Platform.Darwin.swift
[121/172] Compiling RxSwift Platform.Linux.swift
[122/172] Compiling RxSwift PrimitiveSequence+Concurrency.swift
[123/172] Compiling RxSwift PrimitiveSequence+Zip+arity.swift
[124/172] Compiling RxSwift PrimitiveSequence.swift
[125/172] Compiling RxSwift PriorityQueue.swift
[126/172] Compiling RxSwift Producer.swift
[127/172] Compiling RxSwift PublishSubject.swift
[128/172] Compiling RxSwift Queue.swift
[129/172] Compiling RxSwift Range.swift
[130/172] Compiling RxSwift Reactive.swift
[131/172] Compiling RxSwift RecursiveLock.swift
[132/172] Compiling RxSwift RecursiveScheduler.swift
[133/172] Compiling RxSwift Reduce.swift
[134/172] Compiling RxSwift RefCountDisposable.swift
[135/172] Compiling RxSwift Repeat.swift
[136/172] Compiling RxSwift ReplaySubject.swift
[137/172] Compiling RxSwift Infallible+Create.swift
[138/172] Compiling RxSwift Infallible+Debug.swift
[139/172] Compiling RxSwift Infallible+Operators.swift
[140/172] Compiling RxSwift Infallible+Zip+arity.swift
[141/172] Compiling RxSwift Infallible.swift
[142/172] Compiling RxSwift InfiniteSequence.swift
[143/172] Compiling RxSwift InvocableScheduledItem.swift
[144/172] Compiling RxSwift InvocableType.swift
[145/172] Compiling RxSwift Just.swift
[146/172] Compiling RxSwift Lock.swift
[147/172] Compiling RxSwift LockOwnerType.swift
[148/172] Compiling RxSwift MainScheduler.swift
[149/172] Compiling RxSwift Map.swift
[150/172] Compiling RxSwift Materialize.swift
[151/172] Compiling RxSwift Maybe.swift
[152/172] Compiling RxSwift Merge.swift
[153/172] Compiling RxSwift Take.swift
[154/172] Compiling RxSwift TakeLast.swift
[155/172] Compiling RxSwift TakeWithPredicate.swift
[156/172] Compiling RxSwift Throttle.swift
[157/172] Compiling RxSwift Timeout.swift
[158/172] Compiling RxSwift Timer.swift
[159/172] Compiling RxSwift ToArray.swift
[160/172] Compiling RxSwift Using.swift
[161/172] Compiling RxSwift VirtualTimeConverterType.swift
[162/172] Compiling RxSwift VirtualTimeScheduler.swift
[163/172] Compiling RxSwift Window.swift
[164/172] Compiling RxSwift WithLatestFrom.swift
[165/172] Compiling RxSwift WithUnretained.swift
[166/172] Compiling RxSwift Zip+Collection.swift
[167/172] Compiling RxSwift Zip+arity.swift
[168/172] Compiling RxSwift Zip.swift
[169/178] Compiling RxRelay Utils.swift
[170/178] Compiling RxRelay PublishRelay.swift
[171/178] Compiling RxRelay BehaviorRelay.swift
[172/178] Compiling RxRelay ReplayRelay.swift
[173/178] Emitting module RxRelay
[174/178] Compiling RxRelay Observable+Bind.swift
[174/178] Compiling RxCocoaRuntime _RXDelegateProxy.m
[175/178] Compiling RxCocoaRuntime _RX.m
[176/178] Compiling RxCocoaRuntime _RXKVOObserver.m
[177/178] Compiling RxCocoaRuntime _RXObjCRuntime.m
[179/264] Compiling RxCocoa RxCollectionViewReactiveArrayDataSource.swift
[180/264] Compiling RxCocoa RxNavigationControllerDelegateProxy.swift
[181/264] Compiling RxCocoa RxPickerViewAdapter.swift
[182/264] Compiling RxCocoa RxPickerViewDataSourceProxy.swift
[183/264] Compiling RxCocoa RxPickerViewDataSourceType.swift
[184/264] Compiling RxCocoa RxPickerViewDelegateProxy.swift
[185/264] Compiling RxCocoa RxScrollViewDelegateProxy.swift
[186/264] Compiling RxCocoa RxSearchBarDelegateProxy.swift
[187/264] Compiling RxCocoa RxSearchControllerDelegateProxy.swift
[188/264] Compiling RxCocoa Signal.swift
[189/264] Compiling RxCocoa TextInput.swift
[190/264] Compiling RxCocoa UIActivityIndicatorView+Rx.swift
[191/264] Compiling RxCocoa UIApplication+Rx.swift
[192/264] Compiling RxCocoa UIBarButtonItem+Rx.swift
[193/264] Compiling RxCocoa UIButton+Rx.swift
[194/264] Compiling RxCocoa UICollectionView+Rx.swift
[195/264] Compiling RxCocoa UIControl+Rx.swift
[196/264] Compiling RxCocoa UIDatePicker+Rx.swift
[197/273] Compiling RxCocoa UIGestureRecognizer+Rx.swift
[198/273] Compiling RxCocoa UINavigationController+Rx.swift
[199/273] Compiling RxCocoa UIPickerView+Rx.swift
[200/273] Compiling RxCocoa UIRefreshControl+Rx.swift
[201/273] Compiling RxCocoa UIScrollView+Rx.swift
[202/273] Compiling RxCocoa UISearchBar+Rx.swift
[203/273] Compiling RxCocoa UISearchController+Rx.swift
[204/273] Compiling RxCocoa UISegmentedControl+Rx.swift
[205/273] Compiling RxCocoa UISlider+Rx.swift
[206/273] Compiling RxCocoa Driver+Subscription.swift
[207/273] Compiling RxCocoa Driver.swift
[208/273] Compiling RxCocoa Infallible+Bind.swift
[209/273] Compiling RxCocoa Infallible+Driver.swift
[210/273] Compiling RxCocoa ItemEvents.swift
[211/273] Compiling RxCocoa KVORepresentable+CoreGraphics.swift
[212/273] Compiling RxCocoa KVORepresentable+Swift.swift
[213/273] Compiling RxCocoa KVORepresentable.swift
[214/273] Compiling RxCocoa NSButton+Rx.swift
[215/273] Compiling RxCocoa NSControl+Rx.swift
[216/273] Emitting module RxCocoa
[217/273] Compiling RxCocoa BehaviorRelay+Driver.swift
[218/273] Compiling RxCocoa ControlEvent+Driver.swift
[219/273] Compiling RxCocoa ControlEvent+Signal.swift
[220/273] Compiling RxCocoa ControlEvent.swift
[221/273] Compiling RxCocoa ControlProperty+Driver.swift
[222/273] Compiling RxCocoa ControlProperty.swift
[223/273] Compiling RxCocoa ControlTarget.swift
[224/273] Compiling RxCocoa DelegateProxy.swift
[225/273] Compiling RxCocoa DelegateProxyType.swift
[226/273] Compiling RxCocoa DispatchQueue+Extensions.swift
[227/273] Compiling RxCocoa RxTabBarControllerDelegateProxy.swift
[228/273] Compiling RxCocoa RxTabBarDelegateProxy.swift
[229/273] Compiling RxCocoa RxTableViewDataSourcePrefetchingProxy.swift
[230/273] Compiling RxCocoa RxTableViewDataSourceProxy.swift
[231/273] Compiling RxCocoa RxTableViewDataSourceType.swift
[232/273] Compiling RxCocoa RxTableViewDelegateProxy.swift
[233/273] Compiling RxCocoa RxTableViewReactiveArrayDataSource.swift
[234/273] Compiling RxCocoa RxTarget.swift
[235/273] Compiling RxCocoa RxTextStorageDelegateProxy.swift
[236/273] Compiling RxCocoa NSObject+Rx+KVORepresentable.swift
[237/273] Compiling RxCocoa NSObject+Rx+RawRepresentable.swift
[238/273] Compiling RxCocoa NSObject+Rx.swift
[239/273] Compiling RxCocoa NSSlider+Rx.swift
[240/273] Compiling RxCocoa NSTextField+Rx.swift
[241/273] Compiling RxCocoa NSTextStorage+Rx.swift
[242/273] Compiling RxCocoa NSTextView+Rx.swift
[243/273] Compiling RxCocoa NSView+Rx.swift
[244/273] Compiling RxCocoa NotificationCenter+Rx.swift
[245/273] Compiling RxCocoa Observable+Bind.swift
[246/273] Compiling RxCocoa RxTextViewDelegateProxy.swift
[247/273] Compiling RxCocoa RxWKNavigationDelegateProxy.swift
[248/273] Compiling RxCocoa SchedulerType+SharedSequence.swift
[249/273] Compiling RxCocoa SectionedViewDataSourceType.swift
[250/273] Compiling RxCocoa SharedSequence+Concurrency.swift
[251/273] Compiling RxCocoa SharedSequence+Operators+arity.swift
[252/273] Compiling RxCocoa SharedSequence+Operators.swift
[253/273] Compiling RxCocoa SharedSequence.swift
[254/273] Compiling RxCocoa Signal+Subscription.swift
[255/273] Compiling RxCocoa ObservableConvertibleType+Driver.swift
[256/273] Compiling RxCocoa ObservableConvertibleType+SharedSequence.swift
[257/273] Compiling RxCocoa ObservableConvertibleType+Signal.swift
[258/273] Compiling RxCocoa PublishRelay+Signal.swift
[259/273] Compiling RxCocoa RxCocoa.swift
[260/273] Compiling RxCocoa RxCocoaObjCRuntimeError+Extensions.swift
[261/273] Compiling RxCocoa RxCollectionViewDataSourcePrefetchingProxy.swift
[262/273] Compiling RxCocoa RxCollectionViewDataSourceProxy.swift
[263/273] Compiling RxCocoa RxCollectionViewDataSourceType.swift
[264/273] Compiling RxCocoa RxCollectionViewDelegateProxy.swift
[265/273] Compiling RxCocoa UIStepper+Rx.swift
[266/273] Compiling RxCocoa UISwitch+Rx.swift
[267/273] Compiling RxCocoa UITabBar+Rx.swift
[268/273] Compiling RxCocoa UITabBarController+Rx.swift
[269/273] Compiling RxCocoa UITableView+Rx.swift
[270/273] Compiling RxCocoa UITextField+Rx.swift
[271/273] Compiling RxCocoa UITextView+Rx.swift
[272/273] Compiling RxCocoa URLSession+Rx.swift
[273/273] Compiling RxCocoa WKWebView+Rx.swift
[274/310] Emitting module RxSwiftExt
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/RxSwift/Sources/RxSwift/MainScheduler.swift:37:23: warning: class property 'instance' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'MainScheduler' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
22 | operator please use `ConcurrentMainScheduler` because it is more optimized for that purpose.
23 | */
24 | public final class MainScheduler : SerialDispatchQueueScheduler {
   |                    `- note: class 'MainScheduler' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
25 |
26 |     private let mainQueue: DispatchQueue
35 |
36 |     /// Singleton instance of `MainScheduler`
37 |     public static let instance = MainScheduler()
   |                       |- warning: class property 'instance' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'MainScheduler' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
   |                       |- note: annotate 'instance' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
   |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
38 |
39 |     /// Singleton instance of `MainScheduler` that always schedules work asynchronously
[275/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt not+RxCocoa.swift
[276/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt partition+RxCocoa.swift
[277/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt unwrap+SharedSequence.swift
[278/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt ObservableType+Weak.swift
[279/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt UIScrollView+reachedBottom.swift
[280/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt UIViewPropertyAnimator+Rx.swift
[281/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt distinct+RxCocoa.swift
[282/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt mapTo+RxCocoa.swift
[283/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt catchErrorJustComplete.swift
[284/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt count.swift
[285/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt distinct.swift
[286/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt filterMap.swift
[287/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt mergeWith.swift
[288/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt not.swift
[289/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt nwise.swift
[290/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt ofType.swift
[291/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt mapAt.swift
[292/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt mapMany.swift
[293/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt mapTo.swift
[294/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt materialized+elements.swift
[295/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt repeatWithBehavior.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/RxSwift/Sources/RxSwift/MainScheduler.swift:37:23: warning: class property 'instance' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'MainScheduler' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
22 | operator please use `ConcurrentMainScheduler` because it is more optimized for that purpose.
23 | */
24 | public final class MainScheduler : SerialDispatchQueueScheduler {
   |                    `- note: class 'MainScheduler' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
25 |
26 |     private let mainQueue: DispatchQueue
35 |
36 |     /// Singleton instance of `MainScheduler`
37 |     public static let instance = MainScheduler()
   |                       |- warning: class property 'instance' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'MainScheduler' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
   |                       |- note: annotate 'instance' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
   |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
38 |
39 |     /// Singleton instance of `MainScheduler` that always schedules work asynchronously
[296/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt retryWithBehavior.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/RxSwift/Sources/RxSwift/MainScheduler.swift:37:23: warning: class property 'instance' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'MainScheduler' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
22 | operator please use `ConcurrentMainScheduler` because it is more optimized for that purpose.
23 | */
24 | public final class MainScheduler : SerialDispatchQueueScheduler {
   |                    `- note: class 'MainScheduler' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
25 |
26 |     private let mainQueue: DispatchQueue
35 |
36 |     /// Singleton instance of `MainScheduler`
37 |     public static let instance = MainScheduler()
   |                       |- warning: class property 'instance' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'MainScheduler' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
   |                       |- note: annotate 'instance' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
   |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
38 |
39 |     /// Singleton instance of `MainScheduler` that always schedules work asynchronously
[297/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt toSortedArray.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/RxSwift/Sources/RxSwift/MainScheduler.swift:37:23: warning: class property 'instance' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'MainScheduler' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
22 | operator please use `ConcurrentMainScheduler` because it is more optimized for that purpose.
23 | */
24 | public final class MainScheduler : SerialDispatchQueueScheduler {
   |                    `- note: class 'MainScheduler' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
25 |
26 |     private let mainQueue: DispatchQueue
35 |
36 |     /// Singleton instance of `MainScheduler`
37 |     public static let instance = MainScheduler()
   |                       |- warning: class property 'instance' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'MainScheduler' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
   |                       |- note: annotate 'instance' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
   |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
38 |
39 |     /// Singleton instance of `MainScheduler` that always schedules work asynchronously
[298/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt unwrap.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/RxSwift/Sources/RxSwift/MainScheduler.swift:37:23: warning: class property 'instance' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'MainScheduler' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
22 | operator please use `ConcurrentMainScheduler` because it is more optimized for that purpose.
23 | */
24 | public final class MainScheduler : SerialDispatchQueueScheduler {
   |                    `- note: class 'MainScheduler' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
25 |
26 |     private let mainQueue: DispatchQueue
35 |
36 |     /// Singleton instance of `MainScheduler`
37 |     public static let instance = MainScheduler()
   |                       |- warning: class property 'instance' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'MainScheduler' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
   |                       |- note: annotate 'instance' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
   |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
38 |
39 |     /// Singleton instance of `MainScheduler` that always schedules work asynchronously
[299/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt and.swift
[300/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt apply.swift
[301/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt bufferWithTrigger.swift
[302/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt cascade.swift
[303/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt once.swift
[304/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt partition.swift
[305/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt pausable.swift
[306/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt pausableBuffered.swift
[307/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt zipWith.swift
[308/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt Observable+Alias.swift
[309/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt curry.swift
[310/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt fromAsync.swift
[311/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt ignore.swift
[312/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt ignoreErrors.swift
[313/313] Compiling RxSwiftExt ignoreWhen.swift
Build complete! (47.29s)
[1/51416] Fetching rxswift
Fetched from cache (4.43s)
Computing version for
Computed at 6.7.1 (0.73s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 6.7.1
Build complete.
  "dependencies" : [
      "identity" : "rxswift",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "6.0.0",
            "upper_bound" : "7.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
  "manifest_display_name" : "RxSwiftExt",
  "name" : "RxSwiftExt",
  "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace",
  "platforms" : [
      "name" : "ios",
      "version" : "9.0"
      "name" : "tvos",
      "version" : "9.0"
      "name" : "macos",
      "version" : "10.11"
      "name" : "watchos",
      "version" : "3.0"
  "products" : [
      "name" : "RxSwiftExt",
      "targets" : [
      "type" : {
        "library" : [
  "swift_languages_versions" : [
  "targets" : [
      "c99name" : "RxSwiftExtTests",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "RxSwiftExtTests",
      "path" : "Tests",
      "product_dependencies" : [
      "sources" : [
      "target_dependencies" : [
      "type" : "test"
      "c99name" : "RxSwiftExt",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "RxSwiftExt",
      "path" : "Source",
      "product_dependencies" : [
      "product_memberships" : [
      "sources" : [
      "type" : "library"
  "tools_version" : "5.0"
This is a staging environment. For live and up-to-date package information, visit