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Build Information

Failed to build PlanetScale with Swift 6.0 for macOS (SPM).

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun --toolchain org.swift.600202405261a swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete

Build Log

Builder version: 4.40.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: main
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      main       -> origin/main
HEAD is now at 413a285 Merge pull request #2 from swift-cloud/add-license-1
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SPI manifest file found: $workDir/.spi.yml
SUCCESS checkout at main
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             6.0
Building package at path:  $workDir
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun --toolchain org.swift.600202405261a swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete
Building for debugging...
[0/5] Write sources
[3/5] Write swift-version-6F35C1178C84523A.txt
[4/105] Compiling ComputeRuntime ComputeRuntime.c
[6/105] Emitting module CryptoSwift
[7/116] Compiling CryptoSwift ECB.swift
[8/116] Compiling CryptoSwift GCM.swift
[9/116] Compiling CryptoSwift OCB.swift
[10/116] Compiling CryptoSwift OFB.swift
[11/116] Compiling CryptoSwift PCBC.swift
[12/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Blowfish.swift
[13/116] Compiling CryptoSwift CBCMAC.swift
[14/116] Compiling CryptoSwift CMAC.swift
[15/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Addition.swift
[16/116] Compiling CryptoSwift BigInt.swift
[17/116] Compiling CryptoSwift BigUInt.swift
[18/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Bit.swift
[19/116] Compiling CryptoSwift BlockCipher.swift
[20/116] Compiling CryptoSwift BlockDecryptor.swift
[21/116] Compiling CryptoSwift BlockEncryptor.swift
[22/116] Compiling CryptoSwift BlockMode.swift
[23/116] Compiling CryptoSwift BlockModeOptions.swift
[24/116] Compiling CryptoSwift CBC.swift
[25/116] Compiling CryptoSwift CCM.swift
[26/116] Compiling CryptoSwift CFB.swift
[27/116] Compiling CryptoSwift CTR.swift
[28/116] Compiling CryptoSwift CipherModeWorker.swift
[29/116] Compiling CryptoSwift AEAD.swift
[30/116] Compiling CryptoSwift AEADChaCha20Poly1305.swift
[31/116] Compiling CryptoSwift AES.Cryptors.swift
[32/116] Compiling CryptoSwift AES.swift
[33/116] Compiling CryptoSwift ASN1.swift
[34/116] Compiling CryptoSwift ASN1Decoder.swift
[35/116] Compiling CryptoSwift ASN1Encoder.swift
[36/116] Compiling CryptoSwift ASN1Scanner.swift
[37/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Array+Extension.swift
[38/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Authenticator.swift
[39/116] Compiling CryptoSwift BatchedCollection.swift
[40/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Multiplication.swift
[41/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Prime Test.swift
[42/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Random.swift
[43/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Shifts.swift
[44/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Square Root.swift
[45/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Strideable.swift
[46/116] Compiling CryptoSwift String Conversion.swift
[47/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Subtraction.swift
[48/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Words and Bits.swift
[49/116] Compiling CryptoSwift ChaCha20.swift
[50/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Checksum.swift
[51/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Bitwise Ops.swift
[52/116] Compiling CryptoSwift CS.swift
[53/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Codable.swift
[54/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Comparable.swift
[55/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Data Conversion.swift
[56/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Division.swift
[57/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Exponentiation.swift
[58/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Floating Point Conversion.swift
[59/116] Compiling CryptoSwift GCD.swift
[60/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Hashable.swift
[61/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Integer Conversion.swift
[62/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Data+Extension.swift
[63/116] Compiling CryptoSwift HMAC+Foundation.swift
[64/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Rabbit+Foundation.swift
[65/116] Compiling CryptoSwift String+FoundationExtension.swift
[66/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Utils+Foundation.swift
[67/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Generics.swift
[68/116] Compiling CryptoSwift HKDF.swift
[69/116] Compiling CryptoSwift HMAC.swift
[70/116] Compiling CryptoSwift ISO10126Padding.swift
[71/116] Compiling CryptoSwift ISO78164Padding.swift
[72/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Int+Extension.swift
[73/116] Compiling CryptoSwift MD5.swift
[74/116] Compiling CryptoSwift NoPadding.swift
[75/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Operators.swift
[76/116] Compiling CryptoSwift DER.swift
[77/116] Compiling CryptoSwift PBKDF1.swift
[78/116] Compiling CryptoSwift PBKDF2.swift
[79/116] Compiling CryptoSwift PKCS1v15.swift
[80/116] Compiling CryptoSwift PKCS5.swift
[81/116] Compiling CryptoSwift PKCS7.swift
[82/116] Compiling CryptoSwift PKCS7Padding.swift
[83/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Padding.swift
[84/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Cipher.swift
[85/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Collection+Extension.swift
[86/116] Compiling CryptoSwift CompactMap.swift
[87/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Cryptor.swift
[88/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Cryptors.swift
[89/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Digest.swift
[90/116] Compiling CryptoSwift DigestType.swift
[91/116] Compiling CryptoSwift AES+Foundation.swift
[92/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Array+Foundation.swift
[93/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Blowfish+Foundation.swift
[94/116] Compiling CryptoSwift ChaCha20+Foundation.swift
[95/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Poly1305.swift
[96/116] Compiling CryptoSwift RSA+Cipher.swift
[97/116] Compiling CryptoSwift RSA+Signature.swift
[98/116] Compiling CryptoSwift RSA.swift
[99/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Rabbit.swift
[100/116] Compiling CryptoSwift SHA1.swift
[101/116] Compiling CryptoSwift SHA2.swift
[102/116] Compiling CryptoSwift SHA3.swift
[103/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Scrypt.swift
[104/116] Compiling CryptoSwift SecureBytes.swift
[105/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Signature.swift
[106/116] Compiling CryptoSwift StreamDecryptor.swift
[107/116] Compiling CryptoSwift StreamEncryptor.swift
[108/116] Compiling CryptoSwift String+Extension.swift
[109/116] Compiling CryptoSwift UInt128.swift
[110/116] Compiling CryptoSwift UInt16+Extension.swift
[111/116] Compiling CryptoSwift UInt32+Extension.swift
[112/116] Compiling CryptoSwift UInt64+Extension.swift
[113/116] Compiling CryptoSwift UInt8+Extension.swift
[114/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Updatable.swift
[115/116] Compiling CryptoSwift Utils.swift
[116/116] Compiling CryptoSwift ZeroPadding.swift
[117/152] Compiling Compute Compute.swift
[118/152] Compiling Compute Concurrency.swift
[119/152] Compiling Compute ConfigStore.swift
[120/152] Compiling Compute Console.swift
[121/155] Compiling Compute Fastly.swift
[122/155] Compiling Compute FastlyABI.swift
[123/155] Compiling Compute FastlyBody.swift
[124/155] Compiling Compute FastlyConfigStore.swift
[125/155] Compiling Compute Range.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/Compute/Sources/Compute/ReadableBody/ReadableBody+Wasi.swift:35:13: error: actor-isolated property 'body' can not be mutated on a non-isolated actor instance
 12 |     }
 13 |
 14 |     private(set) var body: Fastly.Body
    |                      `- note: mutation of this property is only permitted within the actor
 15 |
 16 |     private var _bytes: [UInt8]? = nil
 33 |     func pipeTo(_ dest: isolated WritableBody, preventClose: Bool) async throws {
 34 |         var destBody = dest.body
 35 |         try {
    |             `- error: actor-isolated property 'body' can not be mutated on a non-isolated actor instance
 36 |             try destBody.write($0)
 37 |             return .continue
[126/155] Compiling Compute ReadableBody+Data.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/Compute/Sources/Compute/ReadableBody/ReadableBody+Wasi.swift:35:13: error: actor-isolated property 'body' can not be mutated on a non-isolated actor instance
 12 |     }
 13 |
 14 |     private(set) var body: Fastly.Body
    |                      `- note: mutation of this property is only permitted within the actor
 15 |
 16 |     private var _bytes: [UInt8]? = nil
 33 |     func pipeTo(_ dest: isolated WritableBody, preventClose: Bool) async throws {
 34 |         var destBody = dest.body
 35 |         try {
    |             `- error: actor-isolated property 'body' can not be mutated on a non-isolated actor instance
 36 |             try destBody.write($0)
 37 |             return .continue
[127/155] Compiling Compute ReadableBody+Wasi.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/Compute/Sources/Compute/ReadableBody/ReadableBody+Wasi.swift:35:13: error: actor-isolated property 'body' can not be mutated on a non-isolated actor instance
 12 |     }
 13 |
 14 |     private(set) var body: Fastly.Body
    |                      `- note: mutation of this property is only permitted within the actor
 15 |
 16 |     private var _bytes: [UInt8]? = nil
 33 |     func pipeTo(_ dest: isolated WritableBody, preventClose: Bool) async throws {
 34 |         var destBody = dest.body
 35 |         try {
    |             `- error: actor-isolated property 'body' can not be mutated on a non-isolated actor instance
 36 |             try destBody.write($0)
 37 |             return .continue
[128/155] Compiling Compute ReadableBody.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/Compute/Sources/Compute/ReadableBody/ReadableBody+Wasi.swift:35:13: error: actor-isolated property 'body' can not be mutated on a non-isolated actor instance
 12 |     }
 13 |
 14 |     private(set) var body: Fastly.Body
    |                      `- note: mutation of this property is only permitted within the actor
 15 |
 16 |     private var _bytes: [UInt8]? = nil
 33 |     func pipeTo(_ dest: isolated WritableBody, preventClose: Bool) async throws {
 34 |         var destBody = dest.body
 35 |         try {
    |             `- error: actor-isolated property 'body' can not be mutated on a non-isolated actor instance
 36 |             try destBody.write($0)
 37 |             return .continue
[129/155] Compiling Compute FastlyEnvironment.swift
[130/155] Compiling Compute FastlyGeoLocation.swift
[131/155] Compiling Compute FastlyLogger.swift
[132/155] Compiling Compute FastlyObjectStore.swift
[133/155] Compiling Compute FastlyPendingRequest.swift
[134/155] Compiling Compute FastlyRequest.swift
[135/155] Compiling Compute FastlyResponse.swift
[136/155] Compiling Compute FastlyStubs.swift
[137/155] Compiling Compute Fetch.swift
[138/155] Compiling Compute FetchRequest.swift
[139/155] Compiling Compute FetchResponse.swift
[140/155] Compiling Compute Headers.swift
[141/155] Compiling Compute Parameters.swift
[142/155] Compiling Compute PathComponent.swift
[143/155] Compiling Compute Routable.swift
[144/155] Compiling Compute Router.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/Compute/Sources/Compute/WritableBody.swift:38:13: error: actor-isolated property 'body' can not be mutated on a non-isolated actor instance
12 |     }
13 |
14 |     internal private(set) var body: Fastly.Body
   |                               `- note: mutation of this property is only permitted within the actor
15 |
16 |     internal let writable: Bool
36 |     public func append(_ source: isolated ReadableBody) async throws {
37 |         guard writable else { return }
38 |         try body.append(source.body)
   |             `- error: actor-isolated property 'body' can not be mutated on a non-isolated actor instance
39 |         try await Task.nextTick()
40 |     }
[145/155] Compiling Compute TrieRouter.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/Compute/Sources/Compute/WritableBody.swift:38:13: error: actor-isolated property 'body' can not be mutated on a non-isolated actor instance
12 |     }
13 |
14 |     internal private(set) var body: Fastly.Body
   |                               `- note: mutation of this property is only permitted within the actor
15 |
16 |     internal let writable: Bool
36 |     public func append(_ source: isolated ReadableBody) async throws {
37 |         guard writable else { return }
38 |         try body.append(source.body)
   |             `- error: actor-isolated property 'body' can not be mutated on a non-isolated actor instance
39 |         try await Task.nextTick()
40 |     }
[146/155] Compiling Compute WritableBody.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/Compute/Sources/Compute/WritableBody.swift:38:13: error: actor-isolated property 'body' can not be mutated on a non-isolated actor instance
12 |     }
13 |
14 |     internal private(set) var body: Fastly.Body
   |                               `- note: mutation of this property is only permitted within the actor
15 |
16 |     internal let writable: Bool
36 |     public func append(_ source: isolated ReadableBody) async throws {
37 |         guard writable else { return }
38 |         try body.append(source.body)
   |             `- error: actor-isolated property 'body' can not be mutated on a non-isolated actor instance
39 |         try await Task.nextTick()
40 |     }
[147/155] Emitting module Compute
[148/155] Compiling Compute IncomingRequest.swift
[149/155] Compiling Compute JWT.swift
[150/155] Compiling Compute ObjectStore.swift
[151/155] Compiling Compute OutgoingResponse.swift
[152/155] Compiling Compute FastlyTypes.swift
[153/155] Compiling Compute FastlyUtils.swift
[154/155] Compiling Compute Fetch+URLSession.swift
[155/155] Compiling Compute Fetch+Wasi.swift
[1/16953] Fetching compute
[171/29607] Fetching compute, cryptoswift
Fetched from cache (1.82s)
Fetched from cache (1.82s)
Computing version for
Computed at 2.7.0 (0.69s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.6.0 (0.69s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 2.7.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.6.0
BUILD FAILURE 6.0 macosSpm
This is a staging environment. For live and up-to-date package information, visit