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Build Information

Failed to build SwiftyVector with Swift 6.0 for macOS (SPM).

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun --toolchain org.swift.600202405261a swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete

Build Log

Builder version: 4.40.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: master
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      master     -> origin/master
HEAD is now at c79d21f Merge pull request #6 from koher/dev-0.3.2
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at master
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             6.0
Building package at path:  $workDir
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun --toolchain org.swift.600202405261a swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete
Building for debugging...
[0/2] Write sources
[1/2] Write swift-version-6F35C1178C84523A.txt
error: emit-module command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
[3/6] Compiling SwiftyVector CoreGraphics.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/CoreGraphics.swift:75:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'CGPoint' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'CoreFoundation' introduce this conformance in the future
 73 | }
 74 |
 75 | extension CGPoint : Vector {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'CGPoint' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'CoreFoundation' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 76 |     public static func +(lhs: CGPoint, rhs: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
 77 |         return CGPoint(x: lhs.x + rhs.x, y: lhs.y + rhs.y)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/CoreGraphics.swift:109:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'CGPoint' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArrayLiteral'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'CoreFoundation' introduce this conformance in the future
107 | }
108 |
109 | extension CGPoint: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'CGPoint' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArrayLiteral'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'CoreFoundation' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
110 |     public init(arrayLiteral elements: CGFloat...) {
111 |         precondition(elements.count == 2)
[4/6] Compiling SwiftyVector Vector.swift
[5/6] Emitting module SwiftyVector
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/Concrete.swift:8:1: error: type 'SIMD2<Scalar>' does not conform to protocol 'Vector'
  6 | public typealias Vector2f = vector_float2
  7 |
  8 | extension Vector2f: Vector {}
    | `- error: type 'SIMD2<Scalar>' does not conform to protocol 'Vector'
  9 |
 10 | #else
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/Vector.swift:9:17: note: multiple matching functions named '*' with type '(SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar, SIMD2<Scalar>) -> SIMD2<Scalar>' (aka '(Scalar, SIMD2<Scalar>) -> SIMD2<Scalar>')
  7 |     static func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
  8 |     static func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
  9 |     static func *(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '*' with type '(SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar, SIMD2<Scalar>) -> SIMD2<Scalar>' (aka '(Scalar, SIMD2<Scalar>) -> SIMD2<Scalar>')
 10 |     static func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
 11 |
 12 |     static prefix func +(value: Self) -> Self
 13 |     static prefix func -(value: Self) -> Self
    |                        `- note: multiple matching functions named '-' with type '(SIMD2<Scalar>) -> SIMD2<Scalar>'
 14 |
 15 |     static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '+=' with type '(inout SIMD2<Scalar>, SIMD2<Scalar>) -> ()'
 16 |     static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '-=' with type '(inout SIMD2<Scalar>, SIMD2<Scalar>) -> ()'
 17 |     static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '*=' with type '(inout SIMD2<Scalar>, SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar) -> ()' (aka '(inout SIMD2<Scalar>, Scalar) -> ()')
 18 |     static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '/=' with type '(inout SIMD2<Scalar>, SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar) -> ()' (aka '(inout SIMD2<Scalar>, Scalar) -> ()')
 19 |
 20 |     var squareLength: Scalar { get }
 34 |
 35 | extension Vector where Scalar : FloatingPoint {
 36 |     public static func *(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
 37 |         return rhs * lhs
 38 |     }
 42 |     }
 43 |
 44 |     public static prefix func -(value: Self) -> Self {
    |                               `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
 45 |         return value * -1
 46 |     }
 47 |
 48 |     public static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
 49 |         lhs = lhs + rhs
 50 |     }
 51 |
 52 |     public static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
 53 |         lhs = lhs - rhs
 54 |     }
 55 |
 56 |     public static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
 57 |         lhs = lhs * rhs
 58 |     }
 59 |
 60 |     public static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
 61 |         lhs = lhs / rhs
 62 |     }
Swift.SIMD:5:24: note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
 1 | extension SIMD where Self.Scalar : FloatingPoint {
 2 |     prefix public static func - (a: Self) -> Self
   |                               `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
 3 |     public static func + (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
 4 |     public static func - (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
 5 |     public static func * (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
 6 |     public static func / (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
 7 |     public static func + (a: Self, b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
 9 |     public static func * (a: Self, b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
10 |     public static func / (a: Self, b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
11 |     public static func += (a: inout Self, b: Self)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
12 |     public static func -= (a: inout Self, b: Self)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
13 |     public static func *= (a: inout Self, b: Self)
14 |     public static func /= (a: inout Self, b: Self)
15 |     public static func += (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
16 |     public static func -= (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
17 |     public static func *= (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
18 |     public static func /= (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
19 |     public func addingProduct(_ a: Self.Scalar, _ b: Self) -> Self
20 |     public func addingProduct(_ a: Self, _ b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/Concrete.swift:95:20: error: conflicting conformance of 'SIMD2<Scalar>' to protocol 'Vector'; there cannot be more than one conformance, even with different conditional bounds
  6 | public typealias Vector2f = vector_float2
  7 |
  8 | extension Vector2f: Vector {}
    | `- note: 'SIMD2<Scalar>' declares conformance to protocol 'Vector' here
  9 |
 10 | #else
 93 | public typealias Vector2 = vector_double2
 94 |
 95 | extension Vector2: Vector {}
    |                    `- error: conflicting conformance of 'SIMD2<Scalar>' to protocol 'Vector'; there cannot be more than one conformance, even with different conditional bounds
 96 |
 97 | #else
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/Concrete.swift:182:1: error: type 'SIMD3<Scalar>' does not conform to protocol 'Vector'
180 | public typealias Vector3f = vector_float3
181 |
182 | extension Vector3f: Vector {}
    | `- error: type 'SIMD3<Scalar>' does not conform to protocol 'Vector'
183 |
184 | #else
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/Vector.swift:9:17: note: multiple matching functions named '*' with type '(SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar, SIMD3<Scalar>) -> SIMD3<Scalar>' (aka '(Scalar, SIMD3<Scalar>) -> SIMD3<Scalar>')
  7 |     static func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
  8 |     static func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
  9 |     static func *(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '*' with type '(SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar, SIMD3<Scalar>) -> SIMD3<Scalar>' (aka '(Scalar, SIMD3<Scalar>) -> SIMD3<Scalar>')
 10 |     static func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
 11 |
 12 |     static prefix func +(value: Self) -> Self
 13 |     static prefix func -(value: Self) -> Self
    |                        `- note: multiple matching functions named '-' with type '(SIMD3<Scalar>) -> SIMD3<Scalar>'
 14 |
 15 |     static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '+=' with type '(inout SIMD3<Scalar>, SIMD3<Scalar>) -> ()'
 16 |     static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '-=' with type '(inout SIMD3<Scalar>, SIMD3<Scalar>) -> ()'
 17 |     static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '*=' with type '(inout SIMD3<Scalar>, SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar) -> ()' (aka '(inout SIMD3<Scalar>, Scalar) -> ()')
 18 |     static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '/=' with type '(inout SIMD3<Scalar>, SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar) -> ()' (aka '(inout SIMD3<Scalar>, Scalar) -> ()')
 19 |
 20 |     var squareLength: Scalar { get }
 34 |
 35 | extension Vector where Scalar : FloatingPoint {
 36 |     public static func *(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
 37 |         return rhs * lhs
 38 |     }
 42 |     }
 43 |
 44 |     public static prefix func -(value: Self) -> Self {
    |                               `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
 45 |         return value * -1
 46 |     }
 47 |
 48 |     public static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
 49 |         lhs = lhs + rhs
 50 |     }
 51 |
 52 |     public static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
 53 |         lhs = lhs - rhs
 54 |     }
 55 |
 56 |     public static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
 57 |         lhs = lhs * rhs
 58 |     }
 59 |
 60 |     public static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
 61 |         lhs = lhs / rhs
 62 |     }
Swift.SIMD:5:24: note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
 1 | extension SIMD where Self.Scalar : FloatingPoint {
 2 |     prefix public static func - (a: Self) -> Self
   |                               `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
 3 |     public static func + (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
 4 |     public static func - (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
 5 |     public static func * (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
 6 |     public static func / (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
 7 |     public static func + (a: Self, b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
 9 |     public static func * (a: Self, b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
10 |     public static func / (a: Self, b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
11 |     public static func += (a: inout Self, b: Self)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
12 |     public static func -= (a: inout Self, b: Self)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
13 |     public static func *= (a: inout Self, b: Self)
14 |     public static func /= (a: inout Self, b: Self)
15 |     public static func += (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
16 |     public static func -= (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
17 |     public static func *= (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
18 |     public static func /= (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
19 |     public func addingProduct(_ a: Self.Scalar, _ b: Self) -> Self
20 |     public func addingProduct(_ a: Self, _ b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/Concrete.swift:288:20: error: conflicting conformance of 'SIMD3<Scalar>' to protocol 'Vector'; there cannot be more than one conformance, even with different conditional bounds
180 | public typealias Vector3f = vector_float3
181 |
182 | extension Vector3f: Vector {}
    | `- note: 'SIMD3<Scalar>' declares conformance to protocol 'Vector' here
183 |
184 | #else
286 | public typealias Vector3 = vector_double3
287 |
288 | extension Vector3: Vector {}
    |                    `- error: conflicting conformance of 'SIMD3<Scalar>' to protocol 'Vector'; there cannot be more than one conformance, even with different conditional bounds
289 |
290 | #else
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/Concrete.swift:394:1: error: type 'SIMD4<Scalar>' does not conform to protocol 'Vector'
392 | public typealias Vector4f = vector_float4
393 |
394 | extension Vector4f: Vector {}
    | `- error: type 'SIMD4<Scalar>' does not conform to protocol 'Vector'
395 |
396 | #else
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/Vector.swift:9:17: note: multiple matching functions named '*' with type '(SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar, SIMD4<Scalar>) -> SIMD4<Scalar>' (aka '(Scalar, SIMD4<Scalar>) -> SIMD4<Scalar>')
  7 |     static func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
  8 |     static func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
  9 |     static func *(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '*' with type '(SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar, SIMD4<Scalar>) -> SIMD4<Scalar>' (aka '(Scalar, SIMD4<Scalar>) -> SIMD4<Scalar>')
 10 |     static func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
 11 |
 12 |     static prefix func +(value: Self) -> Self
 13 |     static prefix func -(value: Self) -> Self
    |                        `- note: multiple matching functions named '-' with type '(SIMD4<Scalar>) -> SIMD4<Scalar>'
 14 |
 15 |     static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '+=' with type '(inout SIMD4<Scalar>, SIMD4<Scalar>) -> ()'
 16 |     static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '-=' with type '(inout SIMD4<Scalar>, SIMD4<Scalar>) -> ()'
 17 |     static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '*=' with type '(inout SIMD4<Scalar>, SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar) -> ()' (aka '(inout SIMD4<Scalar>, Scalar) -> ()')
 18 |     static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '/=' with type '(inout SIMD4<Scalar>, SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar) -> ()' (aka '(inout SIMD4<Scalar>, Scalar) -> ()')
 19 |
 20 |     var squareLength: Scalar { get }
 34 |
 35 | extension Vector where Scalar : FloatingPoint {
 36 |     public static func *(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
 37 |         return rhs * lhs
 38 |     }
 42 |     }
 43 |
 44 |     public static prefix func -(value: Self) -> Self {
    |                               `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
 45 |         return value * -1
 46 |     }
 47 |
 48 |     public static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
 49 |         lhs = lhs + rhs
 50 |     }
 51 |
 52 |     public static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
 53 |         lhs = lhs - rhs
 54 |     }
 55 |
 56 |     public static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
 57 |         lhs = lhs * rhs
 58 |     }
 59 |
 60 |     public static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
 61 |         lhs = lhs / rhs
 62 |     }
Swift.SIMD:5:24: note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
 1 | extension SIMD where Self.Scalar : FloatingPoint {
 2 |     prefix public static func - (a: Self) -> Self
   |                               `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
 3 |     public static func + (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
 4 |     public static func - (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
 5 |     public static func * (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
 6 |     public static func / (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
 7 |     public static func + (a: Self, b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
 9 |     public static func * (a: Self, b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
10 |     public static func / (a: Self, b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
11 |     public static func += (a: inout Self, b: Self)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
12 |     public static func -= (a: inout Self, b: Self)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
13 |     public static func *= (a: inout Self, b: Self)
14 |     public static func /= (a: inout Self, b: Self)
15 |     public static func += (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
16 |     public static func -= (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
17 |     public static func *= (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
18 |     public static func /= (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
19 |     public func addingProduct(_ a: Self.Scalar, _ b: Self) -> Self
20 |     public func addingProduct(_ a: Self, _ b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/Concrete.swift:503:20: error: conflicting conformance of 'SIMD4<Scalar>' to protocol 'Vector'; there cannot be more than one conformance, even with different conditional bounds
392 | public typealias Vector4f = vector_float4
393 |
394 | extension Vector4f: Vector {}
    | `- note: 'SIMD4<Scalar>' declares conformance to protocol 'Vector' here
395 |
396 | #else
501 | public typealias Vector4 = vector_double4
502 |
503 | extension Vector4: Vector {}
    |                    `- error: conflicting conformance of 'SIMD4<Scalar>' to protocol 'Vector'; there cannot be more than one conformance, even with different conditional bounds
504 |
505 | #else
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/CoreGraphics.swift:75:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'CGPoint' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'CoreFoundation' introduce this conformance in the future
 73 | }
 74 |
 75 | extension CGPoint : Vector {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'CGPoint' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'CoreFoundation' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 76 |     public static func +(lhs: CGPoint, rhs: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
 77 |         return CGPoint(x: lhs.x + rhs.x, y: lhs.y + rhs.y)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/CoreGraphics.swift:109:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'CGPoint' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArrayLiteral'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'CoreFoundation' introduce this conformance in the future
107 | }
108 |
109 | extension CGPoint: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'CGPoint' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArrayLiteral'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'CoreFoundation' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
110 |     public init(arrayLiteral elements: CGFloat...) {
111 |         precondition(elements.count == 2)
[6/6] Compiling SwiftyVector Concrete.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/Concrete.swift:8:1: error: type 'SIMD2<Scalar>' does not conform to protocol 'Vector'
  6 | public typealias Vector2f = vector_float2
  7 |
  8 | extension Vector2f: Vector {}
    | `- error: type 'SIMD2<Scalar>' does not conform to protocol 'Vector'
  9 |
 10 | #else
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/Vector.swift:9:17: note: multiple matching functions named '*' with type '(SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar, SIMD2<Scalar>) -> SIMD2<Scalar>' (aka '(Scalar, SIMD2<Scalar>) -> SIMD2<Scalar>')
  7 |     static func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
  8 |     static func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
  9 |     static func *(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '*' with type '(SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar, SIMD2<Scalar>) -> SIMD2<Scalar>' (aka '(Scalar, SIMD2<Scalar>) -> SIMD2<Scalar>')
 10 |     static func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
 11 |
 12 |     static prefix func +(value: Self) -> Self
 13 |     static prefix func -(value: Self) -> Self
    |                        `- note: multiple matching functions named '-' with type '(SIMD2<Scalar>) -> SIMD2<Scalar>'
 14 |
 15 |     static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '+=' with type '(inout SIMD2<Scalar>, SIMD2<Scalar>) -> ()'
 16 |     static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '-=' with type '(inout SIMD2<Scalar>, SIMD2<Scalar>) -> ()'
 17 |     static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '*=' with type '(inout SIMD2<Scalar>, SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar) -> ()' (aka '(inout SIMD2<Scalar>, Scalar) -> ()')
 18 |     static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '/=' with type '(inout SIMD2<Scalar>, SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar) -> ()' (aka '(inout SIMD2<Scalar>, Scalar) -> ()')
 19 |
 20 |     var squareLength: Scalar { get }
 34 |
 35 | extension Vector where Scalar : FloatingPoint {
 36 |     public static func *(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
 37 |         return rhs * lhs
 38 |     }
 42 |     }
 43 |
 44 |     public static prefix func -(value: Self) -> Self {
    |                               `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
 45 |         return value * -1
 46 |     }
 47 |
 48 |     public static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
 49 |         lhs = lhs + rhs
 50 |     }
 51 |
 52 |     public static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
 53 |         lhs = lhs - rhs
 54 |     }
 55 |
 56 |     public static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
 57 |         lhs = lhs * rhs
 58 |     }
 59 |
 60 |     public static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
 61 |         lhs = lhs / rhs
 62 |     }
Swift.SIMD:5:24: note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
 1 | extension SIMD where Self.Scalar : FloatingPoint {
 2 |     prefix public static func - (a: Self) -> Self
   |                               `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
 3 |     public static func + (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
 4 |     public static func - (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
 5 |     public static func * (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
 6 |     public static func / (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
 7 |     public static func + (a: Self, b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
 9 |     public static func * (a: Self, b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
10 |     public static func / (a: Self, b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
11 |     public static func += (a: inout Self, b: Self)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
12 |     public static func -= (a: inout Self, b: Self)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
13 |     public static func *= (a: inout Self, b: Self)
14 |     public static func /= (a: inout Self, b: Self)
15 |     public static func += (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
16 |     public static func -= (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
17 |     public static func *= (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
18 |     public static func /= (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD2<Scalar>.Scalar]
19 |     public func addingProduct(_ a: Self.Scalar, _ b: Self) -> Self
20 |     public func addingProduct(_ a: Self, _ b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/Concrete.swift:95:20: error: conflicting conformance of 'SIMD2<Scalar>' to protocol 'Vector'; there cannot be more than one conformance, even with different conditional bounds
  6 | public typealias Vector2f = vector_float2
  7 |
  8 | extension Vector2f: Vector {}
    | `- note: 'SIMD2<Scalar>' declares conformance to protocol 'Vector' here
  9 |
 10 | #else
 93 | public typealias Vector2 = vector_double2
 94 |
 95 | extension Vector2: Vector {}
    |                    `- error: conflicting conformance of 'SIMD2<Scalar>' to protocol 'Vector'; there cannot be more than one conformance, even with different conditional bounds
 96 |
 97 | #else
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/Concrete.swift:182:1: error: type 'SIMD3<Scalar>' does not conform to protocol 'Vector'
180 | public typealias Vector3f = vector_float3
181 |
182 | extension Vector3f: Vector {}
    | `- error: type 'SIMD3<Scalar>' does not conform to protocol 'Vector'
183 |
184 | #else
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/Vector.swift:9:17: note: multiple matching functions named '*' with type '(SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar, SIMD3<Scalar>) -> SIMD3<Scalar>' (aka '(Scalar, SIMD3<Scalar>) -> SIMD3<Scalar>')
  7 |     static func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
  8 |     static func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
  9 |     static func *(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '*' with type '(SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar, SIMD3<Scalar>) -> SIMD3<Scalar>' (aka '(Scalar, SIMD3<Scalar>) -> SIMD3<Scalar>')
 10 |     static func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
 11 |
 12 |     static prefix func +(value: Self) -> Self
 13 |     static prefix func -(value: Self) -> Self
    |                        `- note: multiple matching functions named '-' with type '(SIMD3<Scalar>) -> SIMD3<Scalar>'
 14 |
 15 |     static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '+=' with type '(inout SIMD3<Scalar>, SIMD3<Scalar>) -> ()'
 16 |     static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '-=' with type '(inout SIMD3<Scalar>, SIMD3<Scalar>) -> ()'
 17 |     static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '*=' with type '(inout SIMD3<Scalar>, SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar) -> ()' (aka '(inout SIMD3<Scalar>, Scalar) -> ()')
 18 |     static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '/=' with type '(inout SIMD3<Scalar>, SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar) -> ()' (aka '(inout SIMD3<Scalar>, Scalar) -> ()')
 19 |
 20 |     var squareLength: Scalar { get }
 34 |
 35 | extension Vector where Scalar : FloatingPoint {
 36 |     public static func *(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
 37 |         return rhs * lhs
 38 |     }
 42 |     }
 43 |
 44 |     public static prefix func -(value: Self) -> Self {
    |                               `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
 45 |         return value * -1
 46 |     }
 47 |
 48 |     public static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
 49 |         lhs = lhs + rhs
 50 |     }
 51 |
 52 |     public static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
 53 |         lhs = lhs - rhs
 54 |     }
 55 |
 56 |     public static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
 57 |         lhs = lhs * rhs
 58 |     }
 59 |
 60 |     public static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
 61 |         lhs = lhs / rhs
 62 |     }
Swift.SIMD:5:24: note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
 1 | extension SIMD where Self.Scalar : FloatingPoint {
 2 |     prefix public static func - (a: Self) -> Self
   |                               `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
 3 |     public static func + (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
 4 |     public static func - (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
 5 |     public static func * (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
 6 |     public static func / (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
 7 |     public static func + (a: Self, b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
 9 |     public static func * (a: Self, b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
10 |     public static func / (a: Self, b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
11 |     public static func += (a: inout Self, b: Self)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
12 |     public static func -= (a: inout Self, b: Self)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
13 |     public static func *= (a: inout Self, b: Self)
14 |     public static func /= (a: inout Self, b: Self)
15 |     public static func += (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
16 |     public static func -= (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
17 |     public static func *= (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
18 |     public static func /= (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD3<Scalar>.Scalar]
19 |     public func addingProduct(_ a: Self.Scalar, _ b: Self) -> Self
20 |     public func addingProduct(_ a: Self, _ b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/Concrete.swift:288:20: error: conflicting conformance of 'SIMD3<Scalar>' to protocol 'Vector'; there cannot be more than one conformance, even with different conditional bounds
180 | public typealias Vector3f = vector_float3
181 |
182 | extension Vector3f: Vector {}
    | `- note: 'SIMD3<Scalar>' declares conformance to protocol 'Vector' here
183 |
184 | #else
286 | public typealias Vector3 = vector_double3
287 |
288 | extension Vector3: Vector {}
    |                    `- error: conflicting conformance of 'SIMD3<Scalar>' to protocol 'Vector'; there cannot be more than one conformance, even with different conditional bounds
289 |
290 | #else
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/Concrete.swift:394:1: error: type 'SIMD4<Scalar>' does not conform to protocol 'Vector'
392 | public typealias Vector4f = vector_float4
393 |
394 | extension Vector4f: Vector {}
    | `- error: type 'SIMD4<Scalar>' does not conform to protocol 'Vector'
395 |
396 | #else
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/Vector.swift:9:17: note: multiple matching functions named '*' with type '(SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar, SIMD4<Scalar>) -> SIMD4<Scalar>' (aka '(Scalar, SIMD4<Scalar>) -> SIMD4<Scalar>')
  7 |     static func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
  8 |     static func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
  9 |     static func *(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '*' with type '(SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar, SIMD4<Scalar>) -> SIMD4<Scalar>' (aka '(Scalar, SIMD4<Scalar>) -> SIMD4<Scalar>')
 10 |     static func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
 11 |
 12 |     static prefix func +(value: Self) -> Self
 13 |     static prefix func -(value: Self) -> Self
    |                        `- note: multiple matching functions named '-' with type '(SIMD4<Scalar>) -> SIMD4<Scalar>'
 14 |
 15 |     static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '+=' with type '(inout SIMD4<Scalar>, SIMD4<Scalar>) -> ()'
 16 |     static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '-=' with type '(inout SIMD4<Scalar>, SIMD4<Scalar>) -> ()'
 17 |     static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '*=' with type '(inout SIMD4<Scalar>, SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar) -> ()' (aka '(inout SIMD4<Scalar>, Scalar) -> ()')
 18 |     static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
    |                 `- note: multiple matching functions named '/=' with type '(inout SIMD4<Scalar>, SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar) -> ()' (aka '(inout SIMD4<Scalar>, Scalar) -> ()')
 19 |
 20 |     var squareLength: Scalar { get }
 34 |
 35 | extension Vector where Scalar : FloatingPoint {
 36 |     public static func *(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
 37 |         return rhs * lhs
 38 |     }
 42 |     }
 43 |
 44 |     public static prefix func -(value: Self) -> Self {
    |                               `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
 45 |         return value * -1
 46 |     }
 47 |
 48 |     public static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
 49 |         lhs = lhs + rhs
 50 |     }
 51 |
 52 |     public static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
 53 |         lhs = lhs - rhs
 54 |     }
 55 |
 56 |     public static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
 57 |         lhs = lhs * rhs
 58 |     }
 59 |
 60 |     public static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar) {
    |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
 61 |         lhs = lhs / rhs
 62 |     }
Swift.SIMD:5:24: note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
 1 | extension SIMD where Self.Scalar : FloatingPoint {
 2 |     prefix public static func - (a: Self) -> Self
   |                               `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
 3 |     public static func + (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
 4 |     public static func - (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
 5 |     public static func * (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
 6 |     public static func / (a: Self.Scalar, b: Self) -> Self
 7 |     public static func + (a: Self, b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
 9 |     public static func * (a: Self, b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
10 |     public static func / (a: Self, b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
11 |     public static func += (a: inout Self, b: Self)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
12 |     public static func -= (a: inout Self, b: Self)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
13 |     public static func *= (a: inout Self, b: Self)
14 |     public static func /= (a: inout Self, b: Self)
15 |     public static func += (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
16 |     public static func -= (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
17 |     public static func *= (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
18 |     public static func /= (a: inout Self, b: Self.Scalar)
   |                        `- note: candidate exactly matches [with Scalar = SIMD4<Scalar>.Scalar]
19 |     public func addingProduct(_ a: Self.Scalar, _ b: Self) -> Self
20 |     public func addingProduct(_ a: Self, _ b: Self.Scalar) -> Self
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/SwiftyVector/Concrete.swift:503:20: error: conflicting conformance of 'SIMD4<Scalar>' to protocol 'Vector'; there cannot be more than one conformance, even with different conditional bounds
392 | public typealias Vector4f = vector_float4
393 |
394 | extension Vector4f: Vector {}
    | `- note: 'SIMD4<Scalar>' declares conformance to protocol 'Vector' here
395 |
396 | #else
501 | public typealias Vector4 = vector_double4
502 |
503 | extension Vector4: Vector {}
    |                    `- error: conflicting conformance of 'SIMD4<Scalar>' to protocol 'Vector'; there cannot be more than one conformance, even with different conditional bounds
504 |
505 | #else
BUILD FAILURE 6.0 macosSpm
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