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Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Successful build of ReactiveTask with Swift 6.0 for macOS (SPM).

Swift 6 data race errors: 9

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun --toolchain org.swift.600202405261a swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete

Build Log

Builder version: 4.40.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: master
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      master     -> origin/master
HEAD is now at e1396a5 Merge pull request #113 from RahulKatariya/master
Submodule path 'Carthage/Checkouts/Nimble': checked out '43304bf2b1579fd555f2fdd51742771c1e4f2b98'
Submodule path 'Carthage/Checkouts/Quick': checked out '94df9b449508344667e5afc7e80f8bcbff1e4c37'
Submodule path 'Carthage/Checkouts/Quick/Externals/Nimble': checked out '43304bf2b1579fd555f2fdd51742771c1e4f2b98'
Submodule path 'Carthage/Checkouts/ReactiveSwift': checked out '3eba2b48ee80f87058de5ae8bb41e585bde5c997'
Submodule path 'Carthage/Checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Carthage/Checkouts/Nimble': checked out 'a27c5186ce2d65f60d1237660b2509df3eb29023'
Submodule path 'Carthage/Checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Carthage/Checkouts/Quick': checked out '0b4ed6c706dd0cce923b5019a605a9bcc6b1b600'
Submodule path 'Carthage/Checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Carthage/Checkouts/Quick/Externals/Nimble': checked out 'a27c5186ce2d65f60d1237660b2509df3eb29023'
Submodule path 'Carthage/Checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Carthage/Checkouts/xcconfigs': checked out 'bb795558a76e5daf3688500055bbcfe243bffa8d'
Submodule path 'Carthage/Checkouts/xcconfigs': checked out '3d9d99634cae6d586e272543d527681283b33eb0'
Submodule 'Carthage/Checkouts/Nimble' ( registered for path 'Carthage/Checkouts/Nimble'
Submodule 'Carthage/Checkouts/Quick' ( registered for path 'Carthage/Checkouts/Quick'
Submodule 'Carthage/Checkouts/ReactiveSwift' ( registered for path 'Carthage/Checkouts/ReactiveSwift'
Submodule 'Carthage/Checkouts/xcconfigs' ( registered for path 'Carthage/Checkouts/xcconfigs'
Cloning into '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Carthage/Checkouts/Nimble'...
Cloning into '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Carthage/Checkouts/Quick'...
Cloning into '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Carthage/Checkouts/ReactiveSwift'...
Cloning into '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Carthage/Checkouts/xcconfigs'...
Submodule 'Externals/Nimble' ( registered for path 'Carthage/Checkouts/Quick/Externals/Nimble'
Cloning into '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Carthage/Checkouts/Quick/Externals/Nimble'...
Submodule 'Carthage/Checkouts/Nimble' ( registered for path 'Carthage/Checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Carthage/Checkouts/Nimble'
Submodule 'Carthage/Checkouts/Quick' ( registered for path 'Carthage/Checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Carthage/Checkouts/Quick'
Submodule 'Carthage/Checkouts/xcconfigs' ( registered for path 'Carthage/Checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Carthage/Checkouts/xcconfigs'
Cloning into '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Carthage/Checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Carthage/Checkouts/Nimble'...
Cloning into '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Carthage/Checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Carthage/Checkouts/Quick'...
Cloning into '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Carthage/Checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Carthage/Checkouts/xcconfigs'...
Submodule 'Externals/Nimble' ( registered for path 'Carthage/Checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Carthage/Checkouts/Quick/Externals/Nimble'
Cloning into '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Carthage/Checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Carthage/Checkouts/Quick/Externals/Nimble'...
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at master
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             6.0
Building package at path:  $workDir
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun --toolchain org.swift.600202405261a swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete
Building for debugging...
[0/3] Write sources
[2/3] Write swift-version-6F35C1178C84523A.txt
[4/23] Emitting module ReactiveSwift
[5/23] Compiling ReactiveSwift Deprecations+Removals.swift
[6/23] Compiling ReactiveSwift Disposable.swift
[7/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift Event.swift
[8/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift EventLogger.swift
[9/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift Reactive.swift
[10/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift ResultExtensions.swift
[11/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift Lifetime.swift
[12/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift Observer.swift
[13/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift Scheduler.swift
[14/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift Signal.swift
[15/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift Optional.swift
[16/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift Property.swift
[17/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift Flatten.swift
[18/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift FoundationExtensions.swift
[19/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift Action.swift
[20/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift Atomic.swift
[21/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift Bag.swift
[22/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift SignalProducer.swift
[23/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift UnidirectionalBinding.swift
[24/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift UninhabitedTypeGuards.swift
[25/25] Compiling ReactiveSwift ValidatingProperty.swift
[26/29] Compiling ReactiveTask Availability.swift
[27/29] Emitting module ReactiveTask
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Errors.swift:14:7: warning: associated value 'shellTaskFailed(_:exitCode:standardError:)' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'TaskError' has non-sendable type 'Task'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
12 | public enum TaskError: Error, Equatable {
13 | 	/// A shell task exited unsuccessfully.
14 | 	case shellTaskFailed(Task, exitCode: Int32, standardError: String?)
   |       `- warning: associated value 'shellTaskFailed(_:exitCode:standardError:)' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'TaskError' has non-sendable type 'Task'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
15 |
16 | 	/// An error was returned from a POSIX API.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Task.swift:13:15: note: consider making struct 'Task' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 11 |
 12 | /// Describes how to execute a shell command.
 13 | public struct Task {
    |               `- note: consider making struct 'Task' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 14 | 	/// The path to the executable that should be launched.
 15 | 	public var launchPath: String
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Sources/Flatten.swift:34:20: warning: static property 'merge' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'FlattenStrategy' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
   8 |
   9 | /// Describes how a stream of inner streams should be flattened into a stream of values.
  10 | public struct FlattenStrategy {
     |               `- note: consider making struct 'FlattenStrategy' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  11 | 	fileprivate enum Kind {
  12 | 		case concurrent(limit: UInt)
  32 | 	/// Any failure from the inner streams is propagated immediately to the flattened
  33 | 	/// stream of values.
  34 | 	public static let merge = FlattenStrategy(kind: .concurrent(limit: .max))
     |                    |- warning: static property 'merge' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'FlattenStrategy' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
     |                    |- note: annotate 'merge' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
     |                    `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
  35 |
  36 | 	/// The stream of streams is concatenated, so that only values from one inner stream
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Task.swift:501:9: warning: capture of 'lifetime' with non-sendable type 'Lifetime' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
499 | 								// Wait for stderr to finish, then pass
500 | 								// through stdout.
501 | 								lifetime += stderrAggregated
    |         `- warning: capture of 'lifetime' with non-sendable type 'Lifetime' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
502 | 									.then(stdoutAggregated)
503 | 									.map(TaskEvent.success)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Sources/Lifetime.swift:5:20: note: class 'Lifetime' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  3 | /// Represents the lifetime of an object, and provides a hook to observe when
  4 | /// the object deinitializes.
  5 | public final class Lifetime {
    |                    `- note: class 'Lifetime' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  6 | 	private let disposables: CompositeDisposable
  7 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Task.swift:10:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'ReactiveSwift'
  8 |
  9 | import Foundation
 10 | import ReactiveSwift
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'ReactiveSwift'
 11 |
 12 | /// Describes how to execute a shell command.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Task.swift:501:21: warning: capture of 'stderrAggregated' with non-sendable type 'Pipe.ReadProducer' (aka 'SignalProducer<Data, TaskError>') in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
499 | 								// Wait for stderr to finish, then pass
500 | 								// through stdout.
501 | 								lifetime += stderrAggregated
    |                     `- warning: capture of 'stderrAggregated' with non-sendable type 'Pipe.ReadProducer' (aka 'SignalProducer<Data, TaskError>') in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
502 | 									.then(stdoutAggregated)
503 | 									.map(TaskEvent.success)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Sources/SignalProducer.swift:18:15: note: generic struct 'SignalProducer' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  16 | /// different order between Signals, or the stream might be completely
  17 | /// different!
  18 | public struct SignalProducer<Value, Error: Swift.Error> {
     |               `- note: generic struct 'SignalProducer' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  19 | 	public typealias ProducedSignal = Signal<Value, Error>
  20 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Task.swift:502:16: warning: capture of 'stdoutAggregated' with non-sendable type 'Pipe.ReadProducer' (aka 'SignalProducer<Data, TaskError>') in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
500 | 								// through stdout.
501 | 								lifetime += stderrAggregated
502 | 									.then(stdoutAggregated)
    |                `- warning: capture of 'stdoutAggregated' with non-sendable type 'Pipe.ReadProducer' (aka 'SignalProducer<Data, TaskError>') in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
503 | 									.map(TaskEvent.success)
504 | 									.start(observer)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Sources/SignalProducer.swift:18:15: note: generic struct 'SignalProducer' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  16 | /// different order between Signals, or the stream might be completely
  17 | /// different!
  18 | public struct SignalProducer<Value, Error: Swift.Error> {
     |               `- note: generic struct 'SignalProducer' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  19 | 	public typealias ProducedSignal = Signal<Value, Error>
  20 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Task.swift:504:17: warning: capture of 'observer' with non-sendable type 'Signal<TaskEvent<Data>, TaskError>.Observer' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
502 | 									.then(stdoutAggregated)
503 | 									.map(TaskEvent.success)
504 | 									.start(observer)
    |                 `- warning: capture of 'observer' with non-sendable type 'Signal<TaskEvent<Data>, TaskError>.Observer' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
505 | 							} else {
506 | 								// Wait for stdout to finish, then pass
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Sources/Observer.swift:12:21: note: class 'Observer' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 10 | 	/// An Observer is a simple wrapper around a function which can receive Events
 11 | 	/// (typically from a Signal).
 12 | 	public final class Observer {
    |                     `- note: class 'Observer' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 13 | 		public typealias Action = (Event) -> Void
 14 | 		private let _send: Action
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Task.swift:512:57: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'Task' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 11 |
 12 | /// Describes how to execute a shell command.
 13 | public struct Task {
    |               `- note: consider making struct 'Task' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 14 | 	/// The path to the executable that should be launched.
 15 | 	public var launchPath: String
510 | 									.flatMap(.concat) { data -> SignalProducer<TaskEvent<Data>, TaskError> in
511 | 										let errorString = (data.isEmpty ? nil : String(data: data, encoding: .utf8))
512 | 										return SignalProducer(error: .shellTaskFailed(self, exitCode: terminationStatus, standardError: errorString))
    |                                                         `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'Task' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
513 | 									}
514 | 									.start(observer)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Sources/Flatten.swift:50:20: warning: static property 'concat' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'FlattenStrategy' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
   8 |
   9 | /// Describes how a stream of inner streams should be flattened into a stream of values.
  10 | public struct FlattenStrategy {
     |               `- note: consider making struct 'FlattenStrategy' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  11 | 	fileprivate enum Kind {
  12 | 		case concurrent(limit: UInt)
  48 | 	/// Any failure from the inner streams is propagated immediately to the flattened
  49 | 	/// stream of values.
  50 | 	public static let concat = FlattenStrategy(kind: .concurrent(limit: 1))
     |                    |- warning: static property 'concat' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'FlattenStrategy' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
     |                    |- note: annotate 'concat' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
     |                    `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
  51 |
  52 | 	/// The stream of streams is merged with the given concurrency cap, so that any value
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Task.swift:512:57: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'Task' in an isolated closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 11 |
 12 | /// Describes how to execute a shell command.
 13 | public struct Task {
    |               `- note: consider making struct 'Task' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 14 | 	/// The path to the executable that should be launched.
 15 | 	public var launchPath: String
510 | 									.flatMap(.concat) { data -> SignalProducer<TaskEvent<Data>, TaskError> in
511 | 										let errorString = (data.isEmpty ? nil : String(data: data, encoding: .utf8))
512 | 										return SignalProducer(error: .shellTaskFailed(self, exitCode: terminationStatus, standardError: errorString))
    |                                                         `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'Task' in an isolated closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
513 | 									}
514 | 									.start(observer)
[28/29] Compiling ReactiveTask Errors.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Errors.swift:14:7: warning: associated value 'shellTaskFailed(_:exitCode:standardError:)' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'TaskError' has non-sendable type 'Task'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
12 | public enum TaskError: Error, Equatable {
13 | 	/// A shell task exited unsuccessfully.
14 | 	case shellTaskFailed(Task, exitCode: Int32, standardError: String?)
   |       `- warning: associated value 'shellTaskFailed(_:exitCode:standardError:)' of 'Sendable'-conforming enum 'TaskError' has non-sendable type 'Task'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
15 |
16 | 	/// An error was returned from a POSIX API.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Task.swift:13:15: note: consider making struct 'Task' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 11 |
 12 | /// Describes how to execute a shell command.
 13 | public struct Task {
    |               `- note: consider making struct 'Task' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 14 | 	/// The path to the executable that should be launched.
 15 | 	public var launchPath: String
[29/29] Compiling ReactiveTask Task.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Sources/Flatten.swift:34:20: warning: static property 'merge' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'FlattenStrategy' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
   8 |
   9 | /// Describes how a stream of inner streams should be flattened into a stream of values.
  10 | public struct FlattenStrategy {
     |               `- note: consider making struct 'FlattenStrategy' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  11 | 	fileprivate enum Kind {
  12 | 		case concurrent(limit: UInt)
  32 | 	/// Any failure from the inner streams is propagated immediately to the flattened
  33 | 	/// stream of values.
  34 | 	public static let merge = FlattenStrategy(kind: .concurrent(limit: .max))
     |                    |- warning: static property 'merge' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'FlattenStrategy' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
     |                    |- note: annotate 'merge' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
     |                    `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
  35 |
  36 | 	/// The stream of streams is concatenated, so that only values from one inner stream
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Sources/Flatten.swift:50:20: warning: static property 'concat' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'FlattenStrategy' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
   8 |
   9 | /// Describes how a stream of inner streams should be flattened into a stream of values.
  10 | public struct FlattenStrategy {
     |               `- note: consider making struct 'FlattenStrategy' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  11 | 	fileprivate enum Kind {
  12 | 		case concurrent(limit: UInt)
  48 | 	/// Any failure from the inner streams is propagated immediately to the flattened
  49 | 	/// stream of values.
  50 | 	public static let concat = FlattenStrategy(kind: .concurrent(limit: 1))
     |                    |- warning: static property 'concat' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'FlattenStrategy' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
     |                    |- note: annotate 'concat' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
     |                    `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
  51 |
  52 | 	/// The stream of streams is merged with the given concurrency cap, so that any value
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Task.swift:501:9: warning: capture of 'lifetime' with non-sendable type 'Lifetime' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
499 | 								// Wait for stderr to finish, then pass
500 | 								// through stdout.
501 | 								lifetime += stderrAggregated
    |         `- warning: capture of 'lifetime' with non-sendable type 'Lifetime' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
502 | 									.then(stdoutAggregated)
503 | 									.map(TaskEvent.success)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Sources/Lifetime.swift:5:20: note: class 'Lifetime' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  3 | /// Represents the lifetime of an object, and provides a hook to observe when
  4 | /// the object deinitializes.
  5 | public final class Lifetime {
    |                    `- note: class 'Lifetime' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  6 | 	private let disposables: CompositeDisposable
  7 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Task.swift:10:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'ReactiveSwift'
  8 |
  9 | import Foundation
 10 | import ReactiveSwift
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'ReactiveSwift'
 11 |
 12 | /// Describes how to execute a shell command.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Task.swift:501:21: warning: capture of 'stderrAggregated' with non-sendable type 'Pipe.ReadProducer' (aka 'SignalProducer<Data, TaskError>') in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
499 | 								// Wait for stderr to finish, then pass
500 | 								// through stdout.
501 | 								lifetime += stderrAggregated
    |                     `- warning: capture of 'stderrAggregated' with non-sendable type 'Pipe.ReadProducer' (aka 'SignalProducer<Data, TaskError>') in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
502 | 									.then(stdoutAggregated)
503 | 									.map(TaskEvent.success)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Sources/SignalProducer.swift:18:15: note: generic struct 'SignalProducer' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  16 | /// different order between Signals, or the stream might be completely
  17 | /// different!
  18 | public struct SignalProducer<Value, Error: Swift.Error> {
     |               `- note: generic struct 'SignalProducer' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  19 | 	public typealias ProducedSignal = Signal<Value, Error>
  20 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Task.swift:502:16: warning: capture of 'stdoutAggregated' with non-sendable type 'Pipe.ReadProducer' (aka 'SignalProducer<Data, TaskError>') in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
500 | 								// through stdout.
501 | 								lifetime += stderrAggregated
502 | 									.then(stdoutAggregated)
    |                `- warning: capture of 'stdoutAggregated' with non-sendable type 'Pipe.ReadProducer' (aka 'SignalProducer<Data, TaskError>') in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
503 | 									.map(TaskEvent.success)
504 | 									.start(observer)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Sources/SignalProducer.swift:18:15: note: generic struct 'SignalProducer' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  16 | /// different order between Signals, or the stream might be completely
  17 | /// different!
  18 | public struct SignalProducer<Value, Error: Swift.Error> {
     |               `- note: generic struct 'SignalProducer' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
  19 | 	public typealias ProducedSignal = Signal<Value, Error>
  20 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Task.swift:504:17: warning: capture of 'observer' with non-sendable type 'Signal<TaskEvent<Data>, TaskError>.Observer' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
502 | 									.then(stdoutAggregated)
503 | 									.map(TaskEvent.success)
504 | 									.start(observer)
    |                 `- warning: capture of 'observer' with non-sendable type 'Signal<TaskEvent<Data>, TaskError>.Observer' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
505 | 							} else {
506 | 								// Wait for stdout to finish, then pass
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/ReactiveSwift/Sources/Observer.swift:12:21: note: class 'Observer' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 10 | 	/// An Observer is a simple wrapper around a function which can receive Events
 11 | 	/// (typically from a Signal).
 12 | 	public final class Observer {
    |                     `- note: class 'Observer' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 13 | 		public typealias Action = (Event) -> Void
 14 | 		private let _send: Action
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Task.swift:512:57: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'Task' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 11 |
 12 | /// Describes how to execute a shell command.
 13 | public struct Task {
    |               `- note: consider making struct 'Task' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 14 | 	/// The path to the executable that should be launched.
 15 | 	public var launchPath: String
510 | 									.flatMap(.concat) { data -> SignalProducer<TaskEvent<Data>, TaskError> in
511 | 										let errorString = (data.isEmpty ? nil : String(data: data, encoding: .utf8))
512 | 										return SignalProducer(error: .shellTaskFailed(self, exitCode: terminationStatus, standardError: errorString))
    |                                                         `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'Task' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
513 | 									}
514 | 									.start(observer)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Task.swift:512:57: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'Task' in an isolated closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 11 |
 12 | /// Describes how to execute a shell command.
 13 | public struct Task {
    |               `- note: consider making struct 'Task' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 14 | 	/// The path to the executable that should be launched.
 15 | 	public var launchPath: String
510 | 									.flatMap(.concat) { data -> SignalProducer<TaskEvent<Data>, TaskError> in
511 | 										let errorString = (data.isEmpty ? nil : String(data: data, encoding: .utf8))
512 | 										return SignalProducer(error: .shellTaskFailed(self, exitCode: terminationStatus, standardError: errorString))
    |                                                         `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'Task' in an isolated closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
513 | 									}
514 | 									.start(observer)
Build complete! (38.51s)
[1/52438] Fetching reactiveswift
[2/66987] Fetching reactiveswift, quick
[59647/85627] Fetching reactiveswift, quick, nimble
Fetched from cache (2.68s)
Fetched from cache (2.68s)
Fetched from cache (2.68s)
Computing version for
Computed at 8.0.1 (2.62s)
Computing version for
Computed at 2.0.0 (0.66s)
Computing version for
Computed at 6.0.0 (0.66s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 6.0.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 8.0.1
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 2.0.0
Build complete.
  "dependencies" : [
      "identity" : "reactiveswift",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "6.0.0",
            "upper_bound" : "7.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
      "identity" : "quick",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "2.0.0",
            "upper_bound" : "3.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
      "identity" : "nimble",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "8.0.1",
            "upper_bound" : "9.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
  "manifest_display_name" : "ReactiveTask",
  "name" : "ReactiveTask",
  "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace",
  "platforms" : [
  "products" : [
      "name" : "ReactiveTask",
      "targets" : [
      "type" : {
        "library" : [
  "swift_languages_versions" : [
  "targets" : [
      "c99name" : "ReactiveTaskTests",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "ReactiveTaskTests",
      "path" : "Tests/ReactiveTaskTests",
      "product_dependencies" : [
      "sources" : [
      "target_dependencies" : [
      "type" : "test"
      "c99name" : "ReactiveTask",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "ReactiveTask",
      "path" : "Sources",
      "product_dependencies" : [
      "product_memberships" : [
      "sources" : [
      "type" : "library"
  "tools_version" : "5.0"
This is a staging environment. For live and up-to-date package information, visit