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Build Information

Failed to build RxNetService with Swift 5.9 for iOS using Xcode 15.2.

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/" xcrun xcodebuild -IDEClonedSourcePackagesDirPathOverride="$PWD/.dependencies" -derivedDataPath "$PWD/.derivedData" build -scheme RxNetService -destination "generic/platform=ios"

Build Log

Builder version: 4.23.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: master
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      master     -> origin/master
HEAD is now at 1c9298e Extend NetService to return first ip4 and ip6 address.
Cloned into spi-builder-workspace
SUCCESS checkout at master
Selected platform:         iOS
Swift version:             5.9
Building package at path:  spi-builder-workspace
Command line invocation:
    /Applications/ -IDEClonedSourcePackagesDirPathOverride=/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies -resolvePackageDependencies

User defaults from command line:
    IDEClonedSourcePackagesDirPathOverride = /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies
    IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES
Resolve Package Graph

Fetching from (cached)

Creating working copy of package ‘RxSwift’

Checking out 5.0.1 of package ‘RxSwift’

Resolved source packages:
  RxSwift: @ 5.0.1
resolved source packages: RxSwift
  "project" : {
    "configurations" : [
    "name" : "RxNetService",
    "schemes" : [
    "targets" : [
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/" xcrun xcodebuild -IDEClonedSourcePackagesDirPathOverride="$PWD/.dependencies" -derivedDataPath "$PWD/.derivedData" build -scheme RxNetService -destination "generic/platform=ios"
Command line invocation:
/Applications/ -IDEClonedSourcePackagesDirPathOverride=/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies -derivedDataPath /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData build -scheme RxNetService -destination generic/platform=ios

User defaults from command line:
    IDEClonedSourcePackagesDirPathOverride = /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies
    IDEDerivedDataPathOverride = /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData
    IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES
Resolve Package Graph

Resolved source packages:
  RxSwift: @ 5.0.1
Prepare packages

note: Building targets in dependency order
note: Target dependency graph (7 targets)
    Target 'RxNetService' in project 'RxNetService'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxCocoa' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxCocoa' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxCocoa' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxRelay' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxCocoaRuntime' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxCocoa' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxRelay' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxCocoaRuntime' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxCocoaRuntime' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxRelay' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift' (no dependencies)


Build description signature: d4c86dfe45a063e33a104f60d85f58cc
Build description path: /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/XCBuildData/d4c86dfe45a063e33a104f60d85f58cc.xcbuilddata

/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/RxNetService.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 10.3, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 12.0 to 17.0.99. (in target 'RxNetService' from project 'RxNetService')
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/RxNetService.xcodeproj: error: No signing certificate "iOS Development" found: No "iOS Development" signing certificate matching team ID "N7DKJ3YJS4" with a private key was found. (in target 'RxNetService' from project 'RxNetService')
ShellOut encountered an error
Status code: 65
Message: "** BUILD FAILED **
Output: "Command line invocation:
    /Applications/ -IDEClonedSourcePackagesDirPathOverride=/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies -derivedDataPath /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData build -scheme RxNetService -destination generic/platform=ios

User defaults from command line:
    IDEClonedSourcePackagesDirPathOverride = /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies
    IDEDerivedDataPathOverride = /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData
    IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES

Resolve Package Graph

Resolved source packages:
  RxSwift: @ 5.0.1

Prepare packages

note: Building targets in dependency order
note: Target dependency graph (7 targets)
    Target 'RxNetService' in project 'RxNetService'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxCocoa' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxCocoa' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxCocoa' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxRelay' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxCocoaRuntime' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxCocoa' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxRelay' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxCocoaRuntime' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxCocoaRuntime' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxRelay' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift' (no dependencies)


Build description signature: d4c86dfe45a063e33a104f60d85f58cc
Build description path: /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/XCBuildData/d4c86dfe45a063e33a104f60d85f58cc.xcbuilddata

/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/RxNetService.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 10.3, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 12.0 to 17.0.99. (in target 'RxNetService' from project 'RxNetService')
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/RxNetService.xcodeproj: error: No signing certificate "iOS Development" found: No "iOS Development" signing certificate matching team ID "N7DKJ3YJS4" with a private key was found. (in target 'RxNetService' from project 'RxNetService')"
Retrying in 0.0 seconds ...
Building ... (attempt 2)
Command line invocation:
    /Applications/ -IDEClonedSourcePackagesDirPathOverride=/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies -derivedDataPath /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData build -scheme RxNetService -destination generic/platform=ios

User defaults from command line:
    IDEClonedSourcePackagesDirPathOverride = /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies
    IDEDerivedDataPathOverride = /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData
    IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES
Resolve Package Graph

Resolved source packages:
  RxSwift: @ 5.0.1

Prepare packages

note: Building targets in dependency order
note: Target dependency graph (7 targets)
    Target 'RxNetService' in project 'RxNetService'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxCocoa' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxCocoa' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxCocoa' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxRelay' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxCocoaRuntime' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxCocoa' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxRelay' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxCocoaRuntime' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxCocoaRuntime' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxRelay' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift' (no dependencies)


Build description signature: d4c86dfe45a063e33a104f60d85f58cc
Build description path: /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/XCBuildData/d4c86dfe45a063e33a104f60d85f58cc.xcbuilddata

/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/RxNetService.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 10.3, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 12.0 to 17.0.99. (in target 'RxNetService' from project 'RxNetService')
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/RxNetService.xcodeproj: error: No signing certificate "iOS Development" found: No "iOS Development" signing certificate matching team ID "N7DKJ3YJS4" with a private key was found. (in target 'RxNetService' from project 'RxNetService')
ShellOut encountered an error
Status code: 65
Message: "** BUILD FAILED **
Output: "Command line invocation:
    /Applications/ -IDEClonedSourcePackagesDirPathOverride=/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies -derivedDataPath /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData build -scheme RxNetService -destination generic/platform=ios

User defaults from command line:
    IDEClonedSourcePackagesDirPathOverride = /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies
    IDEDerivedDataPathOverride = /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData
    IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES

Resolve Package Graph

Resolved source packages:
  RxSwift: @ 5.0.1

Prepare packages

note: Building targets in dependency order
note: Target dependency graph (7 targets)
    Target 'RxNetService' in project 'RxNetService'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxCocoa' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxCocoa' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxCocoa' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxRelay' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxCocoaRuntime' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxCocoa' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxRelay' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxCocoaRuntime' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxCocoaRuntime' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxRelay' in project 'RxSwift'
        ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift'
    Target 'RxSwift' in project 'RxSwift' (no dependencies)


Build description signature: d4c86dfe45a063e33a104f60d85f58cc
Build description path: /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/XCBuildData/d4c86dfe45a063e33a104f60d85f58cc.xcbuilddata

/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/RxNetService.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 10.3, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 12.0 to 17.0.99. (in target 'RxNetService' from project 'RxNetService')
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/2/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/RxNetService.xcodeproj: error: No signing certificate "iOS Development" found: No "iOS Development" signing certificate matching team ID "N7DKJ3YJS4" with a private key was found. (in target 'RxNetService' from project 'RxNetService')"
This is a staging environment. For live and up-to-date package information, visit