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Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Failed to build scrypt with Swift 6.0 for Linux.

Build Command

bash -c docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4609320-0":/host -w "$workDir" swift build --triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete 2>&1

Build Log

Builder version: 4.40.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: master
Initialized empty Git repository in /host/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
hint: 	git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
hint: 	git branch -m <name>
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      master     -> origin/master
HEAD is now at e3d8797 gitignore
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at master
Selected platform:         linux
Swift version:             6.0
Building package at path:  $workDir
Running build ...
bash -c docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4609320-0":/host -w "$workDir" swift build --triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete 2>&1
[1/12654] Fetching cryptoswift
Fetched from cache (1.43s)
Computing version for
Computed at 0.13.0 (1.41s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 0.13.0
Building for debugging...
[0/3] Write sources
[2/3] Write swift-version-24593BA9C3E375BF.txt
[4/69] Emitting module CryptoSwift
[5/78] Compiling CryptoSwift OFB.swift
[6/78] Compiling CryptoSwift PCBC.swift
[7/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Blowfish.swift
[8/78] Compiling CryptoSwift CBCMAC.swift
[9/78] Compiling CryptoSwift CMAC.swift
[10/78] Compiling CryptoSwift ChaCha20.swift
[11/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Checksum.swift
[12/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Cipher.swift
[13/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Collection+Extension.swift
[14/78] Compiling CryptoSwift AEAD.swift
[15/78] Compiling CryptoSwift AEADChaCha20Poly1305.swift
[16/78] Compiling CryptoSwift AES.Cryptors.swift
[17/78] Compiling CryptoSwift AES.swift
[18/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Array+Extension.swift
[19/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Authenticator.swift
[20/78] Compiling CryptoSwift BatchedCollection.swift
[21/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Bit.swift
[22/78] Compiling CryptoSwift BlockCipher.swift
[23/78] Compiling CryptoSwift BlockDecryptor.swift
[24/78] Compiling CryptoSwift MD5.swift
[25/78] Compiling CryptoSwift NoPadding.swift
[26/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Operators.swift
[27/78] Compiling CryptoSwift PBKDF1.swift
[28/78] Compiling CryptoSwift PBKDF2.swift
[29/78] Compiling CryptoSwift PKCS5.swift
[30/78] Compiling CryptoSwift PKCS7.swift
[31/78] Compiling CryptoSwift PKCS7Padding.swift
[32/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Padding.swift
[33/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Poly1305.swift
[34/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Rabbit.swift
[35/78] Compiling CryptoSwift RandomBytesSequence.swift
[36/78] Compiling CryptoSwift SHA1.swift
[37/78] Compiling CryptoSwift SHA2.swift
[38/78] Compiling CryptoSwift SHA3.swift
[39/78] Compiling CryptoSwift SecureBytes.swift
[40/78] Compiling CryptoSwift StreamDecryptor.swift
[41/78] Compiling CryptoSwift StreamEncryptor.swift
[42/78] Compiling CryptoSwift BlockEncryptor.swift
[43/78] Compiling CryptoSwift BlockMode.swift
[44/78] Compiling CryptoSwift BlockModeOptions.swift
[45/78] Compiling CryptoSwift CBC.swift
[46/78] Compiling CryptoSwift CCM.swift
[47/78] Compiling CryptoSwift CFB.swift
[48/78] Compiling CryptoSwift CTR.swift
[49/78] Compiling CryptoSwift CipherModeWorker.swift
[50/78] Compiling CryptoSwift ECB.swift
[51/78] Compiling CryptoSwift GCM.swift
[52/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Data+Extension.swift
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_AF_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt8> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_Si_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.Int> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_Su_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt16V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt16> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt32V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt32> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt64V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt64> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: please submit a bug report (, and add '-Xfrontend -validate-tbd-against-ir=none' to squash the errors
[53/78] Compiling CryptoSwift HMAC+Foundation.swift
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_AF_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt8> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_Si_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.Int> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_Su_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt16V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt16> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt32V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt32> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt64V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt64> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: please submit a bug report (, and add '-Xfrontend -validate-tbd-against-ir=none' to squash the errors
[54/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Rabbit+Foundation.swift
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_AF_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt8> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_Si_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.Int> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_Su_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt16V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt16> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt32V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt32> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt64V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt64> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: please submit a bug report (, and add '-Xfrontend -validate-tbd-against-ir=none' to squash the errors
[55/78] Compiling CryptoSwift String+FoundationExtension.swift
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_AF_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt8> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_Si_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.Int> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_Su_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt16V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt16> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt32V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt32> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt64V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt64> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: please submit a bug report (, and add '-Xfrontend -validate-tbd-against-ir=none' to squash the errors
[56/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Utils+Foundation.swift
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_AF_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt8> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_Si_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.Int> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_Su_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt16V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt16> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt32V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt32> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt64V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt64> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: please submit a bug report (, and add '-Xfrontend -validate-tbd-against-ir=none' to squash the errors
[57/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Generics.swift
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_AF_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt8> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_Si_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.Int> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_Su_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt16V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt16> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt32V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt32> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt64V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt64> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: please submit a bug report (, and add '-Xfrontend -validate-tbd-against-ir=none' to squash the errors
[58/78] Compiling CryptoSwift HKDF.swift
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_AF_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt8> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_Si_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.Int> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_Su_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt16V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt16> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt32V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt32> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt64V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt64> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: please submit a bug report (, and add '-Xfrontend -validate-tbd-against-ir=none' to squash the errors
[59/78] Compiling CryptoSwift HMAC.swift
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_AF_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt8> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_Si_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.Int> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_Su_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt16V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt16> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt32V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt32> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt64V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt64> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: please submit a bug report (, and add '-Xfrontend -validate-tbd-against-ir=none' to squash the errors
[60/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Int+Extension.swift
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_AF_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt8> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_Si_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.Int> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_Su_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt16V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt16> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt32V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt32> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: symbol '$s11CryptoSwift12arrayOfBytes5value6lengthSays5UInt8VGx_Sits17FixedWidthIntegerRzlFfA0_s6UInt64V_Ts5' (generic pre-specialization <Swift.UInt64> of default argument 1 of CryptoSwift.arrayOfBytes<A where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>(value: A, length: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<Swift.UInt8>) is in generated IR file, but not in TBD file
<unknown>:0: error: please submit a bug report (, and add '-Xfrontend -validate-tbd-against-ir=none' to squash the errors
[61/78] Compiling CryptoSwift String+Extension.swift
[62/78] Compiling CryptoSwift UInt128.swift
[63/78] Compiling CryptoSwift UInt16+Extension.swift
[64/78] Compiling CryptoSwift UInt32+Extension.swift
[65/78] Compiling CryptoSwift UInt64+Extension.swift
[66/78] Compiling CryptoSwift UInt8+Extension.swift
[67/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Updatable.swift
[68/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Utils.swift
[69/78] Compiling CryptoSwift ZeroPadding.swift
[70/78] Compiling CryptoSwift CompactMap.swift
[71/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Cryptor.swift
[72/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Cryptors.swift
[73/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Digest.swift
[74/78] Compiling CryptoSwift DigestType.swift
[75/78] Compiling CryptoSwift AES+Foundation.swift
[76/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Array+Foundation.swift
[77/78] Compiling CryptoSwift Blowfish+Foundation.swift
[78/78] Compiling CryptoSwift ChaCha20+Foundation.swift
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