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Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Successful build of Baggins with Swift 6.0 for Linux.

Swift 6 data race errors: 2

Build Command

bash -c docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4609320-0":/host -w "$workDir" swift build --triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete 2>&1

Build Log

Builder version: 4.40.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: main
Initialized empty Git repository in /host/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
hint: 	git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
hint: 	git branch -m <name>
 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      main       -> origin/main
HEAD is now at d66135f SimpleError
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at main
Selected platform:         linux
Swift version:             6.0
Building package at path:  $workDir
Running build ...
bash -c docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4609320-0":/host -w "$workDir" swift build --triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete 2>&1
[1/48] Fetching flow
[49/85] Fetching flow, unwraporthrow
Fetched from cache (0.24s)
Fetched from cache (0.24s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.0.0 (0.50s)
Computing version for
Computed at 1.0.0 (0.51s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.0.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 1.0.0
Building for debugging...
[0/4] Write sources
[3/4] Write swift-version-24593BA9C3E375BF.txt
[5/11] Compiling Flow Flowable.swift
[6/11] Compiling Flow Functions.swift
[7/11] Emitting module UnwrapOrThrow
[8/11] Compiling UnwrapOrThrow UnwrapOrThrow.swift
[10/12] Compiling Flow Extensions.swift
[11/12] Emitting module Flow
[12/12] Compiling Flow Conformances.swift
[14/21] Compiling Baggins Collection.swift
[15/22] Compiling Baggins Bool.swift
[16/22] Emitting module Baggins
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Baggins/Concurrency.swift:87:17: warning: capture of 'onResult' with non-sendable type '(Result<Success, any Error>) -> ()' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 85 |             do {
 86 |                 let value = try await operation()
 87 |                 onResult(.success(value))
    |                 |- warning: capture of 'onResult' with non-sendable type '(Result<Success, any Error>) -> ()' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                 `- note: a function type must be marked '@Sendable' to conform to 'Sendable'
 88 |             } catch {
 89 |                 onResult(.failure(error))
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Baggins/Concurrency.swift:118:13: warning: capture of 'onResult' with non-sendable type '(Success) -> ()' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
116 |         Task<Void, Never>(priority: priority) {
117 |             let value = await operation()
118 |             onResult(value)
    |             |- warning: capture of 'onResult' with non-sendable type '(Success) -> ()' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |             `- note: a function type must be marked '@Sendable' to conform to 'Sendable'
119 |             semaphore.signal()
120 |         }
[17/22] Compiling Baggins UnwrapOrThrow.swift
[18/22] Compiling Baggins Flow.swift
[19/22] Compiling Baggins Sequence.swift
[20/22] Compiling Baggins Concurrency.swift
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Baggins/Concurrency.swift:29:22: warning: type 'R' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 19 | // MARK: - Race
 20 |
 21 | public func firstOf<R>(
    |                     `- note: consider making generic parameter 'R' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 22 |     _ f1: @escaping () async throws -> R,
 23 |     or f2: @escaping () async throws -> R
 27 |     // `addTaskUnlessCancelled`...
 28 |     try Task.checkCancellation()
 29 |     return try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: R.self) { group in
    |                      `- warning: type 'R' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 |         try Task.checkCancellation()
 31 |         guard group.addTaskUnlessCancelled(operation: { try await f1() }) else {
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Baggins/Concurrency.swift:31:21: warning: type 'R' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 19 | // MARK: - Race
 20 |
 21 | public func firstOf<R>(
    |                     `- note: consider making generic parameter 'R' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 22 |     _ f1: @escaping () async throws -> R,
 23 |     or f2: @escaping () async throws -> R
 29 |     return try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: R.self) { group in
 30 |         try Task.checkCancellation()
 31 |         guard group.addTaskUnlessCancelled(operation: { try await f1() }) else {
    |                     `- warning: type 'R' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 32 |             throw CancellationError()
 33 |         }
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Baggins/Concurrency.swift:34:21: warning: type 'R' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 19 | // MARK: - Race
 20 |
 21 | public func firstOf<R>(
    |                     `- note: consider making generic parameter 'R' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 22 |     _ f1: @escaping () async throws -> R,
 23 |     or f2: @escaping () async throws -> R
 32 |             throw CancellationError()
 33 |         }
 34 |         guard group.addTaskUnlessCancelled(operation: { try await f2() }) else {
    |                     `- warning: type 'R' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 35 |             group.cancelAll()
 36 |             throw CancellationError()
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Baggins/Concurrency.swift:35:19: warning: type 'R' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 19 | // MARK: - Race
 20 |
 21 | public func firstOf<R>(
    |                     `- note: consider making generic parameter 'R' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 22 |     _ f1: @escaping () async throws -> R,
 23 |     or f2: @escaping () async throws -> R
 33 |         }
 34 |         guard group.addTaskUnlessCancelled(operation: { try await f2() }) else {
 35 |             group.cancelAll()
    |                   `- warning: type 'R' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 36 |             throw CancellationError()
 37 |         }
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Baggins/Concurrency.swift:38:43: warning: type 'R' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 19 | // MARK: - Race
 20 |
 21 | public func firstOf<R>(
    |                     `- note: consider making generic parameter 'R' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 22 |     _ f1: @escaping () async throws -> R,
 23 |     or f2: @escaping () async throws -> R
 36 |             throw CancellationError()
 37 |         }
 38 |         guard let first = try await else {
    |                                           `- warning: type 'R' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 39 |             fatalError()
 40 |         }
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Baggins/Concurrency.swift:41:15: warning: type 'R' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 19 | // MARK: - Race
 20 |
 21 | public func firstOf<R>(
    |                     `- note: consider making generic parameter 'R' conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 22 |     _ f1: @escaping () async throws -> R,
 23 |     or f2: @escaping () async throws -> R
 39 |             fatalError()
 40 |         }
 41 |         group.cancelAll()
    |               `- warning: type 'R' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 42 |         return first
 43 |     }
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Baggins/Concurrency.swift:31:67: warning: capture of 'f1' with non-sendable type '() async throws -> R' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 29 |     return try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: R.self) { group in
 30 |         try Task.checkCancellation()
 31 |         guard group.addTaskUnlessCancelled(operation: { try await f1() }) else {
    |                                                                   |- warning: capture of 'f1' with non-sendable type '() async throws -> R' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                                                                   `- note: a function type must be marked '@Sendable' to conform to 'Sendable'
 32 |             throw CancellationError()
 33 |         }
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Baggins/Concurrency.swift:34:67: warning: capture of 'f2' with non-sendable type '() async throws -> R' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 32 |             throw CancellationError()
 33 |         }
 34 |         guard group.addTaskUnlessCancelled(operation: { try await f2() }) else {
    |                                                                   |- warning: capture of 'f2' with non-sendable type '() async throws -> R' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                                                                   `- note: a function type must be marked '@Sendable' to conform to 'Sendable'
 35 |             group.cancelAll()
 36 |             throw CancellationError()
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Baggins/Concurrency.swift:87:17: warning: capture of 'onResult' with non-sendable type '(Result<Success, any Error>) -> ()' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 85 |             do {
 86 |                 let value = try await operation()
 87 |                 onResult(.success(value))
    |                 |- warning: capture of 'onResult' with non-sendable type '(Result<Success, any Error>) -> ()' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                 `- note: a function type must be marked '@Sendable' to conform to 'Sendable'
 88 |             } catch {
 89 |                 onResult(.failure(error))
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Baggins/Concurrency.swift:118:13: warning: capture of 'onResult' with non-sendable type '(Success) -> ()' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
116 |         Task<Void, Never>(priority: priority) {
117 |             let value = await operation()
118 |             onResult(value)
    |             |- warning: capture of 'onResult' with non-sendable type '(Success) -> ()' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |             `- note: a function type must be marked '@Sendable' to conform to 'Sendable'
119 |             semaphore.signal()
120 |         }
[21/22] Compiling Baggins String.swift
[22/22] Compiling Baggins _Brewing.swift
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Baggins/_Brewing.swift:11:28: warning: task or actor isolated value cannot be sent; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
  9 |     combined: (Left, Right) async throws -> Return
 10 | ) async throws -> Return {
 11 |     async let leftResult = left()
    |                            `- warning: task or actor isolated value cannot be sent; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 12 |     async let rightResult = right()
 13 |     return try await combined(leftResult, rightResult)
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Baggins/_Brewing.swift:12:29: warning: task or actor isolated value cannot be sent; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 10 | ) async throws -> Return {
 11 |     async let leftResult = left()
 12 |     async let rightResult = right()
    |                             `- warning: task or actor isolated value cannot be sent; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 13 |     return try await combined(leftResult, rightResult)
 14 | }
Build complete! (15.11s)
Build complete.
  "dependencies" : [
      "identity" : "flow",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "1.0.0",
            "upper_bound" : "2.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
      "identity" : "unwraporthrow",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "1.0.0",
            "upper_bound" : "2.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
  "manifest_display_name" : "Baggins",
  "name" : "Baggins",
  "path" : "/host/spi-builder-workspace",
  "platforms" : [
      "name" : "ios",
      "version" : "14.0"
      "name" : "macos",
      "version" : "10.15"
  "products" : [
      "name" : "Baggins",
      "targets" : [
      "type" : {
        "library" : [
  "targets" : [
      "c99name" : "BagginsTests",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "BagginsTests",
      "path" : "Tests/BagginsTests",
      "sources" : [
      "target_dependencies" : [
      "type" : "test"
      "c99name" : "Baggins",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "Baggins",
      "path" : "Sources/Baggins",
      "product_dependencies" : [
      "product_memberships" : [
      "sources" : [
      "type" : "library"
  "tools_version" : "5.5"
This is a staging environment. For live and up-to-date package information, visit