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Build Information

Failed to build Deli with Swift 6.0 (beta) for watchOS using Xcode 16.0.

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun --toolchain org.swift.600202405261a xcodebuild -IDEClonedSourcePackagesDirPathOverride=$workDir/.dependencies -skipMacroValidation -skipPackagePluginValidation -derivedDataPath $workDir/.derivedData build -scheme Deli-Package -destination generic/platform=watchos OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS=-stats-output-dir .stats -strict-concurrency=complete

Build Log

SwiftDriverJobDiscovery normal arm64 Compiling Resolver.swift, Scope.swift, TypeKey.swift (in target 'Deli' from project 'Deli' at path '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Deli.xcodeproj')
SwiftDriverJobDiscovery normal arm64_32 Compiling Autowired.swift, AutowiredFactory.swift, Component.swift (in target 'Deli' from project 'Deli' at path '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Deli.xcodeproj')
SwiftDriver\ Compilation Deli normal arm64_32 (in target 'Deli' from project 'Deli' at path '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Deli.xcodeproj')
    cd /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace
    builtin-Swift-Compilation -- /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc -module-name Deli -Onone -enforce-exclusivity\=checked @/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -DSWIFT_PACKAGE -DDEBUG -stats-output-dir .stats -strict-concurrency\=complete -sdk /Applications/ -target arm64_32-apple-watchos2.0 -enable-bare-slash-regex -g -module-cache-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex -Xfrontend -serialize-debugging-options -enable-testing -index-store-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Index.noindex/DataStore -swift-version 5 -I /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F /Applications/ -c -j10 -enable-batch-mode -incremental -output-file-map /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -use-frontend-parseable-output -save-temps -no-color-diagnostics -serialize-diagnostics -emit-dependencies -emit-module -emit-module-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -validate-clang-modules-once -clang-build-session-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/Session.modulevalidation -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-const-values -Xfrontend -const-gather-protocols-file -Xfrontend /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos/include -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -DSWIFT_PACKAGE\=1 -Xcc -DDEBUG\=1 -emit-objc-header -emit-objc-header-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -working-directory /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace -experimental-emit-module-separately -disable-cmo
Ld /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ normal arm64_32 (in target 'Deli' from project 'Deli' at path '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Deli.xcodeproj')
    cd /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace
    /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang -Xlinker -reproducible -target arm64_32-apple-watchos2.0 -dynamiclib -isysroot /Applications/ -O0 -L/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/EagerLinkingTBDs/Debug-watchos -L/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/EagerLinkingTBDs/Debug-watchos -F/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F/Applications/ -filelist /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -install_name @rpath/Deli.framework/Deli -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker /usr/lib/swift -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/macosx -dead_strip -Xlinker -object_path_lto -Xlinker /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xlinker -export_dynamic -Xlinker -no_deduplicate -fobjc-link-runtime -L/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos -L/usr/lib/swift -Xlinker -add_ast_path -Xlinker /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xlinker -dependency_info -Xlinker /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -o /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/
SwiftDriverJobDiscovery normal arm64 Compiling Dependency.swift, DependencyArray.swift, Factory.swift (in target 'Deli' from project 'Deli' at path '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Deli.xcodeproj')
SwiftDriverJobDiscovery normal arm64 Compiling ContainerComponent.swift, DefaultContainerComponent.swift, FactoryContainerComponent.swift (in target 'Deli' from project 'Deli' at path '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Deli.xcodeproj')
SwiftDriverJobDiscovery normal arm64 Compiling LazyAutowiredFactory.swift, ModuleFactory.swift (in target 'Deli' from project 'Deli' at path '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Deli.xcodeproj')
SwiftDriverJobDiscovery normal arm64 Compiling Container.swift, ContainerError.swift, FactoryResolver.swift (in target 'Deli' from project 'Deli' at path '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Deli.xcodeproj')
SwiftDriverJobDiscovery normal arm64 Compiling ConfigProperty.swift, Configuration.swift, AppContext.swift (in target 'Deli' from project 'Deli' at path '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Deli.xcodeproj')
SwiftDriver\ Compilation Deli normal arm64 (in target 'Deli' from project 'Deli' at path '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Deli.xcodeproj')
    cd /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace
    builtin-Swift-Compilation -- /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc -module-name Deli -Onone -enforce-exclusivity\=checked @/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -DSWIFT_PACKAGE -DDEBUG -stats-output-dir .stats -strict-concurrency\=complete -sdk /Applications/ -target arm64-apple-watchos2.0 -enable-bare-slash-regex -g -module-cache-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex -Xfrontend -serialize-debugging-options -enable-testing -index-store-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Index.noindex/DataStore -swift-version 5 -I /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F /Applications/ -c -j10 -enable-batch-mode -incremental -output-file-map /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -use-frontend-parseable-output -save-temps -no-color-diagnostics -serialize-diagnostics -emit-dependencies -emit-module -emit-module-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -validate-clang-modules-once -clang-build-session-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/Session.modulevalidation -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-const-values -Xfrontend -const-gather-protocols-file -Xfrontend /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos/include -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -DSWIFT_PACKAGE\=1 -Xcc -DDEBUG\=1 -emit-objc-header -emit-objc-header-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -working-directory /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace -experimental-emit-module-separately -disable-cmo
Ld /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ normal arm64 (in target 'Deli' from project 'Deli' at path '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Deli.xcodeproj')
    cd /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace
    /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang -Xlinker -reproducible -target arm64-apple-watchos2.0 -dynamiclib -isysroot /Applications/ -O0 -L/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/EagerLinkingTBDs/Debug-watchos -L/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/EagerLinkingTBDs/Debug-watchos -F/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F/Applications/ -filelist /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -install_name @rpath/Deli.framework/Deli -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker /usr/lib/swift -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/macosx -dead_strip -Xlinker -object_path_lto -Xlinker /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xlinker -export_dynamic -Xlinker -no_deduplicate -fobjc-link-runtime -L/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos -L/usr/lib/swift -Xlinker -add_ast_path -Xlinker /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xlinker -dependency_info -Xlinker /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -o /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos/libswiftCompatibilityConcurrency.a': fat file missing arch 'arm64', file has 'armv7k,arm64_32'
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos/libswiftCompatibilityPacks.a': fat file missing arch 'arm64', file has 'armv7k,arm64_32'
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos/libswiftCompatibility56.a': fat file missing arch 'arm64', file has 'armv7k,arm64_32'
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos/libswiftObservation.dylib': fat file missing arch 'arm64', file has 'armv7k,arm64_32'
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos/libswiftDarwin.dylib': fat file missing arch 'arm64', file has 'armv7k,arm64_32'
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos/libswift_Concurrency.dylib': fat file missing arch 'arm64', file has 'armv7k,arm64_32'
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos/libswiftSwiftOnoneSupport.dylib': fat file missing arch 'arm64', file has 'armv7k,arm64_32'
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos/libswiftCore.dylib': fat file missing arch 'arm64', file has 'armv7k,arm64_32'
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos/libswift_StringProcessing.dylib': fat file missing arch 'arm64', file has 'armv7k,arm64_32'
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "value witness table for Builtin.BridgeObject", referenced from:
      l_got.$sBbWV in DependencyArray.o
  "value witness table for Builtin.NativeObject", referenced from:
      type metadata completion function for Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150) in AppContext.o
      full type metadata for Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      full type metadata for Deli.DefaultContainerComponent in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      full type metadata for Deli.FactoryContainerComponent in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      full type metadata for Deli.Container in Container.o
      full type metadata for Deli.ModuleFactory in ModuleFactory.o
  "Swift.Dictionary.init() -> [A : B]", referenced from:
      variable initialization expression of Deli.Container.(chainMap in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1) : [Deli.TypeKey : Swift.Set<Deli.TypeKey>] in Container.o
      variable initialization expression of Deli.Container.(map in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1) : [Deli.TypeKey : Deli._ContainerComponent] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.init() -> Deli.Container in Container.o
      Deli.Container.init() -> Deli.Container in Container.o
      variable initialization expression of Deli.ModuleFactory.(lazyDict in _361E487DE922E7785AAC2B2D32031DDF) : [Deli.TypeKey : Dispatch.DispatchWorkItem] in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.init() -> Deli.ModuleFactory in ModuleFactory.o
  "Swift.Dictionary.removeValue(forKey: A) -> B?", referenced from:
      closure #1 () -> () in closure #1 () -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      closure #1 () -> () in closure #1 (Deli._Payload) -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
  "Swift.Dictionary.makeIterator() -> [A : B].Iterator", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.reset() -> () in Container.o
  "Swift.Dictionary.init(dictionaryLiteral: (A, B)...) -> [A : B]", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.unloadProperty() -> () in Container.o
      Deli.Container.unload() -> () in Container.o
      Deli.Container.unload() -> () in Container.o
      variable initialization expression of Deli.Container.(loadedProperty in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1) : [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.init() -> Deli.Container in Container.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.reset() -> () in ModuleFactory.o
  "Swift.Dictionary.Values.makeIterator() -> [A : B].Values.Iterator", referenced from:
      Deli.ModuleFactory.reset() -> () in ModuleFactory.o
  " -> B?", referenced from:
      Deli.ModuleFactory.reset() -> () in ModuleFactory.o
  "nominal type descriptor for Swift.Dictionary.Values.Iterator", referenced from:
      _symbolic _____y____________G SD6ValuesV8IteratorV 4Deli7TypeKeyV 8Dispatch0F8WorkItemC in ModuleFactory.o
  "nominal type descriptor for Swift.Dictionary.Values", referenced from:
      _symbolic _____y___________p_G SD6ValuesV 4Deli7TypeKeyV AC19_ContainerComponentP in Container.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for [A : B].Values : Swift.Sequence in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.TypeKey : Deli._ContainerComponent].Values and conformance [A : B].Values : Swift.Sequence in Swift in Container.o
  "Swift.Dictionary.values.getter : [A : B].Values", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.load() -> () in Container.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.reset() -> () in ModuleFactory.o
  "Swift.Dictionary.isEmpty.getter : Swift.Bool", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
  " -> (key: A, value: B)?", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.reset() -> () in Container.o
  "nominal type descriptor for Swift.Dictionary.Iterator", referenced from:
      _symbolic _____ySSyp_G SD8IteratorV in Container.o
      _symbolic _____y___________p_G SD8IteratorV 4Deli7TypeKeyV AC19_ContainerComponentP in Container.o
  "Swift.Dictionary.subscript.getter : (A) -> B?", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.gets(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload?) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "Swift.Dictionary.subscript.setter : (A) -> B?", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.register(_: Deli.TypeKey, component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> () in Container.o Deli.TypeKey, children: Deli.TypeKey) -> () in Container.o Deli.TypeKey, children: Deli.TypeKey) -> () in Container.o
      closure #1 () -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
  "method descriptor for Swift.Hashable._rawHashValue(seed: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Int", referenced from:
      l_got.$sSH13_rawHashValue4seedS2i_tFTq in ContainerError.o
      l_got.$sSH13_rawHashValue4seedS2i_tFTq in Scope.o
      l_got.$sSH13_rawHashValue4seedS2i_tFTq in TypeKey.o
  "method descriptor for Swift.Hashable.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> ()", referenced from:
      l_got.$sSH4hash4intoys6HasherVz_tFTq in ContainerError.o
      l_got.$sSH4hash4intoys6HasherVz_tFTq in Scope.o
      l_got.$sSH4hash4intoys6HasherVz_tFTq in TypeKey.o
  "method descriptor for Swift.Hashable.hashValue.getter : Swift.Int", referenced from:
      l_got.$sSH9hashValueSivgTq in ContainerError.o
      l_got.$sSH9hashValueSivgTq in Scope.o
      l_got.$sSH9hashValueSivgTq in TypeKey.o
  "protocol descriptor for Swift.Hashable", referenced from:
      l_got.$sSHMp in ContainerError.o
      l_got.$sSHMp in Scope.o
      l_got.$sSHMp in TypeKey.o
  "base conformance descriptor for Swift.Hashable: Swift.Equatable", referenced from:
      l_got.$sSHSQTb in ContainerError.o
      l_got.$sSHSQTb in Scope.o
      l_got.$sSHSQTb in TypeKey.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Hashable._rawHashValue(seed: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Int", referenced from:
      protocol witness for Swift.Hashable._rawHashValue(seed: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Int in conformance Deli.ContainerError : Swift.Hashable in Deli in ContainerError.o
      protocol witness for Swift.Hashable._rawHashValue(seed: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Int in conformance Deli.Scope : Swift.Hashable in Deli in Scope.o
      protocol witness for Swift.Hashable._rawHashValue(seed: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Int in conformance Deli.TypeKey : Swift.Hashable in Deli in TypeKey.o
  "static Swift.Character.== infix(Swift.Character, Swift.Character) -> Swift.Bool", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "Swift.Character.init(_builtinExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral: Builtin.RawPointer, utf8CodeUnitCount: Builtin.Word, isASCII: Builtin.Int1) -> Swift.Character", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.BidirectionalCollection.reversed() -> Swift.ReversedCollection<A>", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.MutableCollection< where A: Swift.RandomAccessCollection>.sort(by: (A.Swift.Sequence.Element, A.Swift.Sequence.Element) throws -> Swift.Bool) throws -> ()", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
  "Swift.ObjectIdentifier.hashValue.getter : Swift.Int", referenced from:
      Deli.TypeKey.init(type: Any.Type, qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.TypeKey in TypeKey.o
  "Swift.ObjectIdentifier.init(Any.Type) -> Swift.ObjectIdentifier", referenced from:
      Deli.TypeKey.init(type: Any.Type, qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.TypeKey in TypeKey.o
  "method descriptor for static Swift.Equatable.== infix(A, A) -> Swift.Bool", referenced from:
      l_got.$sSQ2eeoiySbx_xtFZTq in ContainerError.o
      l_got.$sSQ2eeoiySbx_xtFZTq in Scope.o
      l_got.$sSQ2eeoiySbx_xtFZTq in TypeKey.o
  "protocol descriptor for Swift.Equatable", referenced from:
      l_got.$sSQMp in ContainerError.o
      l_got.$sSQMp in Scope.o
      l_got.$sSQMp in TypeKey.o
  "Swift.String.makeIterator() -> Swift.String.Iterator", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "Swift.String.init(stringInterpolation: Swift.DefaultStringInterpolation) -> Swift.String", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  "Swift.String.init(_builtinStringLiteral: Builtin.RawPointer, utf8CodeUnitCount: Builtin.Word, isASCII: Builtin.Int1) -> Swift.String", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
  "static Swift.String.== infix(Swift.String, Swift.String) -> Swift.Bool", referenced from:
      closure #1 (Deli.TypeKey) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      closure #1 (Deli.TypeKey) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.Container.gets(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload?) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      closure #1 (Deli.TypeKey) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.Container.get(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      closure #1 (Deli.TypeKey) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.Container.gets(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      static Deli.TypeKey.== infix(Deli.TypeKey, Deli.TypeKey) -> Swift.Bool in TypeKey.o
  "static Swift.String.+= infix(inout Swift.String, Swift.String) -> ()", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "Swift.String.isEmpty.getter : Swift.Bool", referenced from:
      closure #1 (Deli.TypeKey) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      closure #1 (Deli.TypeKey) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.Container.gets(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload?) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      closure #1 (Deli.TypeKey) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.Container.get(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      closure #1 (Deli.TypeKey) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.Container.gets(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  " -> Swift.Character?", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "Swift.String.hashValue.getter : Swift.Int", referenced from:
      Deli.TypeKey.init(type: Any.Type, qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.TypeKey in TypeKey.o
  "type metadata for Swift.String", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.String.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.String? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Double.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Double? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Float.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Float? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.String and conformance Swift.String : Swift.StringProtocol in Swift in AppContext.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "protocol witness table for Swift.String : Swift.Hashable in Swift", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.unloadProperty() -> () in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.String : Swift.StringProtocol in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.String and conformance Swift.String : Swift.StringProtocol in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol witness table for Swift.String : Swift.TextOutputStreamable in Swift", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  "protocol witness table for Swift.String : Swift.CustomStringConvertible in Swift", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  "Swift.String.init(Swift.Character) -> Swift.String", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Sequence.compactMap<A>((A.Element) throws -> A1?) throws -> [A1]", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getFactory<A>(A.Type) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: [A].Type, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      Deli.Container.gets(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload?) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.gets(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload?) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.gets(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Sequence.first(where: (A.Element) throws -> Swift.Bool) throws -> A.Element?", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.unload(Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Sequence.filter((A.Element) throws -> Swift.Bool) throws -> [A.Element]", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.load() -> () in Container.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Sequence.flatMap<A where A1: Swift.Sequence>((A.Element) throws -> A1) throws -> [A1.Element]", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: [A].Type, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Sequence.forEach((A.Element) throws -> ()) throws -> ()", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.unloadAll() -> () in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.reset() -> () in AppContext.o
      Deli.Container.load() -> () in Container.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Sequence.contains(where: (A.Element) throws -> Swift.Bool) throws -> Swift.Bool", referenced from:
      closure #1 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
  "static Swift.Array._allocateBufferUninitialized(minimumCapacity: Swift.Int) -> Swift._ArrayBuffer<A>", referenced from:
      generic specialization <serialized, (extension in Dispatch):__C.OS_dispatch_queue.Attributes> of static Swift.Array._allocateUninitialized(Swift.Int) -> ([A], Swift.UnsafeMutablePointer<A>) in ModuleFactory.o
      generic specialization <serialized, Dispatch.DispatchWorkItemFlags> of static Swift.Array._allocateUninitialized(Swift.Int) -> ([A], Swift.UnsafeMutablePointer<A>) in ModuleFactory.o
  "Swift.Array.count.getter : Swift.Int", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "Swift.Array.append(__owned A) -> ()", referenced from:
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> () in Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
  "type metadata accessor for Swift.Array", referenced from:
      Swift._finalizeUninitializedArray<A>(__owned [A]) -> [A] in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for [A] : Swift.BidirectionalCollection in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [__C.NSBundle] and conformance [A] : Swift.BidirectionalCollection in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for [A] : Swift.MutableCollection in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] and conformance [A] : Swift.MutableCollection in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.ModuleFactory] and conformance [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] and conformance [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Any] and conformance [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.TypeKey] and conformance [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift in Container.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli._ContainerComponent] and conformance [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift in Container.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Dispatch.DispatchWorkItemFlags] and conformance [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift in ModuleFactory.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [(extension in Dispatch):__C.OS_dispatch_queue.Attributes] and conformance [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift in ModuleFactory.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for [A] : Swift.RandomAccessCollection in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] and conformance [A] : Swift.RandomAccessCollection in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for [A] : Swift.Collection in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.ModuleFactory.Type] and conformance [A] : Swift.Collection in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] and conformance [A] : Swift.Collection in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.ModuleFactory] and conformance [A] : Swift.Collection in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for [A] : Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] and conformance [A] : Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for [A] : Swift._ArrayProtocol in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.ModuleFactory] and conformance [A] : Swift._ArrayProtocol in Swift in AppContext.o
  "Swift.Array.subscript.getter : (Swift.Int) -> A", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "Swift.Bool.init(Swift.String) -> Swift.Bool?", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Bool.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Bool? in AppContext.o
  "Swift.Double.init<A where A: Swift.StringProtocol>(A) -> Swift.Double?", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Double.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Double? in AppContext.o
  "Swift.Float.init<A where A: Swift.StringProtocol>(A) -> Swift.Float?", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Float.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Float? in AppContext.o
  "Swift.Set.init(arrayLiteral: A...) -> Swift.Set<A>", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.gets(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload?) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.gets(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
  "Swift.Set.filter((A) throws -> Swift.Bool) throws -> Swift.Set<A>", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.gets(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload?) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.gets(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
  "Swift.Set.insert(__owned A) -> (inserted: Swift.Bool, memberAfterInsert: A)", referenced from: Deli.TypeKey, children: Deli.TypeKey) -> () in Container.o
  "Swift.Set.init<A where A == A1.Element, A1: Swift.Sequence>(__owned A1) -> Swift.Set<A>", referenced from: Deli.TypeKey, children: Deli.TypeKey) -> () in Container.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.Set<A> : Swift.Sequence in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Set<Deli.TypeKey> and conformance Swift.Set<A> : Swift.Sequence in Swift in Container.o
  "type metadata for Swift.Int", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Bool.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Bool? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int and conformance Swift.Int : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.ContainerError.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> () in ContainerError.o
      Deli.Scope.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> () in Scope.o
      Deli.TypeKey.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> () in TypeKey.o
  "protocol witness table for Swift.Int : Swift.Hashable in Swift", referenced from:
      Deli.ContainerError.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> () in ContainerError.o
      Deli.Scope.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> () in Scope.o
      Deli.TypeKey.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> () in TypeKey.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.Int : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int and conformance Swift.Int : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "(extension in Swift)<A>((A.Element) throws -> A1) throws -> [A1]", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.load(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory.Type], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.unloadAll() -> () in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Collection.first.getter : A.Element?", referenced from:
      Deli.ResolveRole.findModules([Deli.ModuleFactory]) -> [Deli.ModuleFactory] in ResolveRole.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Collection< where A.Iterator == Swift.IndexingIterator<A>>.makeIterator() -> Swift.IndexingIterator<A>", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: A.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection< where A: Swift.MutableCollection>.removeAll(where: (A.Swift.Sequence.Element) throws -> Swift.Bool) throws -> ()", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.unload(Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
  "type metadata accessor for Swift.Optional", referenced from:
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A>(_: A1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: () -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
  "type metadata for Swift.UInt", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.UInt.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.UInt? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt and conformance Swift.UInt : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
      getEnumTag value witness for Deli.LoadPriority in LoadPriority.o
      destructiveInjectEnumTag value witness for Deli.LoadPriority in LoadPriority.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.UInt : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt and conformance Swift.UInt : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "Swift._bridgeAnyObjectToAny(Swift.AnyObject?) -> Any", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  "dispatch thunk of Swift.SetAlgebra.init<A where A1: Swift.Sequence, A.Element == A1.Element>(__owned A1) -> A", referenced from:
      default argument 2 of (extension in Dispatch):__C.OS_dispatch_queue.init(label: Swift.String, qos: Dispatch.DispatchQoS, attributes: (extension in Dispatch):__C.OS_dispatch_queue.Attributes, autoreleaseFrequency: (extension in Dispatch):__C.OS_dispatch_queue.AutoreleaseFrequency, target: __C.OS_dispatch_queue?) -> __C.OS_dispatch_queue in ModuleFactory.o
      default argument 1 of Dispatch.DispatchWorkItem.init(qos: Dispatch.DispatchQoS, flags: Dispatch.DispatchWorkItemFlags, block: @convention(block) () -> ()) -> Dispatch.DispatchWorkItem in ModuleFactory.o
  "Swift._hashValue<A where A: Swift.Hashable>(for: A) -> Swift.Int", referenced from:
      Deli.ContainerError.hashValue.getter : Swift.Int in ContainerError.o
      Deli.Scope.hashValue.getter : Swift.Int in Scope.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift._ArrayProtocol.filter((A.Element) throws -> Swift.Bool) throws -> [A.Element]", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
  " -> A.Element?", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: A.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
  "nominal type descriptor for Swift.IndexingIterator", referenced from:
      _symbolic _____ySay_____GG s16IndexingIteratorV 4Deli13ModuleFactoryC in AppContext.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.FixedWidthInteger.init(Swift.String) -> A?", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Bool.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Bool? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int8.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int8? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int16.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int16? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int32.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int32? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int64.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int64? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.UInt.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.UInt? in AppContext.o
  "Swift._assertionFailure(_: Swift.StaticString, _: Swift.StaticString, file: Swift.StaticString, line: Swift.UInt, flags: Swift.UInt32) -> Swift.Never", referenced from:
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
  "Swift.ReversedCollection.makeIterator() -> Swift.ReversedCollection<A>.Iterator", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  " -> A.Element?", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  "nominal type descriptor for Swift.ReversedCollection.Iterator", referenced from:
      _symbolic _____ySaySo8NSBundleCG_G s18ReversedCollectionV8IteratorV in AppContext.o
  "nominal type descriptor for Swift.ReversedCollection", referenced from:
      _symbolic _____ySaySo8NSBundleCGG s18ReversedCollectionV in AppContext.o
  "Swift.DefaultStringInterpolation.appendInterpolation<A where A: Swift.CustomStringConvertible, A: Swift.TextOutputStreamable>(A) -> ()", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  "Swift.DefaultStringInterpolation.appendLiteral(Swift.String) -> ()", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  "Swift.DefaultStringInterpolation.init(literalCapacity: Swift.Int, interpolationCount: Swift.Int) -> Swift.DefaultStringInterpolation", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  "Swift._allocateUninitializedArray<A>(Builtin.Word) -> ([A], Builtin.RawPointer)", referenced from:
      variable initialization expression of Deli.AppContext.(loadedList in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150) : [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.load(_: Deli.ModuleFactory, priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> [Any] in Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> [Any] in Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: [A].Type, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> [Any] in Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
  "Swift._bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC<A>(A) -> Swift.AnyObject", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      closure #1 () -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      closure #1 (Deli._Payload) -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
  "Swift.=== infix(Swift.AnyObject?, Swift.AnyObject?) -> Swift.Bool", referenced from:
      closure #1 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> Swift.Bool in closure #1 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      closure #1 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.unload(Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.unload(Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
  "type metadata for Swift.Int8", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int8.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int8? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int8 and conformance Swift.Int8 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.Int8 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int8 and conformance Swift.Int8 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol descriptor for Swift.Error", referenced from:
      l_got.$ss5ErrorMp in ContainerError.o
  "method descriptor for Swift.Error._getEmbeddedNSError() -> Swift.AnyObject?", referenced from:
      l_got.$ss5ErrorP19_getEmbeddedNSErroryXlSgyFTq in ContainerError.o
  "method descriptor for Swift.Error._code.getter : Swift.Int", referenced from:
      l_got.$ss5ErrorP5_codeSivgTq in ContainerError.o
  "method descriptor for Swift.Error._domain.getter : Swift.String", referenced from:
      l_got.$ss5ErrorP7_domainSSvgTq in ContainerError.o
  "method descriptor for Swift.Error._userInfo.getter : Swift.AnyObject?", referenced from:
      l_got.$ss5ErrorP9_userInfoyXlSgvgTq in ContainerError.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Error._getEmbeddedNSError() -> Swift.AnyObject?", referenced from:
      protocol witness for Swift.Error._getEmbeddedNSError() -> Swift.AnyObject? in conformance Deli.ContainerError : Swift.Error in Deli in ContainerError.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Error._code.getter : Swift.Int", referenced from:
      protocol witness for Swift.Error._code.getter : Swift.Int in conformance Deli.ContainerError : Swift.Error in Deli in ContainerError.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Error._domain.getter : Swift.String", referenced from:
      protocol witness for Swift.Error._domain.getter : Swift.String in conformance Deli.ContainerError : Swift.Error in Deli in ContainerError.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Error._userInfo.getter : Swift.AnyObject?", referenced from:
      protocol witness for Swift.Error._userInfo.getter : Swift.AnyObject? in conformance Deli.ContainerError : Swift.Error in Deli in ContainerError.o
  "type metadata for Swift.Int16", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int16.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int16? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int16 and conformance Swift.Int16 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.Int16 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int16 and conformance Swift.Int16 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "type metadata for Swift.Int32", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int32.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int32? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int32 and conformance Swift.Int32 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.Int32 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int32 and conformance Swift.Int32 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "type metadata for Swift.Int64", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int64.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int64? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int64 and conformance Swift.Int64 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.Int64 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int64 and conformance Swift.Int64 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "type metadata for Swift.UInt8", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.UInt8.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.UInt8? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt8 and conformance Swift.UInt8 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.UInt8 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt8 and conformance Swift.UInt8 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "Swift.print(_: Any..., separator: Swift.String, terminator: Swift.String) -> ()", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
  "Swift.Hasher.combine<A where A: Swift.Hashable>(A) -> ()", referenced from:
      Deli.ContainerError.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> () in ContainerError.o
      Deli.Scope.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> () in Scope.o
      Deli.TypeKey.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> () in TypeKey.o
  "type metadata for Swift.UInt16", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.UInt16.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.UInt16? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt16 and conformance Swift.UInt16 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.UInt16 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt16 and conformance Swift.UInt16 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "type metadata for Swift.UInt32", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.UInt32.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.UInt32? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt32 and conformance Swift.UInt32 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.UInt32 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt32 and conformance Swift.UInt32 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "type metadata for Swift.UInt64", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.UInt64.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.UInt64? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt64 and conformance Swift.UInt64 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.UInt64 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt64 and conformance Swift.UInt64 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "type metadata for Any", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> [Any] in Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      closure #3 (Any) -> A? in Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
  "_OBJC_CLASS_$__TtCs12_SwiftObject", referenced from:
      full type metadata for Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      full type metadata for Deli.DefaultContainerComponent in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      full type metadata for Deli.FactoryContainerComponent in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      full type metadata for Deli.Container in Container.o
      full type metadata for Deli.ModuleFactory in ModuleFactory.o
  "_OBJC_METACLASS_$__TtCs12_SwiftObject", referenced from:
      metaclass for Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      metaclass for Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      metaclass for Deli.DefaultContainerComponent in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      metaclass for Deli.DefaultContainerComponent in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      metaclass for Deli.FactoryContainerComponent in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      metaclass for Deli.FactoryContainerComponent in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      metaclass for Deli.Container in Container.o
      metaclass for Deli.Container in Container.o
  "__swiftEmptyArrayStorage", referenced from:
      generic specialization <serialized, (extension in Dispatch):__C.OS_dispatch_queue.Attributes> of static Swift.Array._allocateUninitialized(Swift.Int) -> ([A], Swift.UnsafeMutablePointer<A>) in ModuleFactory.o
      generic specialization <serialized, Dispatch.DispatchWorkItemFlags> of static Swift.Array._allocateUninitialized(Swift.Int) -> ([A], Swift.UnsafeMutablePointer<A>) in ModuleFactory.o
  "__swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftCompatibility56", referenced from:
      __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftCompatibility56_$_Deli in Autowired.o
  "__swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftCompatibilityConcurrency", referenced from:
      __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftCompatibilityConcurrency_$_Deli in Autowired.o
  "__swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftDarwin", referenced from:
      __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftDarwin_$_Deli in Autowired.o
  "_swift_allocBox", referenced from:
      ___swift_allocate_boxed_opaque_existential_1 in AppContext.o
      ___swift_allocate_boxed_opaque_existential_0 in AppContext.o
  "_swift_allocError", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "_swift_allocObject", referenced from:
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A>(_: A1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: () -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E, F>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, _: F1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1, F1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E, F, G>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, _: F1.Type, _: G1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
  "_swift_allocateGenericClassMetadata", referenced from:
      type metadata instantiation function for Deli.Linker in Linker.o
  "_swift_allocateGenericValueMetadata", referenced from:
      type metadata instantiation function for Deli.Dependency in Dependency.o
      type metadata instantiation function for Deli.DependencyArray in DependencyArray.o
  "_swift_beginAccess", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(loadedList in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150).getter : [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(loadedList in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150).setter : [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(loadedList in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150).modify : [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      closure #1 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> () in Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getFactory<A>(A.Type) -> [A] in AppContext.o
  "_swift_bridgeObjectRelease", referenced from:
      l_objectdestroy in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy.2 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy.5 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
  "_swift_bridgeObjectRetain", referenced from:
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A>(_: A1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: () -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E, F>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, _: F1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1, F1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E, F, G>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, _: F1.Type, _: G1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
  "_swift_checkMetadataState", referenced from:
      type metadata completion function for Deli.Dependency in Dependency.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Inject.Inject<A where A1: Deli.Factory>(_: A1.Type, with: A1.RawPayload.Tuple, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A1 in Inject.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Inject.Inject<A where A1: Deli.Factory>(_: [A1].Type, with: A1.RawPayload.Tuple, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A1] in Inject.o
  "_swift_deallocClassInstance", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.__deallocating_deinit in AppContext.o
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.__deallocating_deinit in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.FactoryContainerComponent.__deallocating_deinit in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      Deli.Container.__deallocating_deinit in Container.o
      Deli.Linker.__deallocating_deinit in Linker.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.__deallocating_deinit in ModuleFactory.o
  "_swift_deallocObject", referenced from:
      l_objectdestroy in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy.2 in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy.5 in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy.8 in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy.11 in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy.14 in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy.17 in Configuration.o
  "_swift_dynamicCast", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      closure #1 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> A? in Deli.AppContext.getFactory<A>(A.Type) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      closure #3 (Any) -> A? in Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
  "_swift_endAccess", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(loadedList in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150).getter : [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(loadedList in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150).setter : [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(loadedList in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150).modify : [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] with unmangled suffix ".resume.0" in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(loadedList in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150).modify : [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] with unmangled suffix ".resume.0" in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      closure #1 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> () in Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
  "_swift_errorRelease", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> [Any] in Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> [Any] in Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: [A].Type, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
  "_swift_errorRetain", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
      Deli.Container.gets(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload?) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.gets(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
  "_swift_getAssociatedConformanceWitness", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> [Any] in Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: [A].Type, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Inject.Inject<A where A1: Deli.Factory>(_: A1.Type, with: A1.RawPayload.Tuple, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A1 in Inject.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Inject.Inject<A where A1: Deli.Factory>(_: [A1].Type, with: A1.RawPayload.Tuple, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A1] in Inject.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Inject.Inject<A where A1: Deli.Factory>(_: A1.Type, with: A1.RawPayload.Tuple, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A1 in Inject.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Inject.Inject<A where A1: Deli.Factory>(_: [A1].Type, with: A1.RawPayload.Tuple, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A1] in Inject.o
  "_swift_getAssociatedTypeWitness", referenced from:
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1) -> A in Autowired.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1, A.Dep2) -> A in Autowired.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1, A.Dep2) -> A in Autowired.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1, A.Dep2, A.Dep3) -> A in Autowired.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1, A.Dep2, A.Dep3) -> A in Autowired.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1, A.Dep2, A.Dep3) -> A in Autowired.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1, A.Dep2, A.Dep3, A.Dep4) -> A in Autowired.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1, A.Dep2, A.Dep3, A.Dep4) -> A in Autowired.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1, A.Dep2, A.Dep3, A.Dep4) -> A in Autowired.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1, A.Dep2, A.Dep3, A.Dep4) -> A in Autowired.o
  "_swift_getEnumTagSinglePayloadGeneric", referenced from:
      getEnumTagSinglePayload value witness for Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150) in AppContext.o
      getEnumTagSinglePayload value witness for Deli.Dependency in Dependency.o
  "_swift_getErrorValue", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
  "_swift_getGenericMetadata", referenced from:
      ___swift_instantiateGenericMetadata in Linker.o
  "_swift_getObjCClassFromMetadata", referenced from:
      __C.NSRecursiveLock.__allocating_init() -> __C.NSRecursiveLock in AppContext.o
  "_swift_getObjCClassMetadata", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      type metadata accessor for __C.NSRecursiveLock in AppContext.o
      type metadata accessor for __C.NSBundle in AppContext.o
      type metadata accessor for __C.OS_dispatch_queue in ModuleFactory.o
  "_swift_getObjectType", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
  "_swift_getSingletonMetadata", referenced from:
      type metadata accessor for Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150) in AppContext.o
  "_swift_getTypeByMangledNameInContext", referenced from:
      ___swift_instantiateConcreteTypeFromMangledName in AppContext.o
  "_swift_getTypeByMangledNameInContextInMetadataState", referenced from:
      ___swift_instantiateConcreteTypeFromMangledNameAbstract in AppContext.o
  "_swift_getWitnessTable", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [__C.NSBundle] and conformance [A] : Swift.BidirectionalCollection in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.String and conformance Swift.String : Swift.StringProtocol in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.ModuleFactory] and conformance [A] : Swift._ArrayProtocol in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.ModuleFactory] and conformance [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] and conformance [A] : Swift.MutableCollection in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] and conformance [A] : Swift.RandomAccessCollection in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] and conformance [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift in AppContext.o
  "_swift_initClassMetadata2", referenced from:
      type metadata completion function for Deli.Linker in Linker.o
  "_swift_initStructMetadata", referenced from:
      type metadata completion function for Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150) in AppContext.o
      type metadata completion function for Deli.Dependency in Dependency.o
  "_swift_once", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.shared.unsafeMutableAddressor : Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
  "_swift_release", referenced from:
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A>(_: A1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: () -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A>(_: A1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: () -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy.2 in Configuration.o
  "_swift_retain", referenced from:
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A>(_: A1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: () -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A>(_: A1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: () -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A>(_: A1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: () -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
  "_swift_storeEnumTagSinglePayloadGeneric", referenced from:
      storeEnumTagSinglePayload value witness for Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150) in AppContext.o
      storeEnumTagSinglePayload value witness for Deli.Dependency in Dependency.o
  "_swift_unknownObjectRelease", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      closure #1 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> Swift.Bool in closure #1 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      closure #1 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> Swift.Bool in closure #1 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      closure #1 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.unload(Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      closure #1 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.unload(Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.unload(Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.unload(Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
  "_swift_unknownObjectRetain", referenced from:
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.weakCache.setter : Swift.AnyObject? in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.weakCache.modify : Swift.AnyObject? with unmangled suffix ".resume.0" in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      outlined init with copy of Swift.AnyObject? in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.FactoryContainerComponent.weakCache.setter : Swift.AnyObject? in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      Deli.FactoryContainerComponent.weakCache.modify : Swift.AnyObject? with unmangled suffix ".resume.0" in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
  "_swift_unknownObjectWeakAssign", referenced from:
      key path setter for Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.weakCache : Swift.AnyObject? : Deli.DefaultContainerComponent in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.weakCache.setter : Swift.AnyObject? in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.weakCache.modify : Swift.AnyObject? with unmangled suffix ".resume.0" in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.weakCache.modify : Swift.AnyObject? with unmangled suffix ".resume.0" in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.init(resolver: () -> Any, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.DefaultContainerComponent in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      key path setter for Deli.FactoryContainerComponent.weakCache : Swift.AnyObject? : Deli.FactoryContainerComponent in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      Deli.FactoryContainerComponent.weakCache.setter : Swift.AnyObject? in FactoryContainerComponent.o
  "_swift_unknownObjectWeakDestroy", referenced from:
      outlined destroy of weak Swift.AnyObject? in DefaultContainerComponent.o
  "_swift_unknownObjectWeakInit", referenced from:
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.init(resolver: () -> Any, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.DefaultContainerComponent in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.FactoryContainerComponent.init(resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.FactoryContainerComponent in FactoryContainerComponent.o
  "_swift_unknownObjectWeakLoadStrong", referenced from:
      key path getter for Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.weakCache : Swift.AnyObject? : Deli.DefaultContainerComponent in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.weakCache.getter : Swift.AnyObject? in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.weakCache.modify : Swift.AnyObject? in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      key path getter for Deli.FactoryContainerComponent.weakCache : Swift.AnyObject? : Deli.FactoryContainerComponent in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      Deli.FactoryContainerComponent.weakCache.getter : Swift.AnyObject? in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      Deli.FactoryContainerComponent.weakCache.modify : Swift.AnyObject? in FactoryContainerComponent.o
  "_swift_unownedRelease", referenced from:
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      l_objectdestroy in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      l_objectdestroy.5 in ModuleFactory.o
      l_objectdestroy.11 in ModuleFactory.o
  "_swift_unownedRetain", referenced from:
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      closure #1 () -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
  "_swift_unownedRetainStrong", referenced from:
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      closure #1 () -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      closure #1 () -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      closure #1 () -> () in closure #1 () -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      closure #1 (Deli._Payload) -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      closure #1 (Deli._Payload) -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
  "_swift_weakDestroy", referenced from:
      l_objectdestroy in Container.o
  "_swift_weakInit", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.load() -> () in Container.o
  "_swift_weakLoadStrong", referenced from:
      closure #2 (Deli._ContainerComponent) -> () in Deli.Container.load() -> () in Container.o
  "_swift_willThrow", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
The following build commands failed:
	Ld /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ normal arm64 (in target 'Deli' from project 'Deli' at path '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Deli.xcodeproj')
(1 failure)
Command line invocation:
    /Applications/ -IDEClonedSourcePackagesDirPathOverride=/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies -skipMacroValidation -skipPackagePluginValidation -derivedDataPath /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData build -scheme Deli-Package -destination generic/platform=watchos "OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS=-stats-output-dir .stats -strict-concurrency=complete"
User defaults from command line:
    IDEClonedSourcePackagesDirPathOverride = /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies
    IDEDerivedDataPathOverride = /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData
    IDEPackageSupportToolchainOverrideForManifestLoading = org.swift.600202405261a
    IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES
Build settings from command line:
    OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS = -stats-output-dir .stats -strict-concurrency=complete
    TOOLCHAINS = org.swift.600202405261a
Resolve Package Graph
Resolved source packages:
  Yams: @ 2.0.0
  Spectre: @ 0.9.0
  Deli: /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Binary
  Nimble: @ 8.0.5
  PathKit: @ 1.0.0
  SourceKitten: @ 0.28.0
  CwlPreconditionTesting: @ 1.2.0
  Regex: @ 1.2.0
  CwlCatchException: @ 1.2.0
  AEXML: @ 4.4.0
  XcodeProj: @ 7.5.0
  Quick: @ 2.2.0
  SWXMLHash: @ 5.0.1
  Commandant: @ 0.17.0
Prepare packages
note: Building targets in dependency order
note: Target dependency graph (1 target)
    Target 'Deli' in project 'Deli' (no dependencies)
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'.
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'Deli' from project 'Deli' at path '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Deli.xcodeproj')
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Deli.xcodeproj: warning: The watchOS deployment target 'WATCHOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 2.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 4.0 to 10.4.99. (in target 'Deli' from project 'Deli' at path '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Deli.xcodeproj')
Ld /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ normal arm64_32 (in target 'Deli' from project 'Deli' at path '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Deli.xcodeproj')
    cd /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace
    /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang -Xlinker -reproducible -target arm64_32-apple-watchos2.0 -dynamiclib -isysroot /Applications/ -O0 -L/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/EagerLinkingTBDs/Debug-watchos -L/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/EagerLinkingTBDs/Debug-watchos -F/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F/Applications/ -filelist /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -install_name @rpath/Deli.framework/Deli -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker /usr/lib/swift -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/macosx -dead_strip -Xlinker -object_path_lto -Xlinker /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xlinker -export_dynamic -Xlinker -no_deduplicate -fobjc-link-runtime -L/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos -L/usr/lib/swift -Xlinker -add_ast_path -Xlinker /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xlinker -dependency_info -Xlinker /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -o /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/
Ld /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ normal arm64 (in target 'Deli' from project 'Deli' at path '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Deli.xcodeproj')
    cd /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace
    /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang -Xlinker -reproducible -target arm64-apple-watchos2.0 -dynamiclib -isysroot /Applications/ -O0 -L/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/EagerLinkingTBDs/Debug-watchos -L/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/EagerLinkingTBDs/Debug-watchos -F/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F/Applications/ -filelist /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -install_name @rpath/Deli.framework/Deli -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker /usr/lib/swift -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/macosx -dead_strip -Xlinker -object_path_lto -Xlinker /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xlinker -export_dynamic -Xlinker -no_deduplicate -fobjc-link-runtime -L/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos -L/usr/lib/swift -Xlinker -add_ast_path -Xlinker /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xlinker -dependency_info -Xlinker /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -o /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos/libswiftCompatibility56.a': fat file missing arch 'arm64', file has 'armv7k,arm64_32'
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos/libswiftCore.dylib': fat file missing arch 'arm64', file has 'armv7k,arm64_32'
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos/libswiftCompatibilityPacks.a': fat file missing arch 'arm64', file has 'armv7k,arm64_32'
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos/libswiftObservation.dylib': fat file missing arch 'arm64', file has 'armv7k,arm64_32'
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos/libswiftCompatibilityConcurrency.a': fat file missing arch 'arm64', file has 'armv7k,arm64_32'
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos/libswiftDarwin.dylib': fat file missing arch 'arm64', file has 'armv7k,arm64_32'
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos/libswiftSwiftOnoneSupport.dylib': fat file missing arch 'arm64', file has 'armv7k,arm64_32'
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos/libswift_Concurrency.dylib': fat file missing arch 'arm64', file has 'armv7k,arm64_32'
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/watchos/libswift_StringProcessing.dylib': fat file missing arch 'arm64', file has 'armv7k,arm64_32'
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "value witness table for Builtin.BridgeObject", referenced from:
      l_got.$sBbWV in DependencyArray.o
  "value witness table for Builtin.NativeObject", referenced from:
      type metadata completion function for Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150) in AppContext.o
      full type metadata for Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      full type metadata for Deli.DefaultContainerComponent in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      full type metadata for Deli.FactoryContainerComponent in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      full type metadata for Deli.Container in Container.o
      full type metadata for Deli.ModuleFactory in ModuleFactory.o
  "Swift.Dictionary.init() -> [A : B]", referenced from:
      variable initialization expression of Deli.Container.(chainMap in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1) : [Deli.TypeKey : Swift.Set<Deli.TypeKey>] in Container.o
      variable initialization expression of Deli.Container.(map in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1) : [Deli.TypeKey : Deli._ContainerComponent] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.init() -> Deli.Container in Container.o
      Deli.Container.init() -> Deli.Container in Container.o
      variable initialization expression of Deli.ModuleFactory.(lazyDict in _361E487DE922E7785AAC2B2D32031DDF) : [Deli.TypeKey : Dispatch.DispatchWorkItem] in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.init() -> Deli.ModuleFactory in ModuleFactory.o
  "Swift.Dictionary.removeValue(forKey: A) -> B?", referenced from:
      closure #1 () -> () in closure #1 () -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      closure #1 () -> () in closure #1 (Deli._Payload) -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
  "Swift.Dictionary.makeIterator() -> [A : B].Iterator", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.reset() -> () in Container.o
  "Swift.Dictionary.init(dictionaryLiteral: (A, B)...) -> [A : B]", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.unloadProperty() -> () in Container.o
      Deli.Container.unload() -> () in Container.o
      Deli.Container.unload() -> () in Container.o
      variable initialization expression of Deli.Container.(loadedProperty in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1) : [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.init() -> Deli.Container in Container.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.reset() -> () in ModuleFactory.o
  "Swift.Dictionary.Values.makeIterator() -> [A : B].Values.Iterator", referenced from:
      Deli.ModuleFactory.reset() -> () in ModuleFactory.o
  " -> B?", referenced from:
      Deli.ModuleFactory.reset() -> () in ModuleFactory.o
  "nominal type descriptor for Swift.Dictionary.Values.Iterator", referenced from:
      _symbolic _____y____________G SD6ValuesV8IteratorV 4Deli7TypeKeyV 8Dispatch0F8WorkItemC in ModuleFactory.o
  "nominal type descriptor for Swift.Dictionary.Values", referenced from:
      _symbolic _____y___________p_G SD6ValuesV 4Deli7TypeKeyV AC19_ContainerComponentP in Container.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for [A : B].Values : Swift.Sequence in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.TypeKey : Deli._ContainerComponent].Values and conformance [A : B].Values : Swift.Sequence in Swift in Container.o
  "Swift.Dictionary.values.getter : [A : B].Values", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.load() -> () in Container.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.reset() -> () in ModuleFactory.o
  "Swift.Dictionary.isEmpty.getter : Swift.Bool", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
  " -> (key: A, value: B)?", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.reset() -> () in Container.o
  "nominal type descriptor for Swift.Dictionary.Iterator", referenced from:
      _symbolic _____ySSyp_G SD8IteratorV in Container.o
      _symbolic _____y___________p_G SD8IteratorV 4Deli7TypeKeyV AC19_ContainerComponentP in Container.o
  "Swift.Dictionary.subscript.getter : (A) -> B?", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.gets(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload?) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "Swift.Dictionary.subscript.setter : (A) -> B?", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.register(_: Deli.TypeKey, component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> () in Container.o Deli.TypeKey, children: Deli.TypeKey) -> () in Container.o Deli.TypeKey, children: Deli.TypeKey) -> () in Container.o
      closure #1 () -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
  "method descriptor for Swift.Hashable._rawHashValue(seed: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Int", referenced from:
      l_got.$sSH13_rawHashValue4seedS2i_tFTq in ContainerError.o
      l_got.$sSH13_rawHashValue4seedS2i_tFTq in Scope.o
      l_got.$sSH13_rawHashValue4seedS2i_tFTq in TypeKey.o
  "method descriptor for Swift.Hashable.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> ()", referenced from:
      l_got.$sSH4hash4intoys6HasherVz_tFTq in ContainerError.o
      l_got.$sSH4hash4intoys6HasherVz_tFTq in Scope.o
      l_got.$sSH4hash4intoys6HasherVz_tFTq in TypeKey.o
  "method descriptor for Swift.Hashable.hashValue.getter : Swift.Int", referenced from:
      l_got.$sSH9hashValueSivgTq in ContainerError.o
      l_got.$sSH9hashValueSivgTq in Scope.o
      l_got.$sSH9hashValueSivgTq in TypeKey.o
  "protocol descriptor for Swift.Hashable", referenced from:
      l_got.$sSHMp in ContainerError.o
      l_got.$sSHMp in Scope.o
      l_got.$sSHMp in TypeKey.o
  "base conformance descriptor for Swift.Hashable: Swift.Equatable", referenced from:
      l_got.$sSHSQTb in ContainerError.o
      l_got.$sSHSQTb in Scope.o
      l_got.$sSHSQTb in TypeKey.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Hashable._rawHashValue(seed: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Int", referenced from:
      protocol witness for Swift.Hashable._rawHashValue(seed: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Int in conformance Deli.ContainerError : Swift.Hashable in Deli in ContainerError.o
      protocol witness for Swift.Hashable._rawHashValue(seed: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Int in conformance Deli.Scope : Swift.Hashable in Deli in Scope.o
      protocol witness for Swift.Hashable._rawHashValue(seed: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Int in conformance Deli.TypeKey : Swift.Hashable in Deli in TypeKey.o
  "static Swift.Character.== infix(Swift.Character, Swift.Character) -> Swift.Bool", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "Swift.Character.init(_builtinExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral: Builtin.RawPointer, utf8CodeUnitCount: Builtin.Word, isASCII: Builtin.Int1) -> Swift.Character", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.BidirectionalCollection.reversed() -> Swift.ReversedCollection<A>", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.MutableCollection< where A: Swift.RandomAccessCollection>.sort(by: (A.Swift.Sequence.Element, A.Swift.Sequence.Element) throws -> Swift.Bool) throws -> ()", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
  "Swift.ObjectIdentifier.hashValue.getter : Swift.Int", referenced from:
      Deli.TypeKey.init(type: Any.Type, qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.TypeKey in TypeKey.o
  "Swift.ObjectIdentifier.init(Any.Type) -> Swift.ObjectIdentifier", referenced from:
      Deli.TypeKey.init(type: Any.Type, qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.TypeKey in TypeKey.o
  "method descriptor for static Swift.Equatable.== infix(A, A) -> Swift.Bool", referenced from:
      l_got.$sSQ2eeoiySbx_xtFZTq in ContainerError.o
      l_got.$sSQ2eeoiySbx_xtFZTq in Scope.o
      l_got.$sSQ2eeoiySbx_xtFZTq in TypeKey.o
  "protocol descriptor for Swift.Equatable", referenced from:
      l_got.$sSQMp in ContainerError.o
      l_got.$sSQMp in Scope.o
      l_got.$sSQMp in TypeKey.o
  "Swift.String.makeIterator() -> Swift.String.Iterator", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "Swift.String.init(stringInterpolation: Swift.DefaultStringInterpolation) -> Swift.String", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  "Swift.String.init(_builtinStringLiteral: Builtin.RawPointer, utf8CodeUnitCount: Builtin.Word, isASCII: Builtin.Int1) -> Swift.String", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
  "static Swift.String.== infix(Swift.String, Swift.String) -> Swift.Bool", referenced from:
      closure #1 (Deli.TypeKey) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      closure #1 (Deli.TypeKey) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.Container.gets(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload?) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      closure #1 (Deli.TypeKey) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.Container.get(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      closure #1 (Deli.TypeKey) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.Container.gets(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      static Deli.TypeKey.== infix(Deli.TypeKey, Deli.TypeKey) -> Swift.Bool in TypeKey.o
  "static Swift.String.+= infix(inout Swift.String, Swift.String) -> ()", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "Swift.String.isEmpty.getter : Swift.Bool", referenced from:
      closure #1 (Deli.TypeKey) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      closure #1 (Deli.TypeKey) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.Container.gets(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload?) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      closure #1 (Deli.TypeKey) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.Container.get(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      closure #1 (Deli.TypeKey) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.Container.gets(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  " -> Swift.Character?", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "Swift.String.hashValue.getter : Swift.Int", referenced from:
      Deli.TypeKey.init(type: Any.Type, qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.TypeKey in TypeKey.o
  "type metadata for Swift.String", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.String.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.String? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Double.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Double? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Float.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Float? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.String and conformance Swift.String : Swift.StringProtocol in Swift in AppContext.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "protocol witness table for Swift.String : Swift.Hashable in Swift", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.unloadProperty() -> () in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(merge in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)([Swift.String : Any], [Swift.String : Any]) -> [Swift.String : Any] in Container.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.String : Swift.StringProtocol in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.String and conformance Swift.String : Swift.StringProtocol in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol witness table for Swift.String : Swift.TextOutputStreamable in Swift", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  "protocol witness table for Swift.String : Swift.CustomStringConvertible in Swift", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  "Swift.String.init(Swift.Character) -> Swift.String", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Sequence.compactMap<A>((A.Element) throws -> A1?) throws -> [A1]", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getFactory<A>(A.Type) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: [A].Type, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      Deli.Container.gets(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload?) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.gets(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload?) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.gets(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Sequence.first(where: (A.Element) throws -> Swift.Bool) throws -> A.Element?", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.unload(Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Sequence.filter((A.Element) throws -> Swift.Bool) throws -> [A.Element]", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.load() -> () in Container.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Sequence.flatMap<A where A1: Swift.Sequence>((A.Element) throws -> A1) throws -> [A1.Element]", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: [A].Type, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Sequence.forEach((A.Element) throws -> ()) throws -> ()", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.unloadAll() -> () in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.reset() -> () in AppContext.o
      Deli.Container.load() -> () in Container.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Sequence.contains(where: (A.Element) throws -> Swift.Bool) throws -> Swift.Bool", referenced from:
      closure #1 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
  "static Swift.Array._allocateBufferUninitialized(minimumCapacity: Swift.Int) -> Swift._ArrayBuffer<A>", referenced from:
      generic specialization <serialized, (extension in Dispatch):__C.OS_dispatch_queue.Attributes> of static Swift.Array._allocateUninitialized(Swift.Int) -> ([A], Swift.UnsafeMutablePointer<A>) in ModuleFactory.o
      generic specialization <serialized, Dispatch.DispatchWorkItemFlags> of static Swift.Array._allocateUninitialized(Swift.Int) -> ([A], Swift.UnsafeMutablePointer<A>) in ModuleFactory.o
  "Swift.Array.count.getter : Swift.Int", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "Swift.Array.append(__owned A) -> ()", referenced from:
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> () in Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
  "type metadata accessor for Swift.Array", referenced from:
      Swift._finalizeUninitializedArray<A>(__owned [A]) -> [A] in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for [A] : Swift.BidirectionalCollection in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [__C.NSBundle] and conformance [A] : Swift.BidirectionalCollection in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for [A] : Swift.MutableCollection in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] and conformance [A] : Swift.MutableCollection in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.ModuleFactory] and conformance [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] and conformance [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Any] and conformance [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.TypeKey] and conformance [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift in Container.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli._ContainerComponent] and conformance [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift in Container.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Dispatch.DispatchWorkItemFlags] and conformance [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift in ModuleFactory.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [(extension in Dispatch):__C.OS_dispatch_queue.Attributes] and conformance [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift in ModuleFactory.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for [A] : Swift.RandomAccessCollection in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] and conformance [A] : Swift.RandomAccessCollection in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for [A] : Swift.Collection in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.ModuleFactory.Type] and conformance [A] : Swift.Collection in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] and conformance [A] : Swift.Collection in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.ModuleFactory] and conformance [A] : Swift.Collection in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for [A] : Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] and conformance [A] : Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for [A] : Swift._ArrayProtocol in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.ModuleFactory] and conformance [A] : Swift._ArrayProtocol in Swift in AppContext.o
  "Swift.Array.subscript.getter : (Swift.Int) -> A", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "Swift.Bool.init(Swift.String) -> Swift.Bool?", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Bool.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Bool? in AppContext.o
  "Swift.Double.init<A where A: Swift.StringProtocol>(A) -> Swift.Double?", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Double.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Double? in AppContext.o
  "Swift.Float.init<A where A: Swift.StringProtocol>(A) -> Swift.Float?", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Float.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Float? in AppContext.o
  "Swift.Set.init(arrayLiteral: A...) -> Swift.Set<A>", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.gets(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload?) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.gets(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
  "Swift.Set.filter((A) throws -> Swift.Bool) throws -> Swift.Set<A>", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.gets(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload?) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.gets(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
  "Swift.Set.insert(__owned A) -> (inserted: Swift.Bool, memberAfterInsert: A)", referenced from: Deli.TypeKey, children: Deli.TypeKey) -> () in Container.o
  "Swift.Set.init<A where A == A1.Element, A1: Swift.Sequence>(__owned A1) -> Swift.Set<A>", referenced from: Deli.TypeKey, children: Deli.TypeKey) -> () in Container.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.Set<A> : Swift.Sequence in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Set<Deli.TypeKey> and conformance Swift.Set<A> : Swift.Sequence in Swift in Container.o
  "type metadata for Swift.Int", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Bool.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Bool? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int and conformance Swift.Int : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.ContainerError.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> () in ContainerError.o
      Deli.Scope.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> () in Scope.o
      Deli.TypeKey.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> () in TypeKey.o
  "protocol witness table for Swift.Int : Swift.Hashable in Swift", referenced from:
      Deli.ContainerError.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> () in ContainerError.o
      Deli.Scope.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> () in Scope.o
      Deli.TypeKey.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> () in TypeKey.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.Int : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int and conformance Swift.Int : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "(extension in Swift)<A>((A.Element) throws -> A1) throws -> [A1]", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.load(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory.Type], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.unloadAll() -> () in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Collection.first.getter : A.Element?", referenced from:
      Deli.ResolveRole.findModules([Deli.ModuleFactory]) -> [Deli.ModuleFactory] in ResolveRole.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Collection< where A.Iterator == Swift.IndexingIterator<A>>.makeIterator() -> Swift.IndexingIterator<A>", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: A.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection< where A: Swift.MutableCollection>.removeAll(where: (A.Swift.Sequence.Element) throws -> Swift.Bool) throws -> ()", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.unload(Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
  "type metadata accessor for Swift.Optional", referenced from:
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A>(_: A1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: () -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
  "type metadata for Swift.UInt", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.UInt.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.UInt? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt and conformance Swift.UInt : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
      getEnumTag value witness for Deli.LoadPriority in LoadPriority.o
      destructiveInjectEnumTag value witness for Deli.LoadPriority in LoadPriority.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.UInt : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt and conformance Swift.UInt : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "Swift._bridgeAnyObjectToAny(Swift.AnyObject?) -> Any", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  "dispatch thunk of Swift.SetAlgebra.init<A where A1: Swift.Sequence, A.Element == A1.Element>(__owned A1) -> A", referenced from:
      default argument 2 of (extension in Dispatch):__C.OS_dispatch_queue.init(label: Swift.String, qos: Dispatch.DispatchQoS, attributes: (extension in Dispatch):__C.OS_dispatch_queue.Attributes, autoreleaseFrequency: (extension in Dispatch):__C.OS_dispatch_queue.AutoreleaseFrequency, target: __C.OS_dispatch_queue?) -> __C.OS_dispatch_queue in ModuleFactory.o
      default argument 1 of Dispatch.DispatchWorkItem.init(qos: Dispatch.DispatchQoS, flags: Dispatch.DispatchWorkItemFlags, block: @convention(block) () -> ()) -> Dispatch.DispatchWorkItem in ModuleFactory.o
  "Swift._hashValue<A where A: Swift.Hashable>(for: A) -> Swift.Int", referenced from:
      Deli.ContainerError.hashValue.getter : Swift.Int in ContainerError.o
      Deli.Scope.hashValue.getter : Swift.Int in Scope.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift._ArrayProtocol.filter((A.Element) throws -> Swift.Bool) throws -> [A.Element]", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
  " -> A.Element?", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: A.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
  "nominal type descriptor for Swift.IndexingIterator", referenced from:
      _symbolic _____ySay_____GG s16IndexingIteratorV 4Deli13ModuleFactoryC in AppContext.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.FixedWidthInteger.init(Swift.String) -> A?", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Bool.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Bool? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int8.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int8? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int16.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int16? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int32.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int32? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int64.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int64? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.UInt.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.UInt? in AppContext.o
  "Swift._assertionFailure(_: Swift.StaticString, _: Swift.StaticString, file: Swift.StaticString, line: Swift.UInt, flags: Swift.UInt32) -> Swift.Never", referenced from:
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
  "Swift.ReversedCollection.makeIterator() -> Swift.ReversedCollection<A>.Iterator", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  " -> A.Element?", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  "nominal type descriptor for Swift.ReversedCollection.Iterator", referenced from:
      _symbolic _____ySaySo8NSBundleCG_G s18ReversedCollectionV8IteratorV in AppContext.o
  "nominal type descriptor for Swift.ReversedCollection", referenced from:
      _symbolic _____ySaySo8NSBundleCGG s18ReversedCollectionV in AppContext.o
  "Swift.DefaultStringInterpolation.appendInterpolation<A where A: Swift.CustomStringConvertible, A: Swift.TextOutputStreamable>(A) -> ()", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  "Swift.DefaultStringInterpolation.appendLiteral(Swift.String) -> ()", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  "Swift.DefaultStringInterpolation.init(literalCapacity: Swift.Int, interpolationCount: Swift.Int) -> Swift.DefaultStringInterpolation", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
  "Swift._allocateUninitializedArray<A>(Builtin.Word) -> ([A], Builtin.RawPointer)", referenced from:
      variable initialization expression of Deli.AppContext.(loadedList in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150) : [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.load(_: Deli.ModuleFactory, priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> [Any] in Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> [Any] in Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: [A].Type, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> [Any] in Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
  "Swift._bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC<A>(A) -> Swift.AnyObject", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      closure #1 () -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      closure #1 (Deli._Payload) -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
  "Swift.=== infix(Swift.AnyObject?, Swift.AnyObject?) -> Swift.Bool", referenced from:
      closure #1 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> Swift.Bool in closure #1 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      closure #1 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.unload(Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.unload(Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
  "type metadata for Swift.Int8", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int8.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int8? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int8 and conformance Swift.Int8 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.Int8 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int8 and conformance Swift.Int8 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol descriptor for Swift.Error", referenced from:
      l_got.$ss5ErrorMp in ContainerError.o
  "method descriptor for Swift.Error._getEmbeddedNSError() -> Swift.AnyObject?", referenced from:
      l_got.$ss5ErrorP19_getEmbeddedNSErroryXlSgyFTq in ContainerError.o
  "method descriptor for Swift.Error._code.getter : Swift.Int", referenced from:
      l_got.$ss5ErrorP5_codeSivgTq in ContainerError.o
  "method descriptor for Swift.Error._domain.getter : Swift.String", referenced from:
      l_got.$ss5ErrorP7_domainSSvgTq in ContainerError.o
  "method descriptor for Swift.Error._userInfo.getter : Swift.AnyObject?", referenced from:
      l_got.$ss5ErrorP9_userInfoyXlSgvgTq in ContainerError.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Error._getEmbeddedNSError() -> Swift.AnyObject?", referenced from:
      protocol witness for Swift.Error._getEmbeddedNSError() -> Swift.AnyObject? in conformance Deli.ContainerError : Swift.Error in Deli in ContainerError.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Error._code.getter : Swift.Int", referenced from:
      protocol witness for Swift.Error._code.getter : Swift.Int in conformance Deli.ContainerError : Swift.Error in Deli in ContainerError.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Error._domain.getter : Swift.String", referenced from:
      protocol witness for Swift.Error._domain.getter : Swift.String in conformance Deli.ContainerError : Swift.Error in Deli in ContainerError.o
  "(extension in Swift):Swift.Error._userInfo.getter : Swift.AnyObject?", referenced from:
      protocol witness for Swift.Error._userInfo.getter : Swift.AnyObject? in conformance Deli.ContainerError : Swift.Error in Deli in ContainerError.o
  "type metadata for Swift.Int16", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int16.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int16? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int16 and conformance Swift.Int16 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.Int16 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int16 and conformance Swift.Int16 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "type metadata for Swift.Int32", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int32.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int32? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int32 and conformance Swift.Int32 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.Int32 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int32 and conformance Swift.Int32 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "type metadata for Swift.Int64", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.Int64.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.Int64? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int64 and conformance Swift.Int64 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.Int64 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.Int64 and conformance Swift.Int64 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "type metadata for Swift.UInt8", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.UInt8.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.UInt8? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt8 and conformance Swift.UInt8 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.UInt8 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt8 and conformance Swift.UInt8 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "Swift.print(_: Any..., separator: Swift.String, terminator: Swift.String) -> ()", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
  "Swift.Hasher.combine<A where A: Swift.Hashable>(A) -> ()", referenced from:
      Deli.ContainerError.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> () in ContainerError.o
      Deli.Scope.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> () in Scope.o
      Deli.TypeKey.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> () in TypeKey.o
  "type metadata for Swift.UInt16", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.UInt16.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.UInt16? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt16 and conformance Swift.UInt16 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.UInt16 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt16 and conformance Swift.UInt16 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "type metadata for Swift.UInt32", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.UInt32.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.UInt32? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt32 and conformance Swift.UInt32 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.UInt32 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt32 and conformance Swift.UInt32 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "type metadata for Swift.UInt64", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, type: Swift.UInt64.Type, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Swift.UInt64? in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt64 and conformance Swift.UInt64 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.UInt64 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.UInt64 and conformance Swift.UInt64 : Swift.FixedWidthInteger in Swift in AppContext.o
  "type metadata for Any", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> [Any] in Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      closure #3 (Any) -> A? in Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
  "_OBJC_CLASS_$__TtCs12_SwiftObject", referenced from:
      full type metadata for Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      full type metadata for Deli.DefaultContainerComponent in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      full type metadata for Deli.FactoryContainerComponent in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      full type metadata for Deli.Container in Container.o
      full type metadata for Deli.ModuleFactory in ModuleFactory.o
  "_OBJC_METACLASS_$__TtCs12_SwiftObject", referenced from:
      metaclass for Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      metaclass for Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      metaclass for Deli.DefaultContainerComponent in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      metaclass for Deli.DefaultContainerComponent in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      metaclass for Deli.FactoryContainerComponent in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      metaclass for Deli.FactoryContainerComponent in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      metaclass for Deli.Container in Container.o
      metaclass for Deli.Container in Container.o
  "__swiftEmptyArrayStorage", referenced from:
      generic specialization <serialized, (extension in Dispatch):__C.OS_dispatch_queue.Attributes> of static Swift.Array._allocateUninitialized(Swift.Int) -> ([A], Swift.UnsafeMutablePointer<A>) in ModuleFactory.o
      generic specialization <serialized, Dispatch.DispatchWorkItemFlags> of static Swift.Array._allocateUninitialized(Swift.Int) -> ([A], Swift.UnsafeMutablePointer<A>) in ModuleFactory.o
  "__swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftCompatibility56", referenced from:
      __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftCompatibility56_$_Deli in Autowired.o
  "__swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftCompatibilityConcurrency", referenced from:
      __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftCompatibilityConcurrency_$_Deli in Autowired.o
  "__swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftDarwin", referenced from:
      __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftDarwin_$_Deli in Autowired.o
  "_swift_allocBox", referenced from:
      ___swift_allocate_boxed_opaque_existential_1 in AppContext.o
      ___swift_allocate_boxed_opaque_existential_0 in AppContext.o
  "_swift_allocError", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
  "_swift_allocObject", referenced from:
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A>(_: A1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: () -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E, F>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, _: F1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1, F1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E, F, G>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, _: F1.Type, _: G1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
  "_swift_allocateGenericClassMetadata", referenced from:
      type metadata instantiation function for Deli.Linker in Linker.o
  "_swift_allocateGenericValueMetadata", referenced from:
      type metadata instantiation function for Deli.Dependency in Dependency.o
      type metadata instantiation function for Deli.DependencyArray in DependencyArray.o
  "_swift_beginAccess", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(loadedList in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150).getter : [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(loadedList in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150).setter : [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(loadedList in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150).modify : [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      closure #1 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> () in Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getFactory<A>(A.Type) -> [A] in AppContext.o
  "_swift_bridgeObjectRelease", referenced from:
      l_objectdestroy in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy.2 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy.5 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
  "_swift_bridgeObjectRetain", referenced from:
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A>(_: A1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: () -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E, F>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, _: F1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1, F1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B, C, D, E, F, G>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, _: C1.Type, _: D1.Type, _: E1.Type, _: F1.Type, _: G1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
  "_swift_checkMetadataState", referenced from:
      type metadata completion function for Deli.Dependency in Dependency.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Inject.Inject<A where A1: Deli.Factory>(_: A1.Type, with: A1.RawPayload.Tuple, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A1 in Inject.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Inject.Inject<A where A1: Deli.Factory>(_: [A1].Type, with: A1.RawPayload.Tuple, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A1] in Inject.o
  "_swift_deallocClassInstance", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.__deallocating_deinit in AppContext.o
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.__deallocating_deinit in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.FactoryContainerComponent.__deallocating_deinit in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      Deli.Container.__deallocating_deinit in Container.o
      Deli.Linker.__deallocating_deinit in Linker.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.__deallocating_deinit in ModuleFactory.o
  "_swift_deallocObject", referenced from:
      l_objectdestroy in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy.2 in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy.5 in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy.8 in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy.11 in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy.14 in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy.17 in Configuration.o
  "_swift_dynamicCast", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      closure #1 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> A? in Deli.AppContext.getFactory<A>(A.Type) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      closure #3 (Any) -> A? in Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
  "_swift_endAccess", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(loadedList in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150).getter : [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(loadedList in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150).setter : [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(loadedList in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150).modify : [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] with unmangled suffix ".resume.0" in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(loadedList in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150).modify : [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] with unmangled suffix ".resume.0" in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      closure #1 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> () in Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
  "_swift_errorRelease", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(withoutResolve: A.Type, className: Swift.String, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: A.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> [Any] in Deli.AppContext.get<A>(_: [A].Type, qualifier: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> [Any] in Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: [A].Type, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
  "_swift_errorRetain", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
      Deli.Container.gets(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload?) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
      Deli.Container.gets(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> [Any] in Container.o
  "_swift_getAssociatedConformanceWitness", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, className: Swift.String, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: A.Type, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A? in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> [Any] in Deli.AppContext.get<A where A: Deli.Factory>(_: [A].Type, payload: A.RawPayload, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A] in AppContext.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Inject.Inject<A where A1: Deli.Factory>(_: A1.Type, with: A1.RawPayload.Tuple, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A1 in Inject.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Inject.Inject<A where A1: Deli.Factory>(_: [A1].Type, with: A1.RawPayload.Tuple, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A1] in Inject.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Inject.Inject<A where A1: Deli.Factory>(_: A1.Type, with: A1.RawPayload.Tuple, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> A1 in Inject.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Inject.Inject<A where A1: Deli.Factory>(_: [A1].Type, with: A1.RawPayload.Tuple, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> [A1] in Inject.o
  "_swift_getAssociatedTypeWitness", referenced from:
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1) -> A in Autowired.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1, A.Dep2) -> A in Autowired.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1, A.Dep2) -> A in Autowired.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1, A.Dep2, A.Dep3) -> A in Autowired.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1, A.Dep2, A.Dep3) -> A in Autowired.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1, A.Dep2, A.Dep3) -> A in Autowired.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1, A.Dep2, A.Dep3, A.Dep4) -> A in Autowired.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1, A.Dep2, A.Dep3, A.Dep4) -> A in Autowired.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1, A.Dep2, A.Dep3, A.Dep4) -> A in Autowired.o
      (extension in Deli):Deli.Autowired.init(A.Dep1, A.Dep2, A.Dep3, A.Dep4) -> A in Autowired.o
  "_swift_getEnumTagSinglePayloadGeneric", referenced from:
      getEnumTagSinglePayload value witness for Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150) in AppContext.o
      getEnumTagSinglePayload value witness for Deli.Dependency in Dependency.o
  "_swift_getErrorValue", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.getProperty(_: Swift.String, resolveRole: Deli.ResolveRole) -> Any? in AppContext.o
  "_swift_getGenericMetadata", referenced from:
      ___swift_instantiateGenericMetadata in Linker.o
  "_swift_getObjCClassFromMetadata", referenced from:
      __C.NSRecursiveLock.__allocating_init() -> __C.NSRecursiveLock in AppContext.o
  "_swift_getObjCClassMetadata", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      type metadata accessor for __C.NSRecursiveLock in AppContext.o
      type metadata accessor for __C.NSBundle in AppContext.o
      type metadata accessor for __C.OS_dispatch_queue in ModuleFactory.o
  "_swift_getObjectType", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
  "_swift_getSingletonMetadata", referenced from:
      type metadata accessor for Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150) in AppContext.o
  "_swift_getTypeByMangledNameInContext", referenced from:
      ___swift_instantiateConcreteTypeFromMangledName in AppContext.o
  "_swift_getTypeByMangledNameInContextInMetadataState", referenced from:
      ___swift_instantiateConcreteTypeFromMangledNameAbstract in AppContext.o
  "_swift_getWitnessTable", referenced from:
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [__C.NSBundle] and conformance [A] : Swift.BidirectionalCollection in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type Swift.String and conformance Swift.String : Swift.StringProtocol in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.ModuleFactory] and conformance [A] : Swift._ArrayProtocol in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.ModuleFactory] and conformance [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] and conformance [A] : Swift.MutableCollection in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] and conformance [A] : Swift.RandomAccessCollection in Swift in AppContext.o
      lazy protocol witness table accessor for type [Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)] and conformance [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift in AppContext.o
  "_swift_initClassMetadata2", referenced from:
      type metadata completion function for Deli.Linker in Linker.o
  "_swift_initStructMetadata", referenced from:
      type metadata completion function for Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150) in AppContext.o
      type metadata completion function for Deli.Dependency in Dependency.o
  "_swift_once", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.shared.unsafeMutableAddressor : Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
  "_swift_release", referenced from:
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A>(_: A1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: () -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A>(_: A1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: () -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      l_objectdestroy.2 in Configuration.o
  "_swift_retain", referenced from:
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A>(_: A1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: () -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A>(_: A1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: () -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A>(_: A1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: () -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
      closure #1 () -> A1 in static (extension in Deli):Deli.Configuration.Config<A, B>(_: A1.Type, _: B1.Type, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope, resolver: (B1) -> A1) -> () -> A1 in Configuration.o
  "_swift_storeEnumTagSinglePayloadGeneric", referenced from:
      storeEnumTagSinglePayload value witness for Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150) in AppContext.o
      storeEnumTagSinglePayload value witness for Deli.Dependency in Dependency.o
  "_swift_unknownObjectRelease", referenced from:
      Deli.AppContext.(getClassFromString in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(Swift.String) -> Swift.AnyObject.Type? in AppContext.o
      closure #1 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> Swift.Bool in closure #1 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      closure #1 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> Swift.Bool in closure #1 (Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.(load in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)(_: [Deli.ModuleFactory], priority: Deli.LoadPriority) -> () in AppContext.o
      closure #1 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.unload(Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      closure #1 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.unload(Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.unload(Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
      closure #2 (Deli.AppContext.(LoadInfo in _997583D0438ADAA755FC5689FEC6F150)) -> Swift.Bool in Deli.AppContext.unload(Deli.ModuleFactory) -> Deli.AppContext in AppContext.o
  "_swift_unknownObjectRetain", referenced from:
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.weakCache.setter : Swift.AnyObject? in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.weakCache.modify : Swift.AnyObject? with unmangled suffix ".resume.0" in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      outlined init with copy of Swift.AnyObject? in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.FactoryContainerComponent.weakCache.setter : Swift.AnyObject? in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      Deli.FactoryContainerComponent.weakCache.modify : Swift.AnyObject? with unmangled suffix ".resume.0" in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
      Deli.Container.(resolve in _E378473D3272039427FEB24D0F0099A1)(component: Deli._ContainerComponent) -> Any in Container.o
  "_swift_unknownObjectWeakAssign", referenced from:
      key path setter for Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.weakCache : Swift.AnyObject? : Deli.DefaultContainerComponent in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.weakCache.setter : Swift.AnyObject? in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.weakCache.modify : Swift.AnyObject? with unmangled suffix ".resume.0" in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.weakCache.modify : Swift.AnyObject? with unmangled suffix ".resume.0" in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.init(resolver: () -> Any, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.DefaultContainerComponent in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      key path setter for Deli.FactoryContainerComponent.weakCache : Swift.AnyObject? : Deli.FactoryContainerComponent in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      Deli.FactoryContainerComponent.weakCache.setter : Swift.AnyObject? in FactoryContainerComponent.o
  "_swift_unknownObjectWeakDestroy", referenced from:
      outlined destroy of weak Swift.AnyObject? in DefaultContainerComponent.o
  "_swift_unknownObjectWeakInit", referenced from:
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.init(resolver: () -> Any, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.DefaultContainerComponent in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.FactoryContainerComponent.init(resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.FactoryContainerComponent in FactoryContainerComponent.o
  "_swift_unknownObjectWeakLoadStrong", referenced from:
      key path getter for Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.weakCache : Swift.AnyObject? : Deli.DefaultContainerComponent in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.weakCache.getter : Swift.AnyObject? in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      Deli.DefaultContainerComponent.weakCache.modify : Swift.AnyObject? in DefaultContainerComponent.o
      key path getter for Deli.FactoryContainerComponent.weakCache : Swift.AnyObject? : Deli.FactoryContainerComponent in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      Deli.FactoryContainerComponent.weakCache.getter : Swift.AnyObject? in FactoryContainerComponent.o
      Deli.FactoryContainerComponent.weakCache.modify : Swift.AnyObject? in FactoryContainerComponent.o
  "_swift_unownedRelease", referenced from:
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      l_objectdestroy in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      l_objectdestroy.5 in ModuleFactory.o
      l_objectdestroy.11 in ModuleFactory.o
  "_swift_unownedRetain", referenced from:
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      closure #1 () -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
  "_swift_unownedRetainStrong", referenced from:
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      closure #1 () -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      closure #1 () -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      closure #1 () -> () in closure #1 () -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazy<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: () -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String, scope: Deli.Scope) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      closure #1 (Deli._Payload) -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
      closure #1 (Deli._Payload) -> Swift.AnyObject in Deli.ModuleFactory.registerLazyFactory<A>(_: A.Type, resolver: (Deli._Payload) -> Any, injector: (A) -> (), qualifier: Swift.String) -> Deli.Linker<A> in ModuleFactory.o
  "_swift_weakDestroy", referenced from:
      l_objectdestroy in Container.o
  "_swift_weakInit", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.load() -> () in Container.o
  "_swift_weakLoadStrong", referenced from:
      closure #2 (Deli._ContainerComponent) -> () in Deli.Container.load() -> () in Container.o
  "_swift_willThrow", referenced from:
      Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(_: Deli.TypeKey, payload: Deli._Payload) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.get(withoutResolve: Deli.TypeKey) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
      Deli.Container.getProperty(Swift.String) throws -> Any? in Container.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
The following build commands failed:
	Ld /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ normal arm64 (in target 'Deli' from project 'Deli' at path '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Deli.xcodeproj')
(1 failure)
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