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Build Information

Failed to build Stevia with Swift 6.0 (beta) for watchOS using Xcode 16.0.

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun --toolchain org.swift.600202405261a xcodebuild -IDEClonedSourcePackagesDirPathOverride=$workDir/.dependencies -skipMacroValidation -skipPackagePluginValidation -derivedDataPath $workDir/.derivedData build -scheme Stevia -destination generic/platform=watchos OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS=-stats-output-dir .stats -strict-concurrency=complete

Build Log

 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Alignment.swift:330:34: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
328 | @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "align(rights:)")
329 | @discardableResult
330 | public func alignRights(_ views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
331 |     return align(rights: views)
332 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Alignment.swift:345:47: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
343 |  */
344 | @discardableResult
345 | public func align(rights views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                               `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
346 |     align(.right, views: views)
347 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Alignment.swift:345:34: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
343 |  */
344 | @discardableResult
345 | public func align(rights views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
346 |     align(.right, views: views)
347 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Alignment.swift:352:48: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
350 | @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "align(rights:)")
351 | @discardableResult
352 | public func alignRights(_ views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
353 |     align(.right, views: views)
354 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Alignment.swift:352:35: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
350 | @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "align(rights:)")
351 | @discardableResult
352 | public func alignRights(_ views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                   `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
353 |     align(.right, views: views)
354 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Alignment.swift:368:49: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
366 | */
367 | @discardableResult
368 | public func align(leadings views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
369 |     align(.leading, views: views)
370 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Alignment.swift:368:36: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
366 | */
367 | @discardableResult
368 | public func align(leadings views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                    `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
369 |     align(.leading, views: views)
370 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Alignment.swift:384:50: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
382 | */
383 | @discardableResult
384 | public func align(leadings views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
385 |     align(.leading, views: views)
386 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Alignment.swift:384:35: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
382 | */
383 | @discardableResult
384 | public func align(leadings views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                   `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
385 |     align(.leading, views: views)
386 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Alignment.swift:400:50: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
398 | */
399 | @discardableResult
400 | public func align(trailings views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
401 |     align(.trailing, views: views)
402 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Alignment.swift:400:37: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
398 | */
399 | @discardableResult
400 | public func align(trailings views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                     `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
401 |     align(.trailing, views: views)
402 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Alignment.swift:416:51: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
414 | */
415 | @discardableResult
416 | public func align(trailings views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                   `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
417 |     align(.trailing, views: views)
418 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Alignment.swift:416:36: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
414 | */
415 | @discardableResult
416 | public func align(trailings views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                    `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
417 |     align(.trailing, views: views)
418 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Alignment.swift:422:83: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
420 |
421 | @discardableResult
422 | public func align(_ attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute, views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                                                   `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
423 |     for (i, v) in views.enumerated() where views.count > i+1 {
424 |         let v2 = views[i+1]
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Alignment.swift:422:32: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
420 |
421 | @discardableResult
422 | public func align(_ attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute, views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
423 |     for (i, v) in views.enumerated() where views.count > i+1 {
424 |         let v2 = views[i+1]
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Alignment.swift:422:70: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
420 |
421 | @discardableResult
422 | public func align(_ attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute, views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
423 |     for (i, v) in views.enumerated() where views.count > i+1 {
424 |         let v2 = views[i+1]
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Baselines.swift:28:55: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
26 |  */
27 | @discardableResult
28 | public func align(lastBaselines views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
   |                                                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
29 |     return align(lastBaselines: views)
30 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Baselines.swift:28:40: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
26 |  */
27 | @discardableResult
28 | public func align(lastBaselines views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
   |                                        `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
29 |     return align(lastBaselines: views)
30 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Baselines.swift:33:54: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
31 |
32 | @discardableResult
33 | public func align(lastBaselines views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
   |                                                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
34 |     for (i, v) in views.enumerated() where views.count > i+1 {
35 |         let v2 = views[i+1]
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Baselines.swift:33:41: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
31 |
32 | @discardableResult
33 | public func align(lastBaselines views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
   |                                         `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
34 |     for (i, v) in views.enumerated() where views.count > i+1 {
35 |         let v2 = views[i+1]
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Baselines.swift:62:56: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
60 |  */
61 | @discardableResult
62 | public func align(firstBaselines views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
   |                                                        `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
63 |     return align(firstBaselines: views)
64 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Baselines.swift:62:41: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
60 |  */
61 | @discardableResult
62 | public func align(firstBaselines views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
   |                                         `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
63 |     return align(firstBaselines: views)
64 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Baselines.swift:67:55: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
65 |
66 | @discardableResult
67 | public func align(firstBaselines views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
   |                                                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
68 |     for (i, v) in views.enumerated() where views.count > i+1 {
69 |         let v2 = views[i+1]
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Baselines.swift:67:42: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
65 |
66 | @discardableResult
67 | public func align(firstBaselines views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
   |                                          `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
68 |     for (i, v) in views.enumerated() where views.count > i+1 {
69 |         let v2 = views[i+1]
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Center.swift:12:18: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 10 | import UIKit
 11 |
 12 | public extension UIView {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 13 |
 14 |     /**
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Constraints.swift:14:18: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 12 | // MARK: - Shortcut
 13 |
 14 | public extension UIView {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 15 |
 16 |     /**
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Constraints.swift:78:49: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 76 |                        attribute attr2: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute? = nil, // Not an attribute??
 77 |                        multiplier: Double = 1,
 78 |                        constant: Double = 0) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
    |                                                 `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 79 |         let c =  NSLayoutConstraint(item: view1, attribute: attr1,
 80 |                                   relatedBy: relatedBy,
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Constraints.swift:73:41: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 71 |  */
 72 | func constraint(item view1: AnyObject,
 73 |                        attribute attr1: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute,
    |                                         `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 74 |                        relatedBy: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation = .equal,
 75 |                        toItem view2: AnyObject? = nil,
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Constraints.swift:74:35: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 72 | func constraint(item view1: AnyObject,
 73 |                        attribute attr1: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute,
 74 |                        relatedBy: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation = .equal,
    |                                   `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 75 |                        toItem view2: AnyObject? = nil,
 76 |                        attribute attr2: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute? = nil, // Not an attribute??
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Constraints.swift:76:41: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 74 |                        relatedBy: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation = .equal,
 75 |                        toItem view2: AnyObject? = nil,
 76 |                        attribute attr2: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute? = nil, // Not an attribute??
    |                                         `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 77 |                        multiplier: Double = 1,
 78 |                        constant: Double = 0) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Constraints.swift:87:18: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 85 | }
 86 |
 87 | public extension UIView {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 88 |
 89 | /**
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Constraints.swift:109:18: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
107 | // MARK: - Other
108 |
109 | public extension UIView {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
110 |
111 |     /**
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Content.swift:12:18: error: cannot find type 'UIButton' in scope
 10 | import UIKit
 11 |
 12 | public extension UIButton {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIButton' in scope
 13 |
 14 |     /**
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Content.swift:55:18: error: cannot find type 'UITextField' in scope
 53 | }
 54 |
 55 | public extension UITextField {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UITextField' in scope
 56 |     /**
 57 |      Sets the textfield placeholder but in a chainable fashion
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Content.swift:67:18: error: cannot find type 'UILabel' in scope
 65 | }
 66 |
 67 | public extension UILabel {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UILabel' in scope
 68 |     /**
 69 |      Sets the label text but in a chainable fashion
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Content.swift:90:11: error: cannot find type 'UIImageView' in scope
 88 | }
 89 |
 90 | extension UIImageView {
    |           `- error: cannot find type 'UIImageView' in scope
 91 |     /**
 92 |      Sets the image of the imageView but in a chainable fashion
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:16:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 14 |
 15 | @discardableResult
 16 | public func -- (left: UIView, right: Double) -> PartialConstraint {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 17 |     return left-right
 18 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:20:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 18 | }
 19 |
 20 | public func -- (left: UIView, right: CGFloat) -> PartialConstraint {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 21 |     return left--Double(right)
 22 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:24:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 22 | }
 23 |
 24 | public func -- (left: UIView, right: Int) -> PartialConstraint {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 25 |     return left--Double(right)
 26 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:29:57: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 27 |
 28 | @discardableResult
 29 | public func -- (left: SideConstraint, right: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                                                         `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 30 |     return left-right
 31 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:29:46: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 27 |
 28 | @discardableResult
 29 | public func -- (left: SideConstraint, right: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                                              `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 30 |     return left-right
 31 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:34:60: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 32 |
 33 | @discardableResult
 34 | public func -- (left: [UIView], right: SideConstraint) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                            `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 35 |     return left-right
 36 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:34:24: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 32 |
 33 | @discardableResult
 34 | public func -- (left: [UIView], right: SideConstraint) -> [UIView] {
    |                        `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 35 |     return left-right
 36 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:39:57: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 37 |
 38 | @discardableResult
 39 | public func -- (left: UIView, right: SideConstraint) -> UIView {
    |                                                         `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 40 |     return left-right
 41 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:39:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 37 |
 38 | @discardableResult
 39 | public func -- (left: UIView, right: SideConstraint) -> UIView {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 40 |     return left-right
 41 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:44:61: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 42 |
 43 | @discardableResult
 44 | public func -- (left: PartialConstraint, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                             `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 45 |     return left-right
 46 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:44:49: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 42 |
 43 | @discardableResult
 44 | public func -- (left: PartialConstraint, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 45 |     return left-right
 46 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:49:50: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 47 |
 48 | @discardableResult
 49 | public func -- (left: UIView, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 50 |     return left-right
 51 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:49:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 47 |
 48 | @discardableResult
 49 | public func -- (left: UIView, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 50 |     return left-right
 51 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:49:38: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 47 |
 48 | @discardableResult
 49 | public func -- (left: UIView, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 50 |     return left-right
 51 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:54:24: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 52 |
 53 | @discardableResult
 54 | public func -- (left: [UIView], right: Double) -> PartialConstraint {
    |                        `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 55 |     return left-right
 56 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:59:24: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 57 |
 58 | @discardableResult
 59 | public func -- (left: [UIView], right: CGFloat) -> PartialConstraint {
    |                        `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 60 |     return left--Double(right)
 61 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:64:24: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 62 |
 63 | @discardableResult
 64 | public func -- (left: [UIView], right: Int) -> PartialConstraint {
    |                        `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 65 |     return left--Double(right)
 66 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:69:52: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 67 |
 68 | @discardableResult
 69 | public func -- (left: [UIView], right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                    `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 70 |     return left-right
 71 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:69:24: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 67 |
 68 | @discardableResult
 69 | public func -- (left: [UIView], right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                        `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 70 |     return left-right
 71 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:69:40: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 67 |
 68 | @discardableResult
 69 | public func -- (left: [UIView], right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                        `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 70 |     return left-right
 71 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:74:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 72 |
 73 | @discardableResult
 74 | public func -- (left: UIView, right: String) -> Space {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 75 |     return left-right
 76 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:79:24: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 77 |
 78 | @discardableResult
 79 | public func -- (left: [UIView], right: String) -> Space {
    |                        `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 80 |     return left-right
 81 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:84:49: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 82 |
 83 | @discardableResult
 84 | public func -- (left: Space, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 85 |     return left-right
 86 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:84:37: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 82 |
 83 | @discardableResult
 84 | public func -- (left: Space, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                     `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 85 |     return left-right
 86 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:89:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 87 |
 88 | @discardableResult
 89 | public func -- (left: UIView,
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 90 |                 right: SteviaFlexibleMargin) -> PartialFlexibleConstraint {
 91 |     return left-right
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:95:24: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 93 |
 94 | @discardableResult
 95 | public func -- (left: [UIView],
    |                        `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 96 |                 right: SteviaFlexibleMargin) -> PartialFlexibleConstraint {
 97 |     return left-right
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:101:69: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 99 |
100 | @discardableResult
101 | public func -- (left: PartialFlexibleConstraint, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                                     `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
102 |     return left-right
103 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:101:57: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 99 |
100 | @discardableResult
101 | public func -- (left: PartialFlexibleConstraint, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                         `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
102 |     return left-right
103 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:106:67: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
104 |
105 | @discardableResult
106 | public func -- (left: SteviaLeftFlexibleMargin, right: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                                                                   `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
107 |     return left-right
108 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:106:56: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
104 |
105 | @discardableResult
106 | public func -- (left: SteviaLeftFlexibleMargin, right: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                                                        `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
107 |     return left-right
108 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:111:68: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
109 |
110 | @discardableResult
111 | public func -- (left: UIView, right: SteviaRightFlexibleMargin) -> UIView {
    |                                                                    `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
112 |     return left-right
113 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:111:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
109 |
110 | @discardableResult
111 | public func -- (left: UIView, right: SteviaRightFlexibleMargin) -> UIView {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
112 |     return left-right
113 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:116:71: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
114 |
115 | @discardableResult
116 | public func -- (left: [UIView], right: SteviaRightFlexibleMargin) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
117 |     return left-right
118 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:116:24: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
114 |
115 | @discardableResult
116 | public func -- (left: [UIView], right: SteviaRightFlexibleMargin) -> [UIView] {
    |                        `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
117 |     return left-right
118 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:131:24: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
129 |
130 | @discardableResult
131 | public func ⁃ (left: UIView, right: Double) -> PartialConstraint {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
132 |     return left-right
133 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:135:24: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
133 | }
134 |
135 | public func ⁃ (left: UIView, right: CGFloat) -> PartialConstraint {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
136 |     return left⁃Double(right)
137 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:139:24: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
137 | }
138 |
139 | public func ⁃ (left: UIView, right: Int) -> PartialConstraint {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
140 |     return left⁃Double(right)
141 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:144:58: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
142 |
143 | @discardableResult
144 | public func ⁃ (left: SideConstraint, right: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                                                        `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
145 |     return left-right
146 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:144:47: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
142 |
143 | @discardableResult
144 | public func ⁃ (left: SideConstraint, right: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                                             `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
145 |     return left-right
146 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:149:61: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
147 |
148 | @discardableResult
149 | public func ⁃ (left: [UIView], right: SideConstraint) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                           `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
150 |     return left-right
151 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:149:25: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
147 |
148 | @discardableResult
149 | public func ⁃ (left: [UIView], right: SideConstraint) -> [UIView] {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
150 |     return left-right
151 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:154:58: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
152 |
153 | @discardableResult
154 | public func ⁃ (left: UIView, right: SideConstraint) -> UIView {
    |                                                        `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
155 |     return left-right
156 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:154:24: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
152 |
153 | @discardableResult
154 | public func ⁃ (left: UIView, right: SideConstraint) -> UIView {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
155 |     return left-right
156 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:159:62: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
157 |
158 | @discardableResult
159 | public func ⁃ (left: PartialConstraint, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                            `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
160 |     return left-right
161 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:159:50: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
157 |
158 | @discardableResult
159 | public func ⁃ (left: PartialConstraint, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
160 |     return left-right
161 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:164:51: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
162 |
163 | @discardableResult
164 | public func ⁃ (left: UIView, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
165 |     return left-right
166 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:164:24: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
162 |
163 | @discardableResult
164 | public func ⁃ (left: UIView, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
165 |     return left-right
166 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:164:39: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
162 |
163 | @discardableResult
164 | public func ⁃ (left: UIView, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                     `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
165 |     return left-right
166 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:169:25: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
167 |
168 | @discardableResult
169 | public func ⁃ (left: [UIView], right: Double) -> PartialConstraint {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
170 |     return left-right
171 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:174:25: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
172 |
173 | @discardableResult
174 | public func ⁃ (left: [UIView], right: CGFloat) -> PartialConstraint {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
175 |     return left⁃Double(right)
176 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:179:25: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
177 |
178 | @discardableResult
179 | public func ⁃ (left: [UIView], right: Int) -> PartialConstraint {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
180 |     return left⁃Double(right)
181 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:184:53: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
182 |
183 | @discardableResult
184 | public func ⁃ (left: [UIView], right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                   `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
185 |     return left-right
186 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:184:25: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
182 |
183 | @discardableResult
184 | public func ⁃ (left: [UIView], right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
185 |     return left-right
186 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:184:41: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
182 |
183 | @discardableResult
184 | public func ⁃ (left: [UIView], right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
185 |     return left-right
186 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:189:24: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
187 |
188 | @discardableResult
189 | public func ⁃ (left: UIView, right: String) -> Space {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
190 |     return left-right
191 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:194:25: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
192 |
193 | @discardableResult
194 | public func ⁃ (left: [UIView], right: String) -> Space {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
195 |     return left-right
196 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:199:50: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
197 |
198 | @discardableResult
199 | public func ⁃ (left: Space, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
200 |     return left-right
201 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:199:38: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
197 |
198 | @discardableResult
199 | public func ⁃ (left: Space, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                    `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
200 |     return left-right
201 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:204:24: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
202 |
203 | @discardableResult
204 | public func ⁃ (left: UIView,
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
205 |                 right: SteviaFlexibleMargin) -> PartialFlexibleConstraint {
206 |     return left-right
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:210:25: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
208 |
209 | @discardableResult
210 | public func ⁃ (left: [UIView],
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
211 |                 right: SteviaFlexibleMargin) -> PartialFlexibleConstraint {
212 |     return left-right
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:216:70: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
214 |
215 | @discardableResult
216 | public func ⁃ (left: PartialFlexibleConstraint, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                                    `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
217 |     return left-right
218 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:216:58: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
214 |
215 | @discardableResult
216 | public func ⁃ (left: PartialFlexibleConstraint, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                        `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
217 |     return left-right
218 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:221:68: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
219 |
220 | @discardableResult
221 | public func ⁃ (left: SteviaLeftFlexibleMargin, right: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                                                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
222 |     return left-right
223 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:221:57: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
219 |
220 | @discardableResult
221 | public func ⁃ (left: SteviaLeftFlexibleMargin, right: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                                                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
222 |     return left-right
223 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:226:69: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
224 |
225 | @discardableResult
226 | public func ⁃ (left: UIView, right: SteviaRightFlexibleMargin) -> UIView {
    |                                                                   `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
227 |     return left-right
228 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:226:24: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
224 |
225 | @discardableResult
226 | public func ⁃ (left: UIView, right: SteviaRightFlexibleMargin) -> UIView {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
227 |     return left-right
228 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:231:72: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
229 |
230 | @discardableResult
231 | public func ⁃ (left: [UIView], right: SteviaRightFlexibleMargin) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
232 |     return left-right
233 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift:231:25: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
229 |
230 | @discardableResult
231 | public func ⁃ (left: [UIView], right: SteviaRightFlexibleMargin) -> [UIView] {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
232 |     return left-right
233 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:13:15: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 11 |
 12 | public struct SteviaAttribute {
 13 |     let view: UIView
    |               `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 14 |     let attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute
 15 |     let constant: Double?
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:14:20: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 12 | public struct SteviaAttribute {
 13 |     let view: UIView
 14 |     let attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute
    |                    `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 15 |     let constant: Double?
 16 |     let multiplier: Double?
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:18:16: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 16 |     let multiplier: Double?
 17 |
 18 |     init(view: UIView, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute) {
    |                `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 19 |         self.view = view
 20 |         self.attribute = attribute
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:18:35: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 16 |     let multiplier: Double?
 17 |
 18 |     init(view: UIView, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute) {
    |                                   `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 19 |         self.view = view
 20 |         self.attribute = attribute
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:25:16: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 23 |     }
 24 |
 25 |     init(view: UIView, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute, constant: Double?, multiplier: Double?) {
    |                `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 26 |         self.view = view
 27 |         self.attribute = attribute
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:25:35: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 23 |     }
 24 |
 25 |     init(view: UIView, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute, constant: Double?, multiplier: Double?) {
    |                                   `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 26 |         self.view = view
 27 |         self.attribute = attribute
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:33:18: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 31 | }
 32 |
 33 | public extension UIView {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 34 |
 35 |     var Width: SteviaAttribute {
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:87:67: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 85 |
 86 | @discardableResult
 87 | public func == (left: SteviaAttribute, right: SteviaAttribute) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
    |                                                                   `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 88 |     let constant = right.constant ?? left.constant ?? 0
 89 |     let multiplier = right.multiplier ?? left.multiplier ?? 1
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:141:61: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
139 | }
140 |
141 | func commonParent(with viewA: UIView, and viewB: UIView) -> UIView? {
    |                                                             `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
142 |
143 |     // Both views should have a superview
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:141:31: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
139 | }
140 |
141 | func commonParent(with viewA: UIView, and viewB: UIView) -> UIView? {
    |                               `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
142 |
143 |     // Both views should have a superview
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:141:50: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
139 | }
140 |
141 | func commonParent(with viewA: UIView, and viewB: UIView) -> UIView? {
    |                                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
142 |
143 |     // Both views should have a superview
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:161:67: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
159 |
160 | @discardableResult
161 | public func >= (left: SteviaAttribute, right: SteviaAttribute) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
    |                                                                   `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
162 |     return applyRelation(left: left, right: right, relateBy: .greaterThanOrEqual)
163 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:166:67: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
164 |
165 | @discardableResult
166 | public func <= (left: SteviaAttribute, right: SteviaAttribute) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
    |                                                                   `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
167 |     return applyRelation(left: left, right: right, relateBy: .lessThanOrEqual)
168 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:170:117: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
168 | }
169 |
170 | private func applyRelation(left: SteviaAttribute, right: SteviaAttribute, relateBy: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
    |                                                                                                                     `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
171 |     let constant = right.constant ?? 0
172 |     let multiplier = right.multiplier ?? 1
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:170:85: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
168 | }
169 |
170 | private func applyRelation(left: SteviaAttribute, right: SteviaAttribute, relateBy: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
    |                                                                                     `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
171 |     let constant = right.constant ?? 0
172 |     let multiplier = right.multiplier ?? 1
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+FlexibleMargin.swift:56:22: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 54 |
 55 | @discardableResult
 56 | public func - (left: UIView,
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 57 |                right: SteviaFlexibleMargin) -> PartialFlexibleConstraint {
 58 |     return PartialFlexibleConstraint(fm: right, view1: left, views: nil)
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+FlexibleMargin.swift:62:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 60 |
 61 | @discardableResult
 62 | public func - (left: [UIView],
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 63 |                right: SteviaFlexibleMargin) -> PartialFlexibleConstraint {
 64 |     return PartialFlexibleConstraint(fm: right, view1: nil, views: left)
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+FlexibleMargin.swift:68:68: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 66 |
 67 | @discardableResult
 68 | public func - (left: PartialFlexibleConstraint, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                                    `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 69 |     if let views = left.views {
 70 |         if let spv = right.superview {
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+FlexibleMargin.swift:68:56: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 66 |
 67 | @discardableResult
 68 | public func - (left: PartialFlexibleConstraint, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                        `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 69 |     if let views = left.views {
 70 |         if let spv = right.superview {
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+FlexibleMargin.swift:102:66: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
100 |
101 | @discardableResult
102 | public func - (left: SteviaLeftFlexibleMargin, right: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                                                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
103 |     if let spv = right.superview {
104 |         let c = constraint(item: right, attribute: .leading,
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+FlexibleMargin.swift:102:55: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
100 |
101 | @discardableResult
102 | public func - (left: SteviaLeftFlexibleMargin, right: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                                                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
103 |     if let spv = right.superview {
104 |         let c = constraint(item: right, attribute: .leading,
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+FlexibleMargin.swift:125:67: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
123 |
124 | @discardableResult
125 | public func - (left: UIView, right: SteviaRightFlexibleMargin) -> UIView {
    |                                                                   `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
126 |     if let spv = left.superview {
127 |         let c = constraint(item: spv, attribute: .trailing,
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+FlexibleMargin.swift:125:22: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
123 |
124 | @discardableResult
125 | public func - (left: UIView, right: SteviaRightFlexibleMargin) -> UIView {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
126 |     if let spv = left.superview {
127 |         let c = constraint(item: spv, attribute: .trailing,
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+FlexibleMargin.swift:137:70: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
135 |
136 | @discardableResult
137 | public func - (left: [UIView], right: SteviaRightFlexibleMargin) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
138 |     if let spv = left.last!.superview {
139 |         let c = constraint(item: spv, attribute: .trailing,
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+FlexibleMargin.swift:137:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
135 |
136 | @discardableResult
137 | public func - (left: [UIView], right: SteviaRightFlexibleMargin) -> [UIView] {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
138 |     if let spv = left.last!.superview {
139 |         let c = constraint(item: spv, attribute: .trailing,
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:134:22: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
132 |
133 | @discardableResult
134 | public func - (left: UIView, right: Double) -> PartialConstraint {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
135 |     var p = PartialConstraint()
136 |     p.view1 = left
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:142:22: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
140 |
141 | @discardableResult
142 | public func - (left: UIView, right: CGFloat) -> PartialConstraint {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
143 |     left-Double(right)
144 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:147:22: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
145 |
146 | @discardableResult
147 | public func - (left: UIView, right: Int) -> PartialConstraint {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
148 |     left-Double(right)
149 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:154:56: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
152 |
153 | @discardableResult
154 | public func - (left: SideConstraint, right: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                                                        `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
155 |     if let spv = right.superview {
156 |         let c = constraint(item: right, attribute: .leading,
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:154:45: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
152 |
153 | @discardableResult
154 | public func - (left: SideConstraint, right: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                                             `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
155 |     if let spv = right.superview {
156 |         let c = constraint(item: right, attribute: .leading,
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:165:59: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
163 |
164 | @discardableResult
165 | public func - (left: [UIView], right: SideConstraint) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                           `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
166 |     let lastView = left[left.count-1]
167 |     if let spv = lastView.superview {
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:165:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
163 |
164 | @discardableResult
165 | public func - (left: [UIView], right: SideConstraint) -> [UIView] {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
166 |     let lastView = left[left.count-1]
167 |     if let spv = lastView.superview {
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:177:56: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
175 |
176 | @discardableResult
177 | public func - (left: UIView, right: SideConstraint) -> UIView {
    |                                                        `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
178 |     if let spv = left.superview {
179 |         let c = constraint(item: left, attribute: .trailing,
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:177:22: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
175 |
176 | @discardableResult
177 | public func - (left: UIView, right: SideConstraint) -> UIView {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
178 |     if let spv = left.superview {
179 |         let c = constraint(item: left, attribute: .trailing,
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:188:60: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
186 |
187 | @discardableResult
188 | public func - (left: PartialConstraint, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                            `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
189 |     if let views = left.views {
190 |         if let spv = right.superview {
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:188:48: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
186 |
187 | @discardableResult
188 | public func - (left: PartialConstraint, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
189 |     if let views = left.views {
190 |         if let spv = right.superview {
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:212:49: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
210 |
211 | @discardableResult
212 | public func - (left: UIView, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
213 |     if let spv = left.superview {
214 |         let c = constraint(item: right, attribute: .leading,
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:212:22: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
210 |
211 | @discardableResult
212 | public func - (left: UIView, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
213 |     if let spv = left.superview {
214 |         let c = constraint(item: right, attribute: .leading,
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:212:37: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
210 |
211 | @discardableResult
212 | public func - (left: UIView, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                     `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
213 |     if let spv = left.superview {
214 |         let c = constraint(item: right, attribute: .leading,
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:223:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
221 |
222 | @discardableResult
223 | public func - (left: [UIView], right: Double) -> PartialConstraint {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
224 |     var p = PartialConstraint()
225 |     p.constant = right
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:231:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
229 |
230 | @discardableResult
231 | public func - (left: [UIView], right: CGFloat) -> PartialConstraint {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
232 |     left-Double(right)
233 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:236:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
234 |
235 | @discardableResult
236 | public func - (left: [UIView], right: Int) -> PartialConstraint {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
237 |     left-Double(right)
238 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:242:51: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
240 |
241 | @discardableResult
242 | public func - (left: [UIView], right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                   `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
243 |     let lastView = left[left.count-1]
244 |     if let spv = lastView.superview {
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:242:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
240 |
241 | @discardableResult
242 | public func - (left: [UIView], right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
243 |     let lastView = left[left.count-1]
244 |     if let spv = lastView.superview {
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:242:39: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
240 |
241 | @discardableResult
242 | public func - (left: [UIView], right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
243 |     let lastView = left[left.count-1]
244 |     if let spv = lastView.superview {
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:259:22: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
257 |
258 | @discardableResult
259 | public func - (left: UIView, right: String) -> Space {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
260 |     Space(previousViews: [left])
261 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:264:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
262 |
263 | @discardableResult
264 | public func - (left: [UIView], right: String) -> Space {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
265 |     Space(previousViews: left)
266 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:269:48: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
267 |
268 | @discardableResult
269 | public func - (left: Space, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
270 |     var va = left.previousViews
271 |     va?.append(right)
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:269:36: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
267 |
268 | @discardableResult
269 | public func - (left: Space, right: UIView) -> [UIView] {
    |                                    `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
270 |     var va = left.previousViews
271 |     va?.append(right)
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:265:58: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
263 |
264 | @discardableResult
265 | public func == (left: SteviaAttribute, right: Double) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
    |                                                          `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
266 |     if let spv = left.view.superview {
267 |         var toItem: UIView? = spv
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:284:59: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
282 |
283 | @discardableResult
284 | public func == (left: SteviaAttribute, right: CGFloat) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
    |                                                           `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
285 |     left == Double(right)
286 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:289:55: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
287 |
288 | @discardableResult
289 | public func == (left: SteviaAttribute, right: Int) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
    |                                                       `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
290 |     left == Double(right)
291 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:294:58: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
292 |
293 | @discardableResult
294 | public func >= (left: SteviaAttribute, right: Double) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
    |                                                          `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
295 |     if let spv = left.view.superview {
296 |         var toItem: UIView? = spv
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:314:59: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
312 |
313 | @discardableResult
314 | public func >= (left: SteviaAttribute, right: CGFloat) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
    |                                                           `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
315 |     left >= Double(right)
316 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:319:55: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
317 |
318 | @discardableResult
319 | public func >= (left: SteviaAttribute, right: Int) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
    |                                                       `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
320 |     left >= Double(right)
321 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:324:58: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
322 |
323 | @discardableResult
324 | public func <= (left: SteviaAttribute, right: Double) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
    |                                                          `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
325 |     if let spv = left.view.superview {
326 |         var toItem: UIView? = spv
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:344:59: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
342 |
343 | @discardableResult
344 | public func <= (left: SteviaAttribute, right: CGFloat) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
    |                                                           `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
345 |     left <= Double(right)
346 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift:349:55: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
347 |
348 | @discardableResult
349 | public func <= (left: SteviaAttribute, right: Int) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
    |                                                       `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
350 |     left <= Double(right)
351 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Fill.swift:12:18: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 10 | import UIKit
 11 |
 12 | public extension UIView {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 13 |
 14 |     /**
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+FlexibleMargin.swift:46:19: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 44 | public struct SteviaFlexibleMargin {
 45 |     var points: Double!
 46 |     var relation: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation!
    |                   `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 47 | }
 48 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+FlexibleMargin.swift:51:16: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 49 | public struct PartialFlexibleConstraint {
 50 |     var fm: SteviaFlexibleMargin!
 51 |     var view1: UIView?
    |                `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 52 |     var views: [UIView]?
 53 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+FlexibleMargin.swift:52:17: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 50 |     var fm: SteviaFlexibleMargin!
 51 |     var view1: UIView?
 52 |     var views: [UIView]?
    |                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 53 | }
 54 |
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:96:27: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 94 |
 95 | @discardableResult
 96 | public prefix func |- (v: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                           `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 97 |     v.leading(8)
 98 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:96:38: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 94 |
 95 | @discardableResult
 96 | public prefix func |- (v: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 97 |     v.leading(8)
 98 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:119:28: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
117 |
118 | @discardableResult
119 | public postfix func -| (v: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                            `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
120 |     v.trailing(8)
121 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:119:39: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
117 |
118 | @discardableResult
119 | public postfix func -| (v: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
120 |     v.trailing(8)
121 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+GetConstraint.swift:12:18: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 10 | import UIKit
 11 |
 12 | public extension UIView {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 13 |
 14 |     /** Gets the left constraint if found.
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+GetConstraint.swift:174:81: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
172 | }
173 |
174 | func constraintForView(_ v: UIView, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute) -> NSLayoutConstraint? {
    |                                                                                 `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
175 |
176 |     func lookForConstraint(in view: UIView?) -> NSLayoutConstraint? {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+GetConstraint.swift:174:29: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
172 | }
173 |
174 | func constraintForView(_ v: UIView, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute) -> NSLayoutConstraint? {
    |                             `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
175 |
176 |     func lookForConstraint(in view: UIView?) -> NSLayoutConstraint? {
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+GetConstraint.swift:174:48: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
172 | }
173 |
174 | func constraintForView(_ v: UIView, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute) -> NSLayoutConstraint? {
    |                                                `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
175 |
176 |     func lookForConstraint(in view: UIView?) -> NSLayoutConstraint? {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Hierarchy.swift:13:61: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 11 |
 12 | @resultBuilder public struct SubviewsBuilder {
 13 |     public static func buildBlock(_ content: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                             `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 14 |         return content
 15 |     }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Hierarchy.swift:13:46: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 11 |
 12 | @resultBuilder public struct SubviewsBuilder {
 13 |     public static func buildBlock(_ content: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                              `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 14 |         return content
 15 |     }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Hierarchy.swift:18:18: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 16 | }
 17 |
 18 | public extension UIView {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 19 |
 20 |     @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "subviews")
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Hierarchy.swift:189:18: error: cannot find type 'UITableViewCell' in scope
187 | }
188 |
189 | public extension UITableViewCell {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UITableViewCell' in scope
190 |
191 |     /**
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Hierarchy.swift:263:18: error: cannot find type 'UICollectionViewCell' in scope
261 | }
262 |
263 | public extension UICollectionViewCell {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UICollectionViewCell' in scope
264 |     /**
265 |      Defines the view hierachy for the view.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Hierarchy.swift:308:18: error: cannot find type 'UIStackView' in scope
306 |
307 |
308 | public extension UIStackView {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIStackView' in scope
309 |
310 |     @discardableResult
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+LayoutAnchors.swift:14:17: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutYAxisAnchor' in scope
 12 | @available(iOS 9.0, *)
 13 | public struct SteviaLayoutYAxisAnchor {
 14 |     let anchor: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor
    |                 `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutYAxisAnchor' in scope
 15 |     let constant: Double
 16 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+LayoutAnchors.swift:17:18: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutYAxisAnchor' in scope
 15 |     let constant: Double
 16 |
 17 |     init(anchor: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor, constant: Double = 0) {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutYAxisAnchor' in scope
 18 |         self.anchor = anchor
 19 |         self.constant = constant
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+LayoutAnchors.swift:25:17: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutXAxisAnchor' in scope
 23 | @available(iOS 9.0, *)
 24 | public struct SteviaLayoutXAxisAnchor {
 25 |     let anchor: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor
    |                 `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutXAxisAnchor' in scope
 26 |     let constant: Double
 27 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+LayoutAnchors.swift:28:18: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutXAxisAnchor' in scope
 26 |     let constant: Double
 27 |
 28 |     init(anchor: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor, constant: Double = 0) {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutXAxisAnchor' in scope
 29 |         self.anchor = anchor
 30 |         self.constant = constant
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+LayoutAnchors.swift:35:18: error: cannot find type 'UILayoutGuide' in scope
 33 |
 34 | @available(iOS 9.0, *)
 35 | public extension UILayoutGuide {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UILayoutGuide' in scope
 36 |
 37 |     var Top: SteviaLayoutYAxisAnchor {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+LayoutAnchors.swift:72:75: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 70 | @available(iOS 9.0, *)
 71 | @discardableResult
 72 | public func == (left: SteviaAttribute, right: SteviaLayoutYAxisAnchor) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
    |                                                                           `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 73 |
 74 |     var constraint = NSLayoutConstraint()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+LayoutAnchors.swift:94:75: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 92 | @available(iOS 9.0, *)
 93 | @discardableResult
 94 | public func == (left: SteviaAttribute, right: SteviaLayoutXAxisAnchor) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
    |                                                                           `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
 95 |
 96 |     var constraint = NSLayoutConstraint()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+LayoutAnchors.swift:199:18: error: cannot find type 'UILayoutSupport' in scope
197 |
198 | @available(iOS 9.0, *)
199 | public extension UILayoutSupport {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UILayoutSupport' in scope
200 |
201 |     var Top: SteviaLayoutYAxisAnchor {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:14:37: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 12 | prefix operator |
 13 | @discardableResult
 14 | public prefix func | (p: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                                     `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 15 |     p.leading(0)
 16 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:14:26: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 12 | prefix operator |
 13 | @discardableResult
 14 | public prefix func | (p: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                          `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 15 |     p.leading(0)
 16 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:20:38: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 18 | postfix operator |
 19 | @discardableResult
 20 | public postfix func | (p: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 21 |     p.trailing(0)
 22 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:20:27: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 18 | postfix operator |
 19 | @discardableResult
 20 | public postfix func | (p: UIView) -> UIView {
    |                           `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 21 |     p.trailing(0)
 22 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:31:48: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 29 |
 30 | @discardableResult
 31 | public func ~ (left: UIView, right: Double) -> UIView {
    |                                                `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 32 |     left.height(right)
 33 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:31:22: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 29 |
 30 | @discardableResult
 31 | public func ~ (left: UIView, right: Double) -> UIView {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 32 |     left.height(right)
 33 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:36:49: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 34 |
 35 | @discardableResult
 36 | public func ~ (left: UIView, right: CGFloat) -> UIView {
    |                                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 37 |     left ~ Double(right)
 38 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:36:22: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 34 |
 35 | @discardableResult
 36 | public func ~ (left: UIView, right: CGFloat) -> UIView {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 37 |     left ~ Double(right)
 38 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:41:45: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 39 |
 40 | @discardableResult
 41 | public func ~ (left: UIView, right: Int) -> UIView {
    |                                             `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 42 |     left ~ Double(right)
 43 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:41:22: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 39 |
 40 | @discardableResult
 41 | public func ~ (left: UIView, right: Int) -> UIView {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 42 |     left ~ Double(right)
 43 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:46:58: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 44 |
 45 | @discardableResult
 46 | public func ~ (left: UIView, right: SteviaPercentage) -> UIView {
    |                                                          `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 47 |     left.height(right)
 48 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:46:22: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 44 |
 45 | @discardableResult
 46 | public func ~ (left: UIView, right: SteviaPercentage) -> UIView {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 47 |     left.height(right)
 48 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:51:62: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 49 |
 50 | @discardableResult
 51 | public func ~ (left: UIView, right: SteviaFlexibleMargin) -> UIView {
    |                                                              `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 52 |     left.height(right)
 53 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:51:22: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 49 |
 50 | @discardableResult
 51 | public func ~ (left: UIView, right: SteviaFlexibleMargin) -> UIView {
    |                      `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 52 |     left.height(right)
 53 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:56:51: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 54 |
 55 | @discardableResult
 56 | public func ~ (left: [UIView], right: Double) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                   `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 57 |     for l in left { l.height(right) }
 58 |     return left
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:56:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 54 |
 55 | @discardableResult
 56 | public func ~ (left: [UIView], right: Double) -> [UIView] {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 57 |     for l in left { l.height(right) }
 58 |     return left
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:62:52: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 60 |
 61 | @discardableResult
 62 | public func ~ (left: [UIView], right: CGFloat) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                    `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 63 |     left ~ Double(right)
 64 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:62:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 60 |
 61 | @discardableResult
 62 | public func ~ (left: [UIView], right: CGFloat) -> [UIView] {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 63 |     left ~ Double(right)
 64 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:67:48: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 65 |
 66 | @discardableResult
 67 | public func ~ (left: [UIView], right: Int) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 68 |     left ~ Double(right)
 69 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:67:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 65 |
 66 | @discardableResult
 67 | public func ~ (left: [UIView], right: Int) -> [UIView] {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 68 |     left ~ Double(right)
 69 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:72:65: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 70 |
 71 | @discardableResult
 72 | public func ~ (left: [UIView], right: SteviaFlexibleMargin) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 73 |     for l in left { l.height(right) }
 74 |     return left
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:72:23: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 70 |
 71 | @discardableResult
 72 | public func ~ (left: [UIView], right: SteviaFlexibleMargin) -> [UIView] {
    |                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 73 |     for l in left { l.height(right) }
 74 |     return left
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:128:16: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
126 |
127 | public struct PartialConstraint {
128 |     var view1: UIView!
    |                `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
129 |     var constant: Double!
130 |     var views: [UIView]?
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:130:17: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
128 |     var view1: UIView!
129 |     var constant: Double!
130 |     var views: [UIView]?
    |                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
131 | }
132 |
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift:255:25: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
253 | //// Test space in Horizointal layout ""
254 | public struct Space {
255 |     var previousViews: [UIView]!
    |                         `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
256 | }
257 |
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Percentage.swift:29:18: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 27 | }
 28 |
 29 | public extension UIView {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 30 |
 31 |     /**
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Position.swift:12:18: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 10 | import UIKit
 11 |
 12 | public extension UIView {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 13 |
 14 |     /** Sets the left margin for a view.
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:12:18: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 10 | import UIKit
 11 |
 12 | public extension UIView {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 13 |
 14 |     /**
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:271:47: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
269 |  */
270 | @discardableResult
271 | public func equal(sizes views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                               `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
272 |     return equal(sizes: views)
273 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:271:32: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
269 |  */
270 | @discardableResult
271 | public func equal(sizes views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
272 |     return equal(sizes: views)
273 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:277:48: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
275 | @available(*, deprecated, renamed:"equal(sizes:)")
276 | @discardableResult
277 | public func equalSizes(_ views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
278 |     return equal(sizes: views)
279 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:277:33: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
275 | @available(*, deprecated, renamed:"equal(sizes:)")
276 | @discardableResult
277 | public func equalSizes(_ views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
278 |     return equal(sizes: views)
279 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:292:46: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
290 |  */
291 | @discardableResult
292 | public func equal(sizes views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                              `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
293 |     equal(heights: views)
294 |     equal(widths: views)
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:292:33: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
290 |  */
291 | @discardableResult
292 | public func equal(sizes views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
293 |     equal(heights: views)
294 |     equal(widths: views)
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:300:47: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
298 | @available(*, deprecated, renamed:"equal(sizes:)")
299 | @discardableResult
300 | public func equalSizes(_ views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                               `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
301 |     equal(heights: views)
302 |     equal(widths: views)
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:300:34: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
298 | @available(*, deprecated, renamed:"equal(sizes:)")
299 | @discardableResult
300 | public func equalSizes(_ views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
301 |     equal(heights: views)
302 |     equal(widths: views)
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:317:48: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
315 |  */
316 | @discardableResult
317 | public func equal(widths views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
318 |     return equal(widths: views)
319 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:317:33: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
315 |  */
316 | @discardableResult
317 | public func equal(widths views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
318 |     return equal(widths: views)
319 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:323:49: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
321 | @available(*, deprecated, renamed:"equal(widths:)")
322 | @discardableResult
323 | public func equalWidths(_ views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
324 |     return equal(widths: views)
325 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:323:34: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
321 | @available(*, deprecated, renamed:"equal(widths:)")
322 | @discardableResult
323 | public func equalWidths(_ views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
324 |     return equal(widths: views)
325 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:338:47: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
336 |  */
337 | @discardableResult
338 | public func equal(widths views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                               `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
339 |     equal(.width, views: views)
340 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:338:34: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
336 |  */
337 | @discardableResult
338 | public func equal(widths views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
339 |     equal(.width, views: views)
340 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:345:48: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
343 | @available(*, deprecated, renamed:"equal(widths:)")
344 | @discardableResult
345 | public func equalWidths(_ views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
346 |     equal(.width, views: views)
347 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:345:35: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
343 | @available(*, deprecated, renamed:"equal(widths:)")
344 | @discardableResult
345 | public func equalWidths(_ views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                   `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
346 |     equal(.width, views: views)
347 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:361:49: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
359 |  */
360 | @discardableResult
361 | public func equal(heights views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
362 |     return equal(heights: views)
363 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:361:34: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
359 |  */
360 | @discardableResult
361 | public func equal(heights views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
362 |     return equal(heights: views)
363 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:367:50: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
365 | @available(*, deprecated, renamed:"equal(heights:)")
366 | @discardableResult
367 | public func equalHeights(_ views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
368 |     return equal(heights: views)
369 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:367:35: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
365 | @available(*, deprecated, renamed:"equal(heights:)")
366 | @discardableResult
367 | public func equalHeights(_ views: UIView...) -> [UIView] {
    |                                   `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
368 |     return equal(heights: views)
369 | }
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:382:48: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
380 |  */
381 | @discardableResult
382 | public func equal(heights views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
383 |     equal(.height, views: views)
384 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:382:35: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
380 |  */
381 | @discardableResult
382 | public func equal(heights views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                   `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
383 |     equal(.height, views: views)
384 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:389:49: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
387 | @available(*, deprecated, renamed:"equal(heights:)")
388 | @discardableResult
389 | public func equalHeights(_ views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
390 |     equal(.height, views: views)
391 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:389:36: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
387 | @available(*, deprecated, renamed:"equal(heights:)")
388 | @discardableResult
389 | public func equalHeights(_ views: [UIView]) -> [UIView] {
    |                                    `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
390 |     equal(.height, views: views)
391 |     return views
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:394:33: error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
392 | }
393 |
394 | private func equal(_ attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute, views: [UIView]) {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'NSLayoutConstraint' in scope
395 |     var previousView: UIView?
396 |     for v in views {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift:394:71: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
392 | }
393 |
394 | private func equal(_ attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute, views: [UIView]) {
    |                                                                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
395 |     var previousView: UIView?
396 |     for v in views {
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Stacks.swift:23:11: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 21 |     public var any: Any { self }
 22 | }
 23 | extension UIView: SteviaLayoutItem {}
    |           `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 24 | extension Int: SteviaLayoutItem {}
 25 | extension Double: SteviaLayoutItem {}
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Stacks.swift:32:50: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 30 | extension SteviaFlexibleMargin: SteviaLayoutItem {}
 31 | extension SteviaPercentage: SteviaLayoutItem {}
 32 | extension Array: SteviaLayoutItem where Element: UIView {}
    |                                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 33 |
 34 | public struct FlexibleSpace {
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Stacks.swift:44:18: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 42 | }
 43 |
 44 | public extension UIView {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 45 |     @discardableResult
 46 |     func layout(@SteviaLayoutBuilder content: () -> [SteviaLayoutItem]) -> UIView {
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Stacks.swift:54:18: error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 52 | }
 53 |
 54 | public extension UIView {
    |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIView' in scope
 55 |
 56 |     /**
/Applications/ note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 21 | @class NSLayoutManager;
 22 | @class UIImage;
 23 | @class UIView;
    | `- note: interface 'UIView' forward declared here
 24 | @class NSFileWrapper;
 25 | @class NSTextAttachmentViewProvider;
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Style.swift:12:18: error: cannot find type 'UIAppearance' in scope
10 | import UIKit
11 |
12 | public extension UIAppearance {
   |                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIAppearance' in scope
13 |
14 |     /** Applies a styling block on an element.
SwiftEmitModule normal arm64 Emitting\ module\ for\ Stevia (in target 'Stevia' from project 'Stevia')
    cd /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace
    builtin-swiftTaskExecution -- /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift-frontend -frontend -emit-module -experimental-skip-non-inlinable-function-bodies-without-types /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Alignment.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Baselines.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Center.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Constraints.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Content.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Fill.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+FlexibleMargin.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+GetConstraint.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Hierarchy.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+LayoutAnchors.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Notifications.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Percentage.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Position.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Stacks.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Style.swift -target arm64-apple-watchos5.0 -Xllvm -aarch64-use-tbi -enable-objc-interop -sdk /Applications/ -I /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -I /Applications/ -F /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F /Applications/ -F /Applications/ -no-color-diagnostics -enable-testing -g -module-cache-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex -profile-generate -profile-coverage-mapping -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity\=checked -stats-output-dir /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.stats -Onone -D SWIFT_PACKAGE -D DEBUG -serialize-debugging-options -package-name spi_builder_workspace -const-gather-protocols-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -strict-concurrency\=complete -empty-abi-descriptor -validate-clang-modules-once -clang-build-session-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/Session.modulevalidation -Xcc -working-directory -Xcc /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace -resource-dir /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift -enable-anonymous-context-mangled-names -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos/include -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -DSWIFT_PACKAGE -Xcc -DDEBUG\=1 -module-name Stevia -disable-clang-spi -target-sdk-version 10.4 -target-sdk-name watchos10.4 -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -plugin-path /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/host/plugins -plugin-path /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/local/lib/swift/host/plugins -emit-module-doc-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-module-source-info-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-objc-header-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -serialize-diagnostics-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-dependencies-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -o /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-abi-descriptor-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/
SwiftCompile normal arm64 Compiling\ Stevia+Position.swift,\ Stevia+Size.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Position.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift (in target 'Stevia' from project 'Stevia')
    cd /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace
    builtin-swiftTaskExecution -- /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift-frontend -frontend -c /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Alignment.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Baselines.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Center.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Constraints.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Content.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+DoubleDash.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Equation.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Fill.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+FlexibleMargin.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+GetConstraint.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Hierarchy.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+LayoutAnchors.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Notifications.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Operators.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Percentage.swift -primary-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Position.swift -primary-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Stacks.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Style.swift -emit-dependencies-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-const-values-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-reference-dependencies-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -serialize-diagnostics-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-dependencies-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-const-values-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-reference-dependencies-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -serialize-diagnostics-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -target arm64-apple-watchos5.0 -Xllvm -aarch64-use-tbi -enable-objc-interop -sdk /Applications/ -I /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -I /Applications/ -F /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F /Applications/ -F /Applications/ -no-color-diagnostics -enable-testing -g -module-cache-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex -profile-generate -profile-coverage-mapping -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity\=checked -stats-output-dir /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.stats -Onone -D SWIFT_PACKAGE -D DEBUG -serialize-debugging-options -package-name spi_builder_workspace -const-gather-protocols-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -strict-concurrency\=complete -empty-abi-descriptor -validate-clang-modules-once -clang-build-session-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/Session.modulevalidation -Xcc -working-directory -Xcc /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace -resource-dir /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift -enable-anonymous-context-mangled-names -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos/include -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -DSWIFT_PACKAGE -Xcc -DDEBUG\=1 -module-name Stevia -frontend-parseable-output -disable-clang-spi -target-sdk-version 10.4 -target-sdk-name watchos10.4 -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -plugin-path /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/host/plugins -plugin-path /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/local/lib/swift/host/plugins -o /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -o /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -index-unit-output-path / -index-unit-output-path / -index-store-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Index.noindex/DataStore -index-system-modules
Command SwiftCompile failed with a nonzero exit code
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'Stevia_Stevia' from project 'Stevia')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'Stevia' from project 'Stevia')
The following build commands failed:
	SwiftEmitModule normal armv7k Emitting\ module\ for\ Stevia (in target 'Stevia' from project 'Stevia')
	SwiftEmitModule normal arm64_32 Emitting\ module\ for\ Stevia (in target 'Stevia' from project 'Stevia')
	SwiftCompile normal arm64 Compiling\ Stevia+Position.swift,\ Stevia+Size.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Position.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Stevia/Stevia+Size.swift (in target 'Stevia' from project 'Stevia')
(3 failures)
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