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Build Information

Failed to build Makros with Swift 6.0 for Linux.

Build Command

bash -c docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4606859-0":/host -w "$workDir" swift build --triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete 2>&1

Build Log

Builder version: 4.40.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: main
Initialized empty Git repository in /host/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
hint: 	git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
hint: 	git branch -m <name>
 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      main       -> origin/main
HEAD is now at 1458899 WIP
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at main
Selected platform:         linux
Swift version:             6.0
Building package at path:  $workDir
Running build ...
bash -c docker run --rm -v "checkouts-4606859-0":/host -w "$workDir" swift build --triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete 2>&1
[1/60887] Fetching swift-syntax
Fetched from cache (3.47s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at main (4d8981f)
Building for debugging...
[0/33] Write sources
[14/33] Write swift-version-24593BA9C3E375BF.txt
[16/76] Compiling SwiftSyntax AbsolutePosition.swift
[17/76] Compiling SwiftSyntax Assert.swift
[18/76] Compiling SwiftSyntax BumpPtrAllocator.swift
[19/76] Compiling SwiftSyntax CommonAncestor.swift
[20/76] Compiling SwiftSyntax IncrementalParseTransition.swift
[21/76] Compiling SwiftSyntax MemoryLayout.swift
[22/76] Compiling SwiftSyntax SourceLocation.swift
[23/76] Compiling SwiftSyntax SourcePresence.swift
[24/76] Compiling SwiftSyntax SwiftSyntaxCompatibility.swift
[25/76] Compiling SwiftSyntax Syntax.swift
[26/76] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxArena.swift
[27/76] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxChildren.swift
[28/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax MissingNodeInitializers.swift
[29/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax RawSyntax.swift
[30/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax RawSyntaxLayoutView.swift
[31/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax RawSyntaxNodeProtocol.swift
[32/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax RawSyntaxTokenView.swift
[33/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SourceLength.swift
[34/81] Emitting module SwiftSyntax
[35/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax TokenKind.swift
[36/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax Tokens.swift
[37/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax TriviaPieces.swift
[38/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax RawSyntaxNodes.swift
[39/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax RawSyntaxValidation.swift
[40/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxDeclNodes.swift
[41/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxData.swift
[42/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxText.swift
[43/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxTreeViewMode.swift
[44/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax TokenDiagnostic.swift
[45/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax TokenSyntax.swift
[46/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax Trivia.swift
[47/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxExprNodes.swift
[48/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxNodes.swift
[49/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxPatternNodes.swift
[50/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxStmtNodes.swift
[51/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxTypeNodes.swift
[52/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax Utils.swift
[53/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax ChildNameForKeyPath.swift
[54/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax Keyword.swift
[55/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxAnyVisitor.swift
[56/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxBaseNodes.swift
[57/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxCollections.swift
[58/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxEnum.swift
[59/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxKind.swift
[60/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxRewriter.swift
[61/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxTraits.swift
[62/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxTransform.swift
[63/81] Compiling SwiftSyntax SyntaxVisitor.swift
[64/82] Wrapping AST for SwiftSyntax for debugging
[66/127] Emitting module SwiftDiagnostics
[67/127] Compiling SwiftBasicFormat BasicFormat+Extensions.swift
[68/127] Compiling SwiftDiagnostics Note.swift
[69/127] Compiling SwiftDiagnostics Message.swift
[70/127] Compiling SwiftBasicFormat Trivia+FormatExtensions.swift
[71/127] Compiling SwiftDiagnostics GroupedDiagnostics.swift
[72/127] Compiling SwiftDiagnostics FixIt.swift
[73/127] Compiling SwiftDiagnostics Diagnostic.swift
[74/127] Compiling SwiftDiagnostics DiagnosticsFormatter.swift
[75/128] Wrapping AST for SwiftDiagnostics for debugging
[77/128] Compiling SwiftBasicFormat SyntaxProtocol+Formatted.swift
[78/128] Compiling SwiftBasicFormat BasicFormat.swift
[79/128] Emitting module SwiftBasicFormat
[80/129] Wrapping AST for SwiftBasicFormat for debugging
[82/129] Emitting module SwiftParser
[83/133] Compiling SwiftParser StringLiterals.swift
[84/133] Compiling SwiftParser SyntaxUtils.swift
[85/133] Compiling SwiftParser TokenConsumer.swift
[86/133] Compiling SwiftParser TokenPrecedence.swift
[87/133] Compiling SwiftParser Recovery.swift
[88/133] Compiling SwiftParser Specifiers.swift
[89/133] Compiling SwiftParser Statements.swift
[90/133] Compiling SwiftParser StringLiteralRepresentedLiteralValue.swift
[91/133] Compiling SwiftParser TokenSpec.swift
[92/133] Compiling SwiftParser TokenSpecSet.swift
[93/133] Compiling SwiftParser TopLevel.swift
[94/133] Compiling SwiftParser TriviaParser.swift
[95/133] Compiling SwiftParser RegexLiteralLexer.swift
[96/133] Compiling SwiftParser UnicodeScalarExtensions.swift
[97/133] Compiling SwiftParser Lookahead.swift
[98/133] Compiling SwiftParser LoopProgressCondition.swift
[99/133] Compiling SwiftParser Modifiers.swift
[100/133] Compiling SwiftParser Names.swift
[101/133] Compiling SwiftParser Nominals.swift
[102/133] Compiling SwiftParser Parameters.swift
[103/133] Compiling SwiftParser Parser.swift
[104/133] Compiling SwiftParser Patterns.swift
[105/133] Compiling SwiftParser Types.swift
[106/133] Compiling SwiftParser IsLexerClassified.swift
[107/133] Compiling SwiftParser Parser+Entry.swift
[108/133] Compiling SwiftParser TokenSpecStaticMembers.swift
[109/133] Compiling SwiftParser Attributes.swift
[110/133] Compiling SwiftParser Availability.swift
[111/133] Compiling SwiftParser CharacterInfo.swift
[112/133] Compiling SwiftParser Declarations.swift
[113/133] Compiling SwiftParser Directives.swift
[114/133] Compiling SwiftParser Expressions.swift
[115/133] Compiling SwiftParser Cursor.swift
[116/133] Compiling SwiftParser Lexeme.swift
[117/133] Compiling SwiftParser LexemeSequence.swift
[118/133] Compiling SwiftParser Lexer.swift
[119/134] Wrapping AST for SwiftParser for debugging
[121/157] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics SyntaxKindNameForDiagnostics.swift
[122/158] Compiling SwiftOperators OperatorTable.swift
[123/158] Compiling SwiftOperators PrecedenceGroup.swift
[124/158] Compiling SwiftOperators PrecedenceGraph.swift
[125/159] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics TokenNameForDiagnostics.swift
[126/159] Compiling SwiftOperators SyntaxSynthesis.swift
[127/159] Compiling SwiftOperators OperatorTable+Semantics.swift
[128/159] Emitting module SwiftOperators
[129/159] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics DiagnosticExtensions.swift
[130/159] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics LexerDiagnosticMessages.swift
[131/159] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics MultiLineStringLiteralDiagnosticsGenerator.swift
[132/159] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics ParseDiagnosticsGenerator.swift
[133/159] Compiling SwiftOperators OperatorTable+Folding.swift
[134/160] Wrapping AST for SwiftOperators for debugging
[136/160] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics SyntaxExtensions.swift
[137/160] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics Utils.swift
[138/160] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics ChildNameForDiagnostics.swift
[139/160] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics ParserDiagnosticMessages.swift
[140/160] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics PresenceUtils.swift
[141/160] Emitting module SwiftParserDiagnostics
[144/160] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics MissingNodesError.swift
[145/160] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics MissingTokenError.swift
[148/161] Wrapping AST for SwiftParserDiagnostics for debugging
[150/173] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder ValidatingSyntaxNodes.swift
[151/173] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder WithTrailingCommaSyntax+EnsuringTrailingComma.swift
[152/174] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder SyntaxExpressibleByStringInterpolationConformances.swift
[153/174] Emitting module SwiftSyntaxBuilder
[154/174] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder ConvenienceInitializers.swift
[155/174] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder Indenter.swift
[156/174] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder Syntax+StringInterpolation.swift
[157/174] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder SyntaxNodeWithBody.swift
[158/174] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder ResultBuilderExtensions.swift
[159/174] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder SwiftSyntaxBuilderCompatibility.swift
[160/174] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder BuildableNodes.swift
[161/174] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder ResultBuilders.swift
[162/174] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder BuildableCollectionNodes.swift
[163/175] Wrapping AST for SwiftSyntaxBuilder for debugging
[165/193] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros ExpressionMacro.swift
[166/193] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros FreestandingMacro.swift
[167/195] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros MemberAttributeMacro.swift
[168/195] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros MemberMacro.swift
[169/195] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros CodeItemMacro.swift
[170/195] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros ConformanceMacro.swift
[171/195] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros DeclarationMacro.swift
[172/195] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros AbstractSourceLocation.swift
[173/195] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros BasicMacroExpansionContext.swift
[174/195] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros FunctionParameterUtils.swift
[175/195] Emitting module SwiftSyntaxMacros
[176/195] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros MacroExpansionContext.swift
[177/195] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros AccessorMacro.swift
[178/195] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros AttachedMacro.swift
[179/195] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros PeerMacro.swift
[180/195] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros MacroReplacement.swift
[181/195] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros Macro+Format.swift
[182/195] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros Macro.swift
[183/195] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros MacroSystem.swift
[184/195] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros Syntax+MacroEvaluation.swift
[185/196] Wrapping AST for SwiftSyntaxMacros for debugging
[187/198] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacroExpansion MacroExpansion.swift
[188/198] Emitting module SwiftSyntaxMacroExpansion
[189/199] Wrapping AST for SwiftSyntaxMacroExpansion for debugging
[191/205] Emitting module SwiftCompilerPluginMessageHandling
[192/205] Compiling SwiftCompilerPluginMessageHandling Diagnostics.swift
[193/205] Compiling SwiftCompilerPluginMessageHandling CompilerPluginMessageHandler.swift
[194/205] Compiling SwiftCompilerPluginMessageHandling Macros.swift
[195/205] Compiling SwiftCompilerPluginMessageHandling PluginMacroExpansionContext.swift
[196/205] Compiling SwiftCompilerPluginMessageHandling PluginMessages.swift
[197/206] Wrapping AST for SwiftCompilerPluginMessageHandling for debugging
[199/208] Emitting module SwiftCompilerPlugin
[200/208] Compiling SwiftCompilerPlugin CompilerPlugin.swift
[201/209] Wrapping AST for SwiftCompilerPlugin for debugging
[203/212] Compiling MakrosPlugin Plugin.swift
[204/212] Compiling MakrosPlugin DataStorage.swift
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Plugin/DataStorage.swift:217:13: warning: static property 'throws' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'FunctionEffectSpecifiersSyntax' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
215 |
216 | extension FunctionEffectSpecifiersSyntax {
217 | 	static let `throws` = Self(throwsSpecifier: "throws")
    |             `- warning: static property 'throws' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'FunctionEffectSpecifiersSyntax' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
218 | }
219 |
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodes.swift:8566:15: note: struct 'FunctionEffectSpecifiersSyntax' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 8564 |
 8565 |
 8566 | public struct FunctionEffectSpecifiersSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable {
      |               `- note: struct 'FunctionEffectSpecifiersSyntax' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 8567 |   public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
 8568 |
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Plugin/DataStorage.swift:1:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'SwiftSyntax'
  1 | import SwiftSyntax
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'SwiftSyntax'
  2 | import SwiftSyntaxBuilder
  3 | import SwiftSyntaxMacros
215 |
216 | extension FunctionEffectSpecifiersSyntax {
217 | 	static let `throws` = Self(throwsSpecifier: "throws")
    |             |- note: annotate 'throws' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |             `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
218 | }
219 |
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Plugin/DataStorage.swift:220:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'ParameterClauseSyntax' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArrayLiteral'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SwiftSyntax' introduce this conformance in the future
218 | }
219 |
220 | extension ParameterClauseSyntax: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'ParameterClauseSyntax' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArrayLiteral'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SwiftSyntax' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
221 | 	public init(arrayLiteral elements: FunctionParameterSyntax...) {
222 | 		self.init(parameterList: .init(elements))
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Plugin/DataStorage.swift:226:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'TypeInheritanceClauseSyntax' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArrayLiteral'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SwiftSyntax' introduce this conformance in the future
224 | }
225 |
226 | extension TypeInheritanceClauseSyntax: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'TypeInheritanceClauseSyntax' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArrayLiteral'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SwiftSyntax' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
227 | 	public init(arrayLiteral elements: String...) {
228 | 		self.init(inheritedTypeCollection: .init(elements.enumerated().map { (offset, element) in
[205/212] Emitting module MakrosPlugin
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Plugin/DataStorage.swift:217:13: warning: static property 'throws' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'FunctionEffectSpecifiersSyntax' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
215 |
216 | extension FunctionEffectSpecifiersSyntax {
217 | 	static let `throws` = Self(throwsSpecifier: "throws")
    |             `- warning: static property 'throws' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'FunctionEffectSpecifiersSyntax' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
218 | }
219 |
/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/generated/syntaxNodes/SyntaxNodes.swift:8566:15: note: struct 'FunctionEffectSpecifiersSyntax' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 8564 |
 8565 |
 8566 | public struct FunctionEffectSpecifiersSyntax: SyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable {
      |               `- note: struct 'FunctionEffectSpecifiersSyntax' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 8567 |   public let _syntaxNode: Syntax
 8568 |
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Plugin/DataStorage.swift:1:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'SwiftSyntax'
  1 | import SwiftSyntax
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'SwiftSyntax'
  2 | import SwiftSyntaxBuilder
  3 | import SwiftSyntaxMacros
215 |
216 | extension FunctionEffectSpecifiersSyntax {
217 | 	static let `throws` = Self(throwsSpecifier: "throws")
    |             |- note: annotate 'throws' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |             `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
218 | }
219 |
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Plugin/DataStorage.swift:220:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'ParameterClauseSyntax' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArrayLiteral'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SwiftSyntax' introduce this conformance in the future
218 | }
219 |
220 | extension ParameterClauseSyntax: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'ParameterClauseSyntax' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArrayLiteral'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SwiftSyntax' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
221 | 	public init(arrayLiteral elements: FunctionParameterSyntax...) {
222 | 		self.init(parameterList: .init(elements))
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Plugin/DataStorage.swift:226:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'TypeInheritanceClauseSyntax' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArrayLiteral'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SwiftSyntax' introduce this conformance in the future
224 | }
225 |
226 | extension TypeInheritanceClauseSyntax: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'TypeInheritanceClauseSyntax' to imported protocol 'ExpressibleByArrayLiteral'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SwiftSyntax' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
227 | 	public init(arrayLiteral elements: String...) {
228 | 		self.init(inheritedTypeCollection: .init(elements.enumerated().map { (offset, element) in
[206/213] Wrapping AST for MakrosPlugin for debugging
[207/213] Write Objects.LinkFileList
[208/213] Linking MakrosPlugin
[210/215] Compiling MakrosLib MakrosLib.swift
Swift/UnsafeRawPointer.swift:440: Fatal error: load from misaligned raw pointer
*** Signal 4: Backtracing from 0x7f24272d6d04... done ***
*** Program crashed: Illegal instruction at 0x00007f24272d6d04 ***
Thread 0 "MakrosPlugin" crashed:
0      0x00007f24272d6d04 closure #1 in closure #1 in closure #1 in _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:) + 308 in
1 [ra] 0x00007f24272d6ab2 closure #1 in closure #1 in _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:) + 257 in
2 [ra] 0x00007f24272d696d closure #1 in _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:) + 380 in
3 [ra] 0x00007f242745aa36 _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:) + 229 in
4 [ra] 0x00007f242745ac8e _fatalErrorMessage(_:_:file:line:flags:) + 45 in
5 [ra] 0x00007f24274dc910 UnsafeRawBufferPointer.load<A>(fromByteOffset:as:) + 191 in
6 [ra] 0x000055b9bbd2d502 closure #1 in PluginHostConnection.waitForNextMessage<A>(_:) + 81 in MakrosPlugin at /host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftCompilerPlugin/CompilerPlugin.swift:203:31
7 [ra] 0x00007f24268ea3ff partial apply for closure #1 in Data.InlineData.withUnsafeBytes<A>(_:) + 30 in
rax 0x0000000000000000  0
rdx 0x0000000000000001  1
rcx 0x0000000000000002  2
rbx 0x000055bce5c4d482  94269797094530
rsi 0x0000000000000007  7
rdi 0x000055b9be5e0010  02 00 00 00 02 00 02 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 02 00  ················
rbp 0x00007fff38c562e0  20 63 c5 38 ff 7f 00 00 b2 6a 2d 27 24 7f 00 00   cÅ8ÿ···²j-'$···
rsp 0x00007fff38c562d0  20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 b8 01 00 00 00 00 00 00   ·······¸·······
 r8 0x000055b9be5f2d90  82 d4 c4 e5 bc 55 00 00 3a 41 36 a0 38 8f 7f e0  ·ÔÄå¼U··:A6 8··à
 r9 0x00007fff38c560c0  46 61 74 61 6c 20 65 72 72 6f 72 3a 20 6c 6f 61  Fatal error: loa
r10 0x0000000000000000  0
r11 0xe07f8f38a036413a  16176805859906961722
r12 0x0000000000000000  0
r13 0x00007f242771ceb0  00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 ac 29 76 27 24 7f 00 00  ········¬)v'$···
r14 0x0000000000000001  1
r15 0x0000000000000001  1
rip 0x00007f24272d6d04  0f 0b 48 83 ec 08 48 8d 05 6f 72 47 00 48 8d 3d  ··H·ì·H··orG·H·=
rflags 0x0000000000010202
cs 0x0033  fs 0x0000  gs 0x0000
Images (16 omitted):
0x000055b9bbc3c000–0x000055b9bd7644f8 7c3c890a88433ab30be41796ce42b148207bb1e2 MakrosPlugin     /host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/MakrosPlugin
0x00007f24265cc000–0x00007f2426cf8168 <no build ID>                   /usr/lib/swift/linux/
0x00007f2427177000–0x00007f24277166b0 <no build ID>                    /usr/lib/swift/linux/
Backtrace took 1.28s
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Lib/MakrosLib.swift:5:2: error: conformance macros are replaced by extension macros
 3 |
 4 | @attached(member, names: named(init(data:)), arbitrary)
 5 | @attached(conformance)
   |  `- error: conformance macros are replaced by extension macros
 6 | public macro DataStorage(
 7 | 	named: String = DataStorageMacro.defaultStorageName,
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Lib/MakrosLib.swift:6:14: warning: external macro implementation type 'MakrosPlugin.DataStorageMacro' could not be found for macro 'DataStorage(named:byteCount:)'; '/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/MakrosPlugin' produced malformed response
 4 | @attached(member, names: named(init(data:)), arbitrary)
 5 | @attached(conformance)
 6 | public macro DataStorage(
   |              `- warning: external macro implementation type 'MakrosPlugin.DataStorageMacro' could not be found for macro 'DataStorage(named:byteCount:)'; '/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/MakrosPlugin' produced malformed response
 7 | 	named: String = DataStorageMacro.defaultStorageName,
 8 | 	byteCount: UInt? = nil
error: emit-module command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
[211/215] Emitting module MakrosLib
Swift/UnsafeRawPointer.swift:440: Fatal error: load from misaligned raw pointer
*** Signal 4: Backtracing from 0x7f05e1e8bd04... done ***
*** Program crashed: Illegal instruction at 0x00007f05e1e8bd04 ***
Thread 0 "MakrosPlugin" crashed:
0      0x00007f05e1e8bd04 closure #1 in closure #1 in closure #1 in _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:) + 308 in
1 [ra] 0x00007f05e1e8bab2 closure #1 in closure #1 in _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:) + 257 in
2 [ra] 0x00007f05e1e8b96d closure #1 in _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:) + 380 in
3 [ra] 0x00007f05e200fa36 _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:) + 229 in
4 [ra] 0x00007f05e200fc8e _fatalErrorMessage(_:_:file:line:flags:) + 45 in
5 [ra] 0x00007f05e2091910 UnsafeRawBufferPointer.load<A>(fromByteOffset:as:) + 191 in
6 [ra] 0x000055cf5c120502 closure #1 in PluginHostConnection.waitForNextMessage<A>(_:) + 81 in MakrosPlugin at /host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftCompilerPlugin/CompilerPlugin.swift:203:31
7 [ra] 0x00007f05e149f3ff partial apply for closure #1 in Data.InlineData.withUnsafeBytes<A>(_:) + 30 in
rax 0x0000000000000000  0
rdx 0x0000000000000001  1
rcx 0x0000000000000002  2
rbx 0x000055ca02081eae  94326105841326
rsi 0x0000000000000007  7
rdi 0x000055cf5efcc010  02 00 00 00 02 00 02 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 02 00  ················
rbp 0x00007fff40ddab10  50 ab dd 40 ff 7f 00 00 b2 ba e8 e1 05 7f 00 00  P«Ý@ÿ···²ºèá····
rsp 0x00007fff40ddab00  20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 b8 01 00 00 00 00 00 00   ·······¸·······
 r8 0x000055cf5efded90  ae 1e 08 02 ca 55 00 00 0f fb d0 3b 7f 13 6a da  ®···ÊU···ûÐ;··jÚ
 r9 0x00007fff40dda8f0  46 61 74 61 6c 20 65 72 72 6f 72 3a 20 6c 6f 61  Fatal error: loa
r10 0x0000000000000000  0
r11 0xda6a137f3bd0fb0f  15738413284984945423
r12 0x0000000000000000  0
r13 0x00007f05e22d1eb0  00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 ac 79 31 e2 05 7f 00 00  ········¬y1â····
r14 0x0000000000000001  1
r15 0x0000000000000001  1
rip 0x00007f05e1e8bd04  0f 0b 48 83 ec 08 48 8d 05 6f 72 47 00 48 8d 3d  ··H·ì·H··orG·H·=
rflags 0x0000000000010206  PF
cs 0x0033  fs 0x0000  gs 0x0000
Images (16 omitted):
0x000055cf5c02f000–0x000055cf5db574f8 7c3c890a88433ab30be41796ce42b148207bb1e2 MakrosPlugin     /host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/MakrosPlugin
0x00007f05e1181000–0x00007f05e18ad168 <no build ID>                   /usr/lib/swift/linux/
0x00007f05e1d2c000–0x00007f05e22cb6b0 <no build ID>                    /usr/lib/swift/linux/
Backtrace took 1.30s
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Lib/MakrosLib.swift:5:2: error: conformance macros are replaced by extension macros
 3 |
 4 | @attached(member, names: named(init(data:)), arbitrary)
 5 | @attached(conformance)
   |  `- error: conformance macros are replaced by extension macros
 6 | public macro DataStorage(
 7 | 	named: String = DataStorageMacro.defaultStorageName,
/host/spi-builder-workspace/Lib/MakrosLib.swift:6:14: warning: external macro implementation type 'MakrosPlugin.DataStorageMacro' could not be found for macro 'DataStorage(named:byteCount:)'; '/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/MakrosPlugin' produced malformed response
 4 | @attached(member, names: named(init(data:)), arbitrary)
 5 | @attached(conformance)
 6 | public macro DataStorage(
   |              `- warning: external macro implementation type 'MakrosPlugin.DataStorageMacro' could not be found for macro 'DataStorage(named:byteCount:)'; '/host/spi-builder-workspace/.build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/MakrosPlugin' produced malformed response
 7 | 	named: String = DataStorageMacro.defaultStorageName,
 8 | 	byteCount: UInt? = nil
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