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Build Information

Failed to build Thingy with Swift 5.9 for macOS (SPM).

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/" xcrun swift build --arch arm64

Build Log

Builder version: 4.21.4
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: master
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      master     -> origin/master
HEAD is now at 1ed5bfc Update the documentation.
Cloned into spi-builder-workspace
SUCCESS checkout at master
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             5.9
Building package at path:  spi-builder-workspace
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/" xcrun swift build --arch arm64
Building for debugging...
[1/13] Compiling Thingy Device+MarketingName.swift
[2/13] Compiling Thingy Device+ModelNumbers.swift
[3/13] Compiling Thingy Protocols.swift
error: emit-module command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
[4/14] Compiling Thingy Device.swift
[5/14] Compiling Thingy Device+Comparison.swift
[6/14] Compiling Thingy ThingyError.swift
[7/14] Emitting module Thingy
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:27:15: error: type 'Display' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
public struct Display: Equatable {
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:100:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var resolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:103:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var physicalResolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:106:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var renderedResolution: CGSize
Swift.==:1:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'RawRepresentable'
@inlinable public func == <T>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool where T : RawRepresentable, T.RawValue : Equatable
Swift.FloatingPoint:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'FloatingPoint'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift.BinaryInteger:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'BinaryInteger'
    public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : BinaryInteger
Swift._Pointer:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift._Pointer:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    @inlinable public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : _Pointer
Swift.Strideable:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'Strideable'
    @inlinable public static func == (x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
Swift.StringProtocol:2:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'StringProtocol'
    @inlinable public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : StringProtocol
Swift.SIMD:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'SIMD'
    public static func == (a: Self, b: Self) -> Bool
Foundation.AttributedStringProtocol:5:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'AttributedStringProtocol'
    public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : AttributedStringProtocol
Foundation._BridgedStoredNSError:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_BridgedStoredNSError'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
CoreFoundation._CFObject:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_CFObject'
    public static func == (left: Self, right: Self) -> Bool
Swift.Equatable:2:17: note: protocol requires function '==' with type '(Display, Display) -> Bool'
    static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
[8/14] Compiling Thingy Family.swift
[9/14] Compiling Thingy Lines.swift
[10/14] Compiling Thingy Device+Display.swift
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Extensions/Device+Display.swift:132:60: error: type 'CGSize' has no member 'zero'
                        return Display(size: .notApplicable, resolution:, physicalResolution:, renderedResolution:, scale: 0, density: 0, hasTrueTone: false, colorSpace: .sRGB)
                                                                         ~~~~~~ ^~~~
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Extensions/Device+Display.swift:132:93: error: type 'CGSize' has no member 'zero'
                        return Display(size: .notApplicable, resolution:, physicalResolution:, renderedResolution:, scale: 0, density: 0, hasTrueTone: false, colorSpace: .sRGB)
                                                                                                          ~~~~~~ ^~~~
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Extensions/Device+Display.swift:132:126: error: type 'CGSize' has no member 'zero'
                        return Display(size: .notApplicable, resolution:, physicalResolution:, renderedResolution:, scale: 0, density: 0, hasTrueTone: false, colorSpace: .sRGB)
                                                                                                                                           ~~~~~~ ^~~~
[11/14] Compiling Thingy Device+Family.swift
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Extensions/Device+Display.swift:132:60: error: type 'CGSize' has no member 'zero'
                        return Display(size: .notApplicable, resolution:, physicalResolution:, renderedResolution:, scale: 0, density: 0, hasTrueTone: false, colorSpace: .sRGB)
                                                                         ~~~~~~ ^~~~
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Extensions/Device+Display.swift:132:93: error: type 'CGSize' has no member 'zero'
                        return Display(size: .notApplicable, resolution:, physicalResolution:, renderedResolution:, scale: 0, density: 0, hasTrueTone: false, colorSpace: .sRGB)
                                                                                                          ~~~~~~ ^~~~
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Extensions/Device+Display.swift:132:126: error: type 'CGSize' has no member 'zero'
                        return Display(size: .notApplicable, resolution:, physicalResolution:, renderedResolution:, scale: 0, density: 0, hasTrueTone: false, colorSpace: .sRGB)
                                                                                                                                           ~~~~~~ ^~~~
[12/14] Compiling Thingy Device+ProductLines.swift
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:27:15: error: type 'Display' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
public struct Display: Equatable {
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:100:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var resolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:103:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var physicalResolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:106:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var renderedResolution: CGSize
Swift.==:1:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'RawRepresentable'
@inlinable public func == <T>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool where T : RawRepresentable, T.RawValue : Equatable
Swift.FloatingPoint:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'FloatingPoint'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift.BinaryInteger:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'BinaryInteger'
    public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : BinaryInteger
Swift._Pointer:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift._Pointer:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    @inlinable public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : _Pointer
Swift.Strideable:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'Strideable'
    @inlinable public static func == (x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
Swift.StringProtocol:2:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'StringProtocol'
    @inlinable public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : StringProtocol
Swift.SIMD:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'SIMD'
    public static func == (a: Self, b: Self) -> Bool
Foundation.AttributedStringProtocol:5:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'AttributedStringProtocol'
    public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : AttributedStringProtocol
Foundation._BridgedStoredNSError:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_BridgedStoredNSError'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
CoreFoundation._CFObject:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_CFObject'
    public static func == (left: Self, right: Self) -> Bool
Swift.Equatable:2:17: note: protocol requires function '==' with type '(Display, Display) -> Bool'
    static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
[13/14] Compiling Thingy Display.swift
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:27:15: error: type 'Display' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
public struct Display: Equatable {
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:100:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var resolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:103:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var physicalResolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:106:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var renderedResolution: CGSize
Swift.==:1:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'RawRepresentable'
@inlinable public func == <T>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool where T : RawRepresentable, T.RawValue : Equatable
Swift.FloatingPoint:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'FloatingPoint'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift.BinaryInteger:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'BinaryInteger'
    public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : BinaryInteger
Swift._Pointer:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift._Pointer:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    @inlinable public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : _Pointer
Swift.Strideable:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'Strideable'
    @inlinable public static func == (x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
Swift.StringProtocol:2:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'StringProtocol'
    @inlinable public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : StringProtocol
Swift.SIMD:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'SIMD'
    public static func == (a: Self, b: Self) -> Bool
Foundation.AttributedStringProtocol:5:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'AttributedStringProtocol'
    public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : AttributedStringProtocol
Foundation._BridgedStoredNSError:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_BridgedStoredNSError'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
CoreFoundation._CFObject:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_CFObject'
    public static func == (left: Self, right: Self) -> Bool
Swift.Equatable:2:17: note: protocol requires function '==' with type '(Display, Display) -> Bool'
    static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
[14/14] Compiling Thingy RawDevice.swift
error: fatalError
ShellOut encountered an error
Status code: 1
Message: ""
Output: "Building for debugging...
[1/13] Compiling Thingy Device+MarketingName.swift
[2/13] Compiling Thingy Device+ModelNumbers.swift
[3/13] Compiling Thingy Protocols.swift
error: emit-module command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
[4/14] Compiling Thingy Device.swift
[5/14] Compiling Thingy Device+Comparison.swift
[6/14] Compiling Thingy ThingyError.swift
[7/14] Emitting module Thingy
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:27:15: error: type 'Display' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
public struct Display: Equatable {
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:100:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var resolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:103:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var physicalResolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:106:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var renderedResolution: CGSize
Swift.==:1:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'RawRepresentable'
@inlinable public func == <T>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool where T : RawRepresentable, T.RawValue : Equatable
Swift.FloatingPoint:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'FloatingPoint'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift.BinaryInteger:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'BinaryInteger'
    public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : BinaryInteger
Swift._Pointer:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift._Pointer:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    @inlinable public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : _Pointer
Swift.Strideable:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'Strideable'
    @inlinable public static func == (x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
Swift.StringProtocol:2:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'StringProtocol'
    @inlinable public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : StringProtocol
Swift.SIMD:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'SIMD'
    public static func == (a: Self, b: Self) -> Bool
Foundation.AttributedStringProtocol:5:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'AttributedStringProtocol'
    public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : AttributedStringProtocol
Foundation._BridgedStoredNSError:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_BridgedStoredNSError'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
CoreFoundation._CFObject:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_CFObject'
    public static func == (left: Self, right: Self) -> Bool
Swift.Equatable:2:17: note: protocol requires function '==' with type '(Display, Display) -> Bool'
    static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
[8/14] Compiling Thingy Family.swift
[9/14] Compiling Thingy Lines.swift
[10/14] Compiling Thingy Device+Display.swift
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Extensions/Device+Display.swift:132:60: error: type 'CGSize' has no member 'zero'
                        return Display(size: .notApplicable, resolution:, physicalResolution:, renderedResolution:, scale: 0, density: 0, hasTrueTone: false, colorSpace: .sRGB)
                                                                         ~~~~~~ ^~~~
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Extensions/Device+Display.swift:132:93: error: type 'CGSize' has no member 'zero'
                        return Display(size: .notApplicable, resolution:, physicalResolution:, renderedResolution:, scale: 0, density: 0, hasTrueTone: false, colorSpace: .sRGB)
                                                                                                          ~~~~~~ ^~~~
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Extensions/Device+Display.swift:132:126: error: type 'CGSize' has no member 'zero'
                        return Display(size: .notApplicable, resolution:, physicalResolution:, renderedResolution:, scale: 0, density: 0, hasTrueTone: false, colorSpace: .sRGB)
                                                                                                                                           ~~~~~~ ^~~~
[11/14] Compiling Thingy Device+Family.swift
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Extensions/Device+Display.swift:132:60: error: type 'CGSize' has no member 'zero'
                        return Display(size: .notApplicable, resolution:, physicalResolution:, renderedResolution:, scale: 0, density: 0, hasTrueTone: false, colorSpace: .sRGB)
                                                                         ~~~~~~ ^~~~
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Extensions/Device+Display.swift:132:93: error: type 'CGSize' has no member 'zero'
                        return Display(size: .notApplicable, resolution:, physicalResolution:, renderedResolution:, scale: 0, density: 0, hasTrueTone: false, colorSpace: .sRGB)
                                                                                                          ~~~~~~ ^~~~
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Extensions/Device+Display.swift:132:126: error: type 'CGSize' has no member 'zero'
                        return Display(size: .notApplicable, resolution:, physicalResolution:, renderedResolution:, scale: 0, density: 0, hasTrueTone: false, colorSpace: .sRGB)
                                                                                                                                           ~~~~~~ ^~~~
[12/14] Compiling Thingy Device+ProductLines.swift
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:27:15: error: type 'Display' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
public struct Display: Equatable {
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:100:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var resolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:103:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var physicalResolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:106:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var renderedResolution: CGSize
Swift.==:1:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'RawRepresentable'
@inlinable public func == <T>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool where T : RawRepresentable, T.RawValue : Equatable
Swift.FloatingPoint:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'FloatingPoint'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift.BinaryInteger:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'BinaryInteger'
    public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : BinaryInteger
Swift._Pointer:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift._Pointer:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    @inlinable public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : _Pointer
Swift.Strideable:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'Strideable'
    @inlinable public static func == (x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
Swift.StringProtocol:2:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'StringProtocol'
    @inlinable public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : StringProtocol
Swift.SIMD:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'SIMD'
    public static func == (a: Self, b: Self) -> Bool
Foundation.AttributedStringProtocol:5:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'AttributedStringProtocol'
    public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : AttributedStringProtocol
Foundation._BridgedStoredNSError:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_BridgedStoredNSError'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
CoreFoundation._CFObject:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_CFObject'
    public static func == (left: Self, right: Self) -> Bool
Swift.Equatable:2:17: note: protocol requires function '==' with type '(Display, Display) -> Bool'
    static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
[13/14] Compiling Thingy Display.swift
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:27:15: error: type 'Display' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
public struct Display: Equatable {
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:100:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var resolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:103:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var physicalResolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:106:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var renderedResolution: CGSize
Swift.==:1:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'RawRepresentable'
@inlinable public func == <T>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool where T : RawRepresentable, T.RawValue : Equatable
Swift.FloatingPoint:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'FloatingPoint'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift.BinaryInteger:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'BinaryInteger'
    public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : BinaryInteger
Swift._Pointer:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift._Pointer:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    @inlinable public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : _Pointer
Swift.Strideable:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'Strideable'
    @inlinable public static func == (x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
Swift.StringProtocol:2:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'StringProtocol'
    @inlinable public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : StringProtocol
Swift.SIMD:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'SIMD'
    public static func == (a: Self, b: Self) -> Bool
Foundation.AttributedStringProtocol:5:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'AttributedStringProtocol'
    public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : AttributedStringProtocol
Foundation._BridgedStoredNSError:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_BridgedStoredNSError'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
CoreFoundation._CFObject:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_CFObject'
    public static func == (left: Self, right: Self) -> Bool
Swift.Equatable:2:17: note: protocol requires function '==' with type '(Display, Display) -> Bool'
    static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
[14/14] Compiling Thingy RawDevice.swift
error: fatalError"
Retrying in 0.0 seconds ...
Building ... (attempt 2)
[0/1] Planning build
Building for debugging...
error: emit-module command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
[1/5] Compiling Thingy Device+ProductLines.swift
[2/5] Emitting module Thingy
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:27:15: error: type 'Display' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
public struct Display: Equatable {
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:100:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var resolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:103:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var physicalResolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:106:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var renderedResolution: CGSize
Swift.==:1:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'RawRepresentable'
@inlinable public func == <T>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool where T : RawRepresentable, T.RawValue : Equatable
Swift.FloatingPoint:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'FloatingPoint'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift.BinaryInteger:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'BinaryInteger'
    public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : BinaryInteger
Swift._Pointer:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift._Pointer:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    @inlinable public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : _Pointer
Swift.Strideable:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'Strideable'
    @inlinable public static func == (x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
Swift.StringProtocol:2:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'StringProtocol'
    @inlinable public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : StringProtocol
Swift.SIMD:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'SIMD'
    public static func == (a: Self, b: Self) -> Bool
Foundation.AttributedStringProtocol:5:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'AttributedStringProtocol'
    public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : AttributedStringProtocol
Foundation._BridgedStoredNSError:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_BridgedStoredNSError'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
CoreFoundation._CFObject:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_CFObject'
    public static func == (left: Self, right: Self) -> Bool
Swift.Equatable:2:17: note: protocol requires function '==' with type '(Display, Display) -> Bool'
    static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
[3/5] Compiling Thingy Device+Family.swift
[4/5] Compiling Thingy Device+Display.swift
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Extensions/Device+Display.swift:132:60: error: type 'CGSize' has no member 'zero'
                        return Display(size: .notApplicable, resolution:, physicalResolution:, renderedResolution:, scale: 0, density: 0, hasTrueTone: false, colorSpace: .sRGB)
                                                                         ~~~~~~ ^~~~
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Extensions/Device+Display.swift:132:93: error: type 'CGSize' has no member 'zero'
                        return Display(size: .notApplicable, resolution:, physicalResolution:, renderedResolution:, scale: 0, density: 0, hasTrueTone: false, colorSpace: .sRGB)
                                                                                                          ~~~~~~ ^~~~
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Extensions/Device+Display.swift:132:126: error: type 'CGSize' has no member 'zero'
                        return Display(size: .notApplicable, resolution:, physicalResolution:, renderedResolution:, scale: 0, density: 0, hasTrueTone: false, colorSpace: .sRGB)
                                                                                                                                           ~~~~~~ ^~~~
[5/5] Compiling Thingy Display.swift
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:27:15: error: type 'Display' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
public struct Display: Equatable {
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:100:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var resolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:103:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var physicalResolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:106:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var renderedResolution: CGSize
Swift.==:1:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'RawRepresentable'
@inlinable public func == <T>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool where T : RawRepresentable, T.RawValue : Equatable
Swift.FloatingPoint:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'FloatingPoint'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift.BinaryInteger:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'BinaryInteger'
    public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : BinaryInteger
Swift._Pointer:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift._Pointer:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    @inlinable public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : _Pointer
Swift.Strideable:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'Strideable'
    @inlinable public static func == (x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
Swift.StringProtocol:2:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'StringProtocol'
    @inlinable public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : StringProtocol
Swift.SIMD:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'SIMD'
    public static func == (a: Self, b: Self) -> Bool
Foundation.AttributedStringProtocol:5:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'AttributedStringProtocol'
    public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : AttributedStringProtocol
Foundation._BridgedStoredNSError:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_BridgedStoredNSError'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
CoreFoundation._CFObject:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_CFObject'
    public static func == (left: Self, right: Self) -> Bool
Swift.Equatable:2:17: note: protocol requires function '==' with type '(Display, Display) -> Bool'
    static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
[6/10] Compiling Thingy Device+Comparison.swift
[7/10] Compiling Thingy Device+ModelNumbers.swift
[8/10] Compiling Thingy Device+MarketingName.swift
[9/10] Compiling Thingy RawDevice.swift
[10/10] Compiling Thingy Device.swift
error: fatalError
ShellOut encountered an error
Status code: 1
Message: ""
Output: "[0/1] Planning build
Building for debugging...
error: emit-module command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
[1/5] Compiling Thingy Device+ProductLines.swift
[2/5] Emitting module Thingy
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:27:15: error: type 'Display' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
public struct Display: Equatable {
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:100:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var resolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:103:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var physicalResolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:106:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var renderedResolution: CGSize
Swift.==:1:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'RawRepresentable'
@inlinable public func == <T>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool where T : RawRepresentable, T.RawValue : Equatable
Swift.FloatingPoint:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'FloatingPoint'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift.BinaryInteger:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'BinaryInteger'
    public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : BinaryInteger
Swift._Pointer:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift._Pointer:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    @inlinable public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : _Pointer
Swift.Strideable:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'Strideable'
    @inlinable public static func == (x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
Swift.StringProtocol:2:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'StringProtocol'
    @inlinable public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : StringProtocol
Swift.SIMD:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'SIMD'
    public static func == (a: Self, b: Self) -> Bool
Foundation.AttributedStringProtocol:5:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'AttributedStringProtocol'
    public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : AttributedStringProtocol
Foundation._BridgedStoredNSError:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_BridgedStoredNSError'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
CoreFoundation._CFObject:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_CFObject'
    public static func == (left: Self, right: Self) -> Bool
Swift.Equatable:2:17: note: protocol requires function '==' with type '(Display, Display) -> Bool'
    static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
[3/5] Compiling Thingy Device+Family.swift
[4/5] Compiling Thingy Device+Display.swift
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Extensions/Device+Display.swift:132:60: error: type 'CGSize' has no member 'zero'
                        return Display(size: .notApplicable, resolution:, physicalResolution:, renderedResolution:, scale: 0, density: 0, hasTrueTone: false, colorSpace: .sRGB)
                                                                         ~~~~~~ ^~~~
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Extensions/Device+Display.swift:132:93: error: type 'CGSize' has no member 'zero'
                        return Display(size: .notApplicable, resolution:, physicalResolution:, renderedResolution:, scale: 0, density: 0, hasTrueTone: false, colorSpace: .sRGB)
                                                                                                          ~~~~~~ ^~~~
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Extensions/Device+Display.swift:132:126: error: type 'CGSize' has no member 'zero'
                        return Display(size: .notApplicable, resolution:, physicalResolution:, renderedResolution:, scale: 0, density: 0, hasTrueTone: false, colorSpace: .sRGB)
                                                                                                                                           ~~~~~~ ^~~~
[5/5] Compiling Thingy Display.swift
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:27:15: error: type 'Display' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
public struct Display: Equatable {
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:100:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var resolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:103:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var physicalResolution: CGSize
/Users/builder/builds/TDmZkXJm/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/Sources/Model/Display.swift:106:13: note: stored property type 'CGSize' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Display' to 'Equatable'
        public var renderedResolution: CGSize
Swift.==:1:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'RawRepresentable'
@inlinable public func == <T>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool where T : RawRepresentable, T.RawValue : Equatable
Swift.FloatingPoint:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'FloatingPoint'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift.BinaryInteger:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'BinaryInteger'
    public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : BinaryInteger
Swift._Pointer:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift._Pointer:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_Pointer'
    @inlinable public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : _Pointer
Swift.Strideable:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'Strideable'
    @inlinable public static func == (x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
Swift.StringProtocol:2:35: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'StringProtocol'
    @inlinable public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : StringProtocol
Swift.SIMD:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'SIMD'
    public static func == (a: Self, b: Self) -> Bool
Foundation.AttributedStringProtocol:5:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to 'AttributedStringProtocol'
    public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : AttributedStringProtocol
Foundation._BridgedStoredNSError:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_BridgedStoredNSError'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
CoreFoundation._CFObject:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Display' conformed to '_CFObject'
    public static func == (left: Self, right: Self) -> Bool
Swift.Equatable:2:17: note: protocol requires function '==' with type '(Display, Display) -> Bool'
    static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
[6/10] Compiling Thingy Device+Comparison.swift
[7/10] Compiling Thingy Device+ModelNumbers.swift
[8/10] Compiling Thingy Device+MarketingName.swift
[9/10] Compiling Thingy RawDevice.swift
[10/10] Compiling Thingy Device.swift
error: fatalError"
BUILD FAILURE 5.9 macosSpm
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