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Build Information

Successful build of SecureXPC with Swift 5.8 for macOS (SPM).

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64

Build Log

Builder version: 4.27.1
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: 0.8.0
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/builder/builds/o86TiJKT/3/finestructure/swiftpackageindex-builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * tag               0.8.0      -> FETCH_HEAD
HEAD is now at d6e439e Minor documentation fix
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at 0.8.0
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             5.8
Building package at path:  $PWD/checkout
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun swift build --arch arm64
Building for debugging...
[1/43] Compiling SecureXPC Transformation functions.swift
[2/43] Compiling SecureXPC XPCDecoder.swift
[3/43] Compiling SecureXPC XPCDecoderImpl.swift
[4/43] Compiling SecureXPC XPCKeyedDecodingContainer.swift
[5/43] Compiling SecureXPC XPCSingleValueDecodingContainer.swift
[6/43] Compiling SecureXPC XPCUnkeyedDecodingContainer.swift
[7/43] Compiling SecureXPC XPCContainer.swift
[8/43] Compiling SecureXPC XPCEncoder.swift
[9/43] Compiling SecureXPC XPCEncoderImpl.swift
[10/43] Compiling SecureXPC XPCKeyedEncodingContainer.swift
[11/43] Compiling SecureXPC XPCSingleValueEncodingContainer.swift
[12/43] Compiling SecureXPC XPCUnkeyedEncodingContainer.swift
[13/48] Compiling SecureXPC SharedMemory.swift
[14/48] Compiling SecureXPC SharedRawMemory.swift
[15/48] Compiling SecureXPC SharedSemaphore.swift
[16/48] Compiling SecureXPC SharedTrivial.swift
[17/48] Compiling SecureXPC Trivial.swift
[18/48] Compiling SecureXPC XPCCoderError.swift
[19/48] Compiling SecureXPC ClientRequirement.swift
[20/48] Compiling SecureXPC MachServiceCriteria.swift
[21/48] Compiling SecureXPC XPCAnonymousServer.swift
[22/48] Compiling SecureXPC XPCMachServer.swift
[23/48] Compiling SecureXPC XPCServer.swift
[24/48] Compiling SecureXPC XPCServiceServer.swift
[25/48] Compiling SecureXPC Request.swift
[26/48] Compiling SecureXPC Response.swift
[27/48] Compiling SecureXPC Routes.swift
[28/48] Compiling SecureXPC SequentialResult.swift
[29/48] Compiling SecureXPC SequentialResultProvider.swift
[30/48] Compiling SecureXPC ClientIdentity.swift
[31/48] Compiling SecureXPC ServerIdentity.swift
[32/48] Compiling SecureXPC ServerRequirement.swift
[33/48] Compiling SecureXPC XPCClient.swift
[34/48] Compiling SecureXPC XPCEndpointClient.swift
[35/48] Compiling SecureXPC XPCMachClient.swift
[36/48] Compiling SecureXPC XPCServiceClient.swift
[37/48] Emitting module SecureXPC
[38/48] Compiling SecureXPC ArrayOptimizedForXPC.swift
[39/48] Compiling SecureXPC DataOptimizedForXPC.swift
[40/48] Compiling SecureXPC File Descriptor XPC Wrappers.swift
[41/48] Compiling SecureXPC IOSurfaceForXPC.swift
[42/48] Compiling SecureXPC HandlerError.swift
[43/48] Compiling SecureXPC PackageInternalRoutes.swift
[44/48] Compiling SecureXPC xpc_type_t+description.swift
[45/48] Compiling SecureXPC XPCCommon.swift
[46/48] Compiling SecureXPC XPCConnectionDescriptor.swift
[47/48] Compiling SecureXPC XPCError.swift
[48/48] Compiling SecureXPC XPCServerEndpoint.swift
Build complete! (8.42s)
Build complete.
This is a staging environment. For live and up-to-date package information, visit