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Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Successful build of SwiftUPnP with Swift 6.0 for macOS (SPM).

Swift 6 data race errors: 4

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun --toolchain org.swift.600202405261a swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete

Build Log

Builder version: 4.40.0
Interrupt handler set up.
Clone URL:
Reference: main
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.git/
 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      main       -> origin/main
HEAD is now at d86f60e Allow to specify custom types to be discovered in UPnPRegistry.startDiscovery.
Revision (git rev-parse @):
SUCCESS checkout at main
Selected platform:         macosSpm
Swift version:             6.0
Building package at path:  $workDir
Running build ...
env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun --toolchain org.swift.600202405261a swift build --arch arm64 -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc -stats-output-dir -Xswiftc -Xfrontend -Xswiftc .stats -Xswiftc -strict-concurrency=complete
Building for debugging...
[0/11] Write sources
[3/11] Write UPnPCodeGenerator-entitlement.plist
[5/11] Write swift-version-6F35C1178C84523A.txt
[6/76] Compiling CocoaAsyncSocket GCDAsyncSocket.m
[7/76] Compiling CocoaAsyncSocket GCDAsyncUdpSocket.m
[9/76] Emitting module XMLCoder
[10/81] Compiling XMLCoder ElementAndAttribute.swift
[11/81] Compiling XMLCoder ISO8601DateFormatter.swift
[12/81] Compiling XMLCoder KeyedStorage.swift
[13/81] Compiling XMLCoder Metatypes.swift
[14/81] Compiling XMLCoder String+Extensions.swift
[15/81] Compiling XMLCoder KeyedBox.swift
[16/81] Compiling XMLCoder NullBox.swift
[17/81] Compiling XMLCoder SharedBox.swift
[18/81] Compiling XMLCoder SingleKeyedBox.swift
[19/81] Compiling XMLCoder StringBox.swift
[20/81] Compiling XMLCoder DateBox.swift
[21/81] Compiling XMLCoder DecimalBox.swift
[22/81] Compiling XMLCoder DoubleBox.swift
[23/81] Compiling XMLCoder FloatBox.swift
[24/81] Compiling XMLCoder IntBox.swift
[25/81] Compiling XMLCoder XMLEncoderImplementation.swift
[26/81] Compiling XMLCoder XMLEncodingStorage.swift
[27/81] Compiling XMLCoder XMLKeyedEncodingContainer.swift
[28/81] Compiling XMLCoder XMLReferencingEncoder.swift
[29/81] Compiling XMLCoder XMLUnkeyedEncodingContainer.swift
[30/81] Compiling XMLCoder XMLDecoder.swift
[31/81] Compiling XMLCoder XMLDecoderImplementation.swift
[32/81] Compiling XMLCoder XMLDecodingStorage.swift
[33/81] Compiling XMLCoder XMLKeyedDecodingContainer.swift
[34/81] Compiling XMLCoder XMLUnkeyedDecodingContainer.swift
[37/81] Compiling XMLCoder BoolBox.swift
[38/81] Compiling XMLCoder Box.swift
[45/81] Compiling XMLCoder ChoiceBox.swift
[46/81] Compiling XMLCoder DataBox.swift
[48/81] Compiling XMLCoder Attribute.swift
[51/81] Emitting module Swifter
[59/83] Compiling XMLCoder UIntBox.swift
[60/83] Compiling XMLCoder URLBox.swift
[61/83] Compiling XMLCoder UnkeyedBox.swift
[62/83] Compiling XMLCoder ValueBox.swift
[63/83] Compiling XMLCoder Element.swift
[64/83] Compiling XMLCoder DynamicNodeEncoding.swift
[65/83] Compiling XMLCoder EncodingErrorExtension.swift
[66/83] Compiling XMLCoder SingleValueEncodingContainer.swift
[67/83] Compiling XMLCoder XMLChoiceEncodingContainer.swift
[68/83] Compiling XMLCoder XMLEncoder.swift
[69/83] Compiling XMLCoder XMLStackParser.swift
[70/83] Compiling XMLCoder DecodingErrorExtension.swift
[71/83] Compiling XMLCoder DynamicNodeDecoding.swift
[72/83] Compiling XMLCoder SingleValueDecodingContainer.swift
[73/83] Compiling XMLCoder XMLChoiceDecodingContainer.swift
[74/83] Compiling XMLCoder XMLChoiceCodingKey.swift
[75/83] Compiling XMLCoder XMLCoderElement.swift
[76/83] Compiling XMLCoder XMLDocumentType.swift
[77/83] Compiling XMLCoder XMLHeader.swift
[78/83] Compiling XMLCoder XMLKey.swift
[79/87] Compiling Swifter String+SHA1.swift
[80/87] Compiling Swifter WebSockets.swift
[81/119] Compiling UPnPCodeGenerator main.swift
[82/119] Compiling UPnPCodeGenerator ServiceDefinition.swift
[83/119] Emitting module UPnPCodeGenerator
[84/119] Compiling UPnPCodeGenerator SourceGenerator.swift
[84/119] Write Objects.LinkFileList
[85/119] Linking UPnPCodeGenerator
[86/119] Applying UPnPCodeGenerator
[88/119] Compiling SwiftUPnP SSDPCocoaAsyncSocketDiscovery.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:33:23: warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'UPnPRegistry' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPRegistry {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPRegistry' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public static let shared = UPnPRegistry()
    |                       |- warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'UPnPRegistry' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                       |- note: annotate 'shared' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 34 |
 35 |     // Use CocoaAsyncSocket discovery for SSDP, as the standard network framework doesn't support when
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/SSDP/SSDPNetworkDiscovery.swift:50:17: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'SSDPNetworkDiscovery?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
30 | import os.log
31 |
32 | class SSDPNetworkDiscovery: SSDPDiscovery {
   |       `- note: class 'SSDPNetworkDiscovery' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
33 |     private var multicastGroup: NWMulticastGroup?
34 |     private var connectionGroup: NWConnectionGroup?
48 |                 Logger.swiftUPnP.error("\(error.localizedDescription)")
49 |             case .cancelled:
50 |                 self?.multicastGroup = nil
   |                 `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'SSDPNetworkDiscovery?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
51 |                 self?.connectionGroup = nil
52 |             default:
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/SSDP/SSDPNetworkDiscovery.swift:58:17: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'SSDPNetworkDiscovery' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
30 | import os.log
31 |
32 | class SSDPNetworkDiscovery: SSDPDiscovery {
   |       `- note: class 'SSDPNetworkDiscovery' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
33 |     private var multicastGroup: NWMulticastGroup?
34 |     private var connectionGroup: NWConnectionGroup?
56 |         connectionGroup.setReceiveHandler(maximumMessageSize: 65535, rejectOversizedMessages: true) { (message, content, isComplete) in
57 |             if let content = content {
58 |                 self.processData(content)
   |                 `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'SSDPNetworkDiscovery' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
59 |             }
60 |         }
[89/119] Compiling SwiftUPnP SSDPDiscovery.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:33:23: warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'UPnPRegistry' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPRegistry {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPRegistry' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public static let shared = UPnPRegistry()
    |                       |- warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'UPnPRegistry' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                       |- note: annotate 'shared' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 34 |
 35 |     // Use CocoaAsyncSocket discovery for SSDP, as the standard network framework doesn't support when
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/SSDP/SSDPNetworkDiscovery.swift:50:17: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'SSDPNetworkDiscovery?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
30 | import os.log
31 |
32 | class SSDPNetworkDiscovery: SSDPDiscovery {
   |       `- note: class 'SSDPNetworkDiscovery' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
33 |     private var multicastGroup: NWMulticastGroup?
34 |     private var connectionGroup: NWConnectionGroup?
48 |                 Logger.swiftUPnP.error("\(error.localizedDescription)")
49 |             case .cancelled:
50 |                 self?.multicastGroup = nil
   |                 `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'SSDPNetworkDiscovery?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
51 |                 self?.connectionGroup = nil
52 |             default:
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/SSDP/SSDPNetworkDiscovery.swift:58:17: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'SSDPNetworkDiscovery' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
30 | import os.log
31 |
32 | class SSDPNetworkDiscovery: SSDPDiscovery {
   |       `- note: class 'SSDPNetworkDiscovery' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
33 |     private var multicastGroup: NWMulticastGroup?
34 |     private var connectionGroup: NWConnectionGroup?
56 |         connectionGroup.setReceiveHandler(maximumMessageSize: 65535, rejectOversizedMessages: true) { (message, content, isComplete) in
57 |             if let content = content {
58 |                 self.processData(content)
   |                 `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'SSDPNetworkDiscovery' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
59 |             }
60 |         }
[90/119] Compiling SwiftUPnP SSDPNetworkDiscovery.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:33:23: warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'UPnPRegistry' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPRegistry {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPRegistry' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public static let shared = UPnPRegistry()
    |                       |- warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'UPnPRegistry' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                       |- note: annotate 'shared' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 34 |
 35 |     // Use CocoaAsyncSocket discovery for SSDP, as the standard network framework doesn't support when
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/SSDP/SSDPNetworkDiscovery.swift:50:17: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'SSDPNetworkDiscovery?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
30 | import os.log
31 |
32 | class SSDPNetworkDiscovery: SSDPDiscovery {
   |       `- note: class 'SSDPNetworkDiscovery' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
33 |     private var multicastGroup: NWMulticastGroup?
34 |     private var connectionGroup: NWConnectionGroup?
48 |                 Logger.swiftUPnP.error("\(error.localizedDescription)")
49 |             case .cancelled:
50 |                 self?.multicastGroup = nil
   |                 `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'SSDPNetworkDiscovery?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
51 |                 self?.connectionGroup = nil
52 |             default:
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/SSDP/SSDPNetworkDiscovery.swift:58:17: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'SSDPNetworkDiscovery' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
30 | import os.log
31 |
32 | class SSDPNetworkDiscovery: SSDPDiscovery {
   |       `- note: class 'SSDPNetworkDiscovery' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
33 |     private var multicastGroup: NWMulticastGroup?
34 |     private var connectionGroup: NWConnectionGroup?
56 |         connectionGroup.setReceiveHandler(maximumMessageSize: 65535, rejectOversizedMessages: true) { (message, content, isComplete) in
57 |             if let content = content {
58 |                 self.processData(content)
   |                 `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'SSDPNetworkDiscovery' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
59 |             }
60 |         }
[91/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP UserAgentGenerator.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:134:24: warning: static property 'subsystem' is not concurrency-safe because it is non-isolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
132 |
133 | extension Logger {
134 |     private static var subsystem = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!
    |                        |- warning: static property 'subsystem' is not concurrency-safe because it is non-isolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                        |- note: convert 'subsystem' to a 'let' constant to make 'Sendable' shared state immutable
    |                        |- note: annotate 'subsystem' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                        `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/Publisher+Stream.swift:40:17: warning: capture of 'cancellable' with non-sendable type 'AnyCancellable' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
38 |             }
39 |             continuation.onTermination = { continuation in
40 |                 cancellable.cancel()
   |                 `- warning: capture of 'cancellable' with non-sendable type 'AnyCancellable' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
41 |             }
42 |         }
Combine.AnyCancellable:2:20: note: class 'AnyCancellable' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
 2 | final public class AnyCancellable : Cancellable, Hashable {
   |                    `- note: class 'AnyCancellable' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(_ cancel: @escaping () -> Void)
 4 |     public init<C>(_ canceller: C) where C : Cancellable
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/Publisher+Stream.swift:29:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'Combine'
27 |
28 | import Foundation
29 | import Combine
   | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'Combine'
30 |
31 | internal extension Publisher where Failure == Never {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/Publisher+Stream.swift:60:17: warning: capture of 'cancellable' with non-sendable type 'AnyCancellable' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
58 |             }
59 |             continuation.onTermination = { continuation in
60 |                 cancellable.cancel()
   |                 `- warning: capture of 'cancellable' with non-sendable type 'AnyCancellable' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
61 |             }
62 |         }
Combine.AnyCancellable:2:20: note: class 'AnyCancellable' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
 2 | final public class AnyCancellable : Cancellable, Hashable {
   |                    `- note: class 'AnyCancellable' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(_ cancel: @escaping () -> Void)
 4 |     public init<C>(_ canceller: C) where C : Cancellable
[92/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP IPHelper.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:134:24: warning: static property 'subsystem' is not concurrency-safe because it is non-isolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
132 |
133 | extension Logger {
134 |     private static var subsystem = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!
    |                        |- warning: static property 'subsystem' is not concurrency-safe because it is non-isolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                        |- note: convert 'subsystem' to a 'let' constant to make 'Sendable' shared state immutable
    |                        |- note: annotate 'subsystem' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                        `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/Publisher+Stream.swift:40:17: warning: capture of 'cancellable' with non-sendable type 'AnyCancellable' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
38 |             }
39 |             continuation.onTermination = { continuation in
40 |                 cancellable.cancel()
   |                 `- warning: capture of 'cancellable' with non-sendable type 'AnyCancellable' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
41 |             }
42 |         }
Combine.AnyCancellable:2:20: note: class 'AnyCancellable' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
 2 | final public class AnyCancellable : Cancellable, Hashable {
   |                    `- note: class 'AnyCancellable' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(_ cancel: @escaping () -> Void)
 4 |     public init<C>(_ canceller: C) where C : Cancellable
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/Publisher+Stream.swift:29:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'Combine'
27 |
28 | import Foundation
29 | import Combine
   | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'Combine'
30 |
31 | internal extension Publisher where Failure == Never {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/Publisher+Stream.swift:60:17: warning: capture of 'cancellable' with non-sendable type 'AnyCancellable' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
58 |             }
59 |             continuation.onTermination = { continuation in
60 |                 cancellable.cancel()
   |                 `- warning: capture of 'cancellable' with non-sendable type 'AnyCancellable' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
61 |             }
62 |         }
Combine.AnyCancellable:2:20: note: class 'AnyCancellable' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
 2 | final public class AnyCancellable : Cancellable, Hashable {
   |                    `- note: class 'AnyCancellable' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(_ cancel: @escaping () -> Void)
 4 |     public init<C>(_ canceller: C) where C : Cancellable
[93/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP Publisher+Stream.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:134:24: warning: static property 'subsystem' is not concurrency-safe because it is non-isolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
132 |
133 | extension Logger {
134 |     private static var subsystem = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!
    |                        |- warning: static property 'subsystem' is not concurrency-safe because it is non-isolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                        |- note: convert 'subsystem' to a 'let' constant to make 'Sendable' shared state immutable
    |                        |- note: annotate 'subsystem' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                        `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/Publisher+Stream.swift:40:17: warning: capture of 'cancellable' with non-sendable type 'AnyCancellable' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
38 |             }
39 |             continuation.onTermination = { continuation in
40 |                 cancellable.cancel()
   |                 `- warning: capture of 'cancellable' with non-sendable type 'AnyCancellable' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
41 |             }
42 |         }
Combine.AnyCancellable:2:20: note: class 'AnyCancellable' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
 2 | final public class AnyCancellable : Cancellable, Hashable {
   |                    `- note: class 'AnyCancellable' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(_ cancel: @escaping () -> Void)
 4 |     public init<C>(_ canceller: C) where C : Cancellable
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/Publisher+Stream.swift:29:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'Combine'
27 |
28 | import Foundation
29 | import Combine
   | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'Combine'
30 |
31 | internal extension Publisher where Failure == Never {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/Publisher+Stream.swift:60:17: warning: capture of 'cancellable' with non-sendable type 'AnyCancellable' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
58 |             }
59 |             continuation.onTermination = { continuation in
60 |                 cancellable.cancel()
   |                 `- warning: capture of 'cancellable' with non-sendable type 'AnyCancellable' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
61 |             }
62 |         }
Combine.AnyCancellable:2:20: note: class 'AnyCancellable' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
 2 | final public class AnyCancellable : Cancellable, Hashable {
   |                    `- note: class 'AnyCancellable' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(_ cancel: @escaping () -> Void)
 4 |     public init<C>(_ canceller: C) where C : Cancellable
[94/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP OpenHomeReceiver1Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[95/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP OpenHomeSender1Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[96/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP OpenHomeTime1Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[97/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP UPnPRegistry.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:33:23: warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'UPnPRegistry' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPRegistry {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPRegistry' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public static let shared = UPnPRegistry()
    |                       |- warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'UPnPRegistry' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                       |- note: annotate 'shared' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 34 |
 35 |     // Use CocoaAsyncSocket discovery for SSDP, as the standard network framework doesn't support when
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:94:19: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPRegistry' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPRegistry {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPRegistry' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public static let shared = UPnPRegistry()
 34 |
 92 |
 93 |         Task {
 94 |             await startHTTPServerIfNotRunning()
    |                   `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPRegistry' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 95 |             try discoveryEngine.startDiscovery(forTypes: filteredTypes)
 96 |             discoveryEngine.searchRequest()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:102:19: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPRegistry' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPRegistry {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPRegistry' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public static let shared = UPnPRegistry()
 34 |
100 |     public func stopDiscovery() {
101 |         Task {
102 |             await stopHTTPServer()
    |                   `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPRegistry' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
103 |             await {
104 |                 devices.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:104:17: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPRegistry' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPRegistry {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPRegistry' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public static let shared = UPnPRegistry()
 34 |
102 |             await stopHTTPServer()
103 |             await {
104 |                 devices.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
    |                 `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPRegistry' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
105 |             }
106 |         }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPService.swift:49:23: warning: static property 'defaultSubscriptionTimeout' is not concurrency-safe because it is non-isolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 47 |     }
 48 |
 49 |     public static var defaultSubscriptionTimeout = 120
    |                       |- warning: static property 'defaultSubscriptionTimeout' is not concurrency-safe because it is non-isolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                       |- note: convert 'defaultSubscriptionTimeout' to a 'let' constant to make 'Sendable' shared state immutable
    |                       |- note: annotate 'defaultSubscriptionTimeout' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 50 |
 51 |     public let controlUrl: URL
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPService.swift:262:31: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPService?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPService: Equatable, Identifiable, Hashable {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPService' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public enum SubscriptionStatus {
 34 |         case unsubscribed
260 |                 Logger.swiftUPnP.debug("Will renew sid: \(subscriptionId) at: \(Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: Double(timeout - 10)))")
261 |                 DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .seconds(timeout - 10))) { [weak self] in
262 |                     guard let self else { return }
    |                               `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPService?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
263 |                     Task {
264 |                         await self.renewSubscriptionToEvents()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:168:35: warning: sending 'service' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
166 |                     guard let service = typedService(device: device, serviceUrn: deviceService.serviceType) else { continue }
167 |
168 |                     await service.loadScdp()
    |                                   |- warning: sending 'service' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                                   `- note: sending main actor-isolated 'service' to nonisolated instance method 'loadScdp()' risks causing data races between nonisolated and main actor-isolated uses
169 |                     device.add(service)
170 |                 }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPService.swift:262:31: warning: sending 'self' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
260 |                 Logger.swiftUPnP.debug("Will renew sid: \(subscriptionId) at: \(Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: Double(timeout - 10)))")
261 |                 DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .seconds(timeout - 10))) { [weak self] in
262 |                     guard let self else { return }
    |                               |- warning: sending 'self' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                               `- note: task-isolated 'self' is captured by a main actor-isolated closure. main actor-isolated uses in closure may race against later nonisolated uses
263 |                     Task {
264 |                         await self.renewSubscriptionToEvents()
[98/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP UPnPService.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:33:23: warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'UPnPRegistry' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPRegistry {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPRegistry' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public static let shared = UPnPRegistry()
    |                       |- warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'UPnPRegistry' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                       |- note: annotate 'shared' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 34 |
 35 |     // Use CocoaAsyncSocket discovery for SSDP, as the standard network framework doesn't support when
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:94:19: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPRegistry' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPRegistry {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPRegistry' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public static let shared = UPnPRegistry()
 34 |
 92 |
 93 |         Task {
 94 |             await startHTTPServerIfNotRunning()
    |                   `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPRegistry' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 95 |             try discoveryEngine.startDiscovery(forTypes: filteredTypes)
 96 |             discoveryEngine.searchRequest()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:102:19: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPRegistry' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPRegistry {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPRegistry' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public static let shared = UPnPRegistry()
 34 |
100 |     public func stopDiscovery() {
101 |         Task {
102 |             await stopHTTPServer()
    |                   `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPRegistry' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
103 |             await {
104 |                 devices.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:104:17: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPRegistry' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPRegistry {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPRegistry' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public static let shared = UPnPRegistry()
 34 |
102 |             await stopHTTPServer()
103 |             await {
104 |                 devices.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
    |                 `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPRegistry' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
105 |             }
106 |         }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPService.swift:49:23: warning: static property 'defaultSubscriptionTimeout' is not concurrency-safe because it is non-isolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 47 |     }
 48 |
 49 |     public static var defaultSubscriptionTimeout = 120
    |                       |- warning: static property 'defaultSubscriptionTimeout' is not concurrency-safe because it is non-isolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                       |- note: convert 'defaultSubscriptionTimeout' to a 'let' constant to make 'Sendable' shared state immutable
    |                       |- note: annotate 'defaultSubscriptionTimeout' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 50 |
 51 |     public let controlUrl: URL
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPService.swift:262:31: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPService?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPService: Equatable, Identifiable, Hashable {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPService' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public enum SubscriptionStatus {
 34 |         case unsubscribed
260 |                 Logger.swiftUPnP.debug("Will renew sid: \(subscriptionId) at: \(Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: Double(timeout - 10)))")
261 |                 DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .seconds(timeout - 10))) { [weak self] in
262 |                     guard let self else { return }
    |                               `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPService?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
263 |                     Task {
264 |                         await self.renewSubscriptionToEvents()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:168:35: warning: sending 'service' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
166 |                     guard let service = typedService(device: device, serviceUrn: deviceService.serviceType) else { continue }
167 |
168 |                     await service.loadScdp()
    |                                   |- warning: sending 'service' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                                   `- note: sending main actor-isolated 'service' to nonisolated instance method 'loadScdp()' risks causing data races between nonisolated and main actor-isolated uses
169 |                     device.add(service)
170 |                 }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPService.swift:262:31: warning: sending 'self' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
260 |                 Logger.swiftUPnP.debug("Will renew sid: \(subscriptionId) at: \(Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: Double(timeout - 10)))")
261 |                 DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .seconds(timeout - 10))) { [weak self] in
262 |                     guard let self else { return }
    |                               |- warning: sending 'self' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                               `- note: task-isolated 'self' is captured by a main actor-isolated closure. main actor-isolated uses in closure may race against later nonisolated uses
263 |                     Task {
264 |                         await self.renewSubscriptionToEvents()
[99/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP UPnPServiceDefinition.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:33:23: warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'UPnPRegistry' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPRegistry {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPRegistry' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public static let shared = UPnPRegistry()
    |                       |- warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'UPnPRegistry' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                       |- note: annotate 'shared' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 34 |
 35 |     // Use CocoaAsyncSocket discovery for SSDP, as the standard network framework doesn't support when
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:94:19: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPRegistry' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPRegistry {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPRegistry' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public static let shared = UPnPRegistry()
 34 |
 92 |
 93 |         Task {
 94 |             await startHTTPServerIfNotRunning()
    |                   `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPRegistry' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 95 |             try discoveryEngine.startDiscovery(forTypes: filteredTypes)
 96 |             discoveryEngine.searchRequest()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:102:19: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPRegistry' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPRegistry {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPRegistry' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public static let shared = UPnPRegistry()
 34 |
100 |     public func stopDiscovery() {
101 |         Task {
102 |             await stopHTTPServer()
    |                   `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPRegistry' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
103 |             await {
104 |                 devices.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:104:17: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPRegistry' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPRegistry {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPRegistry' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public static let shared = UPnPRegistry()
 34 |
102 |             await stopHTTPServer()
103 |             await {
104 |                 devices.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
    |                 `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPRegistry' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
105 |             }
106 |         }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPService.swift:49:23: warning: static property 'defaultSubscriptionTimeout' is not concurrency-safe because it is non-isolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 47 |     }
 48 |
 49 |     public static var defaultSubscriptionTimeout = 120
    |                       |- warning: static property 'defaultSubscriptionTimeout' is not concurrency-safe because it is non-isolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                       |- note: convert 'defaultSubscriptionTimeout' to a 'let' constant to make 'Sendable' shared state immutable
    |                       |- note: annotate 'defaultSubscriptionTimeout' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 50 |
 51 |     public let controlUrl: URL
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPService.swift:262:31: warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPService?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPService: Equatable, Identifiable, Hashable {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPService' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public enum SubscriptionStatus {
 34 |         case unsubscribed
260 |                 Logger.swiftUPnP.debug("Will renew sid: \(subscriptionId) at: \(Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: Double(timeout - 10)))")
261 |                 DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .seconds(timeout - 10))) { [weak self] in
262 |                     guard let self else { return }
    |                               `- warning: capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'UPnPService?' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
263 |                     Task {
264 |                         await self.renewSubscriptionToEvents()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:168:35: warning: sending 'service' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
166 |                     guard let service = typedService(device: device, serviceUrn: deviceService.serviceType) else { continue }
167 |
168 |                     await service.loadScdp()
    |                                   |- warning: sending 'service' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                                   `- note: sending main actor-isolated 'service' to nonisolated instance method 'loadScdp()' risks causing data races between nonisolated and main actor-isolated uses
169 |                     device.add(service)
170 |                 }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPService.swift:262:31: warning: sending 'self' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
260 |                 Logger.swiftUPnP.debug("Will renew sid: \(subscriptionId) at: \(Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: Double(timeout - 10)))")
261 |                 DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .seconds(timeout - 10))) { [weak self] in
262 |                     guard let self else { return }
    |                               |- warning: sending 'self' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                               `- note: task-isolated 'self' is captured by a main actor-isolated closure. main actor-isolated uses in closure may race against later nonisolated uses
263 |                     Task {
264 |                         await self.renewSubscriptionToEvents()
[100/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP AVTransport1Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[101/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP ConnectionManager1Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[102/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP ContentDirectory1Service+DIDL.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[103/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP ContentDirectory1Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[104/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP OpenHomeOAuth1Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[105/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP OpenHomePins1Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[106/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP OpenHomePlaylist1Service+DIDL.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[107/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP OpenHomePlaylist1Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[108/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP XMLParserSupport.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPDevice.swift:87:25: warning: sending 'device' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 85 |         let device = UPnPDevice(upnpDeviceDescription: upnpDeviceDescription)
 86 |
 87 |         if await device.loadServices() {
    |                         |- warning: sending 'device' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                         `- note: sending main actor-isolated 'device' to nonisolated instance method 'loadServices()' risks causing data races between nonisolated and main actor-isolated uses
 88 |             device.servicesLoaded = true
 89 |             return device
[109/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP UPnPDevice.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPDevice.swift:87:25: warning: sending 'device' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 85 |         let device = UPnPDevice(upnpDeviceDescription: upnpDeviceDescription)
 86 |
 87 |         if await device.loadServices() {
    |                         |- warning: sending 'device' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                         `- note: sending main actor-isolated 'device' to nonisolated instance method 'loadServices()' risks causing data races between nonisolated and main actor-isolated uses
 88 |             device.servicesLoaded = true
 89 |             return device
[110/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP UPnPDeviceDefinition.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPDevice.swift:87:25: warning: sending 'device' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 85 |         let device = UPnPDevice(upnpDeviceDescription: upnpDeviceDescription)
 86 |
 87 |         if await device.loadServices() {
    |                         |- warning: sending 'device' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                         `- note: sending main actor-isolated 'device' to nonisolated instance method 'loadServices()' risks causing data races between nonisolated and main actor-isolated uses
 88 |             device.servicesLoaded = true
 89 |             return device
[111/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP RenderingControl1Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[112/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP OpenHomeConfig1Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[113/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP OpenHomeCredentials1Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[114/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP OpenHomeInfo1Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[115/122] Emitting module SwiftUPnP
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomeTransport1Service.swift:176:117: warning: keyword 'repeat' does not need to be escaped in argument list
174 | 			var action: SoapAction
175 | 		}
176 | 		try await post(action: "SetRepeat", envelope: Envelope(body: Body(action: SoapAction(urn: Attribute(serviceType), `repeat`: `repeat`))), log: log)
    |                                                                                                                     `- warning: keyword 'repeat' does not need to be escaped in argument list
177 | 	}
178 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:134:24: warning: static property 'subsystem' is not concurrency-safe because it is non-isolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
132 |
133 | extension Logger {
134 |     private static var subsystem = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!
    |                        |- warning: static property 'subsystem' is not concurrency-safe because it is non-isolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                        |- note: convert 'subsystem' to a 'let' constant to make 'Sendable' shared state immutable
    |                        |- note: annotate 'subsystem' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                        `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPRegistry.swift:33:23: warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'UPnPRegistry' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 30 | import os.log
 31 |
 32 | public class UPnPRegistry {
    |              `- note: class 'UPnPRegistry' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 33 |     public static let shared = UPnPRegistry()
    |                       |- warning: static property 'shared' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'UPnPRegistry' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                       |- note: annotate 'shared' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 34 |
 35 |     // Use CocoaAsyncSocket discovery for SSDP, as the standard network framework doesn't support when
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/UPnP/UPnPService.swift:49:23: warning: static property 'defaultSubscriptionTimeout' is not concurrency-safe because it is non-isolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 47 |     }
 48 |
 49 |     public static var defaultSubscriptionTimeout = 120
    |                       |- warning: static property 'defaultSubscriptionTimeout' is not concurrency-safe because it is non-isolated global shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
    |                       |- note: convert 'defaultSubscriptionTimeout' to a 'let' constant to make 'Sendable' shared state immutable
    |                       |- note: annotate 'defaultSubscriptionTimeout' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                       `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
 50 |
 51 |     public let controlUrl: URL
[116/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP OpenHomeTransport1Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomeTransport1Service.swift:176:117: warning: keyword 'repeat' does not need to be escaped in argument list
174 | 			var action: SoapAction
175 | 		}
176 | 		try await post(action: "SetRepeat", envelope: Envelope(body: Body(action: SoapAction(urn: Attribute(serviceType), `repeat`: `repeat`))), log: log)
    |                                                                                                                     `- warning: keyword 'repeat' does not need to be escaped in argument list
177 | 	}
178 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[117/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP OpenHomeVolume1Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomeTransport1Service.swift:176:117: warning: keyword 'repeat' does not need to be escaped in argument list
174 | 			var action: SoapAction
175 | 		}
176 | 		try await post(action: "SetRepeat", envelope: Envelope(body: Body(action: SoapAction(urn: Attribute(serviceType), `repeat`: `repeat`))), log: log)
    |                                                                                                                     `- warning: keyword 'repeat' does not need to be escaped in argument list
177 | 	}
178 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[118/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP OpenHomeVolume2Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomeTransport1Service.swift:176:117: warning: keyword 'repeat' does not need to be escaped in argument list
174 | 			var action: SoapAction
175 | 		}
176 | 		try await post(action: "SetRepeat", envelope: Envelope(body: Body(action: SoapAction(urn: Attribute(serviceType), `repeat`: `repeat`))), log: log)
    |                                                                                                                     `- warning: keyword 'repeat' does not need to be escaped in argument list
177 | 	}
178 |
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[119/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP OpenHomePlaylistManager1Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[120/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP OpenHomeProduct1Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[121/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP OpenHomeProduct2Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
[122/122] Compiling SwiftUPnP OpenHomeRadio1Service.swift
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:137:16: warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                `- warning: static property 'swiftUPnP' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Logger' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
os.Logger:2:15: note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 1 | @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, tvOS 14.0, *)
 2 | public struct Logger {
   |               `- note: struct 'Logger' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol
 3 |     public init(subsystem: String, category: String)
 4 |     public init()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Source/Support/IPHelper.swift:28:1: warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 26 |
 27 | import Foundation
 28 | import os.log
    | `- warning: add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'os'
 29 |
 30 | struct IPHelper {
135 |
136 |     /// Logs the view cycles like viewDidLoad.
137 |     static let swiftUPnP = Logger(subsystem: subsystem, category: "SwiftUPnP")
    |                |- note: annotate 'swiftUPnP' with '@MainActor' if property should only be accessed from the main actor
    |                `- note: disable concurrency-safety checks if accesses are protected by an external synchronization mechanism
138 |
139 |     static func indent(_ indent: Int) -> String {
Build complete! (68.77s)
[1/6032] Fetching swifter
Fetched from cache (1.61s)
[1/6417] Fetching cocoaasyncsocket
Fetched from cache (1.40s)
[1/10011] Fetching xmlcoder
[2/11873] Fetching xmlcoder, mocker
Fetched from cache (1.23s)
Fetched from cache (1.24s)
Computing version for
Computed at 3.0.2 (0.67s)
Computing version for
Computed at 0.15.0 (0.69s)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at master (5ddba5e)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at stable (1e4f51c)
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 0.15.0
Creating working copy for
Working copy of resolved at 3.0.2
Build complete.
  "dependencies" : [
      "identity" : "xmlcoder",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "0.13.1",
            "upper_bound" : "1.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
      "identity" : "swifter",
      "requirement" : {
        "branch" : [
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
      "identity" : "cocoaasyncsocket",
      "requirement" : {
        "branch" : [
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
      "identity" : "mocker",
      "requirement" : {
        "range" : [
            "lower_bound" : "3.0.0",
            "upper_bound" : "4.0.0"
      "type" : "sourceControl",
      "url" : ""
  "manifest_display_name" : "SwiftUPnP",
  "name" : "SwiftUPnP",
  "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace",
  "platforms" : [
      "name" : "ios",
      "version" : "14.0"
      "name" : "macos",
      "version" : "11.0"
      "name" : "watchos",
      "version" : "10.0"
  "products" : [
      "name" : "SwiftUPnP",
      "targets" : [
      "type" : {
        "library" : [
      "name" : "UPnPCodeGenerator",
      "targets" : [
      "type" : {
        "executable" : null
  "targets" : [
      "c99name" : "UPnPCodeGenerator",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "UPnPCodeGenerator",
      "path" : "CodeGenerator",
      "product_dependencies" : [
      "product_memberships" : [
      "sources" : [
      "type" : "executable"
      "c99name" : "SwiftUPnPTests",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "SwiftUPnPTests",
      "path" : "Tests/SwiftUPnPTests",
      "product_dependencies" : [
      "resources" : [
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/RenderingControl1Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/OpenHomeCredentials1Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/OpenHomePlaylist1Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/ContentDirectory1Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/MediaServerDevice.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/OpenHomeInfo1Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/OpenHomeConfig1Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/OpenHomeSender1Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/OpenHomeOAuth1Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/OpenHomeProduct2Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/OpenHomeRadio1Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/OpenHomePins1Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/OpenHomeTime1Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/OpenHomeProduct1Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/OpenHomeRendererDevice.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/ConnectionManager1Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/OpenHomeTransport1Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/OpenHomePlaylistManager1Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/OpenHomeVolume1Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/OpenHomeReceiver1Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/OpenHomeVolume2Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
          "path" : "/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/Tests/SwiftUPnPTests/Resources/AVTransport1Service.xml",
          "rule" : {
            "process" : {
      "sources" : [
      "target_dependencies" : [
      "type" : "test"
      "c99name" : "SwiftUPnP",
      "module_type" : "SwiftTarget",
      "name" : "SwiftUPnP",
      "path" : "Source",
      "product_dependencies" : [
      "product_memberships" : [
      "sources" : [
        "Profiles/AV Profile/AVTransport1Service.swift",
        "Profiles/AV Profile/ConnectionManager1Service.swift",
        "Profiles/AV Profile/ContentDirectory1Service+DIDL.swift",
        "Profiles/AV Profile/ContentDirectory1Service.swift",
        "Profiles/AV Profile/RenderingControl1Service.swift",
        "Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomeConfig1Service.swift",
        "Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomeCredentials1Service.swift",
        "Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomeInfo1Service.swift",
        "Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomeOAuth1Service.swift",
        "Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomePins1Service.swift",
        "Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomePlaylist1Service+DIDL.swift",
        "Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomePlaylist1Service.swift",
        "Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomePlaylistManager1Service.swift",
        "Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomeProduct1Service.swift",
        "Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomeProduct2Service.swift",
        "Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomeRadio1Service.swift",
        "Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomeReceiver1Service.swift",
        "Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomeSender1Service.swift",
        "Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomeTime1Service.swift",
        "Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomeTransport1Service.swift",
        "Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomeVolume1Service.swift",
        "Profiles/OpenHome Profile/OpenHomeVolume2Service.swift",
      "type" : "library"
  "tools_version" : "5.9"
This is a staging environment. For live and up-to-date package information, visit