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Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6?

Build Information

Failed to build Mcrich23-Toolkit with Swift 6.0 for watchOS using Xcode 16.0.

Build Command

env DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ xcrun --toolchain org.swift.600202405261a xcodebuild -IDEClonedSourcePackagesDirPathOverride=$workDir/.dependencies -skipMacroValidation -skipPackagePluginValidation -derivedDataPath $workDir/.derivedData build -scheme Mcrich23-Toolkit -destination generic/platform=watchos OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS=-stats-output-dir .stats -strict-concurrency=complete

Build Log

   0.0420 ( 10.7%)   0.0469 (  8.7%)   0.0889 (  9.6%)   0.0891 (  9.5%)  TypeCheckSourceFileRequest
   0.0419 ( 10.7%)   0.0468 (  8.7%)   0.0887 (  9.5%)   0.0889 (  9.5%)  Type checking and Semantic analysis
   0.0415 ( 10.6%)   0.0465 (  8.6%)   0.0881 (  9.5%)   0.0883 (  9.4%)  typecheck-decl
   0.0153 (  3.9%)   0.0136 (  2.5%)   0.0288 (  3.1%)   0.0289 (  3.1%)  typecheck-expr
   0.0138 (  3.5%)   0.0118 (  2.2%)   0.0256 (  2.8%)   0.0257 (  2.7%)  PatternBindingEntryRequest
   0.0125 (  3.2%)   0.0085 (  1.6%)   0.0211 (  2.3%)   0.0230 (  2.5%)  ExecuteSILPipelineRequest
   0.0090 (  2.3%)   0.0069 (  1.3%)   0.0158 (  1.7%)   0.0159 (  1.7%)  build-rewrite-system
   0.0067 (  1.7%)   0.0088 (  1.6%)   0.0154 (  1.7%)   0.0155 (  1.7%)  InterfaceTypeRequest
   0.0076 (  2.0%)   0.0052 (  1.0%)   0.0129 (  1.4%)   0.0148 (  1.6%)  SIL optimization
   0.0068 (  1.7%)   0.0072 (  1.3%)   0.0140 (  1.5%)   0.0141 (  1.5%)  DirectLookupRequest
   0.0061 (  1.6%)   0.0076 (  1.4%)   0.0138 (  1.5%)   0.0138 (  1.5%)  ResolveTypeRequest
   0.0069 (  1.8%)   0.0059 (  1.1%)   0.0128 (  1.4%)   0.0128 (  1.4%)  ASTLoweringRequest
   0.0064 (  1.6%)   0.0057 (  1.1%)   0.0121 (  1.3%)   0.0121 (  1.3%)  SILgen-decl
   0.0048 (  1.2%)   0.0064 (  1.2%)   0.0113 (  1.2%)   0.0113 (  1.2%)  ActorIsolationRequest
   0.0044 (  1.1%)   0.0048 (  0.9%)   0.0092 (  1.0%)   0.0092 (  1.0%)  GenericSignatureRequest
   0.0043 (  1.1%)   0.0048 (  0.9%)   0.0091 (  1.0%)   0.0091 (  1.0%)  UnqualifiedLookupRequest
   0.0037 (  1.0%)   0.0044 (  0.8%)   0.0082 (  0.9%)   0.0082 (  0.9%)  StoredPropertiesRequest
   0.0034 (  0.9%)   0.0046 (  0.8%)   0.0080 (  0.9%)   0.0081 (  0.9%)  QualifiedLookupRequest
   0.0045 (  1.2%)   0.0031 (  0.6%)   0.0077 (  0.8%)   0.0077 (  0.8%)  LookupConformanceInModuleRequest
   0.0039 (  1.0%)   0.0036 (  0.7%)   0.0075 (  0.8%)   0.0075 (  0.8%)  performUnqualifiedLookup
   0.0032 (  0.8%)   0.0033 (  0.6%)   0.0065 (  0.7%)   0.0066 (  0.7%)  verify-all-loaded-modules
   0.0030 (  0.8%)   0.0027 (  0.5%)   0.0057 (  0.6%)   0.0057 (  0.6%)  InferredGenericSignatureRequest
   0.0026 (  0.7%)   0.0028 (  0.5%)   0.0054 (  0.6%)   0.0054 (  0.6%)  Serialization, swiftmodule
   0.0025 (  0.6%)   0.0027 (  0.5%)   0.0052 (  0.6%)   0.0052 (  0.6%)  DefaultArgumentExprRequest
   0.0028 (  0.7%)   0.0022 (  0.4%)   0.0050 (  0.5%)   0.0050 (  0.5%)  SILGen-function
   0.0012 (  0.3%)   0.0034 (  0.6%)   0.0046 (  0.5%)   0.0046 (  0.5%)  load-stdlib
   0.0028 (  0.7%)   0.0012 (  0.2%)   0.0041 (  0.4%)   0.0040 (  0.4%)  LookupInModuleRequest
   0.0014 (  0.4%)   0.0024 (  0.4%)   0.0038 (  0.4%)   0.0038 (  0.4%)  PotentialMacroExpansionsInContextRequest
   0.0017 (  0.4%)   0.0014 (  0.3%)   0.0032 (  0.3%)   0.0032 (  0.3%)  PatternTypeRequest
   0.0011 (  0.3%)   0.0019 (  0.4%)   0.0030 (  0.3%)   0.0030 (  0.3%)  InheritedTypeRequest
   0.0011 (  0.3%)   0.0016 (  0.3%)   0.0027 (  0.3%)   0.0027 (  0.3%)  AttachedPropertyWrappersRequest
   0.0012 (  0.3%)   0.0011 (  0.2%)   0.0024 (  0.3%)   0.0024 (  0.3%)  ResolveValueWitnessesRequest
   0.0010 (  0.3%)   0.0011 (  0.2%)   0.0021 (  0.2%)   0.0021 (  0.2%)  ModuleQualifiedLookupRequest
   0.0010 (  0.2%)   0.0009 (  0.2%)   0.0019 (  0.2%)   0.0019 (  0.2%)  NamingPatternRequest
   0.0007 (  0.2%)   0.0010 (  0.2%)   0.0018 (  0.2%)   0.0018 (  0.2%)  ResolveTypeWitnessesRequest
   0.0008 (  0.2%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0016 (  0.2%)   0.0016 (  0.2%)  LazyStoragePropertyRequest
   0.0008 (  0.2%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0015 (  0.2%)   0.0015 (  0.2%)  LocalDiscriminatorsRequest
   0.0007 (  0.2%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0015 (  0.2%)   0.0015 (  0.2%)  PropertyWrapperBackingPropertyTypeRequest
   0.0007 (  0.2%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0015 (  0.2%)   0.0015 (  0.2%)  PropertyWrapperInitializerInfoRequest
   0.0007 (  0.2%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0015 (  0.2%)   0.0015 (  0.2%)  ValueWitnessRequest
   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0009 (  0.2%)   0.0014 (  0.2%)   0.0015 (  0.2%)  ExpandPeerMacroRequest
   0.0007 (  0.2%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.1%)  OpaqueReadOwnershipRequest
   0.0007 (  0.2%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.1%)  ParseTopLevelDeclsRequest
   0.0007 (  0.2%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.1%)  CustomAttrNominalRequest
   0.0007 (  0.2%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0013 (  0.1%)   0.0013 (  0.1%)  ParseSourceFileRequest
   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0011 (  0.1%)   0.0011 (  0.1%)  TypeWitnessRequest
   0.0007 (  0.2%)   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0011 (  0.1%)   0.0011 (  0.1%)  Serialization, swiftsourceinfo
   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0009 (  0.1%)   0.0009 (  0.1%)  SynthesizeMemberwiseInitRequest
   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0009 (  0.1%)   0.0009 (  0.1%)  InheritedDeclsReferencedRequest
   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)  ExpandMemberAttributeMacros
   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)  SIL verification, pre-optimization
   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)  Serialization, swiftdoc
   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)  PropertyWrapperAuxiliaryVariablesRequest
   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)  IsDynamicRequest
   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)  ResolveImplicitMemberRequest
   0.0006 (  0.2%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)  USRGenerationRequest
   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)  ABIMembersRequest
   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)  ParseAbstractFunctionBodyRequest
   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)  precheck-expr
   0.0002 (  0.1%)   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)  IsFunctionBodySkippedRequest
   0.0002 (  0.1%)   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)  HasInitAccessorRequest
   0.0002 (  0.1%)   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)  ResultBuilderTypeRequest
   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)  CheckRedeclarationRequest
   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)  DefaultInitializerIsolation
   0.0002 (  0.1%)   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)  CustomAttrTypeRequest
   0.0002 (  0.1%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0005 (  0.0%)  AST verification
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  IsGetterMutatingRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  HasMemberwiseInitRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  PropertyWrapperTypeInfoRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  FragileFunctionKindRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  HasIsolatedSelfRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  ProtocolDependenciesRequest
   0.0002 (  0.1%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  GlobalActorAttributeRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  ImplicitKnownProtocolConformanceRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  AllMembersRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  SynthesizeDefaultInitRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  OpaqueResultTypeRequest
   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  SIL verification, post-optimization
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  define-default-ctor
   0.0002 (  0.1%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  ParseMembersRequest
   0.0002 (  0.1%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  ResultTypeRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  ExpandChildTypeRefinementContextsRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  ResolveMacroRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  PatternBindingCheckedAndContextualizedInitRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  LookupAllConformancesInContextRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  StorageImplInfoRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  GenericParamListRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  InitAccessorPropertiesRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  RequirementSignatureRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  IsActorRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  MemberwiseInitPropertiesRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  DefaultTypeRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ConditionalRequirementsRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  SPIGroupsRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  associated-type-inference
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  IsFinalRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  HasUserDefinedDesignatedInitRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  AccessLevelRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ApplyAccessNoteRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ExpandExtensionMacros
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  AttachedPropertyWrapperTypeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  AssociatedConformanceRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  AbstractGenericSignatureRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  LifetimeDependenceInfoRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  GlobalActorInstanceRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  IsObjCRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  IsImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  NeedsNewVTableEntryRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  DynamicallyReplacedDeclRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  SemanticUnavailableAttrRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  DirectOperatorLookupRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ExtendedNominalRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  SemanticBriefCommentRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  HasDefaultInitRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  HasDynamicMemberLookupAttributeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  RawCommentRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  OverriddenDeclsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  AttachedResultBuilderRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ParamSpecifierRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ObjCInterfaceAndImplementationRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SynthesizeAccessorRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  AllInheritedProtocolsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  import-clang-decl
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  RequiresOpaqueAccessorsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  IsStaticRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ProtocolRequirementsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ExtendedTypeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  IsAccessorTransparentRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  LocalTypeDeclsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  IsSetterMutatingRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SimpleDidSetRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  TypeCheckFunctionBodyRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentImplementationOnlyImportsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentWeakLinkedImportsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasStorageRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PropertyWrapperMutabilityRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasCircularInheritedProtocolsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  RequiresOpaqueModifyCoroutineRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  IsDistributedActorRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ExpandAccessorMacros
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  IsABICompatibleOverrideRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  UniqueUnderlyingTypeSubstitutionsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  InitKindRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentSPIOnlyImportsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  source-file-populate-cache
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ReferencedAssociatedTypesRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasImportsMatchingFlagRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentAccessLevelOnImport
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ExpandSynthesizedMemberMacroRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PrimaryAssociatedTypesRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PropertyWrapperLValuenessRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ConformanceAccessScopeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SynthesizeMainFunctionRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SelfAccessKindRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  module-populate-cache
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  perform-whole-module-type-checking
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentAccessLevelOnImportSameFileRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SemanticAvailableRangeAttrRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PolymorphicEffectKindRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SuppressesConformanceRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  AreAllStoredPropertiesDefaultInitableRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  populate-module-class-member-cache
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ModuleImplicitImportsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  GetDestructorRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ClosureEffectsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasCircularRawValueRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PreCheckClosureBodyRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PreCheckReturnStmtRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  EnumRawValuesRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PrimarySourceFilesRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ImportDeclRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  DefaultAndMaxAccessLevelRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ClassAncestryFlagsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SuperclassTypeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  EnumRawTypeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SelfBoundsFromGenericSignatureRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SuperclassDeclRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SetterAccessLevelRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasMissingDesignatedInitializersRequest
   0.3906 (100.0%)   0.5398 (100.0%)   0.9304 (100.0%)   0.9363 (100.0%)  Total
                                Running Program
  Total Execution Time: 0.2602 seconds (0.2628 wall clock)
   ---User Time---   --System Time--   --User+System--   ---Wall Time---  --- Name ---
   0.0952 (100.0%)   0.1650 (100.0%)   0.2602 (100.0%)   0.2628 (100.0%)  Building Target
   0.0952 (100.0%)   0.1650 (100.0%)   0.2602 (100.0%)   0.2628 (100.0%)  Total
SwiftEmitModule normal arm64_32 Emitting\ module\ for\ WrappingHStack (in target 'WrappingHStack' from project 'WrappingHStack')
    cd /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack
    builtin-swiftTaskExecution -- /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift-frontend -frontend -emit-module -experimental-skip-non-inlinable-function-bodies-without-types /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack/Sources/WrappingHStack/ContentManager.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack/Sources/WrappingHStack/InternalWrappingHStack.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack/Sources/WrappingHStack/NewLine.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack/Sources/WrappingHStack/ViewType.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack/Sources/WrappingHStack/WrappingHStack.swift -target arm64_32-apple-watchos6.0 -enable-objc-interop -sdk /Applications/ -I /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -I /Applications/ -F /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F /Applications/ -F /Applications/ -no-color-diagnostics -enable-testing -g -module-cache-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex -suppress-warnings -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity\=checked -stats-output-dir /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack/.stats -Onone -D SWIFT_PACKAGE -D DEBUG -serialize-debugging-options -const-gather-protocols-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -strict-concurrency\=complete -empty-abi-descriptor -validate-clang-modules-once -clang-build-session-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/Session.modulevalidation -Xcc -working-directory -Xcc /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack -resource-dir /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift -enable-anonymous-context-mangled-names -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos/include -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -DSWIFT_PACKAGE -Xcc -DDEBUG\=1 -module-name WrappingHStack -disable-clang-spi -target-sdk-version 10.4 -target-sdk-name watchos10.4 -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -plugin-path /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/host/plugins -plugin-path /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/local/lib/swift/host/plugins -emit-module-doc-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-module-source-info-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-objc-header-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -serialize-diagnostics-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-dependencies-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -o /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-abi-descriptor-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/
Error opening -stats-output-dir file '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack/.stats/stats-1717047895161156-swift-frontend-WrappingHStack-all-arm64_32_apple_watchos6.0-swiftmodule-Onone-2285787578.json' for writing
                               Swift compilation
  Total Execution Time: 0.9133 seconds (0.9149 wall clock)
   ---User Time---   --System Time--   --User+System--   ---Wall Time---  --- Name ---
   0.0280 (  7.4%)   0.1020 ( 19.1%)   0.1300 ( 14.2%)   0.1301 ( 14.2%)  parse-and-resolve-imports
   0.0279 (  7.4%)   0.1019 ( 19.1%)   0.1299 ( 14.2%)   0.1300 ( 14.2%)  Import resolution
   0.0407 ( 10.8%)   0.0452 (  8.5%)   0.0859 (  9.4%)   0.0860 (  9.4%)  perform-sema
   0.0405 ( 10.7%)   0.0449 (  8.4%)   0.0854 (  9.4%)   0.0855 (  9.3%)  TypeCheckSourceFileRequest
   0.0404 ( 10.7%)   0.0447 (  8.4%)   0.0851 (  9.3%)   0.0852 (  9.3%)  Type checking and Semantic analysis
   0.0401 ( 10.6%)   0.0444 (  8.3%)   0.0845 (  9.2%)   0.0845 (  9.2%)  typecheck-decl
   0.0144 (  3.8%)   0.0127 (  2.4%)   0.0271 (  3.0%)   0.0271 (  3.0%)  typecheck-expr
   0.0131 (  3.5%)   0.0108 (  2.0%)   0.0239 (  2.6%)   0.0239 (  2.6%)  PatternBindingEntryRequest
   0.0122 (  3.2%)   0.0082 (  1.5%)   0.0205 (  2.2%)   0.0210 (  2.3%)  ExecuteSILPipelineRequest
   0.0060 (  1.6%)   0.0094 (  1.8%)   0.0154 (  1.7%)   0.0154 (  1.7%)  InterfaceTypeRequest
   0.0086 (  2.3%)   0.0054 (  1.0%)   0.0140 (  1.5%)   0.0140 (  1.5%)  build-rewrite-system
   0.0067 (  1.8%)   0.0068 (  1.3%)   0.0135 (  1.5%)   0.0135 (  1.5%)  DirectLookupRequest
   0.0074 (  2.0%)   0.0050 (  0.9%)   0.0125 (  1.4%)   0.0130 (  1.4%)  SIL optimization
   0.0055 (  1.5%)   0.0072 (  1.3%)   0.0127 (  1.4%)   0.0127 (  1.4%)  ResolveTypeRequest
   0.0068 (  1.8%)   0.0051 (  1.0%)   0.0119 (  1.3%)   0.0119 (  1.3%)  ASTLoweringRequest
   0.0050 (  1.3%)   0.0063 (  1.2%)   0.0113 (  1.2%)   0.0113 (  1.2%)  ActorIsolationRequest
   0.0062 (  1.6%)   0.0049 (  0.9%)   0.0111 (  1.2%)   0.0111 (  1.2%)  SILgen-decl
   0.0042 (  1.1%)   0.0045 (  0.8%)   0.0087 (  0.9%)   0.0087 (  0.9%)  GenericSignatureRequest
   0.0040 (  1.1%)   0.0045 (  0.8%)   0.0085 (  0.9%)   0.0085 (  0.9%)  UnqualifiedLookupRequest
   0.0048 (  1.3%)   0.0033 (  0.6%)   0.0081 (  0.9%)   0.0080 (  0.9%)  LookupConformanceInModuleRequest
   0.0033 (  0.9%)   0.0041 (  0.8%)   0.0074 (  0.8%)   0.0074 (  0.8%)  QualifiedLookupRequest
   0.0035 (  0.9%)   0.0039 (  0.7%)   0.0074 (  0.8%)   0.0074 (  0.8%)  StoredPropertiesRequest
   0.0036 (  1.0%)   0.0034 (  0.6%)   0.0070 (  0.8%)   0.0070 (  0.8%)  performUnqualifiedLookup
   0.0030 (  0.8%)   0.0028 (  0.5%)   0.0058 (  0.6%)   0.0058 (  0.6%)  verify-all-loaded-modules
   0.0028 (  0.7%)   0.0024 (  0.5%)   0.0053 (  0.6%)   0.0053 (  0.6%)  InferredGenericSignatureRequest
   0.0027 (  0.7%)   0.0024 (  0.5%)   0.0051 (  0.6%)   0.0051 (  0.6%)  Serialization, swiftmodule
   0.0023 (  0.6%)   0.0025 (  0.5%)   0.0049 (  0.5%)   0.0049 (  0.5%)  DefaultArgumentExprRequest
   0.0012 (  0.3%)   0.0032 (  0.6%)   0.0045 (  0.5%)   0.0045 (  0.5%)  load-stdlib
   0.0026 (  0.7%)   0.0017 (  0.3%)   0.0043 (  0.5%)   0.0043 (  0.5%)  SILGen-function
   0.0027 (  0.7%)   0.0011 (  0.2%)   0.0038 (  0.4%)   0.0038 (  0.4%)  LookupInModuleRequest
   0.0013 (  0.3%)   0.0022 (  0.4%)   0.0035 (  0.4%)   0.0035 (  0.4%)  PotentialMacroExpansionsInContextRequest
   0.0016 (  0.4%)   0.0013 (  0.2%)   0.0029 (  0.3%)   0.0029 (  0.3%)  PatternTypeRequest
   0.0010 (  0.3%)   0.0018 (  0.3%)   0.0028 (  0.3%)   0.0028 (  0.3%)  InheritedTypeRequest
   0.0011 (  0.3%)   0.0017 (  0.3%)   0.0027 (  0.3%)   0.0027 (  0.3%)  AttachedPropertyWrappersRequest
   0.0012 (  0.3%)   0.0012 (  0.2%)   0.0024 (  0.3%)   0.0024 (  0.3%)  ResolveValueWitnessesRequest
   0.0010 (  0.3%)   0.0013 (  0.2%)   0.0023 (  0.3%)   0.0023 (  0.3%)  ModuleQualifiedLookupRequest
   0.0011 (  0.3%)   0.0008 (  0.2%)   0.0019 (  0.2%)   0.0020 (  0.2%)  OpaqueReadOwnershipRequest
   0.0008 (  0.2%)   0.0010 (  0.2%)   0.0018 (  0.2%)   0.0018 (  0.2%)  ResolveTypeWitnessesRequest
   0.0008 (  0.2%)   0.0009 (  0.2%)   0.0017 (  0.2%)   0.0017 (  0.2%)  ValueWitnessRequest
   0.0007 (  0.2%)   0.0009 (  0.2%)   0.0016 (  0.2%)   0.0016 (  0.2%)  NamingPatternRequest
   0.0009 (  0.2%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0016 (  0.2%)   0.0016 (  0.2%)  LocalDiscriminatorsRequest
   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0008 (  0.2%)   0.0014 (  0.2%)   0.0014 (  0.2%)  ExpandPeerMacroRequest
   0.0007 (  0.2%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.2%)   0.0014 (  0.2%)  CustomAttrNominalRequest
   0.0006 (  0.2%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.1%)  LazyStoragePropertyRequest
   0.0006 (  0.2%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0013 (  0.1%)   0.0013 (  0.1%)  TypeWitnessRequest
   0.0006 (  0.2%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0012 (  0.1%)   0.0012 (  0.1%)  PropertyWrapperInitializerInfoRequest
   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0012 (  0.1%)   0.0012 (  0.1%)  PropertyWrapperBackingPropertyTypeRequest
   0.0006 (  0.2%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0011 (  0.1%)   0.0011 (  0.1%)  ParseTopLevelDeclsRequest
   0.0006 (  0.2%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0011 (  0.1%)   0.0011 (  0.1%)  ParseSourceFileRequest
   0.0006 (  0.2%)   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0010 (  0.1%)   0.0010 (  0.1%)  Serialization, swiftsourceinfo
   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0010 (  0.1%)   0.0010 (  0.1%)  Serialization, swiftdoc
   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)  InheritedDeclsReferencedRequest
   0.0006 (  0.2%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)  ParseAbstractFunctionBodyRequest
   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)  ExpandMemberAttributeMacros
   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)  ResolveImplicitMemberRequest
   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)  SynthesizeMemberwiseInitRequest
   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)  PropertyWrapperAuxiliaryVariablesRequest
   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)  USRGenerationRequest
   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)  SIL verification, pre-optimization
   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)  IsDynamicRequest
   0.0002 (  0.1%)   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)  HasInitAccessorRequest
   0.0002 (  0.1%)   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)  IsFunctionBodySkippedRequest
   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)  precheck-expr
   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)  ABIMembersRequest
   0.0004 (  0.1%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)  CheckRedeclarationRequest
   0.0002 (  0.1%)   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)  ResultBuilderTypeRequest
   0.0002 (  0.1%)   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)  CustomAttrTypeRequest
   0.0002 (  0.1%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)  DefaultInitializerIsolation
   0.0002 (  0.1%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  AST verification
   0.0002 (  0.1%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  GlobalActorAttributeRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  FragileFunctionKindRequest
   0.0002 (  0.1%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  HasIsolatedSelfRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  IsGetterMutatingRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  AllMembersRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  PropertyWrapperTypeInfoRequest
   0.0003 (  0.1%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  ParseMembersRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  ExpandChildTypeRefinementContextsRequest
   0.0002 (  0.1%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  SIL verification, post-optimization
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  ImplicitKnownProtocolConformanceRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  ResolveMacroRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  ConditionalRequirementsRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  PatternBindingCheckedAndContextualizedInitRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  ProtocolDependenciesRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  SynthesizeDefaultInitRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  ResultTypeRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  define-default-ctor
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  OpaqueResultTypeRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  HasMemberwiseInitRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  LookupAllConformancesInContextRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  GenericParamListRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  SemanticBriefCommentRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  StorageImplInfoRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  IsActorRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  associated-type-inference
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  SPIGroupsRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  AccessLevelRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ExpandExtensionMacros
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  IsFinalRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  IsObjCRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  GlobalActorInstanceRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  DefaultTypeRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  AttachedPropertyWrapperTypeRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  LifetimeDependenceInfoRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ApplyAccessNoteRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentSPIOnlyImportsRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  RequirementSignatureRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  HasUserDefinedDesignatedInitRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  AssociatedConformanceRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  InitAccessorPropertiesRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  MemberwiseInitPropertiesRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  NeedsNewVTableEntryRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  DynamicallyReplacedDeclRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  SemanticUnavailableAttrRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ExtendedNominalRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  IsImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  AbstractGenericSignatureRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasDynamicMemberLookupAttributeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  AttachedResultBuilderRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ParamSpecifierRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  RawCommentRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  OverriddenDeclsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ObjCInterfaceAndImplementationRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  import-clang-decl
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SynthesizeAccessorRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasDefaultInitRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  AllInheritedProtocolsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  RequiresOpaqueAccessorsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  IsSetterMutatingRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  LocalTypeDeclsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ProtocolRequirementsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ExtendedTypeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  TypeCheckFunctionBodyRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentImplementationOnlyImportsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  IsStaticRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  IsAccessorTransparentRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentWeakLinkedImportsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PropertyWrapperMutabilityRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  DirectOperatorLookupRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SimpleDidSetRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  RequiresOpaqueModifyCoroutineRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ExpandAccessorMacros
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  IsDistributedActorRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasCircularInheritedProtocolsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasStorageRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentAccessLevelOnImport
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  source-file-populate-cache
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  UniqueUnderlyingTypeSubstitutionsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ReferencedAssociatedTypesRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  IsABICompatibleOverrideRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  InitKindRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  populate-module-class-member-cache
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ExpandSynthesizedMemberMacroRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SelfAccessKindRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PrimaryAssociatedTypesRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasImportsMatchingFlagRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  perform-whole-module-type-checking
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SuppressesConformanceRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentAccessLevelOnImportSameFileRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  module-populate-cache
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PropertyWrapperLValuenessRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ConformanceAccessScopeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SynthesizeMainFunctionRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ModuleImplicitImportsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  AreAllStoredPropertiesDefaultInitableRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  GetDestructorRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PolymorphicEffectKindRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SemanticAvailableRangeAttrRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ClosureEffectsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  EnumRawValuesRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PreCheckReturnStmtRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ClassAncestryFlagsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PreCheckClosureBodyRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  DefaultAndMaxAccessLevelRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SuperclassTypeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ImportDeclRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SetterAccessLevelRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasMissingDesignatedInitializersRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PrimarySourceFilesRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  EnumRawTypeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SuperclassDeclRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SelfBoundsFromGenericSignatureRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasCircularRawValueRequest
   0.3787 (100.0%)   0.5346 (100.0%)   0.9133 (100.0%)   0.9149 (100.0%)  Total
                                Running Program
  Total Execution Time: 0.2621 seconds (0.2630 wall clock)
   ---User Time---   --System Time--   --User+System--   ---Wall Time---  --- Name ---
   0.0935 (100.0%)   0.1686 (100.0%)   0.2621 (100.0%)   0.2630 (100.0%)  Building Target
   0.0935 (100.0%)   0.1686 (100.0%)   0.2621 (100.0%)   0.2630 (100.0%)  Total
SwiftEmitModule normal arm64 Emitting\ module\ for\ WrappingHStack (in target 'WrappingHStack' from project 'WrappingHStack')
    cd /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack
    builtin-swiftTaskExecution -- /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift-frontend -frontend -emit-module -experimental-skip-non-inlinable-function-bodies-without-types /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack/Sources/WrappingHStack/ContentManager.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack/Sources/WrappingHStack/InternalWrappingHStack.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack/Sources/WrappingHStack/NewLine.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack/Sources/WrappingHStack/ViewType.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack/Sources/WrappingHStack/WrappingHStack.swift -target arm64-apple-watchos6.0 -Xllvm -aarch64-use-tbi -enable-objc-interop -sdk /Applications/ -I /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -I /Applications/ -F /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F /Applications/ -F /Applications/ -no-color-diagnostics -enable-testing -g -module-cache-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex -suppress-warnings -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity\=checked -stats-output-dir /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack/.stats -Onone -D SWIFT_PACKAGE -D DEBUG -serialize-debugging-options -const-gather-protocols-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -strict-concurrency\=complete -empty-abi-descriptor -validate-clang-modules-once -clang-build-session-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/Session.modulevalidation -Xcc -working-directory -Xcc /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack -resource-dir /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift -enable-anonymous-context-mangled-names -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos/include -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -DSWIFT_PACKAGE -Xcc -DDEBUG\=1 -module-name WrappingHStack -disable-clang-spi -target-sdk-version 10.4 -target-sdk-name watchos10.4 -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -plugin-path /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/host/plugins -plugin-path /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/local/lib/swift/host/plugins -emit-module-doc-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-module-source-info-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-objc-header-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -serialize-diagnostics-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-dependencies-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -o /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-abi-descriptor-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/
SwiftEmitModule normal armv7k Emitting\ module\ for\ SwiftUIMap (in target 'SwiftUIMap' from project 'SwiftUIMap')
    cd /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap
    builtin-swiftTaskExecution -- /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift-frontend -frontend -emit-module -experimental-skip-non-inlinable-function-bodies-without-types /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing\ Annotation\ Map/Data\ Structs.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing\ Annotation\ Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable\ Annotation\ Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift -target armv7k-apple-watchos7.0 -enable-objc-interop -sdk /Applications/ -I /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -I /Applications/ -F /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F /Applications/ -F /Applications/ -no-color-diagnostics -enable-testing -g -module-cache-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex -suppress-warnings -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity\=checked -stats-output-dir /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/.stats -Onone -D SWIFT_PACKAGE -D DEBUG -serialize-debugging-options -const-gather-protocols-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -strict-concurrency\=complete -empty-abi-descriptor -validate-clang-modules-once -clang-build-session-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/Session.modulevalidation -Xcc -working-directory -Xcc /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap -resource-dir /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift -enable-anonymous-context-mangled-names -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos/include -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -DSWIFT_PACKAGE -Xcc -DDEBUG\=1 -module-name SwiftUIMap -disable-clang-spi -target-sdk-version 10.4 -target-sdk-name watchos10.4 -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -plugin-path /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/host/plugins -plugin-path /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/local/lib/swift/host/plugins -emit-module-doc-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-module-source-info-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-objc-header-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -serialize-diagnostics-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-dependencies-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -o /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-abi-descriptor-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/Data Structs.swift:22:33: error: cannot find type 'MKFeatureDisplayPriority' in scope
20 |     public let markerTintColor: UIColor
21 |     public let glyphTintColor: UIColor
22 |     public let displayPriority: MKFeatureDisplayPriority
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'MKFeatureDisplayPriority' in scope
23 |
24 |     public init(title: String, subtitle: String, address: String, glyphImage: glyphImage, markerTintColor: UIColor, glyphTintColor: UIColor, displayPriority: MKFeatureDisplayPriority) {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/Data Structs.swift:24:159: error: cannot find type 'MKFeatureDisplayPriority' in scope
22 |     public let displayPriority: MKFeatureDisplayPriority
23 |
24 |     public init(title: String, subtitle: String, address: String, glyphImage: glyphImage, markerTintColor: UIColor, glyphTintColor: UIColor, displayPriority: MKFeatureDisplayPriority) {
   |                                                                                                                                                               `- error: cannot find type 'MKFeatureDisplayPriority' in scope
25 |         self.title = title
26 |         self.subtitle = subtitle
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/Data Structs.swift:13:15: error: type 'Annotations' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
11 | #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)// || os(macOS)
12 |
13 | public struct Annotations: Identifiable, Equatable {
   |               |- error: type 'Annotations' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
   |               `- note: add stubs for conformance
14 |     public let id = UUID()
15 |     public let title: String
20 |     public let markerTintColor: UIColor
21 |     public let glyphTintColor: UIColor
22 |     public let displayPriority: MKFeatureDisplayPriority
   |                `- note: stored property type '<<error type>>' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Annotations' to 'Equatable'
23 |
24 |     public init(title: String, subtitle: String, address: String, glyphImage: glyphImage, markerTintColor: UIColor, glyphTintColor: UIColor, displayPriority: MKFeatureDisplayPriority) {
Swift.==:1:24: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'RawRepresentable'
1 | @inlinable public func == <T>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool where T : RawRepresentable, T.RawValue : Equatable
  |                        `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'RawRepresentable'
Swift.FloatingPoint:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'FloatingPoint'
1 | extension FloatingPoint {
2 |     public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
  |                        `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'FloatingPoint'
3 |     public static func < (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
4 |     public static func <= (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift.BinaryInteger:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'BinaryInteger'
1 | extension BinaryInteger {
2 |     public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : BinaryInteger
  |                        `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'BinaryInteger'
3 |     public static func != <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : BinaryInteger
4 |     public static func < <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : BinaryInteger
Swift._Pointer:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to '_Pointer'
1 | extension _Pointer {
2 |     public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
  |                        `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to '_Pointer'
3 |     @inlinable public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : _Pointer
  |                                   `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to '_Pointer'
4 |     @inlinable public static func != <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : _Pointer
5 | }
Swift.Strideable:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'Strideable'
1 | extension Strideable {
2 |     @inlinable public static func < (x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
3 |     @inlinable public static func == (x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
  |                                   `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'Strideable'
4 | }
Swift.StringProtocol:2:35: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'StringProtocol'
1 | extension StringProtocol {
2 |     @inlinable public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : StringProtocol
  |                                   `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'StringProtocol'
3 |     @inlinable public static func != <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : StringProtocol
4 |     @inlinable public static func < <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : StringProtocol
Swift.SIMD:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'SIMD'
 2 |     public var indices: Range<Int> { get }
 3 |     public init(repeating value: Self.Scalar)
 4 |     public static func == (a: Self, b: Self) -> Bool
   |                        `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'SIMD'
 5 |     @inlinable public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)
 6 |     public func encode(to encoder: any Encoder) throws
Foundation.AttributedStringProtocol:3:24: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'AttributedStringProtocol'
1 | @available(macOS 12, iOS 15, tvOS 15, watchOS 8, *)
2 | extension AttributedStringProtocol {
3 |     public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : AttributedStringProtocol
  |                        `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'AttributedStringProtocol'
4 |     public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)
5 | }
Foundation._BridgedStoredNSError:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to '_BridgedStoredNSError'
2 | extension _BridgedStoredNSError {
3 |     public func _getEmbeddedNSError() -> AnyObject?
4 |     public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
  |                        `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to '_BridgedStoredNSError'
5 | }
CoreFoundation._CFObject:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to '_CFObject'
2 |     public var hashValue: Int { get }
3 |     public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)
4 |     public static func == (left: Self, right: Self) -> Bool
  |                        `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to '_CFObject'
5 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:11:32: error: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' is unavailable in watchOS
  9 |     var address: String
 10 |     var points: [Annotations]
 11 |     var pointOfInterestFilter: MKPointOfInterestFilter
    |                                `- error: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' is unavailable in watchOS
 12 |     var selected: (_ Title: String, _ Subtitle: String, _ Address: String, _ Cluster: Bool) -> Void
 13 |     var deselected: () -> Void
MapKit.MKPointOfInterestFilter:2:12: note: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
 2 | open class MKPointOfInterestFilter : NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
   |            `- note: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 3 |     open class var includingAll: MKPointOfInterestFilter { get }
 4 |     @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "includingAll")
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:16:34: error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 14 |
 15 | //    var annotationSelected: MKAnnotationView
 16 |     func updateUIView(_ mapView: MKMapView, context: Context) {
    |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 17 |             let span = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: zoom, longitudeDelta: zoom)
 18 |             var chicagoCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:16:54: error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
 14 |
 15 | //    var annotationSelected: MKAnnotationView
 16 |     func updateUIView(_ mapView: MKMapView, context: Context) {
    |                                                      `- error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
 17 |             let span = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: zoom, longitudeDelta: zoom)
 18 |             var chicagoCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:37:46: error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 35 |         }
 36 |
 37 |         func makeUIView(context: Context) -> MKMapView {
    |                                              `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 38 |
 39 |             let myMap = MKMapView(frame: .zero)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:37:34: error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
 35 |         }
 36 |
 37 |         func makeUIView(context: Context) -> MKMapView {
    |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
 38 |
 39 |             let myMap = MKMapView(frame: .zero)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:75:58: error: cannot find type 'MKMapViewDelegate' in scope
 73 |     }
 74 |
 75 |     class rawExistingAnnotationMapCoordinator: NSObject, MKMapViewDelegate {
    |                                                          `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapViewDelegate' in scope
 76 |         var entireMapViewController: rawExistingAnnotationMap
 77 |         var points: [Annotations]
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:86:81: error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
 84 |             self.deselected = deselected
 85 |         }
 86 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, viewFor annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? {
    |                                                                                 `- error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
 87 |             let annotationView = MKMarkerAnnotationView(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: String(describing: annotation.title))
 88 |             if points != [] {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:86:33: error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 84 |             self.deselected = deselected
 85 |         }
 86 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, viewFor annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 87 |             let annotationView = MKMarkerAnnotationView(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: String(describing: annotation.title))
 88 |             if points != [] {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:105:33: error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
103 |             return annotationView
104 |         }
105 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didSelect view: MKAnnotationView) {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
106 |             let coordinates = view.annotation!.coordinate
107 |             let annotationCluster = view.annotation as? MKClusterAnnotation
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:105:60: error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
103 |             return annotationView
104 |         }
105 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didSelect view: MKAnnotationView) {
    |                                                            `- error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
106 |             let coordinates = view.annotation!.coordinate
107 |             let annotationCluster = view.annotation as? MKClusterAnnotation
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:140:33: error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
138 |             }
139 |         }
140 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didDeselect view: MKAnnotationView) {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
141 |             deselected()
142 |         }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:140:62: error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
138 |             }
139 |         }
140 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didDeselect view: MKAnnotationView) {
    |                                                              `- error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
141 |             deselected()
142 |         }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:7:34: error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentable' in scope
  5 | #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)// || os(macOS)
  6 |
  7 | struct rawExistingAnnotationMap: UIViewRepresentable {
    |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentable' in scope
  8 |     var zoom: Double
  9 |     var address: String
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:159:46: error: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' is unavailable in watchOS
157 |     }
158 |     @State public var points: [Annotations]
159 |     @State public var pointOfInterestFilter: MKPointOfInterestFilter
    |                                              `- error: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' is unavailable in watchOS
160 |     @State public var selected: (_ Title: String, _ Subtitle: String, _ Address: String, _ Cluster: Bool) -> Void
161 |     @State public var deselected: () -> Void
MapKit.MKPointOfInterestFilter:2:12: note: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
 2 | open class MKPointOfInterestFilter : NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
   |            `- note: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 3 |     open class var includingAll: MKPointOfInterestFilter { get }
 4 |     @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "includingAll")
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:163:113: error: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' is unavailable in watchOS
161 |     @State public var deselected: () -> Void
162 |
163 |     public init(zoom: Binding<Double>, address: Binding<String>, points: [Annotations], pointsOfInterestFilter: MKPointOfInterestFilter, selected: @escaping (_ Title: String, _ Subtitle: String, _ Address: String, _ Cluster: Bool) -> Void, deselected: @escaping () -> Void) {
    |                                                                                                                 `- error: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' is unavailable in watchOS
164 |             self._zoom = zoom
165 |             self._address = address
MapKit.MKPointOfInterestFilter:2:12: note: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
 2 | open class MKPointOfInterestFilter : NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
   |            `- note: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 3 |     open class var includingAll: MKPointOfInterestFilter { get }
 4 |     @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "includingAll")
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:11:32: error: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' is unavailable in watchOS
  9 |     var address: String
 10 | //    var points: [Annotations]
 11 |     var pointOfInterestFilter: MKPointOfInterestFilter
    |                                `- error: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' is unavailable in watchOS
 12 |     var selected: (_ Address: String, _ Cluster: Bool) -> Void
 13 |     var deselected: () -> Void
MapKit.MKPointOfInterestFilter:2:12: note: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
 2 | open class MKPointOfInterestFilter : NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
   |            `- note: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 3 |     open class var includingAll: MKPointOfInterestFilter { get }
 4 |     @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "includingAll")
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:16:34: error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 14 |
 15 | //    var annotationSelected: MKAnnotationView
 16 |     func updateUIView(_ mapView: MKMapView, context: Context) {
    |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 17 |             let span = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: zoom, longitudeDelta: zoom)
 18 |             var chicagoCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:16:54: error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
 14 |
 15 | //    var annotationSelected: MKAnnotationView
 16 |     func updateUIView(_ mapView: MKMapView, context: Context) {
    |                                                      `- error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
 17 |             let span = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: zoom, longitudeDelta: zoom)
 18 |             var chicagoCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:37:46: error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 35 |         }
 36 |
 37 |         func makeUIView(context: Context) -> MKMapView {
    |                                              `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 38 |
 39 |             let myMap = MKMapView(frame: .zero)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:37:34: error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
 35 |         }
 36 |
 37 |         func makeUIView(context: Context) -> MKMapView {
    |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
 38 |
 39 |             let myMap = MKMapView(frame: .zero)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:78:57: error: cannot find type 'MKMapViewDelegate' in scope
 76 |     }
 77 |
 78 |     class rawMutableAnnotationMapCoordinator: NSObject, MKMapViewDelegate {
    |                                                         `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapViewDelegate' in scope
 79 |         var entireMapViewController: rawMutableAnnotationMap
 80 |         var currentAnnotations = [MKPointAnnotation]()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:80:35: error: 'MKPointAnnotation' is unavailable in watchOS
 78 |     class rawMutableAnnotationMapCoordinator: NSObject, MKMapViewDelegate {
 79 |         var entireMapViewController: rawMutableAnnotationMap
 80 |         var currentAnnotations = [MKPointAnnotation]()
    |                                   `- error: 'MKPointAnnotation' is unavailable in watchOS
 81 | //        var points: [Annotations]
 82 |         var selected: (_ Address: String, _ Cluster: Bool) -> Void
MapKit.MKPointAnnotation:2:12: note: 'MKPointAnnotation' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
2 | open class MKPointAnnotation : MKShape {
  |            `- note: 'MKPointAnnotation' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
3 |     public init()
4 |     @available(watchOS, unavailable)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:90:33: error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 88 |             self.deselected = deselected
 89 |         }
 90 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didSelect view: MKAnnotationView) {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 91 |             let coordinates = view.annotation!.coordinate
 92 |             let annotationCluster = view.annotation as? MKClusterAnnotation
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:90:60: error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
 88 |             self.deselected = deselected
 89 |         }
 90 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didSelect view: MKAnnotationView) {
    |                                                            `- error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
 91 |             let coordinates = view.annotation!.coordinate
 92 |             let annotationCluster = view.annotation as? MKClusterAnnotation
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:123:33: error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
121 |             }
122 |         }
123 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didDeselect view: MKAnnotationView) {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
124 |             deselected()
125 |         }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:123:62: error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
121 |             }
122 |         }
123 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didDeselect view: MKAnnotationView) {
    |                                                              `- error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
124 |             deselected()
125 |         }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:126:43: error: cannot find type 'UIGestureRecognizer' in scope
124 |             deselected()
125 |         }
126 |         @objc func addAnnotation(gesture: UIGestureRecognizer) {
    |                                           `- error: cannot find type 'UIGestureRecognizer' in scope
127 |
128 |             if gesture.state == .began {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:7:33: error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentable' in scope
  5 | #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)// || os(macOS)
  6 |
  7 | struct rawMutableAnnotationMap: UIViewRepresentable {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentable' in scope
  8 |     var zoom: Double
  9 |     var address: String
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:17:34: error: cannot find type 'UISearchBarDelegate' in scope
 15 |     var onCommit: (_ value: String) -> Void
 16 |
 17 |     class Coordinator: NSObject, UISearchBarDelegate {
    |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UISearchBarDelegate' in scope
 18 |
 19 |         @Binding var text: String
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:27:37: error: cannot find type 'UISearchBar' in scope
 25 |         }
 26 |
 27 |         func searchBar(_ searchBar: UISearchBar, textDidChange searchText: String) {
    |                                     `- error: cannot find type 'UISearchBar' in scope
 28 |             text = searchText
 29 |         }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:31:56: error: cannot find type 'UISearchBar' in scope
 29 |         }
 30 |
 31 |         func searchBarSearchButtonClicked(_ searchBar: UISearchBar) {
    |                                                        `- error: cannot find type 'UISearchBar' in scope
 32 |             print("resign keyboard")
 33 |             searchBar.resignFirstResponder()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:43:72: error: cannot find type 'UISearchBar' in scope
 41 |     }
 42 |
 43 |     func makeUIView(context: UIViewRepresentableContext<SearchBar>) -> UISearchBar {
    |                                                                        `- error: cannot find type 'UISearchBar' in scope
 44 |         let searchBar = UISearchBar(frame: .zero)
 45 |         searchBar.delegate = context.coordinator
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:43:30: error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentableContext' in scope
 41 |     }
 42 |
 43 |     func makeUIView(context: UIViewRepresentableContext<SearchBar>) -> UISearchBar {
    |                              `- error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentableContext' in scope
 44 |         let searchBar = UISearchBar(frame: .zero)
 45 |         searchBar.delegate = context.coordinator
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:51:33: error: cannot find type 'UISearchBar' in scope
 49 |         return searchBar
 50 |     }
 51 |     func updateUIView(_ uiView: UISearchBar, context: UIViewRepresentableContext<SearchBar>) {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UISearchBar' in scope
 52 |         uiView.text = text
 53 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:51:55: error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentableContext' in scope
 49 |         return searchBar
 50 |     }
 51 |     func updateUIView(_ uiView: UISearchBar, context: UIViewRepresentableContext<SearchBar>) {
    |                                                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentableContext' in scope
 52 |         uiView.text = text
 53 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:12:19: error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentable' in scope
 10 | import MapKit
 11 |
 12 | struct SearchBar: UIViewRepresentable {
    |                   `- error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentable' in scope
 13 |
 14 |     @Binding var text: String
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:72:29: error: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' is unavailable in watchOS
 70 |         }
 71 |     }
 72 |     @State var completion = MKLocalSearchCompletion()
    |                             `- error: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' is unavailable in watchOS
 73 |
 74 |     public init(onSelect: @escaping (_ address: String) -> Void) {
MapKit.MKLocalSearchCompletion:2:12: note: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
2 | open class MKLocalSearchCompletion : NSObject {
  |            `- note: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
3 |     open var title: String { get }
4 |     open var titleHighlightRanges: [NSValue] { get }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:133:39: error: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' is unavailable in watchOS
131 | }
132 | class MapSearch : NSObject, ObservableObject {
133 |     @Published var locationResults : [MKLocalSearchCompletion] = []
    |                                       `- error: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' is unavailable in watchOS
134 |     @Published var searchTerm = ""
135 |
MapKit.MKLocalSearchCompletion:2:12: note: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
2 | open class MKLocalSearchCompletion : NSObject {
  |            `- note: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
3 |     open var title: String { get }
4 |     open var titleHighlightRanges: [NSValue] { get }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:138:35: error: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' is unavailable in watchOS
136 |     private var cancellables : Set<AnyCancellable> = []
137 |
138 |     private var searchCompleter = MKLocalSearchCompleter()
    |                                   `- error: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' is unavailable in watchOS
139 |     private var currentPromise : ((Result<[MKLocalSearchCompletion], Error>) -> Void)?
140 |
MapKit.MKLocalSearchCompleter:2:12: note: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
 2 | open class MKLocalSearchCompleter : NSObject {
   |            `- note: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 3 |     open var queryFragment: String { get set }
 4 |     open var region: MKCoordinateRegion { get set }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:139:44: error: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' is unavailable in watchOS
137 |
138 |     private var searchCompleter = MKLocalSearchCompleter()
139 |     private var currentPromise : ((Result<[MKLocalSearchCompletion], Error>) -> Void)?
    |                                            `- error: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' is unavailable in watchOS
140 |
141 |     override init() {
MapKit.MKLocalSearchCompletion:2:12: note: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
2 | open class MKLocalSearchCompletion : NSObject {
  |            `- note: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
3 |     open var title: String { get }
4 |     open var titleHighlightRanges: [NSValue] { get }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:160:61: error: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' is unavailable in watchOS
158 |     }
159 |
160 |     func searchTermToResults(searchTerm: String) -> Future<[MKLocalSearchCompletion], Error> {
    |                                                             `- error: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' is unavailable in watchOS
161 |         Future { promise in
162 |             self.searchCompleter.queryFragment = searchTerm
MapKit.MKLocalSearchCompletion:2:12: note: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
2 | open class MKLocalSearchCompletion : NSObject {
  |            `- note: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
3 |     open var title: String { get }
4 |     open var titleHighlightRanges: [NSValue] { get }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:169:49: error: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' is unavailable in watchOS
167 |
168 | extension MapSearch : MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate {
169 |     func completerDidUpdateResults(_ completer: MKLocalSearchCompleter) {
    |                                                 `- error: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' is unavailable in watchOS
170 |             currentPromise?(.success(completer.results))
171 |         }
MapKit.MKLocalSearchCompleter:2:12: note: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
 2 | open class MKLocalSearchCompleter : NSObject {
   |            `- note: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 3 |     open var queryFragment: String { get set }
 4 |     open var region: MKCoordinateRegion { get set }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:173:33: error: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' is unavailable in watchOS
171 |         }
172 |
173 |     func completer(_ completer: MKLocalSearchCompleter, didFailWithError error: Error) {
    |                                 `- error: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' is unavailable in watchOS
174 |         //could deal with the error here, but beware that it will finish the Combine publisher stream
175 |         //currentPromise?(.failure(error))
MapKit.MKLocalSearchCompleter:2:12: note: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
 2 | open class MKLocalSearchCompleter : NSObject {
   |            `- note: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 3 |     open var queryFragment: String { get set }
 4 |     open var region: MKCoordinateRegion { get set }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:168:23: error: 'MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate' is unavailable in watchOS
166 | }
167 |
168 | extension MapSearch : MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate {
    |                       `- error: 'MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate' is unavailable in watchOS
169 |     func completerDidUpdateResults(_ completer: MKLocalSearchCompleter) {
170 |             currentPromise?(.success(completer.results))
MapKit.MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate:2:17: note: 'MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
2 | public protocol MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate : NSObjectProtocol {
  |                 `- note: 'MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
3 |     optional func completerDidUpdateResults(_ completer: MKLocalSearchCompleter)
4 |     optional func completer(_ completer: MKLocalSearchCompleter, didFailWithError error: any Error)
Error opening -stats-output-dir file '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/.stats/stats-1717047895192226-swift-frontend-SwiftUIMap-all-armv7k_apple_watchos7.0-swiftmodule-Onone-3611817708.json' for writing
                               Swift compilation
  Total Execution Time: 1.9156 seconds (1.9191 wall clock)
   ---User Time---   --System Time--   --User+System--   ---Wall Time---  --- Name ---
   0.1553 ( 14.6%)   0.1004 ( 11.8%)   0.2557 ( 13.3%)   0.2561 ( 13.3%)  perform-sema
   0.1551 ( 14.6%)   0.1003 ( 11.8%)   0.2554 ( 13.3%)   0.2558 ( 13.3%)  TypeCheckSourceFileRequest
   0.1550 ( 14.6%)   0.1003 ( 11.8%)   0.2553 ( 13.3%)   0.2557 ( 13.3%)  Type checking and Semantic analysis
   0.1540 ( 14.5%)   0.0996 ( 11.7%)   0.2536 ( 13.2%)   0.2540 ( 13.2%)  typecheck-decl
   0.0300 (  2.8%)   0.0918 ( 10.8%)   0.1218 (  6.4%)   0.1222 (  6.4%)  parse-and-resolve-imports
   0.0299 (  2.8%)   0.0916 ( 10.7%)   0.1216 (  6.3%)   0.1220 (  6.4%)  Import resolution
   0.0296 (  2.8%)   0.0266 (  3.1%)   0.0562 (  2.9%)   0.0563 (  2.9%)  InterfaceTypeRequest
   0.0220 (  2.1%)   0.0254 (  3.0%)   0.0474 (  2.5%)   0.0474 (  2.5%)  ResolveValueWitnessesRequest
   0.0216 (  2.0%)   0.0188 (  2.2%)   0.0404 (  2.1%)   0.0404 (  2.1%)  UnqualifiedLookupRequest
   0.0209 (  2.0%)   0.0175 (  2.1%)   0.0384 (  2.0%)   0.0384 (  2.0%)  performUnqualifiedLookup
   0.0278 (  2.6%)   0.0082 (  1.0%)   0.0360 (  1.9%)   0.0361 (  1.9%)  ResolveTypeRequest
   0.0195 (  1.8%)   0.0109 (  1.3%)   0.0304 (  1.6%)   0.0305 (  1.6%)  PatternBindingEntryRequest
   0.0154 (  1.5%)   0.0150 (  1.8%)   0.0304 (  1.6%)   0.0305 (  1.6%)  StoredPropertiesRequest
   0.0153 (  1.4%)   0.0099 (  1.2%)   0.0252 (  1.3%)   0.0252 (  1.3%)  LookupInModuleRequest
   0.0154 (  1.4%)   0.0093 (  1.1%)   0.0246 (  1.3%)   0.0247 (  1.3%)  typecheck-expr
   0.0139 (  1.3%)   0.0091 (  1.1%)   0.0229 (  1.2%)   0.0229 (  1.2%)  build-rewrite-system
   0.0138 (  1.3%)   0.0078 (  0.9%)   0.0216 (  1.1%)   0.0216 (  1.1%)  load-all-members
   0.0094 (  0.9%)   0.0103 (  1.2%)   0.0197 (  1.0%)   0.0197 (  1.0%)  QualifiedLookupRequest
   0.0139 (  1.3%)   0.0040 (  0.5%)   0.0179 (  0.9%)   0.0180 (  0.9%)  LookupConformanceInModuleRequest
   0.0064 (  0.6%)   0.0096 (  1.1%)   0.0160 (  0.8%)   0.0160 (  0.8%)  AttachedPropertyWrappersRequest
   0.0085 (  0.8%)   0.0070 (  0.8%)   0.0156 (  0.8%)   0.0156 (  0.8%)  import-clang-decl
   0.0085 (  0.8%)   0.0066 (  0.8%)   0.0151 (  0.8%)   0.0151 (  0.8%)  DirectLookupRequest
   0.0073 (  0.7%)   0.0051 (  0.6%)   0.0124 (  0.6%)   0.0125 (  0.7%)  PropertyWrapperInitializerInfoRequest
   0.0102 (  1.0%)   0.0022 (  0.3%)   0.0125 (  0.7%)   0.0125 (  0.7%)  ABIMembersRequest
   0.0063 (  0.6%)   0.0043 (  0.5%)   0.0106 (  0.6%)   0.0106 (  0.6%)  PropertyWrapperBackingPropertyTypeRequest
   0.0053 (  0.5%)   0.0051 (  0.6%)   0.0104 (  0.5%)   0.0104 (  0.5%)  ActorIsolationRequest
   0.0094 (  0.9%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0102 (  0.5%)   0.0102 (  0.5%)  InheritedTypeRequest
   0.0085 (  0.8%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0093 (  0.5%)   0.0093 (  0.5%)  ImplicitKnownProtocolConformanceRequest
   0.0062 (  0.6%)   0.0030 (  0.3%)   0.0092 (  0.5%)   0.0092 (  0.5%)  PatternTypeRequest
   0.0083 (  0.8%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0089 (  0.5%)   0.0089 (  0.5%)  SuppressesConformanceRequest
   0.0055 (  0.5%)   0.0034 (  0.4%)   0.0088 (  0.5%)   0.0089 (  0.5%)  NamingPatternRequest
   0.0045 (  0.4%)   0.0038 (  0.4%)   0.0083 (  0.4%)   0.0083 (  0.4%)  ModuleQualifiedLookupRequest
   0.0039 (  0.4%)   0.0042 (  0.5%)   0.0081 (  0.4%)   0.0081 (  0.4%)  CustomAttrNominalRequest
   0.0013 (  0.1%)   0.0042 (  0.5%)   0.0055 (  0.3%)   0.0055 (  0.3%)  load-stdlib
   0.0022 (  0.2%)   0.0030 (  0.4%)   0.0052 (  0.3%)   0.0052 (  0.3%)  PotentialMacroExpansionsInContextRequest
   0.0024 (  0.2%)   0.0022 (  0.3%)   0.0045 (  0.2%)   0.0046 (  0.2%)  ResolveImplicitMemberRequest
   0.0026 (  0.2%)   0.0015 (  0.2%)   0.0041 (  0.2%)   0.0042 (  0.2%)  OpaqueReadOwnershipRequest
   0.0017 (  0.2%)   0.0024 (  0.3%)   0.0041 (  0.2%)   0.0041 (  0.2%)  ExpandPeerMacroRequest
   0.0015 (  0.1%)   0.0015 (  0.2%)   0.0029 (  0.2%)   0.0029 (  0.2%)  InheritedDeclsReferencedRequest
   0.0013 (  0.1%)   0.0012 (  0.1%)   0.0025 (  0.1%)   0.0025 (  0.1%)  ResolveTypeWitnessesRequest
   0.0018 (  0.2%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0025 (  0.1%)   0.0024 (  0.1%)  ResultTypeRequest
   0.0010 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.2%)   0.0024 (  0.1%)   0.0024 (  0.1%)  IsFunctionBodySkippedRequest
   0.0022 (  0.2%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0023 (  0.1%)   0.0023 (  0.1%)  verify-all-loaded-modules
   0.0014 (  0.1%)   0.0009 (  0.1%)   0.0023 (  0.1%)   0.0023 (  0.1%)  SimpleDidSetRequest
   0.0013 (  0.1%)   0.0010 (  0.1%)   0.0023 (  0.1%)   0.0023 (  0.1%)  PropertyWrapperAuxiliaryVariablesRequest
   0.0012 (  0.1%)   0.0011 (  0.1%)   0.0022 (  0.1%)   0.0022 (  0.1%)  SynthesizeMemberwiseInitRequest
   0.0013 (  0.1%)   0.0009 (  0.1%)   0.0022 (  0.1%)   0.0022 (  0.1%)  TypeCheckFunctionBodyRequest
   0.0012 (  0.1%)   0.0009 (  0.1%)   0.0020 (  0.1%)   0.0020 (  0.1%)  PropertyWrapperTypeInfoRequest
   0.0011 (  0.1%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0018 (  0.1%)   0.0018 (  0.1%)  typecheck-stmt
   0.0011 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0017 (  0.1%)   0.0018 (  0.1%)  ExpandMemberAttributeMacros
   0.0011 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0017 (  0.1%)   0.0017 (  0.1%)  IsObjCRequest
   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0016 (  0.1%)   0.0016 (  0.1%)  ValueWitnessRequest
   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0009 (  0.1%)   0.0015 (  0.1%)   0.0015 (  0.1%)  GenericSignatureRequest
   0.0010 (  0.1%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0015 (  0.1%)   0.0015 (  0.1%)  precheck-expr
   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.1%)  FragileFunctionKindRequest
   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.1%)  AreAllStoredPropertiesDefaultInitableRequest
   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0013 (  0.1%)   0.0013 (  0.1%)  IsGetterMutatingRequest
   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0013 (  0.1%)   0.0013 (  0.1%)  AttachedPropertyWrapperTypeRequest
   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0012 (  0.1%)   0.0012 (  0.1%)  CustomAttrTypeRequest
   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0011 (  0.1%)   0.0011 (  0.1%)  InitAccessorPropertiesRequest
   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0011 (  0.1%)   0.0011 (  0.1%)  MemberwiseInitPropertiesRequest
   0.0005 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0010 (  0.1%)   0.0010 (  0.1%)  IsDynamicRequest
   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0010 (  0.1%)   0.0010 (  0.1%)  HasInitAccessorRequest
   0.0005 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0009 (  0.0%)   0.0009 (  0.0%)  CheckRedeclarationRequest
   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0008 (  0.0%)   0.0008 (  0.0%)  TypeWitnessRequest
   0.0005 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0008 (  0.0%)   0.0008 (  0.0%)  HasStorageRequest
   0.0005 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0008 (  0.0%)   0.0008 (  0.0%)  ProtocolDependenciesRequest
   0.0005 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0008 (  0.0%)   0.0008 (  0.0%)  RequirementSignatureRequest
   0.0005 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0008 (  0.0%)   0.0008 (  0.0%)  ParseTopLevelDeclsRequest
   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0007 (  0.0%)   0.0007 (  0.0%)  LookupAllConformancesInContextRequest
   0.0005 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0007 (  0.0%)   0.0007 (  0.0%)  ParseSourceFileRequest
   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)  ParseMembersRequest
   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)  HasIsolatedSelfRequest
   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)  GenericParamListRequest
   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0005 (  0.0%)   0.0005 (  0.0%)  ResolveMacroRequest
   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0005 (  0.0%)   0.0005 (  0.0%)  AllMembersRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  StorageImplInfoRequest
   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0005 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  LifetimeDependenceInfoRequest
   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  GlobalActorAttributeRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  OpaqueResultTypeRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  SynthesizeAccessorRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  AbstractGenericSignatureRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  HasMemberwiseInitRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  SPIGroupsRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  AccessLevelRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  ObjCInterfaceAndImplementationRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  OverriddenDeclsRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  SuperclassDeclRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  ExpandChildTypeRefinementContextsRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  DynamicallyReplacedDeclRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  ApplyAccessNoteRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  IsActorRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  HasUserDefinedDesignatedInitRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  PropertyWrapperMutabilityRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  IsStaticRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  AST verification
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  ExpandExtensionMacros
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  InheritsSuperclassInitializersRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  SuperclassTypeRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  DefaultTypeRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ParseAbstractFunctionBodyRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  associated-type-inference
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  PatternBindingCheckedAndContextualizedInitRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  DefaultInitializerIsolation
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ProtocolRequirementsRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ConditionalRequirementsRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  GlobalActorInstanceRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  InheritedProtocolsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  AssociatedConformanceRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ResultBuilderTypeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  IsFinalRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  RequiresOpaqueAccessorsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  AttachedResultBuilderRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  AllInheritedProtocolsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  IsImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  CompareDeclSpecializationRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  IsSetterMutatingRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ExpandAccessorMacros
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ExtendedNominalRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  IsDistributedActorRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  RequiresOpaqueModifyCoroutineRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SelfAccessKindRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasDefaultInitRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  perform-whole-module-type-checking
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ParamSpecifierRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  LocalTypeDeclsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  IsAccessorTransparentRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  IsNonUserModuleRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PreCheckFunctionBodyRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SetterAccessLevelRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SemanticAvailableRangeAttrRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasCircularInheritedProtocolsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CxxRecordSemantics
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ExtendedTypeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  StructuralRequirementsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  InitKindRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentImplementationOnlyImportsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentAccessLevelOnImport
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentWeakLinkedImportsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasDynamicMemberLookupAttributeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  UnderlyingTypeDeclsReferencedRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  DirectOperatorLookupRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentSPIOnlyImportsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ClassAncestryFlagsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SelfBoundsFromWhereClauseRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  GetDestructorRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  source-file-populate-cache
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PolymorphicEffectKindRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ReferencedAssociatedTypesRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ClangCategoryLookupRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PrimaryAssociatedTypesRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ExpandSynthesizedMemberMacroRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasMissingDesignatedInitializersRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentAccessLevelOnImportSameFileRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ConformanceAccessScopeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  TypeAliasRequirementsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  module-populate-cache
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ExpandPreambleMacroRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SynthesizeMainFunctionRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasImportsMatchingFlagRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ModuleImplicitImportsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ExpandBodyMacroRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ExistentialConformsToSelfRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ImportDeclRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasCircularRawValueRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  EnumRawTypeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ProtocolRequiresClassRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SelfBoundsFromGenericSignatureRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  DefaultAndMaxAccessLevelRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PrimarySourceFilesRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SemanticUnavailableAttrRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  EnumRawValuesRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  DefaultArgumentTypeRequest
   1.0631 (100.0%)   0.8525 (100.0%)   1.9156 (100.0%)   1.9191 (100.0%)  Total
                                Running Program
  Total Execution Time: 0.3872 seconds (0.3880 wall clock)
   ---User Time---   --System Time--   --User+System--   ---Wall Time---  --- Name ---
   0.1896 (100.0%)   0.1976 (100.0%)   0.3872 (100.0%)   0.3880 (100.0%)  Building Target
   0.1896 (100.0%)   0.1976 (100.0%)   0.3872 (100.0%)   0.3880 (100.0%)  Total
SwiftEmitModule normal arm64_32 Emitting\ module\ for\ SwiftUIMap (in target 'SwiftUIMap' from project 'SwiftUIMap')
    cd /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap
    builtin-swiftTaskExecution -- /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift-frontend -frontend -emit-module -experimental-skip-non-inlinable-function-bodies-without-types /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing\ Annotation\ Map/Data\ Structs.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing\ Annotation\ Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable\ Annotation\ Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift -target arm64_32-apple-watchos7.0 -enable-objc-interop -sdk /Applications/ -I /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -I /Applications/ -F /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F /Applications/ -F /Applications/ -no-color-diagnostics -enable-testing -g -module-cache-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex -suppress-warnings -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity\=checked -stats-output-dir /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/.stats -Onone -D SWIFT_PACKAGE -D DEBUG -serialize-debugging-options -const-gather-protocols-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -strict-concurrency\=complete -empty-abi-descriptor -validate-clang-modules-once -clang-build-session-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/Session.modulevalidation -Xcc -working-directory -Xcc /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap -resource-dir /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift -enable-anonymous-context-mangled-names -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos/include -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -DSWIFT_PACKAGE -Xcc -DDEBUG\=1 -module-name SwiftUIMap -disable-clang-spi -target-sdk-version 10.4 -target-sdk-name watchos10.4 -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -plugin-path /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/host/plugins -plugin-path /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/local/lib/swift/host/plugins -emit-module-doc-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-module-source-info-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-objc-header-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -serialize-diagnostics-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-dependencies-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -o /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-abi-descriptor-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/Data Structs.swift:22:33: error: cannot find type 'MKFeatureDisplayPriority' in scope
20 |     public let markerTintColor: UIColor
21 |     public let glyphTintColor: UIColor
22 |     public let displayPriority: MKFeatureDisplayPriority
   |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'MKFeatureDisplayPriority' in scope
23 |
24 |     public init(title: String, subtitle: String, address: String, glyphImage: glyphImage, markerTintColor: UIColor, glyphTintColor: UIColor, displayPriority: MKFeatureDisplayPriority) {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/Data Structs.swift:24:159: error: cannot find type 'MKFeatureDisplayPriority' in scope
22 |     public let displayPriority: MKFeatureDisplayPriority
23 |
24 |     public init(title: String, subtitle: String, address: String, glyphImage: glyphImage, markerTintColor: UIColor, glyphTintColor: UIColor, displayPriority: MKFeatureDisplayPriority) {
   |                                                                                                                                                               `- error: cannot find type 'MKFeatureDisplayPriority' in scope
25 |         self.title = title
26 |         self.subtitle = subtitle
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/Data Structs.swift:13:15: error: type 'Annotations' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
11 | #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)// || os(macOS)
12 |
13 | public struct Annotations: Identifiable, Equatable {
   |               |- error: type 'Annotations' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
   |               `- note: add stubs for conformance
14 |     public let id = UUID()
15 |     public let title: String
20 |     public let markerTintColor: UIColor
21 |     public let glyphTintColor: UIColor
22 |     public let displayPriority: MKFeatureDisplayPriority
   |                `- note: stored property type '<<error type>>' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'Annotations' to 'Equatable'
23 |
24 |     public init(title: String, subtitle: String, address: String, glyphImage: glyphImage, markerTintColor: UIColor, glyphTintColor: UIColor, displayPriority: MKFeatureDisplayPriority) {
Swift.==:1:24: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'RawRepresentable'
1 | @inlinable public func == <T>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool where T : RawRepresentable, T.RawValue : Equatable
  |                        `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'RawRepresentable'
Swift.FloatingPoint:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'FloatingPoint'
1 | extension FloatingPoint {
2 |     public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
  |                        `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'FloatingPoint'
3 |     public static func < (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
4 |     public static func <= (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift.BinaryInteger:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'BinaryInteger'
1 | extension BinaryInteger {
2 |     public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : BinaryInteger
  |                        `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'BinaryInteger'
3 |     public static func != <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : BinaryInteger
4 |     public static func < <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : BinaryInteger
Swift._Pointer:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to '_Pointer'
1 | extension _Pointer {
2 |     public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
  |                        `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to '_Pointer'
3 |     @inlinable public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : _Pointer
  |                                   `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to '_Pointer'
4 |     @inlinable public static func != <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : _Pointer
5 | }
Swift.Strideable:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'Strideable'
1 | extension Strideable {
2 |     @inlinable public static func < (x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
3 |     @inlinable public static func == (x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
  |                                   `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'Strideable'
4 | }
Swift.StringProtocol:2:35: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'StringProtocol'
1 | extension StringProtocol {
2 |     @inlinable public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : StringProtocol
  |                                   `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'StringProtocol'
3 |     @inlinable public static func != <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : StringProtocol
4 |     @inlinable public static func < <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : StringProtocol
Swift.SIMD:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'SIMD'
 2 |     public var indices: Range<Int> { get }
 3 |     public init(repeating value: Self.Scalar)
 4 |     public static func == (a: Self, b: Self) -> Bool
   |                        `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'SIMD'
 5 |     @inlinable public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)
 6 |     public func encode(to encoder: any Encoder) throws
Foundation.AttributedStringProtocol:3:24: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'AttributedStringProtocol'
1 | @available(macOS 12, iOS 15, tvOS 15, watchOS 8, *)
2 | extension AttributedStringProtocol {
3 |     public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : AttributedStringProtocol
  |                        `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to 'AttributedStringProtocol'
4 |     public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)
5 | }
Foundation._BridgedStoredNSError:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to '_BridgedStoredNSError'
2 | extension _BridgedStoredNSError {
3 |     public func _getEmbeddedNSError() -> AnyObject?
4 |     public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
  |                        `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to '_BridgedStoredNSError'
5 | }
CoreFoundation._CFObject:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to '_CFObject'
2 |     public var hashValue: Int { get }
3 |     public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)
4 |     public static func == (left: Self, right: Self) -> Bool
  |                        `- note: candidate would match if 'Annotations' conformed to '_CFObject'
5 | }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:11:32: error: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' is unavailable in watchOS
  9 |     var address: String
 10 |     var points: [Annotations]
 11 |     var pointOfInterestFilter: MKPointOfInterestFilter
    |                                `- error: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' is unavailable in watchOS
 12 |     var selected: (_ Title: String, _ Subtitle: String, _ Address: String, _ Cluster: Bool) -> Void
 13 |     var deselected: () -> Void
MapKit.MKPointOfInterestFilter:2:12: note: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
 2 | open class MKPointOfInterestFilter : NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
   |            `- note: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 3 |     open class var includingAll: MKPointOfInterestFilter { get }
 4 |     @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "includingAll")
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:16:34: error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 14 |
 15 | //    var annotationSelected: MKAnnotationView
 16 |     func updateUIView(_ mapView: MKMapView, context: Context) {
    |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 17 |             let span = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: zoom, longitudeDelta: zoom)
 18 |             var chicagoCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:16:54: error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
 14 |
 15 | //    var annotationSelected: MKAnnotationView
 16 |     func updateUIView(_ mapView: MKMapView, context: Context) {
    |                                                      `- error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
 17 |             let span = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: zoom, longitudeDelta: zoom)
 18 |             var chicagoCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:37:46: error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 35 |         }
 36 |
 37 |         func makeUIView(context: Context) -> MKMapView {
    |                                              `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 38 |
 39 |             let myMap = MKMapView(frame: .zero)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:37:34: error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
 35 |         }
 36 |
 37 |         func makeUIView(context: Context) -> MKMapView {
    |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
 38 |
 39 |             let myMap = MKMapView(frame: .zero)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:75:58: error: cannot find type 'MKMapViewDelegate' in scope
 73 |     }
 74 |
 75 |     class rawExistingAnnotationMapCoordinator: NSObject, MKMapViewDelegate {
    |                                                          `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapViewDelegate' in scope
 76 |         var entireMapViewController: rawExistingAnnotationMap
 77 |         var points: [Annotations]
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:86:81: error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
 84 |             self.deselected = deselected
 85 |         }
 86 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, viewFor annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? {
    |                                                                                 `- error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
 87 |             let annotationView = MKMarkerAnnotationView(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: String(describing: annotation.title))
 88 |             if points != [] {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:86:33: error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 84 |             self.deselected = deselected
 85 |         }
 86 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, viewFor annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 87 |             let annotationView = MKMarkerAnnotationView(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: String(describing: annotation.title))
 88 |             if points != [] {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:105:33: error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
103 |             return annotationView
104 |         }
105 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didSelect view: MKAnnotationView) {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
106 |             let coordinates = view.annotation!.coordinate
107 |             let annotationCluster = view.annotation as? MKClusterAnnotation
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:105:60: error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
103 |             return annotationView
104 |         }
105 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didSelect view: MKAnnotationView) {
    |                                                            `- error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
106 |             let coordinates = view.annotation!.coordinate
107 |             let annotationCluster = view.annotation as? MKClusterAnnotation
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:140:33: error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
138 |             }
139 |         }
140 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didDeselect view: MKAnnotationView) {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
141 |             deselected()
142 |         }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:140:62: error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
138 |             }
139 |         }
140 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didDeselect view: MKAnnotationView) {
    |                                                              `- error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
141 |             deselected()
142 |         }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:7:34: error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentable' in scope
  5 | #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)// || os(macOS)
  6 |
  7 | struct rawExistingAnnotationMap: UIViewRepresentable {
    |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentable' in scope
  8 |     var zoom: Double
  9 |     var address: String
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:159:46: error: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' is unavailable in watchOS
157 |     }
158 |     @State public var points: [Annotations]
159 |     @State public var pointOfInterestFilter: MKPointOfInterestFilter
    |                                              `- error: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' is unavailable in watchOS
160 |     @State public var selected: (_ Title: String, _ Subtitle: String, _ Address: String, _ Cluster: Bool) -> Void
161 |     @State public var deselected: () -> Void
MapKit.MKPointOfInterestFilter:2:12: note: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
 2 | open class MKPointOfInterestFilter : NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
   |            `- note: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 3 |     open class var includingAll: MKPointOfInterestFilter { get }
 4 |     @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "includingAll")
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing Annotation Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift:163:113: error: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' is unavailable in watchOS
161 |     @State public var deselected: () -> Void
162 |
163 |     public init(zoom: Binding<Double>, address: Binding<String>, points: [Annotations], pointsOfInterestFilter: MKPointOfInterestFilter, selected: @escaping (_ Title: String, _ Subtitle: String, _ Address: String, _ Cluster: Bool) -> Void, deselected: @escaping () -> Void) {
    |                                                                                                                 `- error: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' is unavailable in watchOS
164 |             self._zoom = zoom
165 |             self._address = address
MapKit.MKPointOfInterestFilter:2:12: note: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
 2 | open class MKPointOfInterestFilter : NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
   |            `- note: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 3 |     open class var includingAll: MKPointOfInterestFilter { get }
 4 |     @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "includingAll")
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:11:32: error: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' is unavailable in watchOS
  9 |     var address: String
 10 | //    var points: [Annotations]
 11 |     var pointOfInterestFilter: MKPointOfInterestFilter
    |                                `- error: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' is unavailable in watchOS
 12 |     var selected: (_ Address: String, _ Cluster: Bool) -> Void
 13 |     var deselected: () -> Void
MapKit.MKPointOfInterestFilter:2:12: note: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
 2 | open class MKPointOfInterestFilter : NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
   |            `- note: 'MKPointOfInterestFilter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 3 |     open class var includingAll: MKPointOfInterestFilter { get }
 4 |     @available(swift, obsoleted: 3, renamed: "includingAll")
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:16:34: error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 14 |
 15 | //    var annotationSelected: MKAnnotationView
 16 |     func updateUIView(_ mapView: MKMapView, context: Context) {
    |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 17 |             let span = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: zoom, longitudeDelta: zoom)
 18 |             var chicagoCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:16:54: error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
 14 |
 15 | //    var annotationSelected: MKAnnotationView
 16 |     func updateUIView(_ mapView: MKMapView, context: Context) {
    |                                                      `- error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
 17 |             let span = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: zoom, longitudeDelta: zoom)
 18 |             var chicagoCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:37:46: error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 35 |         }
 36 |
 37 |         func makeUIView(context: Context) -> MKMapView {
    |                                              `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 38 |
 39 |             let myMap = MKMapView(frame: .zero)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:37:34: error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
 35 |         }
 36 |
 37 |         func makeUIView(context: Context) -> MKMapView {
    |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'Context' in scope
 38 |
 39 |             let myMap = MKMapView(frame: .zero)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:78:57: error: cannot find type 'MKMapViewDelegate' in scope
 76 |     }
 77 |
 78 |     class rawMutableAnnotationMapCoordinator: NSObject, MKMapViewDelegate {
    |                                                         `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapViewDelegate' in scope
 79 |         var entireMapViewController: rawMutableAnnotationMap
 80 |         var currentAnnotations = [MKPointAnnotation]()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:80:35: error: 'MKPointAnnotation' is unavailable in watchOS
 78 |     class rawMutableAnnotationMapCoordinator: NSObject, MKMapViewDelegate {
 79 |         var entireMapViewController: rawMutableAnnotationMap
 80 |         var currentAnnotations = [MKPointAnnotation]()
    |                                   `- error: 'MKPointAnnotation' is unavailable in watchOS
 81 | //        var points: [Annotations]
 82 |         var selected: (_ Address: String, _ Cluster: Bool) -> Void
MapKit.MKPointAnnotation:2:12: note: 'MKPointAnnotation' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
2 | open class MKPointAnnotation : MKShape {
  |            `- note: 'MKPointAnnotation' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
3 |     public init()
4 |     @available(watchOS, unavailable)
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:90:33: error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 88 |             self.deselected = deselected
 89 |         }
 90 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didSelect view: MKAnnotationView) {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
 91 |             let coordinates = view.annotation!.coordinate
 92 |             let annotationCluster = view.annotation as? MKClusterAnnotation
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:90:60: error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
 88 |             self.deselected = deselected
 89 |         }
 90 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didSelect view: MKAnnotationView) {
    |                                                            `- error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
 91 |             let coordinates = view.annotation!.coordinate
 92 |             let annotationCluster = view.annotation as? MKClusterAnnotation
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:123:33: error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
121 |             }
122 |         }
123 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didDeselect view: MKAnnotationView) {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'MKMapView' in scope
124 |             deselected()
125 |         }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:123:62: error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
121 |             }
122 |         }
123 |         func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didDeselect view: MKAnnotationView) {
    |                                                              `- error: cannot find type 'MKAnnotationView' in scope
124 |             deselected()
125 |         }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:126:43: error: cannot find type 'UIGestureRecognizer' in scope
124 |             deselected()
125 |         }
126 |         @objc func addAnnotation(gesture: UIGestureRecognizer) {
    |                                           `- error: cannot find type 'UIGestureRecognizer' in scope
127 |
128 |             if gesture.state == .began {
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable Annotation Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift:7:33: error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentable' in scope
  5 | #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)// || os(macOS)
  6 |
  7 | struct rawMutableAnnotationMap: UIViewRepresentable {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentable' in scope
  8 |     var zoom: Double
  9 |     var address: String
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:17:34: error: cannot find type 'UISearchBarDelegate' in scope
 15 |     var onCommit: (_ value: String) -> Void
 16 |
 17 |     class Coordinator: NSObject, UISearchBarDelegate {
    |                                  `- error: cannot find type 'UISearchBarDelegate' in scope
 18 |
 19 |         @Binding var text: String
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:27:37: error: cannot find type 'UISearchBar' in scope
 25 |         }
 26 |
 27 |         func searchBar(_ searchBar: UISearchBar, textDidChange searchText: String) {
    |                                     `- error: cannot find type 'UISearchBar' in scope
 28 |             text = searchText
 29 |         }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:31:56: error: cannot find type 'UISearchBar' in scope
 29 |         }
 30 |
 31 |         func searchBarSearchButtonClicked(_ searchBar: UISearchBar) {
    |                                                        `- error: cannot find type 'UISearchBar' in scope
 32 |             print("resign keyboard")
 33 |             searchBar.resignFirstResponder()
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:43:72: error: cannot find type 'UISearchBar' in scope
 41 |     }
 42 |
 43 |     func makeUIView(context: UIViewRepresentableContext<SearchBar>) -> UISearchBar {
    |                                                                        `- error: cannot find type 'UISearchBar' in scope
 44 |         let searchBar = UISearchBar(frame: .zero)
 45 |         searchBar.delegate = context.coordinator
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:43:30: error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentableContext' in scope
 41 |     }
 42 |
 43 |     func makeUIView(context: UIViewRepresentableContext<SearchBar>) -> UISearchBar {
    |                              `- error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentableContext' in scope
 44 |         let searchBar = UISearchBar(frame: .zero)
 45 |         searchBar.delegate = context.coordinator
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:51:33: error: cannot find type 'UISearchBar' in scope
 49 |         return searchBar
 50 |     }
 51 |     func updateUIView(_ uiView: UISearchBar, context: UIViewRepresentableContext<SearchBar>) {
    |                                 `- error: cannot find type 'UISearchBar' in scope
 52 |         uiView.text = text
 53 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:51:55: error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentableContext' in scope
 49 |         return searchBar
 50 |     }
 51 |     func updateUIView(_ uiView: UISearchBar, context: UIViewRepresentableContext<SearchBar>) {
    |                                                       `- error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentableContext' in scope
 52 |         uiView.text = text
 53 |     }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:12:19: error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentable' in scope
 10 | import MapKit
 11 |
 12 | struct SearchBar: UIViewRepresentable {
    |                   `- error: cannot find type 'UIViewRepresentable' in scope
 13 |
 14 |     @Binding var text: String
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:72:29: error: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' is unavailable in watchOS
 70 |         }
 71 |     }
 72 |     @State var completion = MKLocalSearchCompletion()
    |                             `- error: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' is unavailable in watchOS
 73 |
 74 |     public init(onSelect: @escaping (_ address: String) -> Void) {
MapKit.MKLocalSearchCompletion:2:12: note: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
2 | open class MKLocalSearchCompletion : NSObject {
  |            `- note: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
3 |     open var title: String { get }
4 |     open var titleHighlightRanges: [NSValue] { get }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:133:39: error: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' is unavailable in watchOS
131 | }
132 | class MapSearch : NSObject, ObservableObject {
133 |     @Published var locationResults : [MKLocalSearchCompletion] = []
    |                                       `- error: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' is unavailable in watchOS
134 |     @Published var searchTerm = ""
135 |
MapKit.MKLocalSearchCompletion:2:12: note: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
2 | open class MKLocalSearchCompletion : NSObject {
  |            `- note: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
3 |     open var title: String { get }
4 |     open var titleHighlightRanges: [NSValue] { get }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:138:35: error: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' is unavailable in watchOS
136 |     private var cancellables : Set<AnyCancellable> = []
137 |
138 |     private var searchCompleter = MKLocalSearchCompleter()
    |                                   `- error: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' is unavailable in watchOS
139 |     private var currentPromise : ((Result<[MKLocalSearchCompletion], Error>) -> Void)?
140 |
MapKit.MKLocalSearchCompleter:2:12: note: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
 2 | open class MKLocalSearchCompleter : NSObject {
   |            `- note: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 3 |     open var queryFragment: String { get set }
 4 |     open var region: MKCoordinateRegion { get set }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:139:44: error: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' is unavailable in watchOS
137 |
138 |     private var searchCompleter = MKLocalSearchCompleter()
139 |     private var currentPromise : ((Result<[MKLocalSearchCompletion], Error>) -> Void)?
    |                                            `- error: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' is unavailable in watchOS
140 |
141 |     override init() {
MapKit.MKLocalSearchCompletion:2:12: note: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
2 | open class MKLocalSearchCompletion : NSObject {
  |            `- note: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
3 |     open var title: String { get }
4 |     open var titleHighlightRanges: [NSValue] { get }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:160:61: error: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' is unavailable in watchOS
158 |     }
159 |
160 |     func searchTermToResults(searchTerm: String) -> Future<[MKLocalSearchCompletion], Error> {
    |                                                             `- error: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' is unavailable in watchOS
161 |         Future { promise in
162 |             self.searchCompleter.queryFragment = searchTerm
MapKit.MKLocalSearchCompletion:2:12: note: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
2 | open class MKLocalSearchCompletion : NSObject {
  |            `- note: 'MKLocalSearchCompletion' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
3 |     open var title: String { get }
4 |     open var titleHighlightRanges: [NSValue] { get }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:169:49: error: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' is unavailable in watchOS
167 |
168 | extension MapSearch : MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate {
169 |     func completerDidUpdateResults(_ completer: MKLocalSearchCompleter) {
    |                                                 `- error: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' is unavailable in watchOS
170 |             currentPromise?(.success(completer.results))
171 |         }
MapKit.MKLocalSearchCompleter:2:12: note: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
 2 | open class MKLocalSearchCompleter : NSObject {
   |            `- note: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 3 |     open var queryFragment: String { get set }
 4 |     open var region: MKCoordinateRegion { get set }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:173:33: error: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' is unavailable in watchOS
171 |         }
172 |
173 |     func completer(_ completer: MKLocalSearchCompleter, didFailWithError error: Error) {
    |                                 `- error: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' is unavailable in watchOS
174 |         //could deal with the error here, but beware that it will finish the Combine publisher stream
175 |         //currentPromise?(.failure(error))
MapKit.MKLocalSearchCompleter:2:12: note: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
 2 | open class MKLocalSearchCompleter : NSObject {
   |            `- note: 'MKLocalSearchCompleter' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
 3 |     open var queryFragment: String { get set }
 4 |     open var region: MKCoordinateRegion { get set }
/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift:168:23: error: 'MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate' is unavailable in watchOS
166 | }
167 |
168 | extension MapSearch : MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate {
    |                       `- error: 'MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate' is unavailable in watchOS
169 |     func completerDidUpdateResults(_ completer: MKLocalSearchCompleter) {
170 |             currentPromise?(.success(completer.results))
MapKit.MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate:2:17: note: 'MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
1 | @available(watchOS, unavailable)
2 | public protocol MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate : NSObjectProtocol {
  |                 `- note: 'MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
3 |     optional func completerDidUpdateResults(_ completer: MKLocalSearchCompleter)
4 |     optional func completer(_ completer: MKLocalSearchCompleter, didFailWithError error: any Error)
Error opening -stats-output-dir file '/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/.stats/stats-1717047895192699-swift-frontend-SwiftUIMap-all-arm64_32_apple_watchos7.0-swiftmodule-Onone-2850208654.json' for writing
                               Swift compilation
  Total Execution Time: 1.9297 seconds (1.9627 wall clock)
   ---User Time---   --System Time--   --User+System--   ---Wall Time---  --- Name ---
   0.1525 ( 14.5%)   0.1021 ( 11.7%)   0.2546 ( 13.2%)   0.2550 ( 13.0%)  perform-sema
   0.1523 ( 14.4%)   0.1020 ( 11.7%)   0.2543 ( 13.2%)   0.2548 ( 13.0%)  TypeCheckSourceFileRequest
   0.1522 ( 14.4%)   0.1020 ( 11.7%)   0.2542 ( 13.2%)   0.2546 ( 13.0%)  Type checking and Semantic analysis
   0.1512 ( 14.3%)   0.1013 ( 11.6%)   0.2526 ( 13.1%)   0.2530 ( 12.9%)  typecheck-decl
   0.0302 (  2.9%)   0.0896 ( 10.2%)   0.1197 (  6.2%)   0.1347 (  6.9%)  parse-and-resolve-imports
   0.0301 (  2.9%)   0.0895 ( 10.2%)   0.1196 (  6.2%)   0.1345 (  6.9%)  Import resolution
   0.0300 (  2.8%)   0.0267 (  3.1%)   0.0567 (  2.9%)   0.0568 (  2.9%)  InterfaceTypeRequest
   0.0219 (  2.1%)   0.0240 (  2.7%)   0.0459 (  2.4%)   0.0460 (  2.3%)  ResolveValueWitnessesRequest
   0.0212 (  2.0%)   0.0197 (  2.2%)   0.0409 (  2.1%)   0.0409 (  2.1%)  UnqualifiedLookupRequest
   0.0205 (  1.9%)   0.0183 (  2.1%)   0.0387 (  2.0%)   0.0387 (  2.0%)  performUnqualifiedLookup
   0.0274 (  2.6%)   0.0090 (  1.0%)   0.0364 (  1.9%)   0.0364 (  1.9%)  ResolveTypeRequest
   0.0198 (  1.9%)   0.0134 (  1.5%)   0.0332 (  1.7%)   0.0334 (  1.7%)  PatternBindingEntryRequest
   0.0161 (  1.5%)   0.0161 (  1.8%)   0.0323 (  1.7%)   0.0323 (  1.6%)  StoredPropertiesRequest
   0.0158 (  1.5%)   0.0114 (  1.3%)   0.0272 (  1.4%)   0.0273 (  1.4%)  typecheck-expr
   0.0151 (  1.4%)   0.0105 (  1.2%)   0.0256 (  1.3%)   0.0256 (  1.3%)  LookupInModuleRequest
   0.0145 (  1.4%)   0.0086 (  1.0%)   0.0231 (  1.2%)   0.0232 (  1.2%)  build-rewrite-system
   0.0129 (  1.2%)   0.0090 (  1.0%)   0.0219 (  1.1%)   0.0220 (  1.1%)  load-all-members
   0.0095 (  0.9%)   0.0116 (  1.3%)   0.0211 (  1.1%)   0.0212 (  1.1%)  QualifiedLookupRequest
   0.0139 (  1.3%)   0.0038 (  0.4%)   0.0177 (  0.9%)   0.0177 (  0.9%)  LookupConformanceInModuleRequest
   0.0087 (  0.8%)   0.0078 (  0.9%)   0.0165 (  0.9%)   0.0165 (  0.8%)  DirectLookupRequest
   0.0080 (  0.8%)   0.0084 (  1.0%)   0.0163 (  0.8%)   0.0164 (  0.8%)  import-clang-decl
   0.0065 (  0.6%)   0.0088 (  1.0%)   0.0153 (  0.8%)   0.0153 (  0.8%)  AttachedPropertyWrappersRequest
   0.0080 (  0.8%)   0.0065 (  0.7%)   0.0146 (  0.8%)   0.0146 (  0.7%)  PropertyWrapperInitializerInfoRequest
   0.0104 (  1.0%)   0.0033 (  0.4%)   0.0137 (  0.7%)   0.0137 (  0.7%)  ABIMembersRequest
   0.0072 (  0.7%)   0.0057 (  0.7%)   0.0129 (  0.7%)   0.0129 (  0.7%)  PropertyWrapperBackingPropertyTypeRequest
   0.0063 (  0.6%)   0.0048 (  0.6%)   0.0112 (  0.6%)   0.0112 (  0.6%)  NamingPatternRequest
   0.0050 (  0.5%)   0.0055 (  0.6%)   0.0105 (  0.5%)   0.0105 (  0.5%)  ActorIsolationRequest
   0.0095 (  0.9%)   0.0009 (  0.1%)   0.0104 (  0.5%)   0.0104 (  0.5%)  InheritedTypeRequest
   0.0086 (  0.8%)   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0094 (  0.5%)   0.0094 (  0.5%)  ImplicitKnownProtocolConformanceRequest
   0.0084 (  0.8%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0090 (  0.5%)   0.0090 (  0.5%)  SuppressesConformanceRequest
   0.0056 (  0.5%)   0.0031 (  0.4%)   0.0087 (  0.5%)   0.0087 (  0.4%)  PatternTypeRequest
   0.0041 (  0.4%)   0.0040 (  0.5%)   0.0081 (  0.4%)   0.0081 (  0.4%)  ModuleQualifiedLookupRequest
   0.0039 (  0.4%)   0.0039 (  0.4%)   0.0078 (  0.4%)   0.0078 (  0.4%)  CustomAttrNominalRequest
   0.0013 (  0.1%)   0.0048 (  0.6%)   0.0061 (  0.3%)   0.0064 (  0.3%)  load-stdlib
   0.0030 (  0.3%)   0.0027 (  0.3%)   0.0056 (  0.3%)   0.0057 (  0.3%)  ResolveImplicitMemberRequest
   0.0021 (  0.2%)   0.0034 (  0.4%)   0.0055 (  0.3%)   0.0055 (  0.3%)  PotentialMacroExpansionsInContextRequest
   0.0017 (  0.2%)   0.0024 (  0.3%)   0.0041 (  0.2%)   0.0041 (  0.2%)  ExpandPeerMacroRequest
   0.0023 (  0.2%)   0.0017 (  0.2%)   0.0040 (  0.2%)   0.0040 (  0.2%)  OpaqueReadOwnershipRequest
   0.0015 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.2%)   0.0029 (  0.2%)   0.0029 (  0.2%)  PropertyWrapperAuxiliaryVariablesRequest
   0.0015 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.2%)   0.0029 (  0.2%)   0.0029 (  0.1%)  InheritedDeclsReferencedRequest
   0.0014 (  0.1%)   0.0013 (  0.1%)   0.0027 (  0.1%)   0.0027 (  0.1%)  PropertyWrapperTypeInfoRequest
   0.0025 (  0.2%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0025 (  0.1%)   0.0026 (  0.1%)  verify-all-loaded-modules
   0.0014 (  0.1%)   0.0011 (  0.1%)   0.0025 (  0.1%)   0.0025 (  0.1%)  ResolveTypeWitnessesRequest
   0.0012 (  0.1%)   0.0011 (  0.1%)   0.0024 (  0.1%)   0.0024 (  0.1%)  AreAllStoredPropertiesDefaultInitableRequest
   0.0017 (  0.2%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0024 (  0.1%)   0.0023 (  0.1%)  ResultTypeRequest
   0.0009 (  0.1%)   0.0013 (  0.1%)   0.0022 (  0.1%)   0.0023 (  0.1%)  IsFunctionBodySkippedRequest
   0.0011 (  0.1%)   0.0010 (  0.1%)   0.0021 (  0.1%)   0.0021 (  0.1%)  SynthesizeMemberwiseInitRequest
   0.0011 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0019 (  0.1%)   0.0019 (  0.1%)  IsObjCRequest
   0.0009 (  0.1%)   0.0009 (  0.1%)   0.0018 (  0.1%)   0.0018 (  0.1%)  InitAccessorPropertiesRequest
   0.0010 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0018 (  0.1%)   0.0018 (  0.1%)  ExpandMemberAttributeMacros
   0.0009 (  0.1%)   0.0009 (  0.1%)   0.0017 (  0.1%)   0.0018 (  0.1%)  MemberwiseInitPropertiesRequest
   0.0011 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0017 (  0.1%)   0.0017 (  0.1%)  SimpleDidSetRequest
   0.0011 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0017 (  0.1%)   0.0017 (  0.1%)  TypeCheckFunctionBodyRequest
   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0009 (  0.1%)   0.0015 (  0.1%)   0.0015 (  0.1%)  GenericSignatureRequest
   0.0009 (  0.1%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.1%)  precheck-expr
   0.0009 (  0.1%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.1%)  typecheck-stmt
   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.1%)   0.0014 (  0.1%)  AttachedPropertyWrapperTypeRequest
   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0013 (  0.1%)   0.0013 (  0.1%)  CustomAttrTypeRequest
   0.0008 (  0.1%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0013 (  0.1%)   0.0013 (  0.1%)  ValueWitnessRequest
   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0013 (  0.1%)   0.0013 (  0.1%)  FragileFunctionKindRequest
   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0013 (  0.1%)   0.0013 (  0.1%)  IsGetterMutatingRequest
   0.0007 (  0.1%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0012 (  0.1%)   0.0012 (  0.1%)  HasStorageRequest
   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0010 (  0.1%)   0.0010 (  0.1%)  HasInitAccessorRequest
   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0010 (  0.1%)   0.0010 (  0.1%)  IsDynamicRequest
   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0005 (  0.1%)   0.0009 (  0.0%)   0.0009 (  0.0%)  LookupAllConformancesInContextRequest
   0.0005 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0009 (  0.0%)   0.0009 (  0.0%)  CheckRedeclarationRequest
   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0008 (  0.0%)   0.0008 (  0.0%)  HasIsolatedSelfRequest
   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0007 (  0.0%)   0.0007 (  0.0%)  ParseTopLevelDeclsRequest
   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0007 (  0.0%)   0.0007 (  0.0%)  GenericParamListRequest
   0.0006 (  0.1%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)  ParseMembersRequest
   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)  ParseSourceFileRequest
   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)  ProtocolDependenciesRequest
   0.0005 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)  RequirementSignatureRequest
   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)  TypeWitnessRequest
   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)  ResolveMacroRequest
   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0005 (  0.0%)  LifetimeDependenceInfoRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  StorageImplInfoRequest
   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  AllMembersRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  GlobalActorAttributeRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)   0.0004 (  0.0%)  OverriddenDeclsRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  HasMemberwiseInitRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  IsActorRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  SynthesizeAccessorRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  AbstractGenericSignatureRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  SPIGroupsRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  AccessLevelRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  SuperclassTypeRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  SuperclassDeclRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  ObjCInterfaceAndImplementationRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  HasUserDefinedDesignatedInitRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  ApplyAccessNoteRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  IsStaticRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  DynamicallyReplacedDeclRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  ExpandChildTypeRefinementContextsRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  OpaqueResultTypeRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  PropertyWrapperMutabilityRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  ExpandExtensionMacros
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  InheritsSuperclassInitializersRequest
   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  AST verification
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  DefaultTypeRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ProtocolRequirementsRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  InheritedProtocolsRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  PatternBindingCheckedAndContextualizedInitRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ParseAbstractFunctionBodyRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  DefaultInitializerIsolation
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  associated-type-inference
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ConditionalRequirementsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  AssociatedConformanceRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  AllInheritedProtocolsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  IsImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  AttachedResultBuilderRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  CompareDeclSpecializationRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ResultBuilderTypeRequest
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  IsFinalRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  HasDefaultInitRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ExtendedNominalRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  RequiresOpaqueAccessorsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  GlobalActorInstanceRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  perform-whole-module-type-checking
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  RequiresOpaqueModifyCoroutineRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ExpandAccessorMacros
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  IsSetterMutatingRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  ParamSpecifierRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)  IsDistributedActorRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SelfAccessKindRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  IsNonUserModuleRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  LocalTypeDeclsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SetterAccessLevelRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CxxRecordSemantics
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  IsAccessorTransparentRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PreCheckFunctionBodyRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasCircularInheritedProtocolsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ExtendedTypeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SemanticAvailableRangeAttrRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentSPIOnlyImportsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  StructuralRequirementsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ClassAncestryFlagsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  InitKindRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentImplementationOnlyImportsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ExpandSynthesizedMemberMacroRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasDynamicMemberLookupAttributeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  DirectOperatorLookupRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentAccessLevelOnImport
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentWeakLinkedImportsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  UnderlyingTypeDeclsReferencedRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ReferencedAssociatedTypesRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PolymorphicEffectKindRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PrimaryAssociatedTypesRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasMissingDesignatedInitializersRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  GetDestructorRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ConformanceAccessScopeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SelfBoundsFromWhereClauseRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  source-file-populate-cache
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  CheckInconsistentAccessLevelOnImportSameFileRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ClangCategoryLookupRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ModuleImplicitImportsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  TypeAliasRequirementsRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ExpandBodyMacroRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ExistentialConformsToSelfRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  module-populate-cache
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SynthesizeMainFunctionRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ImportDeclRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SelfBoundsFromGenericSignatureRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ExpandPreambleMacroRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasImportsMatchingFlagRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  PrimarySourceFilesRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  ProtocolRequiresClassRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  DefaultArgumentTypeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  DefaultAndMaxAccessLevelRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  EnumRawTypeRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  HasCircularRawValueRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  EnumRawValuesRequest
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SemanticUnavailableAttrRequest
   1.0546 (100.0%)   0.8750 (100.0%)   1.9297 (100.0%)   1.9627 (100.0%)  Total
                                Running Program
  Total Execution Time: 0.3849 seconds (0.4010 wall clock)
   ---User Time---   --System Time--   --User+System--   ---Wall Time---  --- Name ---
   0.1872 (100.0%)   0.1977 (100.0%)   0.3849 (100.0%)   0.4010 (100.0%)  Building Target
   0.1872 (100.0%)   0.1977 (100.0%)   0.3849 (100.0%)   0.4010 (100.0%)  Total
SwiftDriver SwiftUIBackports normal armv7k (in target 'SwiftUIBackports' from project 'SwiftUIBackports')
    cd /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIBackports
    builtin-SwiftDriver -- /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc -module-name SwiftUIBackports -Onone -enforce-exclusivity\=checked @/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -DSWIFT_PACKAGE -DDEBUG -stats-output-dir .stats -strict-concurrency\=complete -sdk /Applications/ -target armv7k-apple-watchos6.0 -g -module-cache-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex -Xfrontend -serialize-debugging-options -enable-testing -suppress-warnings -index-store-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Index.noindex/DataStore -swift-version 5 -I /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -I /Applications/ -F /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F /Applications/ -F /Applications/ -c -j10 -enable-batch-mode -incremental -output-file-map /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -use-frontend-parseable-output -save-temps -no-color-diagnostics -serialize-diagnostics -emit-dependencies -emit-module -emit-module-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -validate-clang-modules-once -clang-build-session-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/Session.modulevalidation -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-const-values -Xfrontend -const-gather-protocols-file -Xfrontend /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos/include -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -DSWIFT_PACKAGE -Xcc -DDEBUG\=1 -emit-objc-header -emit-objc-header-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -working-directory /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIBackports -experimental-emit-module-separately -disable-cmo
SwiftDriver SwiftUIBackports normal arm64 (in target 'SwiftUIBackports' from project 'SwiftUIBackports')
    cd /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIBackports
    builtin-SwiftDriver -- /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc -module-name SwiftUIBackports -Onone -enforce-exclusivity\=checked @/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -DSWIFT_PACKAGE -DDEBUG -stats-output-dir .stats -strict-concurrency\=complete -sdk /Applications/ -target arm64-apple-watchos6.0 -g -module-cache-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex -Xfrontend -serialize-debugging-options -enable-testing -suppress-warnings -index-store-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Index.noindex/DataStore -swift-version 5 -I /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -I /Applications/ -F /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F /Applications/ -F /Applications/ -c -j10 -enable-batch-mode -incremental -output-file-map /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -use-frontend-parseable-output -save-temps -no-color-diagnostics -serialize-diagnostics -emit-dependencies -emit-module -emit-module-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -validate-clang-modules-once -clang-build-session-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/Session.modulevalidation -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-const-values -Xfrontend -const-gather-protocols-file -Xfrontend /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos/include -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -DSWIFT_PACKAGE -Xcc -DDEBUG\=1 -emit-objc-header -emit-objc-header-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -working-directory /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIBackports -experimental-emit-module-separately -disable-cmo
SwiftEmitModule normal arm64 Emitting\ module\ for\ SwiftUIMap (in target 'SwiftUIMap' from project 'SwiftUIMap')
    cd /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap
    builtin-swiftTaskExecution -- /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift-frontend -frontend -emit-module -experimental-skip-non-inlinable-function-bodies-without-types /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing\ Annotation\ Map/Data\ Structs.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Existing\ Annotation\ Map/ExistingAnnotationMap.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Mutatable\ Annotation\ Map/MutatableAnnotationMap.swift /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/Sources/SwiftUIMap/Search/Search.swift -target arm64-apple-watchos7.0 -Xllvm -aarch64-use-tbi -enable-objc-interop -sdk /Applications/ -I /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -I /Applications/ -F /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F /Applications/ -F /Applications/ -no-color-diagnostics -enable-testing -g -module-cache-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex -suppress-warnings -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity\=checked -stats-output-dir /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap/.stats -Onone -D SWIFT_PACKAGE -D DEBUG -serialize-debugging-options -const-gather-protocols-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -strict-concurrency\=complete -empty-abi-descriptor -validate-clang-modules-once -clang-build-session-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/Session.modulevalidation -Xcc -working-directory -Xcc /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIMap -resource-dir /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift -enable-anonymous-context-mangled-names -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos/include -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -DSWIFT_PACKAGE -Xcc -DDEBUG\=1 -module-name SwiftUIMap -disable-clang-spi -target-sdk-version 10.4 -target-sdk-name watchos10.4 -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -external-plugin-path /Applications/\#/Applications/ -plugin-path /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/host/plugins -plugin-path /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/local/lib/swift/host/plugins -emit-module-doc-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-module-source-info-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-objc-header-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -serialize-diagnostics-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-dependencies-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -o /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-abi-descriptor-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/
SwiftDriver SwiftUIBackports normal arm64_32 (in target 'SwiftUIBackports' from project 'SwiftUIBackports')
    cd /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIBackports
    builtin-SwiftDriver -- /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc -module-name SwiftUIBackports -Onone -enforce-exclusivity\=checked @/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -DSWIFT_PACKAGE -DDEBUG -stats-output-dir .stats -strict-concurrency\=complete -sdk /Applications/ -target arm64_32-apple-watchos6.0 -g -module-cache-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex -Xfrontend -serialize-debugging-options -enable-testing -suppress-warnings -index-store-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Index.noindex/DataStore -swift-version 5 -I /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -I /Applications/ -F /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F /Applications/ -F /Applications/ -c -j10 -enable-batch-mode -incremental -output-file-map /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -use-frontend-parseable-output -save-temps -no-color-diagnostics -serialize-diagnostics -emit-dependencies -emit-module -emit-module-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -validate-clang-modules-once -clang-build-session-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/Session.modulevalidation -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-const-values -Xfrontend -const-gather-protocols-file -Xfrontend /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos/include -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -DSWIFT_PACKAGE -Xcc -DDEBUG\=1 -emit-objc-header -emit-objc-header-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -working-directory /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/SwiftUIBackports -experimental-emit-module-separately -disable-cmo
SwiftDriverJobDiscovery normal arm64_32 Emitting module for WrappingHStack (in target 'WrappingHStack' from project 'WrappingHStack')
SwiftDriver\ Compilation\ Requirements WrappingHStack normal arm64_32 (in target 'WrappingHStack' from project 'WrappingHStack')
    cd /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack
    builtin-Swift-Compilation-Requirements -- /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-26-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc -module-name WrappingHStack -Onone -enforce-exclusivity\=checked @/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -DSWIFT_PACKAGE -DDEBUG -stats-output-dir .stats -strict-concurrency\=complete -sdk /Applications/ -target arm64_32-apple-watchos6.0 -g -module-cache-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex -Xfrontend -serialize-debugging-options -enable-testing -suppress-warnings -index-store-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Index.noindex/DataStore -swift-version 5 -I /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -I /Applications/ -F /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos -F /Applications/ -F /Applications/ -c -j10 -enable-batch-mode -incremental -output-file-map /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -use-frontend-parseable-output -save-temps -no-color-diagnostics -serialize-diagnostics -emit-dependencies -emit-module -emit-module-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -validate-clang-modules-once -clang-build-session-file /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/Session.modulevalidation -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -emit-const-values -Xfrontend -const-gather-protocols-file -Xfrontend /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Products/Debug-watchos/include -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -I/Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xcc -DSWIFT_PACKAGE -Xcc -DDEBUG\=1 -emit-objc-header -emit-objc-header-path /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.derivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -working-directory /Users/admin/builder/spi-builder-workspace/.dependencies/checkouts/WrappingHStack -experimental-emit-module-separately -disable-cmo
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'StepperView' from project 'StepperView')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'FileIndex' from project 'URLImage')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'DeviceKit' from project 'DeviceKit')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'Introspect' from project 'Introspect')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'URLImage' from project 'URLImage')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'SwiftUIAlert' from project 'SwiftUIAlert')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'DeviceKit' from project 'DeviceKit')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'LoaderUI' from project 'LoaderUI')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'SwiftUIMap' from project 'SwiftUIMap')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'Kingfisher' from project 'Kingfisher')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'Mcrich23-Toolkit' from project 'Mcrich23-Toolkit')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'URLImage' from project 'URLImage')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'LoaderUI' from project 'LoaderUI')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'Mcrich23-Toolkit' from project 'Mcrich23-Toolkit')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'Kingfisher_Kingfisher' from project 'Kingfisher')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'WrappingHStack' from project 'WrappingHStack')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'Model' from project 'URLImage')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'DownloadManager' from project 'URLImage')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'SFSafeSymbols' from project 'SFSafeSymbols')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'SFSafeSymbols' from project 'SFSafeSymbols')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'ImageDecoder' from project 'URLImage')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'SwiftUIBackports' from project 'SwiftUIBackports')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'SwiftUIX' from project 'SwiftUIX')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'SwiftUIAlert' from project 'SwiftUIAlert')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'Kingfisher' from project 'Kingfisher')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'Log' from project 'URLImage')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'Introspect' from project 'Introspect')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'StepperView' from project 'StepperView')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'SwiftUIX' from project 'SwiftUIX')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'SwiftUIMap' from project 'SwiftUIMap')
note: Using global toolchain override 'Swift 6.0 Development Snapshot 2024-05-26 (a)'. (in target 'SwiftUIBackports' from project 'SwiftUIBackports')
The following build commands failed:
	SwiftEmitModule normal armv7k Emitting\ module\ for\ SwiftUIMap (in target 'SwiftUIMap' from project 'SwiftUIMap')
	SwiftEmitModule normal arm64_32 Emitting\ module\ for\ SwiftUIMap (in target 'SwiftUIMap' from project 'SwiftUIMap')
(2 failures)
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