Written by Zach Eriksen and 1 other contributor.In development for 3 years, with 3 commits and 1 release.MIT licensed44 stars1 libraryNo executablesNo pluginsNo macrosZero data race safety errorsWhat is data race safety and how is it tested?metal20swift3.5kswiftui699CompatibilityFull Build Results0.1.06.0(beta) and mainiOSmacOSvisionOSwatchOStvOSLinuxView on GitHubTry in a PlaygroundLaunching the SPI Playgrounds app…If nothing happens, you may not have the app installed. Download the Swift Package Index Playgrounds app and try again.Package Homepage0.1.0Latest ReleaseReleased 3 years agomainDefault BranchModified 3 years agoDo you maintain this package? Get shields.io compatibility badges and learn how to control our build system. Learn more.